Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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Maybe that is why she claimed to have a personal cell phone and a "work cell" when she was not "visibly" employed. Match that wit her searches for "escort services" may explian where her money came from to live when she was not stealing it from her relatives.

Well if she was escorting she sure wasn't good at it with all the money she had to steal, call girls make big bucks I don't see Casey with that kind of money and her cheap clothes. Not that I don't think she would have like to been an escort. JMO
Capri, sorry ... the copy I have of WW's testimony does not have his middle initial, and his birthdate is blacked out.
Well if she was escorting she sure wasn't good at it with all the money she had to steal, call girls make big bucks I don't see Casey with that kind of money and her cheap clothes. Not that I don't think she would have like to been an escort. JMO
Don't jump to conclusions just quite yet...Her pic (the only one that someone has dared to post so far) looked quite professional...Monies were exchanged there for sure.

Don't jump to conclusions just quite yet...Her pic (the only one that someone has dared to post so far) looked quite professional...Monies were exchanged there for sure.


yep, still waiting on those other 1199 to surface :)
Q- Where is the parking lot here? I am dying to read more on greenwood cemetary and the stuff found! has LE searched this stuff through yet?
Q- Where is the parking lot here? I am dying to read more on greenwood cemetary and the stuff found! has LE searched this stuff through yet?

Didn't know what you were talking about but here is the link. Oops ... this brings you to the last page ...

Don't know if this link to map will work. Is this the cemetary?,-81.640778&spn=0.141003,0.219727&t=h&z=12
Okay, so I'm reduced to begging. Would someone have access to Notes in Space Book or My Face that talk about February 20 & that weekend? Wherever KC was at that time, is the place she returned to with the remains.

That's 895 N. Jessup, a.k.a. "the oviedo house".

18 pages for your reading enjoyment here:

Location was tipped to LE mid-September.
is there a thread dedicated to the "body farm"? I can't find just one. I heard a radio show tonight with an anthropologist from the body farm, and there was interesting information about what is being done in the future to find missing people/dead bodies.

I'd love to have a thread about it to discuss in detail but don't see one. Is it ok to start one titled "body farm" and if so, where would be the forum to put it? Here?

The name? of the FBI agent that interviewed CA/GA..Also John Couey in the Lungsford case..Thanks!
Don't jump to conclusions just quite yet...Her pic (the only one that someone has dared to post so far) looked quite professional...Monies were exchanged there for sure.


Link to that pic please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Questions that I am still wondering....
1. Did we ever find out what the news was that LP said he would eventually share with us that would "shock the world"?

2. Has anyone on the Anthony team attempted to explain why we don't know more about the "possible sighting photos"??? Are we really to believe that someone sees a little girl that looks like Caylee in a public place (the mall) and doesn't do anything but take her picture?? Doesn't call police, doesn't call a security guard, doesn't call a tv station, doesn't try to strike up a conversation with Caylee to confirm who she is, doesn't try to interact with the grownups who were watching over Caylee, doesn't seek out another mall-goer to see if someone else might be willing to be a little more assertive given the incredible critical situation, doesn't laylow and maybe try to follow them out to the car to get a license plate??? This person only takes a picture of Caylee but somehow doesn't realize the importance of getting a couple other shots of grownups or anyone else who was with the girl in question???? Whaaaatttt?????? Are you KIDDING ME??? Just snaps the picture and goes about their business?? (Wheww. There are so many things in this case that I just don't get.)

3. Does anyone know if LE has checked the computers at the public libraries in the area? If Casey needed to get online (and we know that she liked to do this) and she didn't have a connection for her laptop or needed to get out of Tony's apt or wanted to work anonymously, she could have done Google searches, posted messages on other sites that we don't even know about yet, or communicated with other call-girls who live in and out of Florida (if the theory about selling Caylee is still on the table). I would search the harddrives and show Casey's (and Caylee's) picture around to the employees of the local libraries to see if they can remember her visiting the library during the daytime hours (when everyone who knew her thought she was working during the day).

