Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #3

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The woman whose lawsuit led a federal judge Monday to unseal a 2005 deposition in which Bill Cosby testified that he gave a woman drugs before sex may ask the judge to unseal all of Cosby's testimony, sources told NBC News on Tuesday.

Dolores Troiani, the attorney for the main plaintiff in the suit — which was dismissed in 2006 — is making contact with 13 other women in the case to make sure they're OK with the request to release the full deposition, the sources said.

The women who accused Cosby were called gold diggers and liars. The women were from all walks of life, from those with regular careers to even other celebrities like Beverly Johnson and Janice Dickinson. More than 30 women have accused Cosby of the same crime. In different states. During different time periods. But that wasn’t enough for people to believe that the man who played their beloved Dr. Cliff Huxtable on TV was a rapist.


Thirty-plus women. With the same story. The same scenarios. But still people caped so hard for Cosby.

So what do you have to say for yourselves now?

The stories weren’t good enough for you? The fact that the stories were so similar wasn’t enough for you? I would hope that none of you who defended Cosby have female relatives. I would hope that if a daughter, niece, aunt, sister, mother or grandmother came to you and said that someone drugged and raped her, instead of victim-blaming and -shaming, you’d actually listen and help her.

Rape is one of the most underreported crimes against women. And it’s because of people like Cosby’s defenders that rape victims seldom come forward.

Did anyone notice that BC NEVER says he gave the drugs to unwilling women?

Can BC's Defence Team twist this to rip the alleged victims, and victims, on their sexual proclivities, drug use, past lies?

How can the women prove that they were unwilling?

They can't. Cosby's story (unless contradictory info comes out) is going to be that they took the quaaludes willingly and had sex with him willingly.

I am getting a crick in my neck from SMH over the fact that people who refused to believe the stories of however-many-there-are-now accusers because there was no proof now readily believe the rapist's word as proof, even though as far as I can tell he never admitted to giving the women quaaludes in order to incapacitate and rape them. According to that logic, his admission corroborates their stories, yet their all-too-similar stories didn't corroborate each other's.

It's a sad day when the rapist's word is considered proof of his crimes but all of those women's words weren't. Even though he really did not admit to rape at all, or even to giving them drugs with the intent of incapacitating and raping them. Again insomuch as I read, but I did read the deposition pretty quickly.

ETA: bolded my own post above. No, he didn't.

When Constand's lawyer, Dolores M. Troiani, continued, asking whether the comedian gave any of “those young women the quaaludes without their knowledge,” Cosby’s lawyer objected to the question before telling Cosby, “Do not answer it.”

No one is siding with anyone.. Just waiting on facts. We have them and now we agree. There is no harm in waiting for facts and evidence.

So if dozens of children, women or men speak out against rapists, should we still allow the accused to hold a position that gives them access to more victims? With you analogy, if there is no evidence or facts (DNA, witness, video etc.) then there is no proof it happened?

How sad!! How many more victims suffered and are suffering today because of these beliefs/attitudes? How many more people have been victimized because the first, second or 20th were not believed and brushed off because the accused is so cunning and fraudulent?
With the unsealing of Bill Cosby’s 2005 deposition in which he admitted giving women Quaaludes before sex, the comedian whose public persona had already suffered massively in the court of public opinion, may now face a similar fate in the real courts, legal experts said.

Attorneys and legal experts say the judge’s decision to allow Cosby’s admission in an older civil suit to become public will bolster civil lawsuits against him and may motivate law enforcement to further scrutinize his behavior for more recent acts.

I wish I could reproduce this whole article here. A must-read.

Everyone is entitled to a defense, and Cosby’s lawyers were only doing their jobs — for a lot of money, but knowing now that they probably knew what they knew then, how could attorney John Schmitt have further attacked the victims last year saying, “Over the last several weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true."

Cosby’s testifying about it did make it true. And lawyers must have known.

Like I’ve always said, “Where there’s smoke, there are liars.”


Some people will do anything for money, regardless of integrity. I don't know how they sleep at night.

I was fortunate to work for a attorney that had some integrity and he refused to represent guilty rapists and child molesters, because he knew that his staff had been victims of these crimes.

