Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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TL's apt # is 210 so if someone google earths that what is at the bottom left?

Also could the sex crime box have been checked b/c RM would chlororm the ladies in order to have sex with them?? Hence "win her over with chloroform?"

Sorry, I don't understand your reference to #210. I don't see it anywhere. Could you please elaborate?

To me, the sex crime box is interesting but not as stunning as the information in the rest of the statements. . . And it was on the cover sheet for the 5 men's statements, not RM's picture that he put online.
Good Morning fellow sleuther's. I was involved in the last post that drug this subject up.

This much I believe is true:
A. Find was substansial enough that the OCSO got statements that included "did not go to media" (Consider all the leads they have gotten- and this one is maybe one of a handful they put in the doc dump)
B. Statement(s) reflect report # for Caylee
C. She was out on bond- so she wasn't anywhere near there....LE typically survelliance on all suspects so that would include ALL the "A"'s...
D. Doesn't say how long it appeared the dirt was turned..."fresh" was used?
E. I am certain if someone can verify that I believe at one point there was some hysteria of a search site behind the A's home or near to it...was this the incident?
F. Didn't TES search this specific area as a "hot spot"
G. IF and a really big "IF" they did find something...they're testing it and will HAVE to release it soon as required by discovery...

But I truly beieve they have "something" of evidentary value based soley on their reaction to the Blanchard Park search by LP. They were almost indignant, like, "you're gonna screw up our case and inject reasonable doubt if you keep acting like you found something. Let it go"...

Reason for sitting on evidence of a find: taking their time to test it ACCURATELY anf THRORUGHLY to prevent holes by defense....and it's an old trick by LE/prosecuters to withold discovery until right before trial to screw the defense out of testing...JMHO
Good Morning fellow sleuther's. I was involved in the last post that drug this subject up.

This much I believe is true:
A. Find was substansial enough that the OCSO got statements that included "did not go to media" (Consider all the leads they have gotten- and this one is maybe one of a handful they put in the doc dump)
B. Statement(s) reflect report # for Caylee
C. She was out on bond- so she wasn't anywhere near there....LE typically survelliance on all suspects so that would include ALL the "A"'s...
D. Doesn't say how long it appeared the dirt was turned..."fresh" was used?
E. I am certain if someone can verify that I believe at one point there was some hysteria of a search site behind the A's home or near to it...was this the incident?
F. Didn't TES search this specific area as a "hot spot"
G. IF and a really big "IF" they did find something...they're testing it and will HAVE to release it soon as required by discovery...

But I truly beieve they have "something" of evidentary value based soley on their reaction to the Blanchard Park search by LP. They were almost indignant, like, "you're gonna screw up our case and inject reasonable doubt if you keep acting like you found something. Let it go"...

Reason for sitting on evidence of a find: taking their time to test it ACCURATELY anf THRORUGHLY to prevent holes by defense....and it's an old trick by LE/prosecuters to withold discovery until right before trial to screw the defense out of testing...JMHO

Valrico Analyzer, I am sooooo glad you're here. The reason I brought this up over here was because I think it's so significant that it should have its own thread. So I went back and read JBean's instructions for starting one and it says to put it out in either this thread or another (Random Thoughts, I think) and see if it drums up enough interest to start a new one -- What do you think?
Valrico Analyzer, I am sooooo glad you're here. The reason I brought this up over here was because I think it's so significant that it should have its own thread. So I went back and read JBean's instructions for starting one and it says to put it out in either this thread or another (Random Thoughts, I think) and see if it drums up enough interest to start a new one -- What do you think?

I agree..I am not one to shout "hey! Look what I think" but if you agree it could help the case, thats great. I am humbled by the compliment. I just began posting yesterday after 4-5 SOLID months of reading posts, analyzing data, etc...I wanted to make sure I was up to speed before posting and sending things in a tizzy. There's so many pieces and alot of us have some, but its the whole pie were all after. There's been some things in docs that I have concluded " NO WAY ON EARTH" and some words sprinkled about in statements that confirm other things.

I love me a mystery. I need to get a life as my 17 YO daughter tells me!! lol
TL's apt # is 210 so if someone google earths that what is at the bottom left?

Also could the sex crime box have been checked b/c RM would chlororm the ladies in order to have sex with them?? Hence "win her over with chloroform?"

