Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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I'm not sure that's something that has been made known.
Question for anyone!

If M. Walker, & P. Bourgeois, are old school mates of KC, the how does AL know them and why would Kc have to call AL to get Mike's phone number? H-Hmmm?
Mike was the first person KC wanted to talk to when she was arrested.
I swear I still wonder if she was practicing writing the name so she could rip him off!! Infatuated 12 year old girls don't cross the name out like she did (that would be bad luck :rolleyes:)

shez she probably really was practicing how to forge his signature, thats funny stuff (shrug shoulders indignantly) lol
Question: When did CA visit the therapist, and when did the therapist recommend she try to get custody of Caylee? Was it back in March, during the time the "neck breaking" and "weapons out of household items" searches were conducted? Or was it June, closer to the time Caylee went missing? The answer to this question may firm my opinion on whether Caylee's death was premeditated. I'm STILL on the fence about that, believe it or not.

I would love to know this also. I have pondered this question for some time now and haven't been able to find the answer!
I would love to know this also. I have pondered this question for some time now and haven't been able to find the answer!

I will have to go back and look, but I believe Shirley P. told LE that Cindy had begun to see the counsellor after KC stole the $354.00 from Shirley in the spring. I'm pretty sure that the most credible statements I've read through the months were from Shirely and were in the docs released this past week.
I will have to go back and look, but I believe Shirley P. told LE that Cindy had begun to see the counsellor after KC stole the $354.00 from Shirley in the spring. I'm pretty sure that the most credible statements I've read through the months were from Shirely and were in the docs released this past week.

Not sure of the timing either but that's what I think, and Shirley is ABSOLUTLEY one of the most credible sources.
This coincidence has been bothering me.

George's familiar description of the last time he saw KC and Caylee on June 16: "Casey's father, George, saw Casey and Caylee leave for the day. He recalled Caylee wearing a denim skirt and a pink top, with white tennis shoes. She was carrying a little backpack with images of monkeys on it. She had on a pair of white-rimmed sunglasses and her hair was pulled into a ponytail."


From News 13's timeline: "June 12: George Anthony says Caylee was spotted by friends of the Anthony family in a shopping area near the Orange-Seminole county lines. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses."

Same clothes 4 days apart? Seems strange to me with all the outfits the A's provided for Caylee. Or was something else going on? Was GA's memory bad or worse? Does it seem strange to you all, too? :waitasec:
I've always thought the playhouse comments by JG were very strange. What I find most strange about the playhouse comment is that JG had not been to the Anthony home since Caylee was an infant, yet he claimed that she ran to the playhouse whenever she was outside, as if he'd observed her doing that.

Could she have told him (since she always seemed to go back to him) and he never told any of it?
I would love to know this also. I have pondered this question for some time now and haven't been able to find the answer!

I will have to go back and look, but I believe Shirley P. told LE that Cindy had begun to see the counsellor after KC stole the $354.00 from Shirley in the spring. I'm pretty sure that the most credible statements I've read through the months were from Shirely and were in the docs released this past week.

I'd also like to add that as a person who is often in a courtroom, specifically child custody hearings. It is often the case that when one is seeking "custody" thet are given a plan to follow. This is the case whether its to be placed in foster care, or with a father or mother seeking custody of thier children after seperation/divorce.

I cindy's 3rd 911 call you hear her say "I gave you thirty days" in a loud, anxious, panicked, and ANGRY way ... like I might if I felt my child was not being taken care of properly and speaking to my spouse.A counselor would likely tell her to take notes, keep a journal, set clear boudries, etc.

This is the process and a counselor as well as a lawyer would give the same advice. When 90 days pass ... time for court ... and it can be *immediate* they don't mess around once you can show the child is danger. Court ordered, child removed.

If it was the end of march, that would be a little over a 90 day *plus* timeframe.

April, May June, June 15th .... July 15th

"I gave you thirty days"
I've always thought the playhouse comments by JG were very strange. What I find most strange about the playhouse comment is that JG had not been to the Anthony home since Caylee was an infant, yet he claimed that she ran to the playhouse whenever she was outside, as if he'd observed her doing that.

Could she have told him (since she always seemed to go back to him) and he never told any of it?

TURBO-are you asking if KC told JG that Caylee ran to the playhouse whenever outside?, or if KC told JG that she killed Caylee? Not sure which one you meant.:)
I would love to know this also. I have pondered this question for some time now and haven't been able to find the answer!

