Random Thoughts and Ideas

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I saw a lot of emotion on the jail house recordings that i was led to believe wasnt happening - NG called KC a fake but I am not so sure about that. If ZG really did take the child for whatever reason why would she not lie about it too? Could a person be a 'madam' in the escort agency and knowingly recruit young single moms and provide the care so the young single mom could go work? What if you refused or were stealing some of the tips so the madam became pissed off and sent the child off as punishment and the whole thing just went too far to back out of? I know I was quick to look down on KC for partying while her child was missing but what if she knew the child wasnt in danger just "sent away" -- wouldnt you sort of look at that as someone else watching your child?
I thought of this a while back, but not as Caylee being sent away but being used sexually and Casey getting money for it....:crazy:
I know it sounds nuts....But I imagine that if she can sell her body, and party while her kid is missing she can also sell the baby's body; but what if she was told they would kill the baby if she tells on them???? what if she is afraid, and what if she told (only) Lee because she does trust him, and what if that is why Lee seems to be missing.
WHAT IF???:waitasec:
But the car had other proof....And Casey is a big liar....:waitasec:
david i do believe that there really were a couple of times that kc was showing real emotion. when ga said that every night he went outside and said caylee the moon and the stars, I think that is true emotion on kc's face and anguish (I already feel ya beatin me up peeps) That is why I think the death must have been accidental, albeit in the comission of felonious assault, which really negates the accidental thing anyway. Unfortunately all the evidence is pointing in the direction of kc, although there are alot of weird coincidences and other symbolism. jmho

But if it was an accident you call 911, or Mom & Dad.
You don't ditch the car and act like a party girl.:bang:
i know david, i keep stressing about the car at amscot why leave it there? why not just tell tone, ugh oh car broke down here in your apt parking lot dad will have it towed later. Instead she drives a car that reeks of decomp to her parents house to get tyson chicken and freezer pops so that her car runs out of gas at the amscot, and thats what tone says in every interview not that her car was broke down, but out of gas why? There had to be reason she went to mom and dads/area with the car, and it aint freezer pops. so you work on the zfg thing, I'll keep stressing about the car, cause my brain cant handle more than one of these at a time.

On the car thing. we know she stayed at TL and one would assume the car stayed in the parking lot too. Nobody has come forward at all talking about seeing the car or smelling it or anything. She went in the morning to get some 'food' most likely because she knew GA and CA wouldnt be there. The car runs out of gas now for the second time in a week - first time Tony bailed her out by breaking into the shed to get the gas - so why wouldnt TL assume the car is out of gas again and come prepared - he cant be that ignorant. I dont live in Orlando but how close is the nearest gas station to that Amscot and if you know you are going out of town in 3 days why wouldnt you take care of it? Are kids really that lazy and irresponsible? Maybe TL told her to park it somewhere else besides his apartment becuase he didnt want it to be identified there? Sorry for adding more to your headache
After this trial is over, I would love to see a show with a panel of psychiatrists who dissect all of these videos and conversations of the family and give their analysis.
Some stuff has really stood out to me.

They can call it "Raising a Psychopath"
Raising a psychopath - And covering up for her....hmmmm:waitasec:

I think it is more like: "Dysfunctional Relationships"
I think that Cindy and George love their kids, but have some major issues about everything
and many secrets as a result of it.
But if it was an accident you call 911, or Mom & Dad.
You don't ditch the car and act like a party girl.:bang:

the detectives said it best on Day 1 when describing the snow ball going downhill. Either KC was responsible and has to come clean and take LE to the body or KC has to quit acting like she cant tell LE the truth so they can go find out what is really going on. I cant believe for a second that KC cant sit down with the LE and if there is this big underworld extortion - kidnapping event going on she should be able to tell them in complete confidence and then LE should be quite well trained on how to proceed without tipping anyone off. Oh and i also dont think that she is acting alone at all ... How can TL live with her, sleep with her, eat with her, etc and not have a clue as to what is going on?
But if it was an accident you call 911, or Mom & Dad.
You don't ditch the car and act like a party girl.:bang:

But you just might act like this if you have a mother who is an overbearing control freak who has repeatedly told you that you are a terrible mother and who you know will NEVER, EVER really forgive you!! If you have no moral fibre, have never been made to bear responsibility and have become quite proficient at the art of deceit, I can see how this behaviour could just as easily be a cover up for an accident as for something more heinous.

Casey was heavily dependant on her parents and if she believed that her relationship with her family would be irretrievably destroyed, whether it was an accident or not, then the stakes would have been pretty high. The relationship was already on very rocky ground because of her lies and stealing, so perhaps she panicked initially and then turned to her usual way of getting out of trouble.

