Questions For Websleuthers Part 3

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This has probably been discussed before, but why did KC confess that Caylee was gone for 31 days ? Wouldn't it have been more convincing to say she went to pick her up the day before or maybe have taken them on the same ride as LE ? If she knew the apartment at SG was empty, why not take CA there and pretend to be panicked when nobody was there & that the apartment was cleaned out ?
It just seems like she could have come up with something to at least postpone her arrest.
Yes, I understand that there is a nature/nurture debate, but whatever the source or cause of such personality or behavioural traits, and even though society quite rightly requires that each of us must be held accountable for our actions, I can't help feeling that there is an element of 'there, but for the grace of God, go I', in that anyone of us could have turned out 'evil' given different circumstances, and that there is no telling what any of us may yet find ourselves guilty of in the future.

Who knows what life circumstances any of us are yet to encounter, what mental health issues we may yet experience and whether we may be caught up with, or commit, a serious crime? Can any of us really predict, with certainty, that we will never be guilty of taking another's life? We may not intend to, we may not believe we are capable of it, but it is never an absolute impossibility.

This is why I don't think we should judge others until all the facts are known, and should keep some compassion and mercy in our hearts for any other human being who may, despite their dreadful deeds, deserve just a little.
I can say WITHOUT a doubt, that I would never kill my son ! No matter what the circumstances, or loss of mental capacity.

People do find themselves in odd situations in their lives and sometimes they may do things in self defense that they wouldn't normally do, but to harm an innocent person, especially your own flesh and blood is not something that just randomly happens.
I believe that KC is a victim of having horrible, enabling parents, but she makes her own moral choices and knows right from wrong. She is not mentally incapacitated, just deranged and spoiled. I feel that if her parents hadn't enabled her so much and had sent her to juvi or prison earlier, this might have been prevented ,but who knows?
We all make our good and bad choices, and have to live or die with them.
Yes, I understand that there is a nature/nurture debate, but whatever the source or cause of such personality or behavioural traits, and even though society quite rightly requires that each of us must be held accountable for our actions, I can't help feeling that there is an element of 'there, but for the grace of God, go I', in that anyone of us could have turned out 'evil' given different circumstances, and that there is no telling what any of us may yet find ourselves guilty of in the future.

Who knows what life circumstances any of us are yet to encounter, what mental health issues we may yet experience and whether we may be caught up with, or commit, a serious crime? Can any of us really predict, with certainty, that we will never be guilty of taking another's life? We may not intend to, we may not believe we are capable of it, but it is never an absolute impossibility.

This is why I don't think we should judge others until all the facts are known, and should keep some compassion and mercy in our hearts for any other human being who may, despite their dreadful deeds, deserve just a little.
I can say WITHOUT a doubt, that I would never kill my son ! No matter what the circumstances, or loss of mental capacity.

People do find themselves in odd situations in their lives and sometimes they may do things in self defense that they wouldn't normally do, but to harm an innocent person, especially your own flesh and blood is not something that just randomly happens.
I believe that KC is a victim of having horrible, enabling parents, but she makes her own moral choices and knows right from wrong. She is not mentally incapacitated, just deranged and spoiled. I feel that if her parents hadn't enabled her so much and had sent her to juvi or prison earlier, this might have been prevented ,but who knows?
We all make our good and bad choices, and have to live or die with them.
I have wondered the same thing. At first I thought it was the incest, but it must be deeper than that.............Now that she has accused GA & Lee, maybe that makes more sense, but they are ALL afraid of her.

Funny, I see it in the exact opposite way. I see it as much more shallow rather than much more deep. I think the family is just dumb.. can't see the forest for the trees.. they've lived their entire lives this way. They treat KC like a princess just cuz they don't think things out. Have you ever witnessed a spoiled child, and wondered why the parents didn't take action? I think it's a similar thing here. I don't believe the incest theory because I see absolutely no evidence of that. KC mentioned Lee tried to sleep with her, but there's so much more evidence of KC lying than anything else.

