Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #3

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A statement from the Smithsonian:
The National Museum of African Art is aware of the recent revelations about Bill Cosby’s behavior. The museum in no way condones this behavior. Our current “Conversations” exhibition, which includes works of African art from our permanent collection and African American art from the collection of Camille and Bill Cosby, is fundamentally about the artworks and the artists who created them, not the owners of the collections.

The artworks from the Cosbys’ collection are being seen by the public for the first time. The exhibition brings the public’s attention to African American artists whose works have long been omitted from the study and appreciation of American art.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out as far as BC & CC are concerned. If she dumps his trashy old a$$ then maybe I'll throw her a bone.....she has to have heard/read the womanizing rumors and just dealt with them through the years, figuring that was part of the deal being married to Bill.

I really think that she knew all about his disgusting ways but wanted her cozy, cushy life to stay as it was. I keep going back to that interview they did together and her pasted on, frozen smile and odd demeanor. I think she's known "what time it is" for a very long while and closed her eyes to his behavior. what a life.

Oh to be a fly on the wall in their home right now. Or maybe they live separately.....I have no idea. But the constant scrutiny, rumors and whispers of the past few months, along with the media onslaught, certainly cannot be comfortable, that's for sure. JMO.
"Here's the deal: This is The View and that was my opinion," Goldberg said. "Not any of you threatening me or telling me you're coming after me because you don't like what I said is going to change the fact that no one has convicted him, he has not been arrested, and the bottom line is that's the law -- innocent, until proven guilty."
Goldberg went on to compare the dozens of women who have accused Cosby of rape - of which, many of the alleged assaults cannot be prosecuted due to the statute of limitations having run out - to the false rape allegations in the UVA case and the 2006 Duke lacrosse case.

During the months when one woman after another was accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault, I would sometimes get complaints from viewers that he was being convicted by the media.

That’s right. He was. Because the evidence was pretty overwhelming.
Legally, Cosby is entitled to the presumption of innocence like every other American. He will likely never face charges, because the statute of limitations has long since expired on these cases.

But the court of public opinion is different. And in that arena, it long ago became clear that Cosby is a serial sexual abuser.
When I read that Whoopi made the comparison between the BC victims & the Duke debacle I was furious! I guess she just enjoys the controversy.....not sure what her deal is. She is so far off course and disrespectful about this whole issue. I can't bring myself to watch the video as I know my blood will boil!

I happened to watch Sister Act last evening....loved her in that movie - but otherwise I'm so done with her and wish she would just go away! The nerve!
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Cosby may have to write model Janice Dickinson a personal check for $35 MILLION in damages - insurance company says it won't pay out for sexual misconduct if she wins civil suit

Janice Dickinson sued Bill Cosby in May for defamation after he called her rape claims 'fabricated lies'

Now insurance company AIG has slapped him with another suit claiming it is not liable for any money awarded to the former supermodel

Cosby has a $35 million personal liability policy

Years after the statute of limitations has run the ex-supermodel's only chance to hold Cosby accountable is the civil suit

This week a 2005 deposition became public in which Cosby admitted to giving a woman Quaaludes before having sex

'I was drugged and raped by Bill Cosby,' Dickinson said

Dickinson has revealed photos of Cosby wearing a robe that she says were taken in the Lake Tahoe hotel where he raped her in 1982

I feel so sticky everytime I see Bill Cosby on the news. Camille Cosby knew he was messing around. Whether she stayed for the kids (grown now) or for the money (She should have divorced his booty while he still had money).

My SIL mother stayed around waiting on her husband to die for years. (He had a mistress around the block. He bought her a house around the corner from his wife's house. He left the real estate business to the mistress.) She knew. She won. (He wasn't a creeper rapist like Cosby.) She got millions in the estate.
Thanks for posting that Donjeta. (I love Shep Smith!)

Yes Shep was ON IT!
I felt the only reason JW voiced his opinion was because he was jealous of BC back n the day & IMO was enjoying giving the dirt...but Shep was relentless calling JW out for knowing BC was married & giving it a pass.Even after all the women coming forward?It appeared JW was more concerned with old Bill's legacy....Shep just kept firing!

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Cosby may have to write model Janice Dickinson a personal check for $35 MILLION in damages - insurance company says it won't pay out for sexual misconduct if she wins civil suit

Janice Dickinson sued Bill Cosby in May for defamation after he called her rape claims 'fabricated lies'

Now insurance company AIG has slapped him with another suit claiming it is not liable for any money awarded to the former supermodel

Cosby has a $35 million personal liability policy

Years after the statute of limitations has run the ex-supermodel's only chance to hold Cosby accountable is the civil suit

This week a 2005 deposition became public in which Cosby admitted to giving a woman Quaaludes before having sex

'I was drugged and raped by Bill Cosby,' Dickinson said

Dickinson has revealed photos of Cosby wearing a robe that she says were taken in the Lake Tahoe hotel where he raped her in 1982


Crazy like a fox. Janice.
He's getting it from all directions now. IMO

Bill Cosby Accuser Fires Back at Whoopi Goldberg: ‘He Raped Me’

The Wrap Jordan Chariton July 9, 2015

Lili Bernard fired back at Whoopi Goldberg on Thursday over “The View” co-host’s defense of Bill Cosby on the grounds that he’s innocent until proven guilty.

