Questions I Have Not Found Answers To

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nothing on Google except for posts here and a topix thread where people were arguing about patsy abusing jonBenet with hair color . That's it.
I don't recall the statement being attributed to Dr. Meyer before, but I haven't been around long. & I haven't found a source via google or ACR.
i've never seen that statement by meyer either... and i couldn't find a reference to him saying so on ACR (or anywhere on the internet for that matter).

i did find the below link, where it looks like a random blogger asserts it...


RDI's-- if i'm not reading the correct sections of ACR, hopefully someone will show us all where meyer says this... i found several posts in several threads over the years where this is asserted, but no link was ever given -that i saw- to back it up... :confused:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Paint tote[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - A new look at RDI theories[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Here's that infamous "red jumpsuit"[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Were there floor jacks in the Ramsey basement?[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Christmas photos[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon[/ame]
i've never seen that statement by meyer either... and i couldn't find a reference to him saying so on ACR (or anywhere on the internet for that matter).

i did find the below link, where it looks like a random blogger asserts it...


RDI's-- if i'm not reading the correct sections of ACR, hopefully someone will show us all where meyer says this... i found several posts in several threads over the years where this is asserted, but no link was ever given -that i saw- to back it up... :confused:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Paint tote

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - A new look at RDI theories

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Here's that infamous "red jumpsuit"

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Were there floor jacks in the Ramsey basement?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Christmas photos

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon
Thank you for your help. Maybe some interpreted this statement (1st link above) as having come directly from Meyer:

"A view of JonBenét's back; hair appears freshly (evenly) colored. In the Christmas morning photo it appears she needs a touch up. That of course, could also just be the lighting."
It does look freshly colored underneath with the individual small strands highlighted. I think it was heavily highlighted with bleach on top, then toned with various colors depending on Patsy's themes. Bleck.
Thank you for your help. Maybe some interpreted this statement (1st link above) as having come directly from Meyer:

"A view of JonBenét's back; hair appears freshly (evenly) colored. In the Christmas morning photo it appears she needs a touch up. That of course, could also just be the lighting."

yw :)

i don't know how that could be attributed to meyer though ???

i wish the poster who consistently asserted meyer made this statement would respond in here...
At the risk of crashing the salon, I want to ask about something else I've never seen an answer for. In one of the interviews (suspects are taken in for questioning; the Rams have interviews), JR describes finding JBR, seeing the cords digging into her wrists, working frantically to untie the tight knots.....

So, first....What was he smoking? The cords weren't digging into JBR's wrists; the knots weren't tight; he didn't try to undo them. In his shock and fatigue, did JR wander off into a script for a discarded scenario? Was he delusional, reinventing the discovery scene with himself as the tragic hero? Getting in touch with his inner Harrison Ford? Flat out lying?

And second, was he questioned about his bizarre statements? Did anyone happen to mention that they had no basis in reality? Was JR held to account for them in any way?

I'd love to learn more about this and hear your thoughts on it.
No, the bed wasn't made. It looked like this:

At the risk of crashing the salon, I want to ask about something else I've never seen an answer for. In one of the interviews (suspects are taken in for questioning; the Rams have interviews), JR describes finding JBR, seeing the cords digging into her wrists, working frantically to untie the tight knots.....

So, first....What was he smoking? The cords weren't digging into JBR's wrists; the knots weren't tight; he didn't try to undo them. In his shock and fatigue, did JR wander off into a script for a discarded scenario? Was he delusional, reinventing the discovery scene with himself as the tragic hero? Getting in touch with his inner Harrison Ford? Flat out lying?

And second, was he questioned about his bizarre statements? Did anyone happen to mention that they had no basis in reality? Was JR held to account for them in any way?

I'd love to learn more about this and hear your thoughts on it.

Is JR delusional? Hmmm. He did have to review the RN on his hands and knees in his underwear. There was a story he told about having to take off his suit (down to his skivvies?) and break the basement window to get in the home since he didn’t have a key and PR was gone. Then there’s the Atlanta break-in on ACR. This was from JR’s interview with the police:

“I tried to take one of the bags form him. He would not release it. I told him I was going to call the police. I turned around to go to the phone. He grabbed me from behind around the neck. He said "Are you going to let me go". We scuffled for four to five minutes. I was trying to get free and get out of the front door, because we were in front of the house. I did get the door opened, but was unable to break free to get out.

“At that point I realized that I needed to let him have his way so that he would leave. During the struggle, the socks that he was wearing on his hands, came off, but he was quick to put them back on.** He put my arm behind my back, grabbed my collar and pushed me into the first floor bath and told me he would not hurt me if I stayed in there.

“He tied the door closed with one of my coats which was lying near by. He questioned me about when my wife was coming back. Asked me where there was more money and jewelry in the house. I told him there was none. He asked me that a couple more times. During the struggle he had taken my wallet. . .”