It seemed like at one time CA ventured out of her comfort zone of believing everything KC rammed down her throat.. during that first jail conversation when she said "sweetheard you've been lying to everyone.. is it my fault you're in jail?" But that was an uncomfortable place for CA so she ran right back to the "KC's a great mother" mindset.
Funny, I see it in the exact opposite way. I see it as much more shallow rather than much more deep. I think the family is just dumb.. can't see the forest for the trees.. they've lived their entire lives this way. They treat KC like a princess just cuz they don't think things out. Have you ever witnessed a spoiled child, and wondered why the parents didn't take action? I think it's a similar thing here. I don't believe the incest theory because I see absolutely no evidence of that. KC mentioned Lee tried to sleep with her, but there's so much more evidence of KC lying than anything else.

It seemed like at one time CA ventured out of her comfort zone of believing everything KC rammed down her throat.. during that first jail conversation when she said "sweetheard you've been lying to everyone.. is it my fault you're in jail?" But that was an uncomfortable place for CA so she ran right back to the "KC's a great mother" mindset.

:clap::clap:--oh weren't those the days.....

I think what we are trying is to find something, anything to make sense of this senseless murder..or family of lies/deception and whatever else lies within....perhaps they need a medium at this point.....who knows! I don't think we will ever find justification or any common reasoning for this horrendous act---sadly they proclaim loudly how intelligent they are--yet fail ----

This has probably been discussed before, but why did KC confess that Caylee was gone for 31 days ? Wouldn't it have been more convincing to say she went to pick her up the day before or maybe have taken them on the same ride as LE ? If she knew the apartment at SG was empty, why not take CA there and pretend to be panicked when nobody was there & that the apartment was cleaned out ?
It just seems like she could have come up with something to at least postpone her arrest.

It makes zero sense. I agree, she should have said Caylee had just been kidnapped and then turned on the water works.
I apologize if this has been asked previously, but does anyone know if Orange County automatically conducts standard blood tests on every inmate that is incarcerated in their facility?

Thank you in advance.
Funny, I see it in the exact opposite way. I see it as much more shallow rather than much more deep. I think the family is just dumb.. can't see the forest for the trees.. they've lived their entire lives this way. They treat KC like a princess just cuz they don't think things out. Have you ever witnessed a spoiled child, and wondered why the parents didn't take action? I think it's a similar thing here. I don't believe the incest theory because I see absolutely no evidence of that. KC mentioned Lee tried to sleep with her, but there's so much more evidence of KC lying than anything else.

It seemed like at one time CA ventured out of her comfort zone of believing everything KC rammed down her throat.. during that first jail conversation when she said "sweetheard you've been lying to everyone.. is it my fault you're in jail?" But that was an uncomfortable place for CA so she ran right back to the "KC's a great mother" mindset.

That is lazy, spineless parenting, taking the easy way out. It's HARD to be a good parent, because it requires you to be the bad guy at times, it requires you to say NO (and mean it!), and it requires you to set limits and boundaries and ENFORCE them when the child pushes them. Letting a child do what they want, when they want, and wanting to be their friend more than their parent will RUIN that child, and to me it almost borders on abuse.
That is lazy, spineless parenting, taking the easy way out. It's HARD to be a good parent, because it requires you to be the bad guy at times, it requires you to say NO (and mean it!), and it requires you to set limits and boundaries and ENFORCE them when the child pushes them. Letting a child do what they want, when they want, and wanting to be their friend more than their parent will RUIN that child, and to me it almost borders on abuse.
Unless you have a child that is within the spectrum of Autism. It is difficult for people to understand when others see a meltdown in public and they are very quick to judge you as being "lazy and spineless" or a bad parent. Just saying....
Can any of us really predict, with certainty, that we will never be guilty of taking another's life?
Yes, I believe I can. I suppose that most of us are capable of mustering up resources we don't know we have for self-defense or defending our loved ones. But I can say, with absolute certainty, that I will never be guilty of taking another's life.

That is not to say that I haven't, or won't again, find myself involved with people fully capable of causing harm to others; I was raised by a sociopath and have another sociopath in my family. It's my belief that this personality disorder is inborn.
I can say WITHOUT a doubt, that I would never kill my son ! No matter what the circumstances, or loss of mental capacity.