I think AH's totaled car was parked to the bottom left of either TL's apartment or the clubhouse.

I had not noticed the sex crime box being checked in the docs, but they were so hard to read until I found the pdfs. There may have been condoms or fluids with whatever the searchers found that day. Knowing what we do about KC, if I were one of her former lovers, I would want a complete accounting of every used condom from prior sex acts with her. Considering she had access to everyone's trash, who knows what kind of DNA evidence she had access to and could have planted!
Oh! I didn't think of that! What if bottom left is the laundry area or a public restroom by the pool or something like that?!!! Good one - going to google earth it and look around. I wish we knew his apt #!!!

Hi Cocoamom! Could we enlist your snooping skills to check out the layout of Sutton Place apartments in reference to apt #210? Since it is on the top floor, it would make sense that there would be something bottom left of it, a dumpster, pool, the lake or AH's totaled car! I checked the website and cannot get a good view of the parking lot, but it does say they have controlled access gates....wonder if someone can just buzz you in, or if you have to have a code? TIA

Can Cindy's shrink (who told Cindy to kick Casey to the curb and get custody), testify? Shrink wouldn't be testifying against her client but merely stating what she was told about her non-client (Casey).

Is that possible or no?

Can Cindy's shrink (who told Cindy to kick Casey to the curb and get custody), testify? Shrink wouldn't be testifying against her client but merely stating what she was told about her non-client (Casey).

Is that possible or no?

Anything discussed with the shrink is confidential. Cindy could sign a waiver allowing shrink to testify (sometimes I crack myself up) but unless that happens, it's a no go.

Can Cindy's shrink (who told Cindy to kick Casey to the curb and get custody), testify? Shrink wouldn't be testifying against her client but merely stating what she was told about her non-client (Casey).

Is that possible or no?

Yes it is possible the therapist could testify, although CA may have to give her consent, unless there were discussion regarding KC's neglect of Caylee, in which case I would think LE could subpoena the records or at least any parts pertaining to this case.
I think AH's totaled car was parked to the bottom left of either TL's apartment or the clubhouse.

WOW... can you back that up with documents or link?

Because that rings a bell for me regarding LA telling AH on the phone that he "destroyed the key". I never understood WHY he wouldn't just give her key back. Why would you "destroy" someone's key??

Red flag IMO.

Anyone else think this is strange? Or thought it strange when LA said that about the key?
WOW... can you back that up with documents or link?

Because that rings a bell for me regarding LA telling AH on the phone that he "destroyed the key". I never understood WHY he wouldn't just give her key back. Why would you "destroy" someone's key??

Red flag IMO.

Anyone else think this is strange? Or thought it strange when LA said that about the key?

Yep. It wasn't his to destroy. Why not just give it back?
WOW... can you back that up with documents or link?

Because that rings a bell for me regarding LA telling AH on the phone that he "destroyed the key". I never understood WHY he wouldn't just give her key back. Why would you "destroy" someone's key??

Red flag IMO.

Anyone else think this is strange? Or thought it strange when LA said that about the key?

I thought it very strange at the time.

I have wondered and asked many times what ever happened to AH's car?

I can't seem to get any information it. I have a feeling Caylee was hid in it for a period of time.
WOW... can you back that up with documents or link?

Because that rings a bell for me regarding LA telling AH on the phone that he "destroyed the key". I never understood WHY he wouldn't just give her key back. Why would you "destroy" someone's key??

Red flag IMO.

Anyone else think this is strange? Or thought it strange when LA said that about the key?
This always bothered me, too. I questioned it early on and we never arrived at an answer for it that I can recall.
WOW... can you back that up with documents or link?

Because that rings a bell for me regarding LA telling AH on the phone that he "destroyed the key". I never understood WHY he wouldn't just give her key back. Why would you "destroy" someone's key??

Red flag IMO.

Anyone else think this is strange? Or thought it strange when LA said that about the key?