I remember him asking me one day if it would bother me if he took a case. I said no..that is your job. I ask him if he thought the person was guilty of the crime. He said I know he is. He refused to take the case.

He may not be the best attorney in the world, but that one decision he made gave me a lot of respect for him.

I am just glad the 40+ women have some solid proof now. There were still a lot of people in the world who doubted them because they could not accept that BC could do such a thing.

It makes me wonder if BC was one of the first people to invent specifically using a "date rape" drug. I suppose alcohol was used in its place for many years prior.

With BC and his very selective use of Qualludes back then, it sure rings a lot like the more modern Date Rape drug GHB or Rupies or Rohypnol.

Qualludes were a very powerful sedative back in the 70's. They were manufactured by Rorer and were also called Rorer 714's because they had 714 marked on one side.

Dont quote me on this but I think the manufacturer actually quit making them because they were deemed too powerful.

Its interesting to me that BC chose this drug because he had to know it basically would totally knock out the person. Similar to the modern date rape drugs of today where people claim to wake up and not remember anything.

Very scary and evil he was in doing that to women. And multiple women.

It makes me wonder where BC got his prescription for the pills and if whoever was getting him the pills knew what he was using them for.

Im disgusted and disappointed like the rest of us in BC. I am not surprised by this latest news because I have believed the women for some time now. I had seen a few of them in some interviews a long time ago and they seemed very sincere and it was at that time I started to believe they were telling the truth.

The pain as they told their stories came across all too real.

Heyya Hatfield

it sure rings a lot like the more modern Date Rape drug GHB or Rupies or Rohypnol. -H


apparently it was a known date rape drug
in the 70's
Heyya Hatfield

it sure rings a lot like the more modern Date Rape drug GHB or Rupies or Rohypnol. -H


apparently it was a known date rape drug
in the 70's

Yes it was....I remember those years well. I can't quite remember what happened but they banned Quaalude's or did something to make them hard to get. People started trying to basement make them. That was some very bad, bad stuff. A lot of men would mickey women to get "laid". What kind of man has to drug a woman to the point that she is passed out to get laid? That is a very lame human being. It is gross and disgusting if you can't have a healthy relationship and resort to that.

Apparently, even though BC had a wife at home, he still chose to drug women so that they were passed out and then he raped them.

If there is a predator out there...BC was definitely one! A very fake and cunning one at that.
So if dozens of children, women or men speak out against rapists, should we still allow the accused to hold a position that gives them access to more victims? With you analogy, if there is no evidence or facts (DNA, witness, video etc.) then there is no proof it happened?

How sad!! How many more victims suffered and are suffering today because of these beliefs/attitudes? How many more people have been victimized because the first, second or 20th were not believed and brushed off because the accused is so cunning and fraudulent?

That's my issue too - the primary reasons sexual assault victims don't come forward is because they feel no one will believe them or someone will blame them for what happened. And, looking at what happened here, how do you really argue against that? A victim should never be further traumatized by only receiving support if his/her attack can be proven to someone else's standards. It is incredibly damaging simply not being believed or being blamed for your own victimization.

In many ways, Bill Cosby fits the mold of any abuser. When they can't compel their victims to remain silent, they just attack the victim's credibility instead. When there's threat of exposure, they fall back onto their 'good deeds' - manipulating others to believe the best of them. After all, how could a guy who was willing to pay for a young woman's education take advantage of her?

Sigh. We, as a society, have a very, very long way to go.
From above link:

"Who's laughing now?"

"Bill Cosby joked and mugged his way through a 2005 deposition where he admitted giving drugs to one woman and having plotted to give Quaaludes to others — and his kidding around about the current mass of accusations against him helped convince a judge to make his testimony public, court papers show."

"The documents — which include excerpts from Cosby’s 2005 deposition in the case — show the sitcom star once known as “America’s Dad” cracking jokes while admitting he repeatedly cheated on his wife of four decades and plied some of the women with drugs."

"He frequently joked, made comedic faces, and gestured wildly while illustrating how he pats the ‘butts’ of high school students at the Penn Relays,” Constand’s lawyer, Dolores Troiani, complained to the judge after the deposition."

