Q&A for the Levi Page Show

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Levi, do you think something is going down in this case, as we speak? We know jailhouse tapes have been released from snippets of them on Nancy Grace. Has LE put a hold on these being shown? Also as soon as LE find out information, we are not going to know. It is goin to take days,weeks or months for LE to check out these things. They may know something already. Is this a possibilty?
Levi, I'd love to see a few follow-up questions to Lenny about the book deal Misty thinks he's working on. (from jailhouse audio tapes with her parents, can't remember which tape now).

And while you're asking, is LP paying their $425 rent too?
I would love to hear Mark Fuhrman's views on this case.:dance:
Bumping this up cause I see a few things in the threads for Levi. I think it will be easier for him to answer all in one place...

Levi, can find out exactly where Tim C and wife and Hank and Lisa where living at the time Haleigh went missing. I've heard so many different place my head spends. Also why are we not seeing anymore tape from the jail?
Levi, going back to original videos, Rc had a friend called Orlando, he was everywhere then never heard from again...............did he figure something out back then?

Crystal was abused by Ron while pregnant with Haleigh, she said that Ron's mother and grandma S knew and yet no one ever did or said anything.

Rumors were that Haleigh was abused, slapped around, tripped, burnt hands (in picture)
yet no one did or said anything.'

I would like to know what her teacher at school thought?, playmate mothers?
Did Haleigh play outside the 'family'?

Family is full of secrets.........and in a pact of some sort.
REMINDER: This is a Q&A for Levi ONLY!

Members place their questions here that they would like Levi to answer.

There is a Q&A member thread for members to answer
a Q&A for verified attorneys to answer. :)
Ron filed a motion on 4/26 to reduce his bond. Do you know the outcome?
Levi, why is it that no one calls AH out on his false information? You have spoken with AH before when you do again would you please ask him to double check his stories before he releases them. LE has already asked to stop spreading rumors, well he has done it again tonight here is the proof.
This is what he states at this link:
On The Nancy Grace Show Tuesday night, Werter said his client could identify the killer, but stopped short of revealing more.

And this is the transcript from Tuesday nights NG show:

Here is what was actually said:
[Nancy] Mr. Werter, is it true that you have stated that your client can ID the killer, the person that took Haleigh?

WERTER: OK. That`s incorrect. What I stated was that he`s, first of all, not culpable but he does know what happened that night. I had been repeatedly saying that I cannot discuss the facts of the case because it`s an ongoing investigation and I`d like to see it come to a successful conclusion.

Now Levi you are one of the best of the best..... This is just like the "haliegh's bones" being found by one of his "sources". Could you please discuss this "misinformation" with him, so we can get actual FACTS in this case. I don't want to see AH reputation go down the pot.
Bumping up for Levi.

Where are you, Levi??? :blowkiss:
Levi, why did you remove the comment on your Twitter page regarding Lisa and Hank Sr. receiving probabtion per your conversation with Grandma Hollers?
Levi, did you ever get the feeling the police asked Charles to come on your show? When Charles talked about the reason Misty and Ron got in a fight and he had to pick her up it just seemed really weird to me the reason was because Ron wanted to leave Jr. alone at home.

Something about that statement really bothers me.
I found him and contacted him, I don't think LE asked him to do my show.
Levi, why did you remove the comment on your Twitter page regarding Lisa and Hank Sr. receiving probabtion per your conversation with Grandma Hollers?

Grandma Hollars told me that, when I looked up and seen they were not due in court until may. I Removed it. I Think she was confused.
Levi, why is it that no one calls AH out on his false information? You have spoken with AH before when you do again would you please ask him to double check his stories before he releases them. LE has already asked to stop spreading rumors, well he has done it again tonight here is the proof.
This is what he states at this link:
On The Nancy Grace Show Tuesday night, Werter said his client could identify the killer, but stopped short of revealing more.

And this is the transcript from Tuesday nights NG show:

Here is what was actually said:
[Nancy] Mr. Werter, is it true that you have stated that your client can ID the killer, the person that took Haleigh?

WERTER: OK. That`s incorrect. What I stated was that he`s, first of all, not culpable but he does know what happened that night. I had been repeatedly saying that I cannot discuss the facts of the case because it`s an ongoing investigation and I`d like to see it come to a successful conclusion.

