Questions I Have Not Found Answers To

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I just had a thought, the ransom note had Victory! at the end; could it possible be connected to a "V" on her hand? As a staging?

The coroner and Patsy referred to the drawing on her hand as a heart, not a V, though it looks like different things to different people. Some see a heart, some see a V, some see a smily face.
I had read long ago that Patsy used to draw a heart on her hand and say "My heart is in your hands".
I'm in the middle of the book PMPT, and have come across some questions. (Will add more later)

JR states that he carried her up to her room and read to her, PR says she sang her a lullaby- but if she was asleep when they got home and didn't wake up, did they read/sing to her while she was asleep?
I'm in the middle of the book PMPT, and have come across some questions. (Will add more later)

JR states that he carried her up to her room and read to her, PR says she sang her a lullaby- but if she was asleep when they got home and didn't wake up, did they read/sing to her while she was asleep?

I know thats the R's for you. PMPT was written using incomplete information and excerpts from interviews that were not to be regarded as verbatim accounts.

The R's first attempt at a version of events reflects the average family expectation.

Once the inconsistencies were obvious they backtracked and offered another version. Patsy and the red turtleneck is well noted.

You left out PR putting longjohns on JonBenet who never woke up and Patsy never noticed if JonBenet was wearing size-12's duh!

I know thats the R's for you. PMPT was written using incomplete information and excerpts from interviews that were not to be regarded as verbatim accounts.

The R's first attempt at a version of events reflects the average family expectation.

Once the inconsistencies were obvious they backtracked and offered another version. Patsy and the red turtleneck is well noted.

You left out PR putting longjohns on JonBenet who never woke up and Patsy never noticed if JonBenet was wearing size-12's duh!


I haven't gotten that far yet. I got the book used, I was looking for the Kolar book, but they didn't have it so I picked this one up. I thought it would be an ok book- but you're right, it kind of lacks.
I haven't gotten that far yet. I got the book used, I was looking for the Kolar book, but they didn't have it so I picked this one up. I thought it would be an ok book- but you're right, it kind of lacks.

Personally I think the book is written as a pop song might be written. The author /songwriter has a modus operandi which is applied to the subject material, resulting in the faux news reporting style, e.g. bold headlines followed by personal accounts,

PMPT is good for illustrating how the R's evolved their game plan, since much of PMPT contains R promotional material particularly that of Lou Smit.

Its an open question whether the R's hoodwinked Lou Smit regarding their Christian credentials or whether the R's status as millionares exerted an undue influence?

The Rs cooperated with Schiller for the book and movie. Enough said.
I'd like to add something about the Ramseys not giving statements on the 26th vs Ramseys claims they did. I'd guess John and Patsy were questioned when police arrived and I'd say they did their best to answer, however, I'd also guess the questions concerned the apparent kidnapping.

It was after JonBenet's body was found and the case became a homicide that they no longer wanted to answer questions. They were too distraught ... for months ... to answer questions concerning JonBenet's death.
@renah I was new to the forum when I started this thread, and I just left it open to anyone since there are bound to be many newcomers as well as longtime members who have questions that are not as popular. I don't own the thread, so anyone with nagging questions you feel there's nowhere else to ask, you are free to use this thread.
After all this time and investigation, I still can't figure out why the R's lied about the pineapple, the heart on JBR's hand, BR being awake during the 911 call or whether JBR was awake or asleep when they got back home. None of these appear material to me given all we know now.
After all this time and investigation, I still can't figure out why the R's lied about the pineapple, the heart on JBR's hand, BR being awake during the 911 call or whether JBR was awake or asleep when they got back home. None of these appear material to me given all we know now.

Pretty simple:

a) They thought they might somehow deceive someone into believing they had no responsibility for her murder, or
b) They believed themselves and thought they could convince someone else an intruder was responsible for her death.

Finally, they had no idea how ludicrous it seemed to anyone looking closely at the case that neither of the above aspects might have credence with most people.
This is the simplest of questions and yet it's answer lies at the heart of what happened to JBR:

Why parade your very young daughter around in wigs and bleached hair/teeth, lipstick, makeup, false eyelashes, mandate dance/talent lessons, ridiculous sequined outfits, surround her with possibly nefarious types (photographers/pageant wackos)........


....and herein lies the rub......
This is the simplest of questions and yet it's answer lies at the heart of what happened to JBR:

Why parade your very young daughter around in wigs and bleached hair/teeth, lipstick, makeup, false eyelashes, mandate dance/talent lessons, ridiculous sequined outfits, surround her with possibly nefarious types (photographers/pageant wackos)........


....and herein lies the rub......

To relive your "glory" days vicariously through your daughter?
This is the simplest of questions and yet it's answer lies at the heart of what happened to JBR:

Why parade your very young daughter around in wigs and bleached hair/teeth, lipstick, makeup, false eyelashes, mandate dance/talent lessons, ridiculous sequined outfits, surround her with possibly nefarious types (photographers/pageant wackos)........


....and herein lies the rub......

I don't know if the pageant thing has anything to do with the murder. But many people get a thrill and satisfaction from being the parent of a "star". Whether is is beauty, talent, brains or whatever. Classic stage parent who basks in the reflected light of their children to an unnatural degree.
This is the simplest of questions and yet it's answer lies at the heart of what happened to JBR:

Why parade your very young daughter around in wigs and bleached hair/teeth, lipstick, makeup, false eyelashes, mandate dance/talent lessons, ridiculous sequined outfits, surround her with possibly nefarious types (photographers/pageant wackos)........