Not meaning to put out there any exceptionally picturesque images from JR’s life. I always think, hey, ya couldn’t make this stuff up. . .wait a minute. . . .? moo

** Was JR just standing there waiting for the burglar to put the socks back on his hands?
At the risk of crashing the salon, I want to ask about something else I've never seen an answer for. In one of the interviews (suspects are taken in for questioning; the Rams have interviews), JR describes finding JBR, seeing the cords digging into her wrists, working frantically to untie the tight knots.....

So, first....What was he smoking? The cords weren't digging into JBR's wrists; the knots weren't tight; he didn't try to undo them. In his shock and fatigue, did JR wander off into a script for a discarded scenario? Was he delusional, reinventing the discovery scene with himself as the tragic hero? Getting in touch with his inner Harrison Ford? Flat out lying?

And second, was he questioned about his bizarre statements? Did anyone happen to mention that they had no basis in reality? Was JR held to account for them in any way?

I'd love to learn more about this and hear your thoughts on it.

Boy does this open up a :worms:for me! IMO, the most glaring problem with messing up the investigation of JBR's murder was the fact that both parents were not asked to go to the police station immediately, then separated and questioned. :facepalm: By homicide detectives imported from Denver, if necessary, since we know that several of the Boulder LE officers were tied up in a meeting that day with AH, and perhaps others were not available due to holiday leave.

By the time JR sat down in interviews, he had gathered a vicious team of legal watchdogs and had them at his elbow. So had Patsy. Any time there was an attempt to really dig into anything specific, as soon as the question was fielded, if one of the R's didn't respond with some indignant retort, one of the watchdogs ran interference and shut things down. Without an arrest, LE had to tread very carefully in posing anything that the attorneys could have used later to get the charges dropped or thrown out of court by claiming the cops were badgering or coercing their clients, or considering them "guilty" before being proven innocent.

If you want to see how clever JR is at making himself the picture of perfection in everything related to the time between the Ramseys leaving the White's house on Dec. 25 until they laid JB to rest....(and even after that), grit your teeth and read his book, "The Other Side of Suffering". If you get through it to the end when he relates his humble (gag, choke) experience as a missionary at the child prostitution teaching compound in India, AND you keep in mind that there was no evidence whatsoever of an Intruder killing JBR, I have to believe you will have read several clues straight from him about his true state of mind regarding his "beautiful girls". His quote.

The best gathering of interviews with the R's, IMO, is in "Jon Benet, the Police Files". Very affordable as a used book on Amazon, and a good way to see how many times the R's dodged questions by probably all the techniques you mentioned above (BBM) carefully assisted by their legal team.

If ever the Boulder Police department should try to get JR in for questioning again, it is now.....since we know about the GJ, he's written a book "leaking" tells about himself :)moo:) and the anniversary of JB's death is upon us once again.

From my heart, I offer this prayer today: Lord, in your grace this season of peace, I pray you guide someone to begin a path of true discovery for the justice deserved by your sweet, beautiful creation - JonBenet Ramsey. Amen.
Mayer made comments at the autopsy to the police who were present (Dets Arndt and Trujillo) that he did NOT put in the written report. These comments, such as the one about the digital penetration, would likely have been recorded and written as his notes. Mayer commented that he fully expected there to be a trial and that he might be called to testify and these things would be addressed at that time.
We already know as fact that some of his procedures were certainly not professional. Using dirty clippers on the nails of a child murder victim is so unprofessional that I cannot see how he kept his job after that. Using clippers on various bodies without sterilizing them is bad enough, but I cannot believe he didn't know better when it came to a murder case.
This has to be Forensics 101.
One of the reasons why some things would not be in the written (official) report is that the coroner's job is to report his findings, not to solve the crime. That is why he describes "yellow metal cross, ring, bracelet" instead of 14K gold. The items APPEAR to be yellow metal, and further tests are needed to determine if that yellow metal is 14K gold. Same for the pineapple. He noted "fragments" of a materiel that "may represent" pineapple. Of course, it was tested and found to actually be pineapple, but at first look, he has to say "MAY BE" pending those further tests.
Agreed, DeeDee. And to support the comment coming from the coroner about JB's hair being freshly's hard to recollect every single actual source we read with information about JB's death. I've read so much now, as has our excellent poster DeeDee, (and her for more years of intense case involvement than me) that I strictly have to rely on my memory of facts that are important to the case being validated by a reliable source, or I don't "register" them in my mental case file.

