Psychologists Dr. Jeffery Danziger; Dr. Alan Berns; Dr. William Weitz; Dr. Harry Kro

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Perhaps the SA should ask the psych specialists on their "error rates" and if they have any proof that they don't have any "false positives"!!!!
There are also those "for hire" who will give the defense whatever they want.

Yes, those are exactly the ones I was speaking about - it seems more like what do you want to hear.

I hope I didn't make a sweeping statement above, because I have worked (for my own issues) with some first rate psychologists and to them I will be forever grateful. But...I also have two quite close friends who are at the Phd level - and I would never go near them for treatment - but I love them dearly.

Part of that may be my attitude towards my own treatment - it is " I don't want to talk about this for years - let's get on to some methods to use for solutions please. so can we get on with it? I expect to be challenged and challenged big time."

My sister was in "treatment" with her therapist for more than 15 years, and from what I could see the only thing accomplished was her dependency on her therapist deepened. So maybe that is part of my "attitude".
Perhaps the SA should ask the psych specialists on their "error rates" and if they have any proof that they don't have any "false positives"!!!!

Don't you think Baez is soooo going to regret his favorite buzzwords one day soon?:great:
Wouldn't a 'psych defense' or the testimony involving one be protected under HIPPA laws? I'm just wondering if the testimony might get sealed by the court or the microphones get turned off due to mental health content?
Timeline of new Defense doctor witnesses and Motions filed

- March 21 and 22, 2011 - Defense filed Penalty Phase Discovery to add Dr. Weitz as a Penalty Phase Expert

- March 22, 2011 Defense filed Motion to add (6) new witnesses to the Guilt Phase
Dr. Danziger; Dr. Weitz; Kenneth Lewis [State Atty re Maya Derkovic]; Sharon Cadieux [George shoving incident]; Daniel Kondos [maintenance man for Suburban Dr; Patricia Young [George shoving incident]

- March 23, 2011 Response filed re Third Penalty Phase Discovery to add Dr. Weitz
[not sure if this is a State reponse?]

- March 24, 2011 Hearing
Ashton talks about Defense Motions to add witnesses late
Judge wants to know who and why late - he has not seen the Defense Motion
Baez wanted to talk about Dr. Danziger in sidebar - Judge said do it in open court
Finnell said she put Weitz on Penalty Phase list because she just found out an
opinion last Saturday - Danziger and Weitz are on Penalty Phase list
Finnell says they are needed for state-of-mind witnesses on Guilt Phase list
Judge asks if the Defendant will need an Exam by the STATE?
Ashton says the STATE WILL want their expert to examine her
Finnell says there is no FL law to allow State to examine her, will have to litigate this issue

Finnell says it is not a mental health defense nor diminished capacity
Ashton says he needs the doctor's Reports, then set them for deposition
Judge told Finnell to get the doctor's Reports submitted under seal

- March 31, 2011 Hearing - on Motion to add new witnessess
Defense strikes Sharon Cadieux
LDBurdick brings up Motion to add Danziger and Weitz to Guilt Phase list
LDBurdick says they already deposed the other witnesses so no prejudice
from the Defense adding 4 of the new witnesses late
Ashton says he will do depositions on Danziger and Weitz next week, then
can tell the Court if good cause for filing late
Ashton says he received the doctor's "Reports" by email, but they are rather limited
Judge says he got the same 2 "letters" by email

Ashton says he will do doctor depositions on April 7th, then will know more
if there is prejudice to the State by adding these witnesses late

- April 8, 2011
State files Motion for Examination (of Casey) by Mental Health Expert
Ashton gave copy of this Motion to Defense at the Hearing this day
Ashton says he started the depositions on both doctors on April 7th but did not
finish - he scheduled them for depos on April 13, 2011 to finish
Ashton tells Judge State is looking for a mental health expert to do the Exam
Defense says they will file a Response to this Motion
Judge has a sidebar then Orders that the sidebar will be SEALED and not transcribed and not given to anyone
The original psych exams will be available to the S.A., right? So if it differs from what the doctor NOW reports, won't that cancel out that new information?

This is interesting to me, because the doctor who did the original psych eval, ordered by Judge S. in July 2008, was Dr. Danziger! The doctor who the Defense added to their Penalty Phase witness list on December 30, 2010, and who they now want to add to the Guilt Phase witness list.

So, the reports from that original psch eval would be known to the State, because Dr. Danziger was not a Defense consultant nor witness in July 2008.