....and herein lies the rub......

mmm, well you obviously do it because mommy did it when she was a girl, and her momma is telling her thats how we refine our attraction factor skills.

Then there is another theory that cannot be published due to litigation concerns, but relates directly to the pageant nexus and why JonBenet rose so quickly attaining medals and trophies effortlessly. Mindful of this JonBenet gave away some of her pageant awards.

So did JonBenet have secrets to keep, i.e. Momma says just me and you know, e.g. its a special relationship?

Is this what broke down on 12/25/2006 did JonBenet collapse under the pressure of keeping stuff private, was this the clue PR did not want us to understand, i.e. the red turtleneck?

Was JonBenet saying to PR I want to wear what I like not what you say other people might like?

I don't know if the pageant thing has anything to do with the murder. But many people get a thrill and satisfaction from being the parent of a "star". Whether is is beauty, talent, brains or whatever. Classic stage parent who basks in the reflected light of their children to an unnatural degree.

IMO, they were sexualizing their young daughter. My question was rhetorical, really.

mmm, well you obviously do it because mommy did it when she was a girl, and her momma is telling her thats how we refine our attraction factor skills.

Then there is another theory that cannot be published due to litigation concerns, but relates directly to the pageant nexus and why JonBenet rose so quickly attaining medals and trophies effortlessly. Mindful of this JonBenet gave away some of her pageant awards.

So did JonBenet have secrets to keep, i.e. Momma says just me and you know, e.g. its a special relationship?

Is this what broke down on 12/25/2006 did JonBenet collapse under the pressure of keeping stuff private, was this the clue PR did not want us to understand, i.e. the red turtleneck?

Was JonBenet saying to PR I want to wear what I like not what you say other people might like?


Thank you, and *bingo* UK Guy.
This is the simplest of questions and yet it's answer lies at the heart of what happened to JBR:

Why parade your very young daughter around in wigs and bleached hair/teeth, lipstick, makeup, false eyelashes, mandate dance/talent lessons, ridiculous sequined outfits, surround her with possibly nefarious types (photographers/pageant wackos)........


....and herein lies the rub......

This is something I do not get. I have watched many of these shows on these pageants and why people make their little girls look so grown up and parade them around is beyond me. I would NEVER do that and never would have allowed my dd to participate in such a thing..

That being said. It is something that certain people do with their kids that is part of their culture. I don't get it. But I also don't live in that kind of town. I don't see it as normal or necessary and frankly find it odd and way way over the top.

What I believe about the pageants is that they left JBR exposed to people who would do her harm. That there is a certain element of pedophile that would be lurking looking for someone to get close to.

I just can not imagine dressing my dd up like that and having her parade around and shake her stuff for the world to see.
This is something I do not get. I have watched many of these shows on these pageants and why people make their little girls look so grown up and parade them around is beyond me. I would NEVER do that and never would have allowed my dd to participate in such a thing..

That being said. It is something that certain people do with their kids that is part of their culture. I don't get it. But I also don't live in that kind of town. I don't see it as normal or necessary and frankly find it odd and way way over the top.

What I believe about the pageants is that they left JBR exposed to people who would do her harm. That there is a certain element of pedophile that would be lurking looking for someone to get close to.

I just can not imagine dressing my dd up like that and having her parade around and shake her stuff for the world to see.

Yet Patsy Ramsey wife of a multi millionare did such a thing, she taught JonBenet how to shake her stuff so the judges became excited.

Why so?

Yet Patsy Ramsey wife of a multi millionare did such a thing, she taught JonBenet how to shake her stuff so the judges became excited.

Why so?


I don't think of it that way. Those pageants are just not my thing as I have said before.. But I know that in certain places in the country especially the south they are the end all be all to some little girls and their mamas.

I don't think that PR did it to put JBR on display for the crazies..

This is something I was thinking about the other day.. NOW we all look for pedophiles. With Megans law and the news we all know way more about pedophiles and the horror and that they are lurking kind of all over these days..

But back then, that was not a big thing. In the 90's when I had a little girl I did not have the same worries I have now that I have small ones. It just was not out there as much until this case. The pageant thing, while part of the south, was not a big blown up reality show. So they basically had small venues and it was kind of a closed culture.

I don't think we can examine all things in this case with a mind of 2013. I think we need to go back to 1996 and bounce things of that time.
I think a lot of it makes more sense that way.
I don't think of it that way. Those pageants are just not my thing as I have said before.. But I know that in certain places in the country especially the south they are the end all be all to some little girls and their mamas.

I don't think that PR did it to put JBR on display for the crazies..

This is something I was thinking about the other day.. NOW we all look for pedophiles. With Megans law and the news we all know way more about pedophiles and the horror and that they are lurking kind of all over these days..

But back then, that was not a big thing. In the 90's when I had a little girl I did not have the same worries I have now that I have small ones. It just was not out there as much until this case. The pageant thing, while part of the south, was not a big blown up reality show. So they basically had small venues and it was kind of a closed culture.

I don't think we can examine all things in this case with a mind of 2013. I think we need to go back to 1996 and bounce things of that time.
I think a lot of it makes more sense that way.


I do remember seeing this pic all over magazine covers way back when and the very first thought (gut reaction) was "what was this mother doing to her child"......?

....and the very second thought was the sadness that showed in JBR's eyes. They are lifeless. Who robbed the life out of her?

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