Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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What ever happened to the 10 day ruling about discovery for JB? Also wasn't there supposed to be a pretrial on 12/11? Will they even have a pretrial? Was the GJ enough?
I always thought that the GJ was a way around a pretrial. Florida confuses me.

Local news said yesterday that the Dec 11 Pre-trial is still on.
Btw~ No one describes a place or a road in a city they know well as "the bottom left side of town" unless they are looking at a map to describe it.

I would say, I got it at the AT&T store on such and such a street, located near this intersection or some other landmark.

The Bottom Left Side of Town??? WTF kind of statement is that.:slap:

Is she trying to lead Lee somewhere? or at something she drew that Baez passed on to the family.
Thank you! I had such trouble trying to find the info-- I appreciate!
I was hoping it was something with an exclusively genetic origin-- It's been bugging me that the A's haven't addressed Casey's alleged accusations against Lee and I was trying to brainstorm :bang:

Casey told those accusations to Jesse, Tony & his roommates(?) etc...they then told LE in the interviews (am I correct?) I don't want to go back to the docs right away LOL
The A's probably will say that Casey didn't say that and that they are all lying.
Question: Where is GA's family.. mom, dad, brothers or sisters? Does KC have any cousins? Haven't heard from many extended family members at all.

In one of George's interviews (the FBI one I think) he speaks briefly about his mother and father and about how a sister (in South Florida?) was supposed to come to Orlando one day to help at the booth/tent (or something like that) but she didn't. George mentioned this sister has issues and maybe Casey inherited some...then he mentioned a brother-in-law(maybe he owns car dealerships?) that had alot of money but was not sure if he'd help.
IIRC, one of her friends had a young child around Caylee's age that they ocassionally got together with. I don't remember which one but that was unusual for her to not have lots of (ar at least a few!) playmates. Also, didn't KC mention that Jeff H.'s son named Zachary was Caylee's age? Nevermind, these people are fictional! ugh!! I remember a few yrs. ago when my daughter was that age and how important it was for her to play with her peers to start to develop social skills. How sad for Caylee... :frown:

Casey also told her parents, when she was describing ZGF, that Z had alot of money.
A 25yr old young woman with alot of money would not be a Nanny to other peoples children.
Casey told those accusations to Jesse, Tony & his roommates(?) etc...they then told LE in the interviews (am I correct?) I don't want to go back to the docs right away LOL
The A's probably will say that Casey didn't say that and that they are all lying.

Jesse told the police Casey made allegation about Lee.
Tony's roommate said that Casey said George was abusive, but did not specify what she meant.
Has JP Chatt's testimony been released and I missed it?

I would assume that LE would have asked him some questions, even if it's to back up something Ricardo or Amy said about Casey being at their apartment. Or if he ever saw Caylee at their apartment.
In Amy's transcript she said JP did not like Casey much(very observant young man IMO) and did not hang out with Casey.

If I remember correctly, JP Chatt is not on the witness list either
Jesse told the police Casey made allegation about Lee.
Tony's roommate said that Casey said George was abusive, but did not specify what she meant.

Thank You

Did Casey make the same allegations about Lee & George to R. Grund?

I still think the A's will say they have lied.
Thank You

Did Casey make the same allegations about Lee & George to R. Grund?

I still think the A's will say they have lied.

RG seems to allude to something along those lines in a blog, but he does not say anything directly, just refers to Casey as a victim. There were no police statements from RG.

I personally tend to think Casey is lying and trying to alienate her friends from talking to the family. If she was telling the truth to Jesse I would think he would have much more detail than she made one statement in 2005. I find it totally bizarre that she would confide in Tony's roommate that she barely knew about her abusive father, again with no detail, just a passing comment. She barely knew Tony, let alone his roommate. Just MO.
Any thoughts on why Casey would want to throw Jesse Grund under the bus and accuse him of kidnapping Caylee?

According to LP, he said on NG that at the time he was in Orlando he sat in on a meeting with Baez,Casey, and Cindy (backing up Casey's story) and that they were accusing Jesse in Caylee's disappearance because he was obsessed with Caylee and still wanted Casey...