IMO if Dr. D did not diagnose the Defendant with PTSD or any other type of psychological condition in July 2008 ... he should not be able to come up with a diagnosis NOW that he is on the Defense payroll.
Not necessarily. Clinicians can differ on diagnosis - the important thing is to support (give reasons) the client should be diagnosed with a particular disorder.
I don't think we will see any of the reports because they are confidential, even with the Sunshine Law (HPPA).

I think the previous evaluations have probably (IMO) presented a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder. No remorse, no conscience. But charming :great:

Would this diagnosis help in the GUILT/NOT GUILTY Phase of the trial, to explain the Defendant's inappropriate behavior (not because SHE killed Caylee) but explain why she did not report it after she knew that someone else killed Caylee?

The Defense is trying to use these doctors in the GUILT phase of the trial, to say that the Defendant did not kill her daughter. They will be used to try to convince the jury that the Defendant is not guilty of the murder.
I need to go back and look at the defense witness list. IIRC are there not a few mental health professionals that we saw on the visitor logs but that didn't make the final cut??

Kind of like the defense went Dr. shopping.

An the Gary michael Hilton trial held in North Fl. recently the defense expert psychologist submitted Hiton had:
brain damage from a traumatic injury in childhood ( a Murphy bed fell on him and literally scalped him)
an addiction to and misuse of Ritalin (prescribed by a doctor that did not determine it was medically necessary)
bad reactions to and abuse of cold medication to get high
a horrible childhood with emotional and suspected sexual abuse (he shot his stepfather as a teen)
PTSD from time spent in the service

The point????? None of it mattered. He was found guilty and sentenced to death.

Juries can see through bullchit.

This man was the embodiment of true evil.
I'm looking at the "Notice of Filing" made by Ann Finnell:

"Comes now the undersigned, and files with Honorable Court the following document in the referenced matter:

1. Jeffrey Danziger - CMA
2. William Weitz - 7-16-09
3. William Weitz - CA School Records
4. William Weitz - Mitigation Videos - MPG, MOV, WMV"

[Handwritten note there were no attachments to the filing.]

Anybody have a clue what the "MPH, MOV, WMV" stuff is?
I'm looking at the "Notice of Filing" made by Ann Finnell:

"Comes now the undersigned, and files with Honorable Court the following document in the referenced matter:

1. Jeffrey Danziger - CMA
2. William Weitz - 7-16-09
3. William Weitz - CA School Records
4. William Weitz - Mitigation Videos - MPG, MOV, WMV"

[Handwritten note there were no attachments to the filing.]

Anybody have a clue what the "MPH, MOV, WMV" stuff is?

Hi, long time lurker seldom poster- but those initials are different types of video file extensions. If I made a video of myself and saved it on the computer, I would save it as a certain type of file (mph, mov or wmv are a few). The file type follows the file name. So for instance, if I named my file mymovie and I saved it as a .mov file type, it would look like on my computer.
Would this diagnosis help in the GUILT/NOT GUILTY Phase of the trial, to explain the Defendant's inappropriate behavior (not because SHE killed Caylee) but explain why she did not report it after she knew that someone else killed Caylee?

The Defense is trying to use these doctors in the GUILT phase of the trial, to say that the Defendant did not kill her daughter. They will be used to try to convince the jury that the Defendant is not guilty of the murder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder would not help ICA, IMO. The jails and prisons are filled with people who have this diagnosis.
Hi, long time lurker seldom poster- but those initials are different types of video file extensions. If I made a video of myself and saved it on the computer, I would save it as a certain type of file (mph, mov or wmv are a few). The file type follows the file name. So for instance, if I named my file mymovie and I saved it as a .mov file type, it would look like on my computer.
Wow, thanks!! What a big help!!
Wouldn't a 'psych defense' or the testimony involving one be protected under HIPPA laws? I'm just wondering if the testimony might get sealed by the court or the microphones get turned off due to mental health content?

It is protected. They may deal with it "in camera." I know I spelled that wrong, but they will meet in chambers - judge, attorneys. They may explain the behavior in testimony though using information from the eval.
Wow. I HOPE they try blaming it on pot. They will get laughed out of the court room. Growing up in Berkeley California in the 60's, I have known many many people who smoked pot every day of their lives. NONE of them killed their kids nor ignored a child that went missing.

Well, amazingly enough, there is a diagnosis of Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder. But I think it would be a stretch beyond the reach of any mere mortal to consider her behavior psychotic. JMO
Would this diagnosis help in the GUILT/NOT GUILTY Phase of the trial, to explain the Defendant's inappropriate behavior (not because SHE killed Caylee) but explain why she did not report it after she knew that someone else killed Caylee?

