Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #3

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My 14 year old niece was drugged and raped by my ex-husband. There was never a single doubt for me that she was telling the truth. Her mom (my ex-husband's sister) and I supported her as best we could in pursuing charges against my ex, maybe because we were both once victims of SA ourselves. Meanwhile, his mother - her grandmother - said my niece had been dressing and acting too provocatively. My ex was 43 years old at the time - how is it a 14 year old girl's responsibility to control the actions of a grown man? She trusted him and expected him to protect her - after all, this was the guy who'd changed her diapers and rocked her to sleep - who'd been through everything in life with her so far. My ex plead guilty - in a way, we were relieved because my niece wasn't required to testify - but his mother, her grandmother, still insists he only plead guilty to avoid a harsher sentence. She visits him in prison often.

Meanwhile, my once beautiful, strong niece has all but been destroyed. Her life is riddled by drugs, violence, and chaos. She was sentenced to life - her rapist gets released this year.

My daughter was 8 when her stepfather began molesting her, but otherwise, your niece sounds like my daughter, who is now 23.
There needs to be a way to get through to these girls. So many of them, your niece and my daughter included, seem lost forever. I am sure you want your niece back as much as I want Lauren back.
I try to stay away from this thread because the idea that this serial rapist has been allowed to make millions makes my head want to explode. And knowing he was respected makes it even worse. The mask he put up to deceive it was all a sham to disguise what was really underneath.

As a rape victim myself, I don't fault the victims for not coming forward earlier and totally understand it. I was 38 years old before I ever told a soul and even then it was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

Most rape victims never tell anyone at all but those who do will wait until they become adults and some will only do it much later on in life. It is the same for men/boys who have been raped. They also don't usually tell anyone, but if they do.... they will be adults and are usually in their 40s.

It just seems so unfair for him to go about his life a free man when he may be one of the most prolific rapists of our time. But at least his mask has been torn off to expose the evil man he truly is. Sometimes there is worse punishment than being in a prison cell and I think this kind of punishment/exposure for a narcissistic serial rapist may be worse than prison for him.

And Camille isn't unusual either. It isn't uncommon whatsoever for wives or even mothers to turn a blind eye when their husband rapes .....even if it is their own little boys or girls. So it isn't surprising CC creates the fantasy world she wants to live in. Imo, deep down inside she knows the vile disgusting perverted truth. She sleeps with a rapist.

Thank you, Oceanblueeyes for sharing something so personal as you describe the perspective of a victim of rape.
You can't eat money.
It won't hug you and tell you that you'll get through things.
It won't buy true loyalty. Hangers on will fall to the side. Gold diggers will find someone younger, richer, more healthy.
It won't erase the look of censure in your children's eyes.
It won't replace a trusted agent who once defended you.
It won't bring young, innocent, beautiful women close to your lair.
It won't make your wife deeply happy as she claims to have created you.

It will draw the attention of many who will find ways of slicing off a little bit here, or a little bit there.
In my imagination, that fortune, and the man to whom it belongs, will disappear with a thousand tiny cuts.
Just like his reputation has been disappearing little bit by little bit before our eyes.

Not justice, not really.
Just something so he will not be able to smugly smirk from his home.
Something so he will always be wondering from where that next little slice, that next little cut, will be coming.

I proudly became the 6,321st signature.
Okay, just signed. There were 9,978 signatures now, hope they can get another 90,000 in the next couple of weeks!
What the heck does Camille mean when she says she "created him"?

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Thank you, Oceanblueeyes for sharing something so personal as you describe the perspective of a victim of rape.
You can't eat money.
It won't hug you and tell you that you'll get through things.
It won't buy true loyalty. Hangers on will fall to the side. Gold diggers will find someone younger, richer, more healthy.
It won't erase the look of censure in your children's eyes.
It won't replace a trusted agent who once defended you.
It won't bring young, innocent, beautiful women close to your lair.
It won't make your wife deeply happy as she claims to have created you.

It will draw the attention of many who will find ways of slicing off a little bit here, or a little bit there.
In my imagination, that fortune, and the man to whom it belongs, will disappear with a thousand tiny cuts.
Just like his reputation has been disappearing little bit by little bit before our eyes.

