Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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I think the "Athonese" speak is because they are seriously some of the most ARROGANT people I've ever come across.

It's all fake. I don't think they really even care about each other that much. It's always been a show.....the "gorgeous princess" ..... the "spitfire"...... "the super smart marketing genius"...... well, then there's GA. (oops!)

They all just kiss up to one another and when they aren't, they are lashing out and having drop down drag out fights until someone gives in and the "hey gorgeous" starts again.

They avoid conflict and go through the motions. I'm sure LA and KC were very pacified as children.

I blame GA a lot for the dysfunction in this family. They all treated him like dirt growing up because CA has NO respect for him. He was a door mat. But, I do sense that he was a big softie to the kids and did anything to avoid conflict. He needed to step up with some tough love a LOOOOOOOOONGGG time ago.
Here's a thought, why do you (all) think Casey seems to be coddled and catered to so much?
Could it be that there 'is' some ugly secret in this family and Casey has threatened to expose it if she is not treated like royalty?
That would explain why:
1) No one questioned her about her work
2) No one really did anything about her stealing
3) No one called her on the many lies she told
4) She is still being treated like a princess even with Caylee gone

I have wondered the same thing. At first I thought it was the incest, but it must be deeper than that.............Now that she has accused GA & Lee, maybe that makes more sense, but they are ALL afraid of her.
I have wondered the same thing. At first I thought it was the incest, but it must be deeper than that.............Now that she has accused GA & Lee, maybe that makes more sense, but they are ALL afraid of her.

I think the answer to this lies within Cindy's warped mind, and in the way she chose to parent Casey.

I think she was domineering and controlled Casey to within an inch of her life, and yet at the same time she enabled and fostered a sense of entitlement and superiority (the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to her) in her. I think Casey receiving those two very strong, and very conflicting messages her whole life from her mother plays a HUGE part in how screwed up she is. It turned her into a sociopathic monster. IMO.
Question for anyone!

If M. Walker, & P. Bourgeois, are old school mates of KC, the how does AL know them and why would Kc have to call AL to get Mike's phone number? H-Hmmm?
Mike was the first person KC wanted to talk to when she was arrested.

Where did you get that MW was the first one KC wanted to talk to?
I thought she was asking for TL phone number(i don't know why she would not have it since she was living with him).
The first visit was from PB and that alway has bother me, and mention of MW.
I feel there was messae there( I don't know what) why would he be the very first vistior befoe any one else. i think theses two guys need to be look :rolleyes:at more closer.
Leonard P claimed that Cindy tried to choke (the truth?) out of Casey, but I can't recall when this incident supposedly took place. Was it the night she was bonded out and came home? Was it July 15th when Cindy tracked her down and called LE? Or was it 6/15 during the fight we think occurred on Father's Day.

Here's why I'm asking--LP said KC was the belle of the ball once she came home, cooking dinner for for Robb the first night, and that her parents walked on eggs around her. (paraphrasing him, BTW). That doesn't fit with CA trying to choke her as soon as she was bonded out.

If the incident LP was talking about occurred prior to the night he bonded her out, then it's hearsay?

Here's why I'm curious: In all the newly released jail tapes, CA appears to treat KC with kid gloves and to totally buy into KC's nonsense. And yet if the choking incident occurred as soon as LP bonded her out, that really tells us something about CA's real feelings during those tapes.
Leonard P claimed that Cindy tried to choke (the truth?) out of Casey, but I can't recall when this incident supposedly took place. Was it the night she was bonded out and came home? Was it July 15th when Cindy tracked her down and called LE? Or was it 6/15 during the fight we think occurred on Father's Day.

Here's why I'm asking--LP said KC was the belle of the ball once she came home, cooking dinner for for Robb the first night, and that her parents walked on eggs around her. (paraphrasing him, BTW). That doesn't fit with CA trying to choke her as soon as she was bonded out.

If the incident LP was talking about occurred prior to the night he bonded her out, then it's hearsay?

Here's why I'm curious: In all the newly released jail tapes, CA appears to treat KC with kid gloves and to totally buy into KC's nonsense. And yet if the choking incident occurred as soon as LP bonded her out, that really tells us something about CA's real feelings during those tapes.