Bernard said she has the utmost respect for Goldberg, but her claims are no “bull,” a word Whoopi used regarding the treatment she’s received for her support of Cosby.

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/bill-cosby-accuser-fires-back-whoopi-goldberg-raped-195724581.html
I have to back up and catch up...what was Goldberg's excuse for defending this pervert?

He definitely is a pervert. I watched him on the tonight show and other shows where he acted inappropriate.

There is enough footage on national tv to show that he's not right.

He brags like a narcissist about his accomplishments. Unfortunately, he no longer has any accomplishments. He is no role model..by any means. He has set a horrible example for any man, woman or child. What a fake and how many years did this go on?
When I read that Whoopi made the comparison between the BC victims & the Duke debacle I was furious! I guess she just enjoys the controversy.....not sure what her deal is. She is so far off course and disrespectful about this whole issue. I can't bring myself to watch the video as I know my blood will boil!

I happened to watch Sister Act last evening....loved her in that movie - but otherwise I'm so done with her and wish she would just go away! The nerve!

I watched the video and what I could not get over is how at the end of WG's ignorant rant the audience - which is about 95% female gave what appeared to be a unanimous and loud round of applause. Had I been in the audience I would have been booing loudly at that point - if not before.

There is no comparison between Duke Lacrosse - which involved just one accuser and the BC case which has up to 48 accusers by now and which has BC admitting in a deposition that he gave a date-rape drug to one of his accusers. WG says that "the law agrees with me" because BC hasn't been charged. Hasn't she heard of statute of limitations? WG is as stupid as she is unfunny. Hard to believe that millions tune in each day to hear her take on the world.
I have to back up and catch up...what was Goldberg's excuse for defending this pervert?

He definitely is a pervert. I watched him on the tonight show and other shows where he acted inappropriate.

There is enough footage on national tv to show that he's not right.

He brags like a narcissist about his accomplishments. Unfortunately, he no longer has any accomplishments. He is no role model..by any means. He has set a horrible example for any man, woman or child. What a fake and how many years did this go on?

Innocent until proven guilty. The American courts agree with her. He hasn't been arrested. He's not in jail. Mothers of sons have to agree with her because the Duke University lacrosse team never raped anybody.
I watched the video and what I could not get over is how at the end of WG's ignorant rant the audience - which is about 95% female gave what appeared to be a unanimous and loud round of applause. Had I been in the audience I would have been booing loudly at that point - if not before.

There is no comparison between Duke Lacrosse - which involved just one accuser and the BC case which has up to 48 accusers by now and which has BC admitting in a deposition that he gave a date-rape drug to one of his accusers. WG says that "the law agrees with me" because BC hasn't been charged. Hasn't she heard of statute of limitations? WG is as stupid as she is unfunny. Hard to believe that millions tune in each day to hear her take on the world.

I know, right? During one pause when I think the audience would usually clap they didn't do anything and at the end they didn't appear to be clapping enthusiastically. I wondered what the producers had to do. I would have gotten up and walked out.
I won't apologize for giving someone the benefit of the doubt especially when it comes to something as serious as rape.
Nope, it was the benefit of thirty something doubts- not "a doubt".
And you still are expressing the idea that some women are lying about Cosby.
Jmo but once there are 15 women saying someone I love drugged and raped them that ought to act as a clue that maybe I don't know all the ugly things he is capable of and maybe I should wait for PROOF that they're all liars before hanging my hat on the possibility. There is trusting and supporting a personal friend and then there is victim shaming and totally dismissing their worth.

Totally dismissing their worth- yes! Because someone is more famous? Ask if that EVER made them a better human being, LOL. If I had such poor judgment, I'd keep my opinions to myself.
It depends but as a rule yes. First, I just always want to believe the best and not the worst in people, However there are cases where I believe strongly that person is responsible but will not go to guilty until it is proven.

So the "best" is that forty random women were cruel enough to lie? Or is the "best" reserved for the rich and famous because you had a notion you "knew" them?
I cannot for the life of me see how that is looking for the best in people- but I am counting the victims as people too.
I am never ever going to just assume some is guilty on accusations. I don't care where they come from or who is making them. I need more than that. I won't apologize for giving someone the benefit of the doubt especially when it comes to something as serious as rape.

I don't care if people like it or not.

I did not side against the victims. I did not side with anyone. I wanted to wait until there was something that proved it.