"At one point, Troiani told Cosby, "I think you're making light of a very serious situation." "That may very well be," he responded."
Did BC maintain the same residence from 1970s to 1990s? Just wondering..do any of you WSleuthers know? Thx.

Don´t quote me on this but IIRC it was reported that he bought the Shelburne Massachusetts house in the early seventies.

Just IMO but I don´t think there is any reason to assume that the legal prescriptions of Quaalude were his only source of date rape drugs. It was just all that he admitted because there would have been a paper trail. Quaaludes were available illegally for some time and he could have gotten many other kinds of pills too.

Anyway, seven presriptions of Quaalude. That is enough for how many ladies?

He acknowledged having sex with one woman — Theresa Serignese — when she was 19 in Las Vegas in 1976, and joked about whether she was lucid during the encounter.

"I meet Ms (Redacted) in Las Vegas. She meets me back stage. I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex. I do not — I can't judge at this time what she knows about herself for 19 years, a passive personality," he said.

"How do I know she was in a dream-like state? Isn't that introspective?"

He also called Serignese “sweet,” and acknowledged she may have been star struck. "If anything, I think she may very well have been very happy to be around the show business surroundings," Cosby said.

Serignese could not be reached for comment Tuesday. She filed suit against Cosby earlier this year for defamation after his lawyer denied her sex and drug claims. It’s not clear whether she was previously aware of Cosby’s admission.


Excuse me, Mr. Cosby, please pull up your pants, your creep is showing.

So his story is that he wasn´t aware if the women he drugged were conscious or not and that he´s such a huge star that women are probably just happy to be raped by his awesome presence.

"The stark contrast between Bill Cosby, the public moralist and Bill Cosby, the subject of serious allegations concerning improper (and perhaps criminal) conduct is a matter as to which the AP — and by extension the public — has a significant interest," Judge Eduardo Robreno wrote in a memorandum Monday. The documents were released after a request from The Associated Press.

Robreno wrote Monday that the case "is not about the Defendant's status as a public person by virtue of the exercise of his trade as a televised or comedic personality. Rather, Defendant has donned the mantle of public moralist and mounted the proverbial electronic or print soap box to volunteer his views on, among other things, childrearing, family life, education, and crime."

Cosby has made himself part of these public issues and therefore has "voluntarily narrowed the zone of privacy that he is entitled to claim," the judge wrote.

I am feeling a good bit of schadenfreude because his holier-than-thou persona was an important reason behind getting those documents released. I think he may have thought that it would protect his reputation, and it did for a while... but it is catching up with him now.

There was something about people who live in glass houses...
Toronto woman at the center of the Bill Cosby sex scandal speaks out for the first time!



New on my Xfinity homepage:

Bill Cosby Scandal

Jul 8 2015, 6:22 am ET

Walt Disney World Resort Confirms Removal of Bill Cosby Statue

by Shamar Walters and Alexander Smith

A statue of the embattled comedian Bill Cosby has been removed from the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida, a Disney spokesman confirmed early Wednesday...

Personally. I would like to see the folks who came out in support of BC acknowledge that their support of BC must have been hurtful to the victims and apologize for that. I don't think that would be asking too much. IMO

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Don´t quote me on this but IIRC it was reported that he bought the Shelburne Massachusetts house in the early seventies.

Just IMO but I don´t think there is any reason to assume that the legal prescriptions of Quaalude were his only source of date rape drugs. It was just all that he admitted because there would have been a paper trail. Quaaludes were available illegally for some time and he could have gotten many other kinds of pills too.

Anyway, seven presriptions of Quaalude. That is enough for how many ladies?


Excuse me, Mr. Cosby, please pull up your pants, your creep is showing.

So his story is that he wasn´t aware if the women he drugged were conscious or not and that he´s such a huge star that women are probably just happy to be raped by his awesome presence.


I am feeling a good bit of schadenfreude because his holier-than-thou persona was an important reason behind getting those documents released. I think he may have thought that it would protect his reputation, and it did for a while... but it is catching up with him now.

There was something about people who live in glass houses...

Same. If any one of his victims had gotten pregnant where would those children's father be? Would he show up to talk to his children?
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