Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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Does anyone know what happened to the timelines? Can't find them. Would really help with these following questions:.
I am curious, if GA worked (does he actually still have a job?) the evening or night shift in June and July, where was he when KC was backing car in garage, borrowing a shovel, stealing gas cans, hanging out by the pool with alive/dead Caylee etc? Where was he during the day?

Also, we assume CA was at work when KC made those flurry of unanswered calls (was this the 16th or 17th?), but where was GA? He at least, on the 16th was watching tv until 1pm. What time did those calls start?

I know when my grown kids call me on my cell, even if I am at work, I pick up right away if possible or call back as soon as I can. Also, I can get their texts immediately. I would never leave that many calls unanswered.
Let me get this straight the A's are asking everyone and anyone in the country for help to find Caylee, yet the one person everyone (including the A's which they have admitted) knows that has more information, KC, isn;t helping, because that would put Caylee and her family in danger, supposedly.
So we can all try and figure out where Caylee is, and if we happen to find her, no danger.
But if KC lifts one finger, which she hasn't, to help find her daugther, big danger

makes perfect sense, I can't figure out why people are so fed up with this family

so ridiculous

Now that's funny:biglaugh::biglaugh:
Let me get this straight the A's are asking everyone and anyone in the country for help to find Caylee, yet the one person everyone (including the A's which they have admitted) knows that has more information, KC, isn;t helping, because that would put Caylee and her family in danger, supposedly.
So we can all try and figure out where Caylee is, and if we happen to find her, no danger.
But if KC lifts one finger, which she hasn't, to help find her daugther, big danger

makes perfect sense, I can't figure out why people are so fed up with this family

so ridiculous

The A's want everyone to help and yet the person who can help, is not.
Yesterday, I was reading thru some of the latest docs released and I came across where LE said that a few times Casey wanted to speak to them, the last being the day she was arrested for Murder. The docs say Casey wanted to speak to LE but after speaking with Baez on the phone she didn't say a word.
I take this to mean she wanted to come clean and lead LE to Caylee but Baez stopped her from doing so.
Does anyone know what happened to the timelines? Can't find them. Would really help with these following questions:.
I am curious, if GA worked (does he actually still have a job?) the evening or night shift in June and July, where was he when KC was backing car in garage, borrowing a shovel, stealing gas cans, hanging out by the pool with alive/dead Caylee etc? Where was he during the day?

Also, we assume CA was at work when KC made those flurry of unanswered calls (was this the 16th or 17th?), but where was GA? He at least, on the 16th was watching tv until 1pm. What time did those calls start?

I know when my grown kids call me on my cell, even if I am at work, I pick up right away if possible or call back as soon as I can. Also, I can get their texts immediately. I would never leave that many calls unanswered.
All timeline threads are together in this forum:

They are together so the information isn't scattered all over the forum.

Here is the timeline calendar:
The A's want everyone to help and yet the person who can help, is not.
Yesterday, I was reading thru some of the latest docs released and I came across where LE said that a few times Casey wanted to speak to them, the last being the day she was arrested for Murder. The docs say Casey wanted to speak to LE but after speaking with Baez on the phone she didn't say a word.
I take this to mean she wanted to come clean and lead LE to Caylee but Baez stopped her from doing so.

She has had lots of opportunity to come clean. I think she would have just told them a new version of the "truth" and Baez wisely does not want her giving them more ammo as they prove all of those are lies.
All timeline threads are together in this forum:

They are together so the information isn't scattered all over the forum.

Here is the timeline calendar:

Thank you very much...don't know how I missed it. I think there are new clues given recent docs and I plan to figure it out evenutally here. I especially want to pinpoint GA's wherebouts during those cruicial days. Do you have the employment questions I asked about him? Days and hours he worked during June 16-Julyish?
Oh really? It WAS Von Willebrands?! Hmmm....

I'm sorry for your health issues :blowkiss: -- I don't know very much about VWD-- but if Lee's VWD was severe enough to require him to completely abstain from athletic activities and driving, wouldn't it probably be of type 2 or 3? From my understanding, Lee's offspring would likely carry a gene for VWD and his siblings could possibly carry the gene??
I'm anxious to put Padilla's Flowers in the Attic theory to bed and was thinking about what Lee's condition could mean in re: paternity.
Also, do you know if it's possible for VWD to be caused by a drug like Accutane? That's what Cindy seemed to say to the FBI. Thanks for your insight and stay healthy!

(Bold by me) Hey Nancy Botwin! I read this series of books years and years ago and had forgotten all about them until I read your post.
Please forgive me if this has been answered somwhere else. I was wondering what was the purpose of GA concocting the story that he followed KC when she was in her mom's van and was unable to keep up with her. I believe the epass records (?) showed this event couldn't have happened the way he told it. I just wondered.
Please forgive me if this has been answered somwhere else. I was wondering what was the purpose of GA concocting the story that he followed KC when she was in her mom's van and was unable to keep up with her. I believe the epass records (?) showed this event couldn't have happened the way he told it. I just wondered.