I will have to go back and look, but I believe Shirley P. told LE that Cindy had begun to see the counsellor after KC stole the $354.00 from Shirley in the spring. I'm pretty sure that the most credible statements I've read through the months were from Shirely and were in the docs released this past week.

I'd also like to add that as a person who is often in a courtroom, specifically child custody hearings. It is often the case that when one is seeking "custody" thet are given a plan to follow. This is the case whether its to be placed in foster care, or with a father or mother seeking custody of thier children after seperation/divorce.

I cindy's 3rd 911 call you hear her say "I gave you thirty days" in a loud, anxious, panicked, and ANGRY way ... like I might if I felt my child was not being taken care of properly and speaking to my spouse.A counselor would likely tell her to take notes, keep a journal, set clear boudries, etc.

This is the process and a counselor as well as a lawyer would give the same advice. When 90 days pass ... time for court ... and it can be *immediate* they don't mess around once you can show the child is danger. Court ordered, child removed.

If it was the end of march, that would be a little over a 90 day *plus* timeframe.

April, May June, June 15th .... July 15th

"I gave you thirty days"

IMO ... this scenereo, Casey is soooo smart *right* she knows who the father is and thinks she's gonna outwit mom and HE will take custody ... that'll show her!

What .... No? .... You don't want to be with ME and our baby? Now what am I gonna do!? Think fast, I cant't let her (CA) win!?
This coincidence has been bothering me.

George's familiar description of the last time he saw KC and Caylee on June 16: "Casey's father, George, saw Casey and Caylee leave for the day. He recalled Caylee wearing a denim skirt and a pink top, with white tennis shoes. She was carrying a little backpack with images of monkeys on it. She had on a pair of white-rimmed sunglasses and her hair was pulled into a ponytail."


From News 13's timeline: "June 12: George Anthony says Caylee was spotted by friends of the Anthony family in a shopping area near the Orange-Seminole county lines. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses."

Same clothes 4 days apart? Seems strange to me with all the outfits the A's provided for Caylee. Or was something else going on? Was GA's memory bad or worse? Does it seem strange to you all, too? :waitasec:

GA would remember the details if he had found a dead Caylee and this was the outfit she was wearing.:eek: Hmmmm.

GA would remember the details if he had found a dead Caylee and this was the outfit she was wearing.:eek: Hmmmm.

The 12th ... hmmm, what if the original date of the 9th being the last time Caylee was seen ... and the night of the fight was the 8th, and THEN someone saw her June 12th? So George says YES, we have a sighting ... but quickly someone points out the fact it was the 15th day of June and so he says ... yes, she was wearing ...

Someone would surely have to *reconsider* When was the last time Caylee was seen ... did they, who pointed this out first I wonder?
IIRC, 210 was vacant for 142 days because they were doing repairs/renovations. It was 110 that was the model. But I'm rechecking the discovery pages for exact info and will edit this post when I find.

Page 59 "... The reason for the unit being vacant was b/c it was under construction." Amanda M., Sawgrass Manager

Page 59, "...Apartment 210 shares a stairwell with unit 110 which has never been occupied because it is reserved as the leasing model." Amanda M., Sawgrass Manager

Thanks for the answer:blowkiss:
I guess that between the remodelling and the average rental vacancy rate being around 9.6%, it doesnt seem so odd to me now.
TURBO-are you asking if KC told JG that Caylee ran to the playhouse whenever outside?, or if KC told JG that she killed Caylee? Not sure which one you meant.:)

I am thinking both. I believe she may have told him.
I've always thought the playhouse comments by JG were very strange. What I find most strange about the playhouse comment is that JG had not been to the Anthony home since Caylee was an infant, yet he claimed that she ran to the playhouse whenever she was outside, as if he'd observed her doing that.

Could she have told him (since she always seemed to go back to him) and he never told any of it?
Where did you get the idea that he had not seen Caylee since she was an infant? Didn't JG show up at a pool party with Casey and Caylee at AL's? I believe he has seen Caylee and Casey now and then since they broke up.
When did GA give his statement about him seeing Casey and Caylee on the 16th of June?

GA would remember the details if he had found a dead Caylee and this was the outfit she was wearing.:eek: Hmmmm.

I was thinking the same thing! My husband couldn't ever remember in detail what our grand daughter was wearing even yesterday......(Hanna Montana BTW) anyhow if GA saw Cayle dead, that would never leave GA mind!!!
But then KC the liar said......LE never even found her clothes????
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