Not justice, not really.
Just something so he will not be able to smugly smirk from his home.
Something so he will always be wondering from where that next little slice, that next little cut, will be coming.

Well said!
I can understand people being upset with Camille but I see it kinda like this...

If Bill Cosby can manipulate legal proceedings, media, the public, over 40 women, educational institutions nationwide, and the White House - I'd bet my bottom dollar he's more than capable of manipulating his wife. Abusive personalities use a lot of different strategies to keep conning people into believing them, staying in a relationship, avoiding personal responsibility, etc. I've been there - wanting to believe the best of someone I loved - I think many of us probably have.

What I can't abide - what I personally find abhorrent isn't that she didn't know or even that she's supporting the man she's spent most of her life with - but rather her unmitigated gall at stating his victims consented. She wasn't there so the only thing she has for her basis, and seemingly the only point of reference she wishes to trust, is the man at the center of the accusations. And to broadcast such minimization of the victims on a global scale is truly gobsmacking.

I'd be retreating to my corner, licking my wounds, shutting my mouth, and doing what I could to help my children through a roller coaster ride they never asked for.

To be fair the reporter never spoke to her and the quote was indirect hearsay through an anonymous source so we don't know for sure if she wanted to broadcast her words on a global scale or if that's even what she really said.

What the heck does Camille mean when she says she "created him"?
I read it as saying she worked her *advertiser censored* off and made many sacrifices and brushed a lot of appalling behavior under the carpet to further his career and enable his success.

But considering the outcome she might have thought she created a monster :O


Beth Ferrier and Rebecca Lynn Neal, who both claim they were drugged and sexually assaulted by the comedian decades ago, said they are joining the effort by a woman who sued Cosby in 2005 in Pennsylvania.

Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents 17 alleged Cosby victims, said her firm filed a memorandum in support of efforts to release Cosby's entire transcript to see what he stated about them.

Ferrier’s lawyer, Joyce L. Collier, said in the motion that “Cosby has made multiple public statements claiming that women who have accused him of sexual assault have been ‘discredited’ and that the allegations are merely ‘innuendo’ … Unsealing the complete deposition transcripts of defendant’s deposition will allow plaintiff and other Jane Doe witnesses to defend themselves from defendant’s despicable attempts to discredit them.”

Neal, another Jane Doe who came forward to support former Temple University employee Andrea Constand in the 2005 lawsuit, filed a separate petition. She said she was accosted by Cosby in 1986 after she met him while working as a masseuse at a Las Vegas health club where she would frequently give him back rubs.


Cosby, according to a 2005 motion filed by his lawyer, had testified that he did not remember meeting Neal or recall the incident she described to police. However, he said he knew "of no reason why Ms. Neal would fabricate such a story," according to the defense motion.

During Monday’s conference, Allred said that her clients, Beth Ferrier and Rebecca Lynn Neal, “adamantly deny that they took drugs voluntarily from Mr. Cosby.”

Added Allred, “I invite Mrs. Cosby to meet face-to-face with my clients to hear directly from them what they allege that Mr. Cosby did to them. Mrs. Cosby can ask them any questions she would like to ask and then she can learn who the real victim is.”

Whoopi Goldberg replies to Bill Cosby controversy: 'My real life is more upsetting'

On The View on Monday, an emotional Goldberg indirectly referenced the criticism while speaking about her brother, who died two months ago.

Goldberg said: "If I don't get onboard with a lot of stuff that is upsetting people, understand that my real life is much more upsetting than stuff that is happening outside."

That's another slightly unfortunate wording. I don't think she thinks a lot about how her words sound before she says them. If she said, my real life is more upsetting to me, it would have been better already. I mean, I completely understand she's personally more upset about her brother dying than rapes and assaults happening to some other people that she may or may not know but that's not a legitimate reason to minimize the impact of criminal behavior and other people's suffering I think.