I see no purpose for that tale he concocted BuckEyeFan1. He reminded me of KC when she would start spinning one of her tales to LE. Guess it comes naturally to people who live in AnthonyLand.
I see no purpose for that tale he concocted BuckEyeFan1. He reminded me of KC when she would start spinning one of her tales to LE. Guess it comes naturally to people who live in AnthonyLand.
I guess you just wonder with that group if there isn't something else behind everything they say or do. I can't fathom how they function. I guess I am more "normal" than I thought.
Let me get this straight the A's are asking everyone and anyone in the country for help to find Caylee, yet the one person everyone (including the A's which they have admitted) knows that has more information, KC, isn;t helping, because that would put Caylee and her family in danger, supposedly.
So we can all try and figure out where Caylee is, and if we happen to find her, no danger.
But if KC lifts one finger, which she hasn't, to help find her daugther, big danger

makes perfect sense, I can't figure out why people are so fed up with this family

so ridiculous

Hey it makes perfect sense to OJ..he never did find the "real killers" and he searched virtually every golf course in the US!! haha
i have been silent on this one, lurking.....
i live near the UT forensics and the body farm......
i tend to think they know what they are talking about..their findings..
yes, her mother has stumped all as to where caylee is, but she is dead, and most lykely by her hands...the whole family is covering for her, yes she is a young parent, and i am sorry, i think she "cracked" sometime along the way and is an excellent lyer.
I have been wondering a few things about KC and would like to run them by you clever Web Sleuthers.

1) Did the incident that occured at Amy's house where KC claimed Amy was sleep walking and hid Apprx. $400.00 happen before or after KC did the searches for chloroform? If before, could KC have been knocking people out after they fell asleep to rip them off?

2) Could she and Caylee have been checking into area hotels during her missing hours when she was supposedly at her bogus job and also drugging Caylee to leave her there while she spent time at TL's and out clubbing? She certainly stole enough money from friends and family to cover occasional stays. Also if so, would a hotel have Surveillance Video dating back to that general timeframe?

3) Do you think it could be possible that KC is buying time so the body of her daughter is completely decomposed before revealing where she is located in order for soft tissue to be desolved so that it will not reveal any trace evidence of a drugging?

TIA for any thoughts on the matter.
I have been wondering a few things about KC and would like to run them by you clever Web Sleuthers.

1) Did the incident that occured at Amy's house where KC claimed Amy was sleep walking and hid Apprx. $400.00 happen before or after KC did the searches for chloroform? If before, could KC have been knocking people out after they fell asleep to rip them off?

2) Could she and Caylee have been checking into area hotels during her missing hours when she was supposedly at her bogus job and also drugging Caylee to leave her there while she spent time at TL's and out clubbing? She certainly stole enough money from friends and family to cover occasional stays. Also if so, would a hotel have Surveillance Video dating back to that general timeframe?

3) Do you think it could be possible that KC is buying time so the body of her daughter is completely decomposed before revealing where she is located in order for soft tissue to be desolved so that it will not reveal any trace evidence of a drugging?

TIA for any thoughts on the matter.

I think you're spot on! I just couldn't figure out why Amy had on different pants when she woke up? I hope LE checked motels around the BF's apartments, although I don't tink she would have done this too often, as she didn't have that much money to play with. I don't think it's KC's intention to ever reveal Caylee's location, but then I personally believe she 's not the one who disposed of her body! That's why she can say she "honestly" doesn't know where she is!:furious:
I have been wondering a few things about KC and would like to run them by you clever Web Sleuthers.

1) Did the incident that occured at Amy's house where KC claimed Amy was sleep walking and hid Apprx. $400.00 happen before or after KC did the searches for chloroform? If before, could KC have been knocking people out after they fell asleep to rip them off?

2) Could she and Caylee have been checking into area hotels during her missing hours when she was supposedly at her bogus job and also drugging Caylee to leave her there while she spent time at TL's and out clubbing? She certainly stole enough money from friends and family to cover occasional stays. Also if so, would a hotel have Surveillance Video dating back to that general timeframe?

3) Do you think it could be possible that KC is buying time so the body of her daughter is completely decomposed before revealing where she is located in order for soft tissue to be desolved so that it will not reveal any trace evidence of a drugging?

TIA for any thoughts on the matter.

1) If Amy was sleeping when Casey stole the money, what reason would there be to chloroform her?

2) Caylee was usually with Cindy and George while Casey was out partying.

3) Makes no sense to me. Casey isn't revealing the location of Caylee's body because to do so would prove that she's guilty of murder.
I think you're spot on! I just couldn't figure out why Amy had on different pants when she woke up? I hope LE checked motels around the BF's apartments, although I don't tink she would have done this too often, as she didn't have that much money to play with. I don't think it's KC's intention to ever reveal Caylee's location, but then I personally believe she 's not the one who disposed of her body! That's why she can say she "honestly" doesn't know where she is!:furious:

Amy waking up in different pants was a separate event. Casey pointed out to Amy that she hid the money in her sleep and cited the 'different pants' incident as an example of Amy sleep walking.
I was re-reading the GA interview : Taped transcript of George Anthony on August 4, 2008

He describes "a blue collapsable crate" that Casey kept in the trunk. He starts to say that she used the trunk for . . . (but doesn't finish.) Makes me wonder if she used it as a changing table.

Also, there are foldable plastic crates that are solid. Was the crate ever recovered? If not, I think it would be the size/type of container that might have been used for disposal.

Has this been discussed?
Good catch on the collapsable crate! I didnt hear that was left in the sunfire.
My Q is NG keeps saying this will NOT go to trail 1/5/09 as planned, that there is NO way. So there has not been any motions files for an extention, change of venue, nothing. Could it be possible this case will not go to trail and a plea deal will be worked out???????????????
Has JP Chatt's testimony been released and I missed it?
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