I have it. moving on.
With all due respect, you've spent months dismissing, minimizing, and justifying. I have neither the time nor inclination to post links to your statements but off the top of my memory, I've seen posts made by you that claim vengeance, altered memories, personal responsibility, waiting too long and all sorts of other reasons these women weren't believable. It's all examples of victim blaming.

I get waiting for the truth to come out - but that's not what you did. I get wanting to presume innocence - though I'd argue the court of public opinion hardly hinges on a legal presumption. It IS possible to support people who are claiming they are victims without demonizing the alleged suspect. You wait for the facts if you must but in that waiting, you also don't incur further harm by continuously questioning the 'motives', lifestyles, memories, choices, histories, etc. of those claiming to have been victimized. Because let me tell ya, from personal experience - it is the very reason people don't speak up.

Please imagine - your trust in someone else has been broken; your body has been violated; you feel ashamed, dirty, and stupid for not knowing better - while in reality, you were probably manipulated by a sexual predator. You keep all that yuck inside until you feel it's going to crush you so you finally confide in someone...only to be told maybe you shouldn't have worn your blouse with a button open, or perhaps you don't remember what happened clearly; or maybe if you'd made better choices it may not have happened. Most people who are sexually assaulted are victims of someone they know - someone they trust - even sometimes, someone they love.

In so much as we have to remember innocent until proven guilty, we too have to accept that regardless of either conviction or acquittal, it does NOT mean a crime didn't occur. It doesn't mean victims don't deserve to be supported and validated until and unless there is a reason not to. As has been pointed out numerous times, false allegations of sexual assault are very, very rare - why make all victims pay such a heavy price for the sins of a few liars? (2% according to the FBI, well in line with false allegations of most major crimes) Why, how, does anyone expect a victim to prove they've been a victim in order just to be believed that they've been victimized?


10 Examples of Victim Blaming

1. The victim was asking for it.

2. Men get these biological urges to rape, they just can’t help themselves.

3. The victim might have made it up.

4. The victim is ruining the life of the rapist; the rapist had so many prospects.

5. The victim should not have been in that situation/known that person/lived in that neighborhood/walked down that street/gone to that bar, etc., etc.

6. People of certain races/ages/classes/backgrounds are just more prone to violent behavior.

7. The victim didn’t say no.

8. In cases of underage perpetrators: The rapist is only a child him/herself.

9. The victim should have known what he/she was getting him/herself into.

10. The victim’s parents should have taught him/her warning signs.

With all due respect, you've spent months dismissing, minimizing, and justifying. I have neither the time nor inclination to post links to your statements but off the top of my memory, I've seen posts made by you that claim vengeance, altered memories, personal responsibility, waiting too long and all sorts of other reasons these women weren't believable. It's all examples of victim blaming.

I get waiting for the truth to come out - but that's not what you did. I get wanting to presume innocence - though I'd argue the court of public opinion hardly hinges on a legal presumption. It IS possible to support people who are claiming they are victims without demonizing the alleged suspect. You wait for the facts if you must but in that waiting, you also don't incur further harm by continuously questioning the 'motives', lifestyles, memories, choices, histories, etc. of those claiming to have been victimized. Because let me tell ya, from personal experience - it is the very reason people don't speak up.

Please imagine - your trust in someone else has been broken; your body has been violated; you feel ashamed, dirty, and stupid for not knowing better - while in reality, you were probably manipulated by a sexual predator. You keep all that yuck inside until you feel it's going to crush you so you finally confide in someone...only to be told maybe you shouldn't have worn your blouse with a button open, or perhaps you don't remember what happened clearly; or maybe if you'd made better choices it may not have happened. Most people who are sexually assaulted are victims of someone they know - someone they trust - even sometimes, someone they love.

In so much as we have to remember innocent until proven guilty, we too have to accept that regardless of either conviction or acquittal, it does NOT mean a crime didn't occur. It doesn't mean victims don't deserve to be supported and validated until and unless there is a reason not to. As has been pointed out numerous times, false allegations of sexual assault are very, very rare - why make all victims pay such a heavy price for the sins of a few liars? (2% according to the FBI, well in line with false allegations of most major crimes) Why, how, does anyone expect a victim to prove they've been a victim in order just to be believed that they've been victimized?


Oh, hallelujah! Thank you for this kind, thoughtful and brilliant post!

Judd Apatow Takes Whoopi Goldberg to Task on Twitter for Supporting Bill Cosby

The Wrap Debbie Emery July 9, 2015

Judd Apatow has made no secret of his disgust for Bill Cosby, and on Thursday to took to Twitter again to criticize Whoopi Goldberg‘s support of the shamed comedian.

“I think @WhoopiGoldberg is trying to be a loyal friend. It is sad that Bill Cosby is so sick that he puts his friends in that position,” the director-producer tweeted.

“He admitted to giving this [drug, Quaaludes] to women to get them to have sex. So what are you defending?” Apatow went on to ask.

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/judd-apatow-takes-whoopi-goldberg-task-twitter-supporting-041203031.html
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