What I seem to recall about the haircoloring comment is Meyer making that observation to someone of authority about the case during his initial examination, and while it was an accurate observation, it most likely didn't warrant recording because of lack of scientific or visual proof of actual haircoloring being present. As a former licensed hairdresser, I can confidently say that a good one can make hair color changes on anyone that will make anyone wonder if it is real or fake, and that without a clear indication of solid "roots", as in an allover complete color job, there is no absolute way to determine if hair is naturally or artificially sunstreaked, as it was in JB's hair at the time of her death without testing hairs for chemicals. Though by looking at the base of the hair roots carefully in a streaking application, a trained observer (such as a coroner) would recognize where the chemical application could have been applied. I can easily accept the coroner would comment that her hair had been freshly colored....and by freshly, I mean within a week or so, but would be unable to certify it in an AR without a chemical confirmation. The photos alone would have been enough to document her hair color, and that was necessity.
Mayer made comments at the autopsy to the police who were present (Dets Arndt and Trujillo) that he did NOT put in the written report. These comments, such as the one about the digital penetration, would likely have been recorded and written as his notes. Mayer commented that he fully expected there to be a trial and that he might be called to testify and these things would be addressed at that time.
We already know as fact that some of his procedures were certainly not professional. Using dirty clippers on the nails of a child murder victim is so unprofessional that I cannot see how he kept his job after that. Using clippers on various bodies without sterilizing them is bad enough, but I cannot believe he didn't know better when it came to a murder case.
This has to be Forensics 101.
One of the reasons why some things would not be in the written (official) report is that the coroner's job is to report his findings, not to solve the crime. That is why he describes "yellow metal cross, ring, bracelet" instead of 14K gold. The items APPEAR to be yellow metal, and further tests are needed to determine if that yellow metal is 14K gold. Same for the pineapple. He noted "fragments" of a materiel that "may represent" pineapple. Of course, it was tested and found to actually be pineapple, but at first look, he has to say "MAY BE" pending those further tests.
DD, that is the best analogy I have ever seen in explaining the job of the coroner in doing the autopsy. I agree that some (many, actually) of his acts are at least questionable or dubious -- at most, they are unprofessional. He violated several standard procedures that have muddied the waters in determining the reliability of evidence collected from the body a homicide victim. But as you state, his job is to report what he sees (yellow metal instead of gold, "yellow to light green-tan apparent vegetable or fruit material which may represent fragments of pineapple" instead of "pineapple", fluoresced areas under a black-light instead of semen or blood, "birefringent foreign material" instead of wood fragments or talc or varnish or whatever). Much of what a medical examiner sees has to be tested before it can be confirmed. The results of those tests are not part of the AR and have never been publicly released, except for the accounts of investigators who have spoken or written about them.
Mayer made comments at the autopsy to the police who were present (Dets Arndt and Trujillo) that he did NOT put in the written report.

but in 4 or 5 of the comments made about this remark --which i linked above earlier-- you said this was mentioned in the autopsy report... now it wasn't?
Was Meyer ever reprimanded &/or punished for violating standard protocol such as employing the use of non-sterile instruments?
Surely the media would have reported any infractions, including the habitual use of non-sterile instruments as was asserted by ST, especially given the attention this case draws. Has this issue been addressed by any LE official before or since the autopsy performed in this case?
Was Meyer ever reprimanded &/or punished for violating standard protocol such as employing the use of non-sterile instruments?

Not that I have ever seen publicly. As far as I am concerned, it would have been cause to have him removed. In some places, a coroner is an elected position, in others it is an appointed position. If Mayer was elected, there may have had to be a recall, but either way, his sloppiness was such a breach of his duty that it is unthinkable that he received no reprimand.
I would have hoped that had this case gone to trial that his disregard for proper procedure would have been addressed on the witness stand. But then again, the person who would be questioning him would be the DA, AH. And his back-door deals and breach of protocol and outright lies cost this little girl her justice. The coroner and the DA were the two worst things to happen to this case.
I often find myself wondering about BR. For 17 years we've learned little to nothing about him. Does anyone else think that's odd?

Does anyone ever speak or write about him? Is BR so well liked and respected that his friends support and protect him? Maybe he has no friendships and is an introvert and an isolationist? What about business associates?

How could he keep such a low profile?

All I really know for sure about BR is that he graduated from Purdue in 2010. He supposedly has a girlfriend and a job in the high-tech industry. On FB, he appears youthful.
I often find myself wondering about BR. For 17 years we've learned little to nothing about him. Does anyone else think that's odd?

Does anyone ever speak or write about him? Is BR so well liked and respected that his friends support and protect him? Maybe he has no friendships and is an introvert and an isolationist? What about business associates?

How could he keep such a low profile?

All I really know for sure about BR is that he graduated from Purdue in 2010. He supposedly has a girlfriend and a job in the high-tech industry. On FB, he appears youthful.

I don't think it's odd. How would we even learn anything about him? Who would people who know him talk to? And why would we expect his friends to be the ones to tell everyone details about him? They wouldn't be his friends then. For all we know, people have talked about him, but on some forum they frequent (maybe there was a thread like "Do you know anyone famous?" blah blah and they commented). Just because they aren't running to the tabloids or posting it on here, doesn't mean no one has ever brought him up. But I think it's most likely he just seems like a normal guy, and that's why no one says about anything about him.
but in 4 or 5 of the comments made about this remark --which i linked above earlier-- you said this was mentioned in the autopsy report... now it wasn't?

On the very last page, last paragraph of the AR it is mentioned that head hairs (amongst other things) from the decedent were collected and sent to the BPD for further testing. Perhaps that is where the "idea" that the AR confirmed JB's hair was dyed came from. If the crime lab did microscopically look at those hairs, they'd know immediately whether the hair was color treated or not.

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