Ramsey Case Experiences

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SuperDave said:
Yes, I think that was parker.

Narlacat, what did he say?

All I know was I sent Mr. Kane a LONG list of questions. This was quite a while ago. I've always beat myself up over the fact that I never made copies of those questions, damn it! They were GOOD questions, though, ! know that.
Well, for starters he didn't know who I was talking about when I mentioned DS, had to more or less spell it out for him.
I actually thought that was a bit odd, I mean here's a guy that was right in the midst of the case and he didn't remember DS :confused:
Maybe he did, and maybe he didn't, I don't know.

Also, he confirmed there was alot of stuff the public didn't know, but wouldnt say what...of course lol, but I thought I'd try!
Yeah, it didn't go anywhere.
It degenerated into him wanting to know all about Oz!
Kept trying to keep him on track, but he was pretty tight lipped about anything case related.
Camper said:
I am a quick drive to Estes Park.

Here is a link for the Saudi Prince.


56,000 Sq Ft, lotsa extras. I find this rather disgusting.
One of us needs to start a separate forum thread. Not me I am leaving for the east coast Sat AM. Back in August.


Have a great trip!

Interesting stuff. 56,000 seems rather a waste to me. We're looking for something the size of his guard shack.

We take the Estes paper, and it's really grown a lot since my family first started going there (back in the early 60's). I almost think we need to get out of Estes a bit. We hate all that traffic and things like that.
Jayelles said:
Not with the Ramsey. I have Ramsay relatives (note the spelling) - it's a Scottish name so it's conceivable that I have common ancestors to JR.

Husband has met John Douglas. We're far removed from it all over here. Most people don't know who the Ramseys are.

Odd - I was just last week asked for a copy of my analysis of the ransom note to be used to teach English, I think it was in NewCastle, because it would grab a lot of interest. That suggested to me that most people on your side of the pond DO know who the Ramseys are. ;)
I've been to see the house. Like someone said, and I've posted before, the houses are VERY close to one another. If a neighbor said he/she saw strange lights in the R's kitchen, then that is very believable because of the close proximity. And Mr. Barnhill saying he saw JAR..that is very believable, too, because the Barnhill house is across the street and the streets are narrow. That was so surprising to me, because all the news footage and pictures make it appear that there is much distance between them all. Wrong!

I've never met any of the Ramseys. I did meet and correspond with a woman who lives in the Boulder neighborhood where the R's lived.

I've also corresponded with someone on the forums who I strongly believe to be a case player. He/she had inside info and is pro-R.

I met an FBI agent from Calif. who gave me some info that wasn't public at the time, but was later made public.

It only makes sense to me that some people close to the Rs, close to the case, would read the forums. I certainly would.
Nehemiah said:
And Mr. Barnhill saying he saw JAR..that is very believable, too, because the Barnhill house is across the street and the streets are narrow.
I've always wondered just how closely they checked the ATM photo and verified the stories of whoever his companions were that night. So much of the investigation was done so poorly, it wouldn't surprise any of us if this was done poorly as well.
There are a couple of other things about JAR which bother me. One is the fact that JR hired counsel for Lucinda. It could be because JR did not want Lucinda to be seen as a possible suspect. Another reason could be so that she would not have to answer any questions about JAR, if she knew anything, but they would have to go through her attorney.

The other thing is the fact that according to the CBI report, there were fibers on the items in the suitcase which are said to match fibers found on JBR. And of course, JAR's semen is on the blanket. That would be a normal finding on any blanket used by a healthy young male, and I wouldn't think anything of it except for the fact that there are those matching fibers. The FBI report contradicts the CBI report, and they concluded that the fibers don't match the items on the blanket or anything else found in the house, so here are yet more professionals in disagreement on the same evidence.
twilight said:
Odd - I was just last week asked for a copy of my analysis of the ransom note to be used to teach English, I think it was in NewCastle, because it would grab a lot of interest. That suggested to me that most people on your side of the pond DO know who the Ramseys are. ;)


Yeah, Yeah , Yeah Even I've heard of Gordon Ramsey! ;)

Jayelles said:
The purpose of this thread is just idle curiosity. I want to know what, if any personal experiences our members have had regarding the Ramsey case. For example:-

1) Have you met the Ramseys?
2) Did you know Jonbenet?
3) Have you met or do you know anyone else connected to the case?
4) Have you been to see the Boulder House?

I don't know where to begin...

dshadow said:
I don't know where to begin...


Well Toast, you have more information than many of us. I remember a while back you worried me, I think I'm over it, lol. You wouldn't answer the "why" of your early post in early 1997 at alt.truecrime...was written like this...How did access graphics link to "organizations"...?? Did they sponsor your efforts?

Of course you know this is the old "gov"

From: dsha...@mindspring.com (Robert N. Williams)
Subject: Maketoast.com - JBR Chat Room - 12:00 EST
Date: 1997/05/26
Message-ID: <3388fcbb.7334055@news.mindspring.com>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 243919019
Sender: Robert N. Williams
X-Server-Date: 26 May 1997 03:07:19 GMT
Organization: Access Graphics
Reply-To: dsha...@mindspring.com
Newsgroups: alt.true-crime
narlacat said:
So dshadow is Maketoast?

Sounds like we have a winner! After all these years, I see that he still has his hand over his mouth leaving me without answers again. Maybe Sissi will have better luck with him.

Actually, he's a loveable kinda' guy...very intelligent, and extremely talented, as can be noted with his efforts on the OLD maketoast site. I don't mean to corner him, I just always wondered about the above, maybe it's a simple explanation, or maybe they grabbed his info and promoted it. I have no idea??
SuperDave said:
I don't know much about him one way or the other.

me too...shadow posted not only on ws but also I recall him posting of cybersleuths.
He never missed a thing, he's been around since the very beginning. I would like to know in the light of new evidence ,who he feels comitted this crime. Maybe he no longer cares? I don't know.
sissi said:
Well Toast, you have more information than many of us. I remember a while back you worried me, I think I'm over it, lol. You wouldn't answer the "why" of your early post in early 1997 at alt.truecrime...was written like this...How did access graphics link to "organizations"...?? Did they sponsor your efforts?

Of course you know this is the old "gov"

From: dsha...@mindspring.com (Robert N. Williams)
Subject: Maketoast.com - JBR Chat Room - 12:00 EST
Date: 1997/05/26
Message-ID: <3388fcbb.7334055@news.mindspring.com>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 243919019
Sender: Robert N. Williams
X-Server-Date: 26 May 1997 03:07:19 GMT
Organization: Access Graphics
Reply-To: dsha...@mindspring.com
Newsgroups: alt.true-crime

Wow! I do remember that post, govski. 5/26/97, that would've made me 16 at the time, lol. Back then, since I was so young I always tried to make myself seem older, hence the Robert N Williams thing. I don't remember the AG reference but it was probably along the same lines, trying to show credibility or something. I've have no connection at all with AG, with the exception of a cease and decist letter I received from them in 1997 for posting a link to the AG website on mine.

For the record I want to state that I have absolutely nothing to do with the current MT site and haven't owned the domain for the past 5 years. The site creeps me out just looking at it and I wish the owner would totally redesign it or take it down, but I have no control over that.

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