Now Levi you are one of the best of the best..... This is just like the "haliegh's bones" being found by one of his "sources". Could you please discuss this "misinformation" with him, so we can get actual FACTS in this case. I don't want to see AH reputation go down the pot.

I think you're nitpicking with Werter. (no offense) but he talks in circles so much, it is hard to pin down what he says because he doesn't cut to the chase. Typical lawyer.

And sometimes LE doesn't give out info. What do you do? Sit on it, or report it? If it wasn't for Art, I don't think we would have nightly updates on Nancy Grace.

Art has kept this case in the news.

Now you can contact Art at his website to get him to explain his reporting, I can't talk for him.
Levi, going back to original videos, Rc had a friend called Orlando, he was everywhere then never heard from again...............did he figure something out back then?

Crystal was abused by Ron while pregnant with Haleigh, she said that Ron's mother and grandma S knew and yet no one ever did or said anything.

Rumors were that Haleigh was abused, slapped around, tripped, burnt hands (in picture)
yet no one did or said anything.'

I would like to know what her teacher at school thought?, playmate mothers?
Did Haleigh play outside the 'family'?

Family is full of secrets.........and in a pact of some sort.

Haven't talked with anyone at school or playmates. But I did hear that Ronald pushed Misty and she fell through the closet. It was loud. It happened at AS home. Misty asked AS why she didn't help her and AS said she didn't hear it or know that it happened.

That story was confirmed by Charles Jones (minus the AS info) that Ron/Misty got into a fight before she left him.
Ron filed a motion on 4/26 to reduce his bond. Do you know the outcome?

I read that! Hopefully it is denied. Has there been a ruling on that? Hopefully Padilla isn't gonna bail him out. We know he has gotten many requests from some *insert insult here* to bail him out.

Amazing how people have misplaced sympathies in this case.
Levi..what can you find out about the red truck? TIA :blowkiss:
I brought my theory here....thoughts?
The red truck was taken by LE into evidence and LE never said one way or another what they found! I don’t think it has even been returned!

It takes months for forensics sometimes to come back. What if decomposition or other was found in the red truck? What if dirt from the area of the St.John’s river was also found on the truck? It was also rumored that a red truck was spotted in the area earlier that night! Maybe the van is something they are throwing out there to take the focus off the red truck and the white truck. It would make sense for Tommy to go the MH in the red truck after Lindsey got home. Maybe Timmy and Joe met up with Tommy later that night? Even Ron! Around 1am?
There were rumors of a white truck being seen at the dumpster near the MH that night as well? The dogs hit on it, but nothing was found per LE? Pfffttt to that…I don’t buy half of what LE says either. Every time something is found LE recants their statements!!! Every time..I will buy it once or twice…that is it though!

They went from missing to homicide case for a reason and I don’t think they would of done so just because Misty or Tommy said Haleigh was dumped in the river. JMO

Levi..what can you find out about the red truck? TIA :blowkiss:
I brought my theory here....thoughts?
The red truck was taken by LE into evidence and LE never said one way or another what they found! I don’t think it has even been returned!

It takes months for forensics sometimes to come back. What if decomposition or other was found in the red truck? What if dirt from the area of the St.John’s river was also found on the truck? It was also rumored that a red truck was spotted in the area earlier that night! Maybe the van is something they are throwing out there to take the focus off the red truck and the white truck. It would make sense for Tommy to go the MH in the red truck after Lindsey got home. Maybe Timmy and Joe met up with Tommy later that night? Even Ron! Around 1am?
There were rumors of a white truck being seen at the dumpster near the MH that night as well? The dogs hit on it, but nothing was found per LE? Pfffttt to that…I don’t buy half of what LE says either. Every time something is found LE recants their statements!!! Every time..I will buy it once or twice…that is it though!

They went from missing to homicide case for a reason and I don’t think they would of done so just because Misty or Tommy said Haleigh was dumped in the river. JMO

I do not have any information regarding the red truck, but if LE has not returned the truck that speaks volumes! IMO.
Bump Levi will cover Haleigh in part of his show tonight. Ask your questions here.
I'd like Levi to find out why Ron's bond and nebbia hearing was suddeny cancelled.

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