Just some ideas!
Can anyone please tell me if there has been an interview from Mallory or Annie released yet?

None that we have seen.

Nope. Annie has most certainly been interviewed, not sure about Mallory. Neither has been released. Mallory is very busy with homework at the moment and Annie has now stopped telling everyone that she's queen beatch. (myspace)

So she finally gave that up ay? She was still doing it just a couple of weeks ago...this must be a recent development.

Don't jump to conclusions just quite yet...Her pic (the only one that someone has dared to post so far) looked quite professional...Monies were exchanged there for sure.


LINK PLEASE for goodness sakes!

Link to that pic please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The name? of the FBI agent that interviewed CA/GA..Also John Couey in the Lungsford case..Thanks!

amysmom, it is FBI Special Agent Scott Bolin :)
I thought maybe if someone got to the car b4 she did, the trash would seem like the source of the smell. I think she was coming back for that car, but in the mean time, the trash bag would make it seem like that was why the car smelled. JMO

Do we know the dates on the receipts found in that bag? I am curious what date that bag was brought down by Casey. I have seen others speculate, because of the bank receipts in the bag, that she was going to try to steal from those accounts.

My theory has been that she tossed Caylee into the dumpster at Tony's right before pick up by the refuse company. I have tried to find out if trash collection was done at TL's 2.6 days after the suspected times of death but no luck so far. She would be able to see that it was collected, she could move her there just before collection so she wasn't found by someone going through the trash.

She would also not be particularly noticeable taking the trash out at TL's, she belongs there, it is a normal activity. I suggested prior to this info that she parked near that dumpster, took trash out from TL's apt downstairs, popped the trunk and moved the bag that Caylee was in into the dumpster.
Do we know the dates on the receipts found in that bag? I am curious what date that bag was brought down by Casey. I have seen others speculate, because of the bank receipts in the bag, that she was going to try to steal from those accounts.

My theory has been that she tossed Caylee into the dumpster at Tony's right before pick up by the refuse company. I have tried to find out if trash collection was done at TL's 2.6 days after the suspected times of death but no luck so far. She would be able to see that it was collected, she could move her there just before collection so she wasn't found by someone going through the trash.

She would also not be particularly noticeable taking the trash out at TL's, she belongs there, it is a normal activity. I suggested prior to this info that she parked near that dumpster, took trash out from TL's apt downstairs, popped the trunk and moved the bag that Caylee was in into the dumpster.
I asked the same question a few days ago....didn't want to kill my eyes going over the docs then I found some readable PDFs! Finally! The receipt was dated May 24 and was from fusion. I too initially believed she wanted that receipt to steal but since it was found in the trash, I doubt it, or she had already copied down the #s!:crazy:
As I posted earlier in the Where is AH's totaled car thread, I think maybe the roommate kept the receipt, to verify with his CC statement, which would have come sometime in June and fits in with our timeframe perfectly, then he would have discarded it once he received his statement. Unfortunately as far as I know, we do not know what date she carried the trash out of that apt or when she placed it in the trunk

ITA. If she were doing the guy's laundry and cooking for them, I could easily see her insisting she be the one to take the trash out or even doing it while they are sleeping. I think you may be right in that she put that trash bag in her trunk while removing another trash bag she needed to dispose of without arousing suspicion.

ITA. If she were doing the guy's laundry and cooking for them, I could easily see her insisting she be the one to take the trash out or even doing it while they are sleeping. I think you may be right in that she put that trash bag in her trunk while removing another trash bag she needed to dispose of without arousing suspicion.

IIRC, he asked her to take out the trash.
Wondering if any fellow sleuths are familiar with Sutton Place apartments, particularly with respect to where TL's apartment is in relation to dumpsters and more specifically, to the clubhouse where AH may have stored her totaled car? Wondering also what is "bottom left" of TL's apartment, the parking lot, dumpster(s) and clubhouse. TIA.
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