Judd Apatow was asked about Cosby again:
Apatow went on to explain his feelings about the matter, saying, “A lot of people got terribly hurt. And you know, when you go out on a date you don’t need seven prescriptions for Quaaludes. I’m in show business. Famous people can meet women without the enormous prescriptions.”
Denise Huxtable's husband has weighed in with a quite contrary blog post that is titled, of course he is guilty, but waxes poetic about his cultural significance, then tells a story about a friend who told him Cosby did something very bad to her and how he believes the friend. However, then he says "perhaps" Cosby is guilty of something other than having a lot of randy sex outside marriage, and ends with an odd plea for Cosby, not to tell the truth or make things right with his victims, but to live quietly in one of his luxurious manors so people can keep their illusions about him. Whaddaheck?

Joseph C. Phillips, best known for his role on the Cosby Show as Martin Kendall the husband of Denise Huxtable, has written a damning post against his TV dad-in-law Bill Cosby. In an op-ed written on his blog titled “Of Course Bill Cosby Is Guilty!”, the actor turned conservative Christian commentator talks of how he once idolized the comedian and how the litany of recent rape accusations had him second-guessing the integrity of his former hero.

However what made Phillips certain of Cosby’s guilt is an exchange he had with a former female friend who Cosby once mentored. He claims she broke down and admitted that she was raped by Cosby years ago.

When I joined the cast of the Cosby Show in 1989, it seemed to be common knowledge that Bill played around.
So, in 1989, my attitude was that if Bill was cheating on Camille, I am fairly certain Camille knew.

Then he writes about his anonymous friend who told him she was raped by Cosby and how he became convinced she was telling the truth.

More recently, there were a series of court documents that were unsealed and revealed a dark side to the Cos. Rather than spending his time bouncing kids on his knee and eating Jell-O brand pudding, this Bill was involved in illegal drugs and illicit sex, fornication, and perhaps more.


Over the weekend, Bill turned 78 years old. It is with all of the love I still have for him and the reverence of one who has idolized him for a lifetime that I offer this plea.

Bill, you have a family who loves you, a wife who is devoted to you; you have more money than you can spend. Please, go live a quiet country life. Allow those of us who truly love you to preserve just a bit of our enchantment.

Read more at http://josephcphillips.com/2015/07/of-course-bill-cosby-is-guilty/

There's a great comment by Julie G.
Alleged Cosby rape victim educating Hollywood power players on sexual assault in industry

Barbara Bowman talking about a project with PAVE to work on Hollywood sexual abuse epidemic.
“We’re putting manuals and events together, and we are developing an online program that is like a tracking system which will track predators and predatory behavior,” Bowman told FOX411. “It would be reviewed from time to time and not reported unless requested to be reported unless there was a serious red flag.”

According to the former actress, the anonymity will be in place as actresses fear being blacklisted for speaking out; something she said is still very real for anyone who dares “rock the boat.”
Denise Huxtable's husband has weighed in with a quite contrary blog post that is titled, of course he is guilty, but waxes poetic about his cultural significance, then tells a story about a friend who told him Cosby did something very bad to her and how he believes the friend. However, then he says "perhaps" Cosby is guilty of something other than having a lot of randy sex outside marriage, and ends with an odd plea for Cosby, not to tell the truth or make things right with his victims, but to live quietly in one of his luxurious manors so people can keep their illusions about him. Whaddaheck?


Then he writes about his anonymous friend who told him she was raped by Cosby and how he became convinced she was telling the truth.


Read more at http://josephcphillips.com/2015/07/of-course-bill-cosby-is-guilty/

There's a great comment by Julie G.

A pretty good blog until the ending paragraph vaporizes it.
My guess is that Phillips wants to acknowledge the truth of Cosby's raping ways but is also afraid to use more damning language for fear of lawsuits.

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It's funny how this story has focused on several unrelated celebs besides Cosby and the victims.

Whoopi again:

She acts surprised when she hears that Cosby hasn't been prosecuted because of statute of limitations.
“If this is to be tried in the court of public opinion, all the information that is out there kind of points to guilt,” she concluded.

Judd Apatow:

People say, "Separate the art from the artist." They want to watch Annie Hall and Bill Cosby's old routines and still enjoy them. Can you do that separating?
No. Not at all. Some people say you have to separate it, then they list everybody who's done terrible things who made art. I guess that's an argument you could make. The Cosby thing I took seriously because I know one of the victims, who is not going to come forward.