People do find themselves in odd situations in their lives and sometimes they may do things in self defense that they wouldn't normally do, but to harm an innocent person, especially your own flesh and blood is not something that just randomly happens.
I believe that KC is a victim of having horrible, enabling parents, but she makes her own moral choices and knows right from wrong. She is not mentally incapacitated, just deranged and spoiled. I feel that if her parents hadn't enabled her so much and had sent her to juvi or prison earlier, this might have been prevented ,but who knows?
We all make our good and bad choices, and have to live or die with them.

I have had foster children with Fetal Alchol Syndrome.Before birth the alcohol damages the area of the brain that controls impulses. These kids [and adults] act before they think.The "screen" that would say "really bad idea" just doesn't work.
That's just one example of a physical reason for people's behaviors.Someone who experiences head trauma in an accident can have the same thing happen.
They still need to be held accountable. We must have a civil society.But we can have some understanding,too.
Had Caylee grown up in this family she may have turned out just like KC.
Unless you have a child that is within the spectrum of Autism. It is difficult for people to understand when others see a meltdown in public and they are very quick to judge you as being "lazy and spineless" or a bad parent. Just saying....


not giving Cindy a pass,though.
No, definitely not giving Cindy a pass.

Welcome to WS, MissJames! :)

Thanks! I've been here every day .Finally got the nerve to ask for admittance,even with my banned e-mail address.
The work that goes on here is amazing.

ps in sig that is our Autism service dog.....don't leave home without him!
Yes, I believe I can. I suppose that most of us are capable of mustering up resources we don't know we have for self-defense or defending our loved ones. But I can say, with absolute certainty, that I will never be guilty of taking another's life.

That is not to say that I haven't, or won't again, find myself involved with people fully capable of causing harm to others; I was raised by a sociopath and have another sociopath in my family. It's my belief that this personality disorder is inborn.

I think it is easy to say this when we are calm, rational, not suffering any disease of the mind and not experiencing extreme emotional turmoil, but I certainly couldn't state as a fact that I will NEVER take another's life.

I don't know if I will ever be mentally ill, or consumed with emotions so powerful that they momentarily override conscience or reason. There are many people who have killed in circumstances that are loosely called 'crimes of passion' who were otherwise gentle, well-adjusted individuals who would never have imagined that they could do such a thing.
I think it is easy to say this when we are calm, rational, not suffering any disease of the mind and not experiencing extreme emotional turmoil, but I certainly couldn't state as a fact that I will NEVER take another's life.

I don't know if I will ever be mentally ill, or consumed with emotions so powerful that they momentarily override conscience or reason. There are many people who have killed in circumstances that are loosely called 'crimes of passion' who were otherwise gentle, well-adjusted individuals who would never have imagined that they could do such a thing.

An impulsive moment in time can ruin the rest of your life,and cause suffering to those around you.
I feel like we are off track here,though.The dysfunction of this family seems to go back a ways. Because of the computer searches we can't really say this was probably an impulsive act.
Do we know any more about all the police visits to the Anthoney's home prior to Caylee missing?
Yes, we have all that information about the prior calls to LE...but not sure where! I believe it was discussed very early on in the general threads.

Nothing stood out, IIRC. They were loud family arguments, one stolen car (back in '03 I think), the stolen gas cans from the 24th, and the like.
This has probably been discussed before, but why did KC confess that Caylee was gone for 31 days ? Wouldn't it have been more convincing to say she went to pick her up the day before or maybe have taken them on the same ride as LE ? If she knew the apartment at SG was empty, why not take CA there and pretend to be panicked when nobody was there & that the apartment was cleaned out ?
It just seems like she could have come up with something to at least postpone her arrest.
I think about this all of the time. This is why so many of us think it just not as simple as it may be. Maybe KC was caught off guard and could not remember her plan or just hadn't bothered to come up with one. Why? She had a whole month! She knew she couldn't keep this up forever. Maybe a part of her didn't really care if she was caught. She denyed her pregnancy untill she no longer could even though it was so obvious to everybody. No one held her accountable for lying about that. She also lied to LE all the way up to universal studios. She had to know that wasn't going to work. Maybe she feels she has nothing else to lose so there is no reason to tell the truth.
I just wanted to say thankyou seriouslysearching for helping me on the Nancy Grace thread and getting me started on finding out more on this little girls case.I will probably go to Nancy Graces thread and follow it there and here.You are very nice.
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