Sorry no link, but evidence so far indicates:
AH wrecked her car 6/06.
We know through KC and AH text messages that this car was towed to AL's apartment parking lot 6/14, where KC had access to it everyday from 6/15 on. On 6/19, KC texted AH "Call me when you're going over to see your car" and AH texts back "On my way." KC needed to know when AH would be near the car so she could either retrieve evidence and/or Caylee from AH's car prior to AH seeing the car, or to know when AH left the car again, so it would be "safe" to place (or replace) Caylee and/or evidence there. AH's father was supposed to pick the car up to repair the first weekend in July.

There was a second car referred to in the LE interview with WW interview, that had been wrecked, brought in for repair and "smelled like a dead body" as per the crime tip LE received. This could not have been KC's car because she abandoned her car 6/27 and she had not yet met WW. KC's car's whereabouts are accounted for from 6/27 on; Amy's is not.

LA "took care" of AH's key, which is stated in his interview with LE. He laughs with LE when describing the smell coming from KC's car the night of July 15 and makes an odd statement to officers that was the First time he smelled it. He found the key on KC's key ring July 15th and knew it was a car key. I think he spent part of his 2.5 hour absence away from the As home that night gathering KC's belonging's from TL's apartment and trying to locate AH's car in the parking lot and that KC hinted to him to look bottom left. TL's apartment number is #210, upper floor, something is to the bottom left of his apartment. I think LA smelled decomp for a second time in AH's car later that same night.:eek:
Look at Doc #1, page 33.
Wasn't Tony L in those pictures? If so, Casey didn't meet him until May, so there's no way it could be Feb that they were taken. And I think that's why the photograpers (one of whom is Teddy P.) was subpeoned, was to have them testify as to the date the pictures were taken. June 21.
In Casey's text messages she states that she had known Tony L. for a year, but didn't want others to know it because they had been dating only a few weeks. I think the text messages were to Iassen. I have not seen any discussion about her knowing Tony for a year, but it is in the text messages.
We all know that Jesse had a DNA paternity test done which proved he was not Caylee's father.

My question is: Wouldn't the people in the lab who did the DNA testing know whether or not there was any incest involved? Of course they would not disclose that particular result to Jesse, but they would still know, wouldn't they?
In Casey's text messages she states that she had known Tony L. for a year, but didn't want others to know it because they had been dating only a few weeks. I think the text messages were to Iassen. I have not seen any discussion about her knowing Tony for a year, but it is in the text messages.

And we all know how truthful Casey is! Tony stated in his LE interview on 7/22/08 that he met Casey in person on May 24th when she came to a "gig" of his, but they had connected/communicated a little bit before that on Facebook.

Sorry no link, but evidence so far indicates:
AH wrecked her car 6/06.
We know through KC and AH text messages that this car was towed to AL's apartment parking lot 6/14, where KC had access to it everyday from 6/15 on. On 6/19, KC texted AH "Call me when you're going over to see your car" and AH texts back "On my way." KC needed to know when AH would be near the car so she could either retrieve evidence and/or Caylee from AH's car prior to AH seeing the car, or to know when AH left the car again, so it would be "safe" to place (or replace) Caylee and/or evidence there. AH's father was supposed to pick the car up to repair the first weekend in July.

There was a second car referred to in the LE interview with WW interview, that had been wrecked, brought in for repair and "smelled like a dead body" as per the crime tip LE received. This could not have been KC's car because she abandoned her car 6/27 and she had not yet met WW. KC's car's whereabouts are accounted for from 6/27 on; Amy's is not.

LA "took care" of AH's key, which is stated in his interview with LE. He laughs with LE when describing the smell coming from KC's car the night of July 15 and makes an odd statement to officers that was the First time he smelled it. He found the key on KC's key ring July 15th and knew it was a car key. I think he spent part of his 2.5 hour absence away from the As home that night gathering KC's belonging's from TL's apartment and trying to locate AH's car in the parking lot and that KC hinted to him to look bottom left. TL's apartment number is #210, upper floor, something is to the bottom left of his apartment. I think LA smelled decomp for a second time in AH's car later that same night.:eek:

WOW... can you back that up with documents or link?

Because that rings a bell for me regarding LA telling AH on the phone that he "destroyed the key". I never understood WHY he wouldn't just give her key back. Why would you "destroy" someone's key??

Red flag IMO.

Anyone else think this is strange? Or thought it strange when LA said that about the key?

Yes I do. Why wouldn't you just give it back? Why destroy it?

I think mom2chloe's theory is spot on.
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