So it's personal for him.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/...olling-stone-interview-20150714#ixzz3ftBEZtoM



Even George W. Bush is in on it:
“Mr. President, when you presented Mr. Cosby with the nation’s highest honor you had absolutely no knowledge that he would later be accused of the sexual assault of dozens of women,” Angela Rose, PAVE’s executive director, said in a letter to former President Bush. “Had you known then what you know now, I am certain you never would have allowed Mr. Cosby to receive this singular distinction…Mr. President, it is not too late to remedy this. I urge you to express your support with my organization’s ongoing effort to revoke the medal from Mr. Cosby.”

Senators Claire McCaskill and Kirsten Gillibrand, both prominent champions for survivors of sexual violence, have publicly supported the petition. Through a spokesperson, Gillibrand told Politico, “She supports this group’s effort because we need to set a clear example that sexual assault will not be tolerated in this country, and someone who admitted to using drugs for sex no longer deserves the nation’s highest honor.” Sen. McCaskill said Cosby “has now admitted in sworn testimony that he drugged young women to take advantage of them sexually. I don’t think that somebody that has admitted to doing that deserves a medal of any type. He probably deserves to go to prison.”
My guess is that Phillips wants to acknowledge the truth of Cosby's raping ways but is also afraid to use more damning language for fear of lawsuits.

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Who knows what kind of NDAs the Huxtable family members were required to sign.

The last line enrages me. Yes, this is all about letting the people who "truly love" Bill live in their happy bubbles of denial. They are the ones who matter.

The Guardian is saying Smithsonian should be ashamed because their exhibition is clearly endorsing the Cosby family. The online material has lots of quotes from the family and there are even art pieces by or related to the family.

“I think this will be a wonderful educational experience, not educational in a boring sense of the word, but, as Elizabeth Catlett once said: ‘Art should wake somebody up.’ We just want people to wake up, and to enjoy themselves while they are awake” – so Camille Cosby, the comedian’s wife, introduces the exhibition.

Kind of ironic that she talks about wanting people to be awake when Mr. Camille seems to be all about putting them to sleep.

For, far from being passive lenders to this exhibition, Cosby and his family are very visible in it, as commentators and even as a contributing artist. The museum was spectacularly foolish if it failed to see it was in effect endorsing and “condoning” Cosby. The publicity for the exhibition clearly allows the Cosbys to portray themselves as good citizens, good Americans and, above all, good African Americans. It is, in effect, an argument for the defence: a reminder of Bill Cosby’s work for the arts and passion for African American rights.
One thing the National Museum of African Art neglected to mention in its disclaimer is that it has accepted $716, 000 from Bill Cosby.


The code of ethics promulgated by the American Alliance of Museums states that “Museums in the United States are grounded in the tradition of public service. They are organized as public trusts, holding their collections and information as a benefit for those they were established to serve. … Museums and those responsible for them must do more than avoid legal liability, they must take affirmative steps to maintain their integrity so as to warrant public confidence. They must act not only legally but also ethically. … Where conflicts of interest arise—actual, potential or perceived—the duty of loyalty must never be compromised. No individual may use his or her position in a museum for personal gain or to benefit another at the expense of the museum, its mission, its reputation and the society it serves.”

But these high principles run up against the reality that museums — even ones that are supposed to be public trusts — often rely on powerful people for donations and their connections to other people who can make major gifts.
Who knows what kind of NDAs the Huxtable family members were required to sign.

The last line enrages me. Yes, this is all about letting the people who "truly love" Bill live in their happy bubbles of denial. They are the ones who matter.

Yeah and what's even the point of pleading Cosby to live quietly in his country manor? Because I think that's probably what he is going to do anyway... Nice surroundings, helpful staff, villagers who will look the other way because he's a good tipper and will fund the town [insert project] and mostly far from the paparazzi. What's not to like?
This link is the same story, but includes video.


At the end of the interview, Goldberg had a message for Cosby, who has remained mostly silent about the accusations.

"It looks bad, Bill," she said. "Either speak up or shut up."

Even Whoopi is bailing on him. I didn't expect this. I wonder what the real story behind her betrayal is?
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