The fact is that we don't know what sort of emotions she went through in private when no-one else was around, particularly in those first couple of weeks, or what is going on in her head still. What we have seen is just her public face and we know that she has already had plenty of practice at living a lie and has been pretty successful at it!

I personally still can't make up my mind as to what I think really happened but I just wanted to put forward the proposition that just because she does not act how we would expect if it was truly a terrible accident, does not necessarily mean that we can totally rule that out.
i know david, i keep stressing about the car at amscot why leave it there? why not just tell tone, ugh oh car broke down here in your apt parking lot dad will have it towed later. Instead she drives a car that reeks of decomp to her parents house to get tyson chicken and freezer pops so that her car runs out of gas at the amscot, and thats what tone says in every interview not that her car was broke down, but out of gas why? There had to be reason she went to mom and dads/area with the car, and it aint freezer pops. so you work on the zfg thing, I'll keep stressing about the car, cause my brain cant handle more than one of these at a time.

I don't recall where I read/heard this, but at one time Tony said that Casey told him the car did break down and that it had been towed to the repair shop. She even gave him the name of the mechanic who was working on it. She went on to say that George was going to buy a new car for her.

I have also read that Casey told Tony the car had run out of gas, so the whole thing has me confused.
On the car thing. we know she stayed at TL and one would assume the car stayed in the parking lot too. Nobody has come forward at all talking about seeing the car or smelling it or anything. She went in the morning to get some 'food' most likely because she knew GA and CA wouldnt be there. The car runs out of gas now for the second time in a week - first time Tony bailed her out by breaking into the shed to get the gas - so why wouldnt TL assume the car is out of gas again and come prepared - he cant be that ignorant. I dont live in Orlando but how close is the nearest gas station to that Amscot and if you know you are going out of town in 3 days why wouldnt you take care of it? Are kids really that lazy and irresponsible? Maybe TL told her to park it somewhere else besides his apartment becuase he didnt want it to be identified there? Sorry for adding more to your headache

thats ok, did you notice in the new doc dump that tone had discussed a few things with the polygrapher that he hadnt discussed with police, so they had another interview to discuss whatever he left out the first few times....(hows that make your head feel, sorry I likes to share)te he te he
I don't recall where I read/heard this, but at one time Tony said that Casey told him the car did break down and that it had been towed to the repair shop. She even gave him the name of the mechanic who was working on it. She went on to say that George was going to buy a new car for her.

I have also read that Casey told Tony the car had run out of gas, so the whole thing has me confused.

KC did tell TL the car had broken down, because he asked her if there was anything he needed to look at and she explained that her dad was going to take care of it. The pontiac was towed 6/30, the same day KC dropped TL off at the airport and the same day she inquires with AH if she could borrow her and her gas can, the day AH and KC go to Target, AH buys the gas can and leaves it with KC. So I guess my question is, was the gas can for use in TL's jeep while he was out of town, or did KC originally plan to pick up the Pontiac and use the gas to refill it, only to find out she was too late and the pontiac had been towed?:waitasec:
as for the accident thing, in the commission of felonious assault (drugging, putting in trunk) thats first degree murder. I'm telling ya these peeps were doing drugs, and lots of em, mix that with copious amonts of alcohol/and dont anyone beat me up for this, but maybe tone not the sharpest pencil in the box. and he seemed a little self absorbed himself. she was good at hiding stuff, real good.
the detectives said it best on Day 1 when describing the snow ball going downhill. (respectfully snipped for space) I cant believe for a second that KC cant sit down with the LE and if there is this big underworld extortion - kidnapping event going on she should be able to tell them in complete confidence and then LE should be quite well trained on how to proceed without tipping anyone off. Oh and i also dont think that she is acting alone at all ... How can TL live with her, sleep with her, eat with her, etc and not have a clue as to what is going on?

bolded by me...because TL is a self-absorbed young man (what is he 24 yo?, IDK) who is getting what he wants, sex every night, a maid and cook, someone who shopped for beer and supplies while he was at school. He didn't have a long *relationship* going on, they were dating less than a month and part of this time, he took 5-6 days to go home to his parents. He was also in school and working his DJ club stint. The last thing he was concerned with was Casey's kid. Remember how the roommate's girlfriend found Caylee wandering around the apt and balcony while Tone and Casey were in the bedroom? IMO, Casey was having a fantasy about what would be, TonE's reality was this girl sleeping in his bed who he wouldn't even let stay at his apt. while he was out of town....IIRC he was *annoyed* that she drove his jeep. However he was quoted somewhere as saying Casey had nightmares.