Casey was still telling lies, to her family, to her attorney,...she went from her elaborate BS story of ZFG kidnapped Caylee, to ZFG and her sister took Caylee from her at Blanchard Park to Jesse, (and Amy(according to Cindy) had something to do with Caylee's kidnapping.
Any thoughts on why Casey would want to throw Jesse Grund under the bus and accuse him of kidnapping Caylee?

According to LP, he said on NG that at the time he was in Orlando he sat in on a meeting with Baez,Casey, and Cindy (backing up Casey's story) and that they were accusing Jesse in Caylee's disappearance because he was obsessed with Caylee and still wanted Casey...

Casey was still telling lies, to her family, to her attorney,...she went from her elaborate BS story of ZFG kidnapped Caylee, to ZFG and her sister took Caylee from her at Blanchard Park to Jesse, (and Amy(according to Cindy) had something to do with Caylee's kidnapping.

Think she'll ever run out of 'stories'?? She's about to the end of her friend's list. LOL Everyone is to blame except for HER...geez CA is as nutzo as KC for believing that garbage (not a news flash). Guess KC will just have to make up more imaginary friends when she runs out of real ones. Sure didn't stop her before.
In Cindy's FBI interview, she said something about Lee being very sick when he was an early adolescent. She indicated that he had been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder and had to abstain from sports and other activities. I believe Cindy attributed Lee's medical problem to the drug Accutane.
Cindy provided a specific name for Lee's alleged clotting disorder-- I have been trying to find the segment in the interview tapes and can't seem to find it.
Did Cindy say it was von Willebrand’s disease? Or, does anyone know the name of the clotting disorder Cindy said Lee had when he was younger?

CA claims LA had ITP at age 16 and took Accutane.
My name is suzanne.I am kind of new to Caylee Anthony's story.My son watches Nancy Grace every night and he has me very interested in this little girls case.Can you please tell me her story about this person Zenaida F. G.?

RG seems to allude to something along those lines in a blog, but he does not say anything directly, just refers to Casey as a victim. There were no police statements from RG.

I personally tend to think Casey is lying and trying to alienate her friends from talking to the family. If she was telling the truth to Jesse I would think he would have much more detail than she made one statement in 2005. I find it totally bizarre that she would confide in Tony's roommate that she barely knew about her abusive father, again with no detail, just a passing comment. She barely knew Tony, let alone his roommate. Just MO.

tone was sending kc i luv ya babe texts by June 7th 8th 9th. (luv happens fast in their little crazy world)and her writing kc l all over that notebook cover, how old are these people ? and then they document and post their entire lives with pictures and words all over the computer, I dont know about the abuse allegations, but these people tend to share alot of crap about themselves everywhere. so I can believe she would tell the room mate this, probably as some weird sympathy ploy to a guy that wasnt buying her bs.
RG seems to allude to something along those lines in a blog, but he does not say anything directly, just refers to Casey as a victim. There were no police statements from RG.

I personally tend to think Casey is lying and trying to alienate her friends from talking to the family. If she was telling the truth to Jesse I would think he would have much more detail than she made one statement in 2005. I find it totally bizarre that she would confide in Tony's roommate that she barely knew about her abusive father, again with no detail, just a passing comment. She barely knew Tony, let alone his roommate. Just MO.

AH HA! There is the answer to why she was telling JG to not anwer if family called, and family to stay away from JG! She knew this story she told would come out and Ant fam would flip a lid, probably b/c it NEVER happened!!!!
tone was sending kc i luv ya babe texts by June 7th 8th 9th. (luv happens fast in their little crazy world)and her writing kc l all over that notebook cover, how old are these people ? and then they document and post their entire lives with pictures and words all over the computer, I dont know about the abuse allegations, but these people tend to share alot of crap about themselves everywhere. so I can believe she would tell the room mate this, probably as some weird sympathy ploy to a guy that wasnt buying her bs.

I swear I still wonder if she was practicing writing the name so she could rip him off!! Infatuated 12 year old girls don't cross the name out like she did (that would be bad luck :rolleyes:)
Question: When did CA visit the therapist, and when did the therapist recommend she try to get custody of Caylee? Was it back in March, during the time the "neck breaking" and "weapons out of household items" searches were conducted? Or was it June, closer to the time Caylee went missing? The answer to this question may firm my opinion on whether Caylee's death was premeditated. I'm STILL on the fence about that, believe it or not.
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