Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #3

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“I think his problem is that he’s far too trusting and he lets things go too far and people can get the wrong idea,” the 69-year-old said.

Bad women are hoodwinking naive little Bill into things that he really doesn't want to do. He's so kind he can't tell them no in time and then there's no choice.
Nor should you. Victim blaming is prolific - sometimes, people don't mean to harm the victims but don't realize they are through insensitive and ignorant comments. They're hurting more than just the victims though - they're hurting the loved ones of those people and even future victims too. I believe victims are a lot less likely to speak out when they witness first hand, before being victimized, what ugliness speaking out can conjure.

My 14 year old niece was drugged and raped by my ex-husband. There was never a single doubt for me that she was telling the truth. Her mom (my ex-husband's sister) and I supported her as best we could in pursuing charges against my ex, maybe because we were both once victims of SA ourselves. Meanwhile, his mother - her grandmother - said my niece had been dressing and acting too provocatively. My ex was 43 years old at the time - how is it a 14 year old girl's responsibility to control the actions of a grown man? She trusted him and expected him to protect her - after all, this was the guy who'd changed her diapers and rocked her to sleep - who'd been through everything in life with her so far. My ex plead guilty - in a way, we were relieved because my niece wasn't required to testify - but his mother, her grandmother, still insists he only plead guilty to avoid a harsher sentence. She visits him in prison often.

Meanwhile, my once beautiful, strong niece has all but been destroyed. Her life is riddled by drugs, violence, and chaos. She was sentenced to life - her rapist gets released this year. That same grandmother states she's praying for her recovery but I'm left wondering if those prayers would be necessary had the people my niece loved and trusted had also trusted her. On the other side of the coin, I know how it feels to not be believed - my mom, an incest victim herself, refused to believe me when I told her I'd been date raped at 15. Why, I will never know but well remember the feelings of shame, anger, and hopelessness. It took 20 years for me to even be able to talk about it and I put myself through all kinds of hell first.

I think sometimes people simply forget that there are real human beings behind the cases we follow, the headlines we glance. His 40 accusers aren't simply newsprint, they're real blood and bone human beings with very human emotions.

All JMO and FWIW
FWIW... It's worth a lot! Thank you Britskate- very well said.
And gave them drugs. It has always seemed so necrophiliac to me

According to experts, somnophilia a step away from necrophilia. It's all about being in control of another human being--all while using a forget-me-now pill so there will be no consequences for the perp. It's cold. IMO, BC was dehumanizing his victim/alleged victims to pump up his own sense of importance.

Although medical explanations are available, the definitions in the online Urban Dictionary are pretty succinct. UD explains somnophila as "the condition in which a person is dependent on intruding upon and fondling a partner who is a stranger asleep, or fantasizing doing so, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm". http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=from+Latin,+somnus,

UD explains necrophilia as "The act of intercourse on a deceased creature. Not always human or female. Necrophilia is usually the result of childhood truama or the lust for absolute control."

ETA.. OT a bit. For somnophilia, King David and Abishag. When I think of necrophilia, I think of the story of Salome and John the Baptist (Richard Strauss's opera). If she can't have him in life, she will have him in death.
A quote from the article Donjeta posted.

They are making him out to be such a bad guy, a monster,” Camille said, according to the source.

Well, if the Fat Albert sweater fits...
Just as a thought experiment (directed at no one in particular, just the community) let's put aside all we know and pretend for a moment that Camille is correct, all those women willingly agreed to drugs and sex with her husband. And just for the sake of the thought experiment, never accused him of rape.

And she knew about it but accepted it because she knew what she was getting into when she married him.

So did she ever once stop to consider that maybe, just maybe, he was being a tad hypocritical by setting himself up as a beacon of morality and telling African American male youths to pull up their pants? And maybe he should knock it off considering glass houses and all?

No, she didn't.

Thought experiment over.

It crosses my mind that I'm starting to hold her in even more contempt than I hold him. She KNEW. She had to. Yet even as a mother of four daughters, she stuck by him and enabled him to assault other mothers' daughters.
Here's the now-famous pound cake speech:

Five or six different children, same woman, eight, ten different husbands or whatever, pretty soon you’re going to have to have DNA cards so you can tell who you’re making love to. You don’t who this is. It might be your grandmother. (laughter) I’m telling you, they’re young enough. Hey, you have a baby when you’re twelve. Your baby turns thirteen and has a baby, how old are you? Huh? Grandmother. By the time you’re twelve, you could have sex with your grandmother, you keep those numbers coming. I’m just predicting.

Getting holier than thou over eight or ten different sexual partners is pretty thick coming from dear old Bill who has lived such a monk's life... At the rate he's boinked young ladies, some of whom he later ended up forgetting, and at least some accounts indicate that he didn't bother with birth control, he might have drugged and raped his granddaughters many times over.