This fight supposedly took place 15 June.
I think the answer to this lies within Cindy's warped mind, and in the way she chose to parent Casey.

I think she was domineering and controlled Casey to within an inch of her life, and yet at the same time she enabled and fostered a sense of entitlement and superiority (the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to her) in her. I think Casey receiving those two very strong, and very conflicting messages her whole life from her mother plays a HUGE part in how screwed up she is. It turned her into a sociopathic monster. IMO.

I agree, and that is why I find it very disconcerting when I read posts full of venom and hatred for her. I believe she is involved in her toddler's death (whether it was an accident or not I don't know) but the fact is that she herself was also once an innocent baby! Whatever she is now, I don't believe she was born like it - she has evolved as the sum of her life experiences!
Leonard P claimed that Cindy tried to choke (the truth?) out of Casey, but I can't recall when this incident supposedly took place. Was it the night she was bonded out and came home? Was it July 15th when Cindy tracked her down and called LE? Or was it 6/15 during the fight we think occurred on Father's Day.

Here's why I'm asking--LP said KC was the belle of the ball once she came home, cooking dinner for for Robb the first night, and that her parents walked on eggs around her. (paraphrasing him, BTW). That doesn't fit with CA trying to choke her as soon as she was bonded out.

If the incident LP was talking about occurred prior to the night he bonded her out, then it's hearsay?

Here's why I'm curious: In all the newly released jail tapes, CA appears to treat KC with kid gloves and to totally buy into KC's nonsense. And yet if the choking incident occurred as soon as LP bonded her out, that really tells us something about CA's real feelings during those tapes.

The fight/choking incident was said to have happened on June 15, 2008
This fight supposedly took place 15 June.

Thanks, that's what I originally thought. So, now the question is, who pulled CA off of her?

And, which A family member told LP about it?

Any answers?
Thanks, that's what I originally thought. So, now the question is, who pulled CA off of her?

And, which A family member told LP about it?

Any answers?

IIRC, LA told LP about it.
As for who broke it up...I think LP said, but I can't remember. Sorry.
I agree, and that is why I find it very disconcerting when I read posts full of venom and hatred for her. I believe she is involved in her toddler's death (whether it was an accident or not I don't know) but the fact is that she herself was also once an innocent baby! Whatever she is now, I don't believe she was born like it - she has evolved as the sum of her life experiences!

There is some debate as to whether it is an inborn tendency or a learned response. I believe that family is "core evil" and nothing but evil being can come from that type of learned response.

Read the book "People of the Lie"...........
Thanks, that's what I originally thought. So, now the question is, who pulled CA off of her?

And, which A family member told LP about it?

Any answers?

I don't recall reading who, if anyone pulled CA off of KC either. Perhaps KC broke the hold or CA realized what she was doing?

I am not sure it was a fmaily member that told LP. My guess is that RG told LP. In the last doc dump, RG relates that LA told him, IIRC, during a phone call. RG has communicated quite a bit with LP, so that's my uneducated guess. (Note, I do think that the fights the neighbour reported hearing between CA and KC might be related, especially as one seems to have been on the 15th of June.)

I should add that I am on the fence on this one. I do believe that CA & KC had a very large blow-out, but if KC is the sole source that told Lee, then I am not certain that it wasn't another lie exagerrating the fight to make CA look bad to Lee. Not sure - waiting for something concrete to sway me.
There is info in the new document dump from the neighbor, Jean. He (I know I thought it should be a female spelled that way, too) says he heard two separate fights, mostly KC yelling. They were both on weekends, within the period of 15 June -- But they were both during the day. He observed them because he was outside doing yard work.
Did we already know about this find of the skeletal remains in a Volusia county cemetary?

DAYTONA BEACH -- Lured by the weed and cactus-infested grounds of Mount Ararat cemetery, local landscaper Donny Paytas decided to drive into the 6-acre resting place of many of the area's oldest families to check out the possibilities for his business.