KC did tell TL the car had broken down, because he asked her if there was anything he needed to look at and she explained that her dad was going to take care of it. The pontiac was towed 6/30, the same day KC dropped TL off at the airport and the same day she inquires with AH if she could borrow her and her gas can, the day AH and KC go to Target, AH buys the gas can and leaves it with KC. So I guess my question is, was the gas can for use in TL's jeep while he was out of town, or did KC originally plan to pick up the Pontiac and use the gas to refill it, only to find out she was too late and the pontiac had been towed?:waitasec:

she told him out of gas reread that yesterday/ the car was towed on 6/30 at 9:16 am/ she took tone to the airport that morning, so maybe she didnt know that the car had been towed, but after the airport she goes to ric and amy's, they do the trgt gas can run, and even though she now has a gas can and transportation, it doesnt look like she goes by amscot until early evening.of course by then car is gone. oh yeah just for fun we have a new receipt to contend with, hess station from 6/17 at 6:31pm, tone turned this over to le along with the blocbustr receipts.
I gotta believe that kc knew how many feet that car got to gallon, I just cant figure out what was so important that she would chance running out of gas to drive to the parents area. and it was not clothes freezer pops or chicken. I wonder if le got video from the hess station ?
I gotta believe that kc knew how many feet that car got to gallon, I just cant figure out what was so important that she would chance running out of gas to drive to the parents area. and it was not clothes freezer pops or chicken. I wonder if le got video from the hess station ?

I would assume there may be video from the Hess purchase, which in conjunction with the blockbuster videos would corroborate that TL and KC were out and about without Caylee.

I think most of us have assumed that she ran out of gas on purpose at the Amscot, not knowing whether she planned to retrieve the car once she dropped TL off at the airport with the gas can's AH purchased. If the car was towed at 9:16, ( i think that's what you said), and she shows up at AH's around 9:30 to 9:45 ish, that may have given her time to go by and see that the Pontiac was gone. Now whether she knew it had been towed, thought it stolen, or figured CA or GA had seen the car and taken it home, still remains a mystery.

I would assume there may be video from the Hess purchase, which in conjunction with the blockbuster videos would corroborate that TL and KC were out and about without Caylee.

I think most of us have assumed that she ran out of gas on purpose at the Amscot, not knowing whether she planned to retrieve the car once she dropped TL off at the airport with the gas can's AH purchased. If the car was towed at 9:16, ( i think that's what you said), and she shows up at AH's around 9:30 to 9:45 ish, that may have given her time to go by and see that the Pontiac was gone. Now whether she knew it had been towed, thought it stolen, or figured CA or GA had seen the car and taken it home, still remains a mystery.
thank you, excellent post, i've rattled this around in my head so much i'm stagnant. maybe I'll check johnsons pings to see when she goes into that neck of the woods and would have possibly seen the car in the impound. I understand what you guys are saying, but if she really was a csi fan she had to know that car was bad news and if it was towed mom and dad would be notified/ if le were called about it the consequences even worse/ she didnt even try to hide it in the sam's it was out in the open for everyone to see., oh my head hurts again.
Was the car out of gas at the Amscot? Just can't remember from all of these thousands of documents whether or not GA did have to bring gas cans with him to retrieve the car from the towyard.
Was the car out of gas at the Amscot? Just can't remember from all of these thousands of documents whether or not GA did have to bring gas cans with him to retrieve the car from the towyard.

the tow truck driver said this was the first time he had ever seen someone run out of gas in a parking spot (no I'm not joking he really said that) and ga had his gas can the tow yard mgr described it as old and red with paint chipped off of it, like the kind you have for lawnmowers he said.
This is a great part of the mystery here. Why did she abandon the pontiac at the amscott. I remember her telling TL that some people helped her push it into the amscott. I for one think that is a lie b/c as far as we know nobody has come forward.
The whole frozen chicken and freezer pops thing has ALWAYS bothered me. What was she doing with this food? Why? I do think this is a piece of the puzzle.
This is a great part of the mystery here. Why did she abandon the pontiac at the amscott. I remember her telling TL that some people helped her push it into the amscott. I for one think that is a lie b/c as far as we know nobody has come forward.
The whole frozen chicken and freezer pops thing has ALWAYS bothered me. What was she doing with this food? Why? I do think this is a piece of the puzzle.

This has to be a lie, I really think who ever helped her would have come forward with all the publicity, just more people who dont exsist to come forward IMO
This is a great part of the mystery here. Why did she abandon the pontiac at the amscott. I remember her telling TL that some people helped her push it into the amscott. I for one think that is a lie b/c as far as we know nobody has come forward.
The whole frozen chicken and freezer pops thing has ALWAYS bothered me. What was she doing with this food? Why? I do think this is a piece of the puzzle.

So, she had to ditch the car prior to dropping TL off at the airport, so he wouldn't insist she drop him off from her car. She couldn't risk this knowing he would put his luggage in her trunk. But this bag of food bothers me too. She could not have stood around for long that time of year with a bag of frozen food without it melting. Hmmmmm:waitasec:
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