JMO but I wouldn't be surprised if Bill and Camille didn't think the hypocritical morality police role up as a protective device. If you're just another comedian and multiple allegations crop up some people might believe but if you're known as an activist and said things that people agree with it might give you a shield. Dr. Huxtable thing worked for a while but it was beginning to fade.
Chuck D from Public Enemy has weighed in on Twitter:

No way Im defending Cosby.But this wiping history out wit a swoop is akin to Nazi book burning.Context is everything.PhilSpector still plays

I say no more. It's like trying to judge Dr MLK Dream speech in 63 when you born in 86.Context is important.Lotta older cats ain't on here

I'm not sure what his point is. Young people don't understand that drugging and raping people wasn't as bad in the olden days? People should still keep the Cosby name attached to buildings because historically he was once thought a good person?


^^I've been reading the comment sections of various articles about Cosby. There are many comments that start off with: I'm not defending Mr. Cosby, BUT.....

BUT this, but that, but anyway! It was the same thing with Lance Armstrong. It's hard for some folks to let go.
At least Atticus Finch was a fictional character......... Camille probably assumed that drugs were involved in BC's philanderings, which she consented to by default. But she just is in TOTAL denial that he has a pathological issue with RAPE. Big difference. JMO
Chuck D from Public Enemy has weighed in on Twitter:

I'm not sure what his point is. Young people don't understand that drugging and raping people wasn't as bad in the olden days? People should still keep the Cosby name attached to buildings because historically he was once thought a good person?

But... the Dream Speech was a positive thing. A beautiful, important moment in history. "Noah" was just funny. We'll get by.
What will it take before we listen to Bill Cosby’s accusers?
It seems we still don't believe women as much as we believe men.

What does it take for us to take the accusations of women as seriously as we take the denials of those they accuse?
Our pop-cultural reactions to these cases matter, because they’re models for the way we treat these same issues when they arise in our own backyards. More often than not, what we call “withholding judgment” is really a steadfast refusal to take women and victims seriously — not actually a withholding at all, but a strong statement in favour of ignoring their voices until we are forced to do otherwise by someone we will listen to.

Social media wants a word with Bill Cosby's wife, Camille
I heard Stockholm Syndrome was suffering from Camille Cosby.

'Jane Does' who testified in 2005 Bill Cosby lawsuit plan L.A. news conference

You can watch Monday’s news conference streaming live here on WWLP.com at 2:30 P.M.
Kind of OT
Tragedy of the actress who was 'date raped' by Clark Gable, gave birth to his baby - and then kept it secret for EIGHTY YEARS

Loretta Young was believed to have had an affair with Gable in 1935
Gave birth to his daughter Judy after filming Call of the Wild together
Now daughter-in-law Linda Lewis has claimed Young was 'date raped'
Says her mother-in-law covered it up to protect her and Gable's daughter
Also revealed that she thought the incident was her fault and felt guilty

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...y-kept-secret-EIGHTY-YEARS.html#ixzz3fnvlNUfh
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I can understand people being upset with Camille but I see it kinda like this...

If Bill Cosby can manipulate legal proceedings, media, the public, over 40 women, educational institutions nationwide, and the White House - I'd bet my bottom dollar he's more than capable of manipulating his wife. Abusive personalities use a lot of different strategies to keep conning people into believing them, staying in a relationship, avoiding personal responsibility, etc. I've been there - wanting to believe the best of someone I loved - I think many of us probably have.

What I can't abide - what I personally find abhorrent isn't that she didn't know or even that she's supporting the man she's spent most of her life with - but rather her unmitigated gall at stating his victims consented. She wasn't there so the only thing she has for her basis, and seemingly the only point of reference she wishes to trust, is the man at the center of the accusations. And to broadcast such minimization of the victims on a global scale is truly gobsmacking.

I'd be retreating to my corner, licking my wounds, shutting my mouth, and doing what I could to help my children through a roller coaster ride they never asked for.
Eureka! I've sleuthed it! Of course Bill Cosby, celebrity friend of sad old penis Hugh Hefner, could have and did have his pick of any willing woman flesh - note WILLING. He had an attractive, loving wife in his corner who raised his beautiful children. He, admittedly, had women who travelled with him and provided all the loving benefits of home while on the road - note LOVING. The beloved comedian and respected educator had everything any man could've/should've/would've wanted or desired or needed. He had absolutely no reason to display a pattern of behavior that would put him in position compromising his career, his marriage and his very reputation. Yet Dr. Cosby just like Dr. Huxtable, who we all know and love, wanted to give back to the community. To help the less fortunate, like poor, fractured, broken wing attractive young women. But these conniving skanks, some 40 to who knows how many are still afraid to come forward, forced themselves on poor Dr. Huxata ... er ...Cosby and he had NO CHOICE except to drug them and knock them out to keep from being raped himself!!!
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