The Defense is trying to use these doctors in the GUILT phase of the trial, to say that the Defendant did not kill her daughter. They will be used to try to convince the jury that the Defendant is not guilty of the murder.

I don't think this diagnosis would help her at all. The hallmark of this diagnosis is no remorse or regret - except as it interferes with HER life. For example, Ted Bundy hated being in jail, but did not feel remorse for killing his victims. Some of the criteria for diagnosing this disorder are disregard for and violation of the rights of others such as repeated lying, impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, consistent irresponsibility (not honoring financial obligations, repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior) and lack of remorse (beng indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated or stolen from another).
Prisons are full of people with these behaviors - death roll in particular.
JMO and :twocents:
Hi, long time lurker seldom poster- but those initials are different types of video file extensions. If I made a video of myself and saved it on the computer, I would save it as a certain type of file (mph, mov or wmv are a few). The file type follows the file name. So for instance, if I named my file mymovie and I saved it as a .mov file type, it would look like on my computer.

Well, DUH on me. Of course they are. :banghead:

Going to eat my Brain Food and sit in the corner for a while.

Well, amazingly enough, there is a diagnosis of Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder. But I think it would be a stretch beyond the reach of any mere mortal to consider her behavior psychotic. JMO

Yes, thanks. I was just being flip. I do know that some people do have psychotic breaks after doing a lot of strong pot. I'm just saying I doubt that was Casey's problem. She seems to be, in her own words, just a spiteful B****.
Would this diagnosis help in the GUILT/NOT GUILTY Phase of the trial, to explain the Defendant's inappropriate behavior (not because SHE killed Caylee) but explain why she did not report it after she knew that someone else killed Caylee?

The Defense is trying to use these doctors in the GUILT phase of the trial, to say that the Defendant did not kill her daughter. They will be used to try to convince the jury that the Defendant is not guilty of the murder.

Ms. Lyon (bet she's glad she got outta Dodge) wrote many papers on how all that pyschological and environmental mitigation stuff absolutely has to be brought up in the guilt phase just in case. Otherwise, if you don't start laying the groundwork for sympathy toward the defendant, you get a jury that is angry and unsympathetic and wants the DP. If an attorney can weave psychological issues into the guilt phase, then it probably primes the jury for the appeal for compassion at the penalty phase because the defendant is not necessarily seen as pure evil but very messed up.

IMO, this was a bone of contention between AL and JB (who at the time was off to the races with all the ridiculous SODDI stuff). She was the one who brought in that gal who spent hundreds of hours with her, and AL most likely emphasized how vital it is to get that in early in a DP case, perhaps over JB's arrogant objections. My guess is that all the other (experienced) attorneys have reinforced that notion to JB, or maybe he is finally coming to realize that his client doesn't have a snowballs chance and that he'd better do something to explain her odd, inappropriate, off-putting behavior during those 32 days (which is still glaringly apparent as she sits doodling in court, and is likely to tick off jury members unless they see her as "different" from the get-go). But this strategy has absolutely nothing to do with innocence, imo. It's more about greasing the wheels for LWOP, I'd think.
Ms. Lyon (bet she's glad she got outta Dodge) wrote many papers on how all that pyschological and environmental mitigation stuff absolutely has to be brought up in the guilt phase just in case. Otherwise, if you don't start laying the groundwork for sympathy toward the defendant, you get a jury that is angry and unsympathetic and wants the DP. If an attorney can weave psychological issues into the guilt phase, then it probably primes the jury for the appeal for compassion at the penalty phase because the defendant is not necessarily seen as pure evil but very messed up.

IMO, this was a bone of contention between AL and JB (who at the time was off to the races with all the ridiculous SODDI stuff). She was the one who brought in that gal who spent hundreds of hours with her, and AL most likely emphasized how vital it is to get that in early in a DP case, perhaps over JB's arrogant objections. My guess is that all the other (experienced) attorneys have reinforced that notion to JB, or maybe he is finally coming to realize that his client doesn't have a snowballs chance and that he'd better do something to explain her odd, inappropriate, off-putting behavior during those 32 days (which is still glaringly apparent as she sits doodling in court, and is likely to tick off jury members unless they see her as "different" from the get-go). But this strategy has absolutely nothing to do with innocence, imo. It's more about greasing the wheels for LWOP, I'd think.

So do we think KC is aware of what her attorney's intentions are?
Yes, thanks. I was just being flip. I do know that some people do have psychotic breaks after doing a lot of strong pot. I'm just saying I doubt that was Casey's problem. She seems to be, in her own words, just a spiteful B****.



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