"I found a leg bone, some ribs and a vertebrae," Paytas said Tuesday at the cemetery. "The vertebrae was pretty large."

Investigators and officers who walked among the crumbling tombstones to determine if any graves had been disturbed agreed, saying they believed the remains could be human.
Did we already know about this find of the skeletal remains in a Volusia county cemetary?

DAYTONA BEACH -- Lured by the weed and cactus-infested grounds of Mount Ararat cemetery, local landscaper Donny Paytas decided to drive into the 6-acre resting place of many of the area's oldest families to check out the possibilities for his business.


"I found a leg bone, some ribs and a vertebrae," Paytas said Tuesday at the cemetery. "The vertebrae was pretty large."

Investigators and officers who walked among the crumbling tombstones to determine if any graves had been disturbed agreed, saying they believed the remains could be human.

The article made it sound like this is a new discovery. The most disappointing part is the last sentence.

"The Volusia County Medical Examiner's Office said a report on the find would be available in about three months."
Did LE ever go inside apartment 210 at Sawgrass? I know they said it was under construction and had not been occupyed in months, but what if someone was staying there at night or coming there and using it. They could have gotten a key from the construction guys, maybe. The aprtment below was the model so no one lived there either. Since KC mentioned it she may have been trying to throw them off of her trail by getting them focused on something else that was happening. It could still lead to more evidence about what happened to Caylee. I am sure that KC must have been there for some reason. Maybe she knew how to avoid the cameras by knowing the guys doing the construction. It shouldn't take that long to renovate an apartment no matter how bad it was.
There is some debate as to whether it is an inborn tendency or a learned response. I believe that family is "core evil" and nothing but evil being can come from that type of learned response.

Read the book "People of the Lie"...........

Yes, I understand that there is a nature/nurture debate, but whatever the source or cause of such personality or behavioural traits, and even though society quite rightly requires that each of us must be held accountable for our actions, I can't help feeling that there is an element of 'there, but for the grace of God, go I', in that anyone of us could have turned out 'evil' given different circumstances, and that there is no telling what any of us may yet find ourselves guilty of in the future.

Who knows what life circumstances any of us are yet to encounter, what mental health issues we may yet experience and whether we may be caught up with, or commit, a serious crime? Can any of us really predict, with certainty, that we will never be guilty of taking another's life? We may not intend to, we may not believe we are capable of it, but it is never an absolute impossibility.

This is why I don't think we should judge others until all the facts are known, and should keep some compassion and mercy in our hearts for any other human being who may, despite their dreadful deeds, deserve just a little.
Did we already know about this find of the skeletal remains in a Volusia county cemetary?

DAYTONA BEACH -- Lured by the weed and cactus-infested grounds of Mount Ararat cemetery, local landscaper Donny Paytas decided to drive into the 6-acre resting place of many of the area's oldest families to check out the possibilities for his business.


"I found a leg bone, some ribs and a vertebrae," Paytas said Tuesday at the cemetery. "The vertebrae was pretty large."

Investigators and officers who walked among the crumbling tombstones to determine if any graves had been disturbed agreed, saying they believed the remains could be human.

As Expecting Unicorns said, news said it was a new discovery. However, the news really emphasized that this is not a rare event in this particular cemetery. It was theorized that the bones were being used by people but I don't recall if it was for rituals or what.
They definitely made it sound like these were unearthed from pre-existing legal graves.
I should probably read the article you posted. I'll put it on my list.
I have a barking avatar I need to bribe into silence.
Did LE ever go inside apartment 210 at Sawgrass? I know they said it was under construction and had not been occupyed in months, but what if someone was staying there at night or coming there and using it. They could have gotten a key from the construction guys, maybe. The aprtment below was the model so no one lived there either. Since KC mentioned it she may have been trying to throw them off of her trail by getting them focused on something else that was happening. It could still lead to more evidence about what happened to Caylee. I am sure that KC must have been there for some reason. Maybe she knew how to avoid the cameras by knowing the guys doing the construction. It shouldn't take that long to renovate an apartment no matter how bad it was.

Yes, if IIRC, LE did go into the apartment at Sawgrass.
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