Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #4

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Yeah probably... I forgot what it was called but he went to walk in Martin Luther King's footsteps across a bridge and talked to high school students and the organizators said it was all because the world needs to know that the Black Belt kids matter. Selma, Alabama, I think..?

Yes that's it. This is also where Cosby, in an ABC interview, was going to address the sexual assault allegations, but ended up not saying much. He did have three Black Belt Community Foundation officials sitting with him during that interview.. for moral support, I suppose.
Did any of the victims ever state that Cosby left them money such as 10k or more before leaving?

I just seriously doubt that he wouldn't have paid them something or some kind of 1 night stand hush money. Especially since he was worth millions.

So this isn't sarc. And i never seen the victims interviews. But did they ever state that he gave them some kind of money after the tryst?

Now I know some didn't remember the entirety. But out of 30 victims. How many said or admitted that he did give them some kind of money before he left?

Just asking.
Did any of the victims ever state that Cosby left them money such as 10k or more before leaving?

I just seriously doubt that he wouldn't have paid them something or some kind of 1 night stand hush money. Especially since he was worth millions.

So this isn't sarc. And i never seen the victims interviews. But did they ever state that he gave them some kind of money after the tryst?

Now I know some didn't remember the entirety. But out of 30 victims. How many said or admitted that he did give them some kind of money before he left?

Just asking.

He left two $100 bills on one woman's dresser. I don't know about him paying any others. I don't think he needed to buy their silence when he could threaten them for free.
Did any of the victims ever state that Cosby left them money such as 10k or more before leaving?

I just seriously doubt that he wouldn't have paid them something or some kind of 1 night stand hush money. Especially since he was worth millions.

So this isn't sarc. And i never seen the victims interviews. But did they ever state that he gave them some kind of money after the tryst?

Now I know some didn't remember the entirety. But out of 30 victims. How many said or admitted that he did give them some kind of money before he left?

Just asking.

I found these, but nothing about large hush money payouts. This sounds more like "I've decided you're a prostitute" money.

"I actually told him that he would have to kill me, that if he didn't kill me and he tried to rape me, it was going to go very badly," Green said. "I guess it was inconvenient at that point, I had not been crushed successfully into submission and he left two $100 bills on my coffee table and he left my apartment."

Chelan claims that Cosby sexually assaulted her before she passed out, and that when she awoke, Cosby gave her $1,500. According to Chelan, Cosby later invited her to see his stand-up show at the Hilton, but when she declined, she was fired.

Jena claims that she attempted to confront Cosby, who responded to her concerns with an offer to send her to college and buy her a car. Later, Jena claims Cosby pressured her into an unwanted sexual position, and allegedly gave her $700 before she left.

Watch Bill Cosby Eye Sofia Vergara in 2003 Interview: 'You Make Me Feel Young Again'

by Inside Edition 4:45 PM EDT, October 21, 2015

A cringe-worthy, long-forgotten video of Bill Cosby interviewing Sofia Vergara shows the now-embattled comedian leering at the young actress.

INSIDE EDITION showed the footage to one of Cosby’s current accusers, Victoria Valentino.

“It’s creepy,” she said.


Bill Cosby’s Insurance Company Wants Accusers’ Lawsuit Put on Hold

[The Wrap] Tim Kenneally October 21, 2015

...Legal papers filed in federal court in Massachusetts on Tuesday and obtained by TheWrap, show the AIG Property Casualty Company claims that Cosby’s policy doesn’t cover the liability he’s currently facing in the lawsuit — but they’ve nonetheless been funding Cosby’s legal defense “at a considerable cost.”

AIG is asking that a stay be put on the litigation, pending a court declaration of whether the insurance company has a duty to help defend the comedian.

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/bill-cosby-insurance-company-wants-accusers-lawsuit-put-201701429.html
Idk. I can believe some. But not all, if money was transacted after. Jmo

How do you know you can or can't believe them if you haven't even seen their interviews and don't know what they say happened?
Idk. I can believe some. But not all, if money was transacted after. Jmo

So if he drugged and raped a woman and left money on her nightstand, then it's not rape because she didn't return the money to him?

So if he drugged and raped a woman and left money on her nightstand, then it's not rape because she didn't return the money to him?


Yes and can you picture her reporting it to the police?

"Now ma'am, he left you money but you say he drugged and raped you, that this was not a consensual act of prostitution.

Bill Cosby Replaces Longtime Lawyer Martin D. Singer in Two Lawsuits

Allred says Cosby's new lawyer will not impact Huth's case.

"Mr. Cosby has decided to hire 700 lawyers to fight one woman," she said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. "Mr. Singer has represented Mr. Cosby from the inception of Judy Huth's case until now. Only Mr. Cosby and or his representatives would be able to comment on the reason that Martin Singer is no longer representing Mr. Cosby and why this change has been made. We look forward to continuing our legal battle on behalf of Ms. Huth and this change will not impact our vigorous advocacy on her behalf."

Bill Cosby now being used as a cudgel in political attack ad
Democrat Kevin Steele is running in a close race against Republican Bruce Castor, the former DA who is trying to get his old job back. The election is Nov. 3.

On Tuesday, Steele started running a 30-second TV ad that attacks Castor for failing to prosecute Cosby on criminal assault charges 10 years ago. "Bruce Castor is not looking out for the victims," the ad intones.
So if he drugged and raped a woman and left money on her nightstand, then it's not rape because she didn't return the money to him?


I was just saying tell the whole story. So if you received money or a acting gig then say it. Btw. Some continued to date him. So why do i have to believe all of them.
Of course you don't have to believe anyone.

However, receiving money doesn't mean that you didn't get raped. Sometimes money might be hush money. I'll give you this so you shut up. Sometimes it might be the rapist's mind games to humiliate and manipulate the victim. It could be an insult, this is all you were worth... It could be shaming and misdirection (imagine waking up sore and smelling of semen and having no idea what happened but there's $100 on your dresser... did you or did you not consent to a sex act for money?)

So what if you got an acting gig? it doesn't mean you didn't also get raped. Several of the women were actresses, they got acting gigs, that's how we know they were actresses. It doesn't make anyone immune to rape and drugging and sexual abuse.

Some of them dated him. Again, doing some things consensually doesn't mean that you can't also be raped. Beth Ferrier said she was raped after the consensual affair ended, IIRC, and there's this thing called grooming and manipulation which gets some abuse victims going back to their abuser again and again. If he's sometimes nice then maybe the bad thing never happened, and never will again, and it will all be all right somehow.

JMO and I haven't seen all of these women talk but I have seen many of them and I believe them. If they made it up, several of them would have told a different story that would have left them open for fewer attacks. (Say, if I made up a rape story I wouldn't say I dated the rapist because of people who say you can't have been raped if you dated him.)
Most of these situations weren't in the context of "dating." I've just read Joan Tarshis's story. She was a 19 year-old writer who was working with Cosby on ideas for his new sitcom in the late 60's. She alleges Cosby drugged and raped her twice. Joan's story is too long to explain here, so I linked it below. I think our notions of what "logically should happen" often don't follow what actually happens in real life. You know the old saying, hindsight is 20/20. Or, as the youngsters would say, stuff happens.

Of course you don't have to believe anyone.

However, receiving money doesn't mean that you didn't get raped. Sometimes money might be hush money. I'll give you this so you shut up. Sometimes it might be the rapist's mind games to humiliate and manipulate the victim. It could be an insult, this is all you were worth... It could be shaming and misdirection (imagine waking up sore and smelling of semen and having no idea what happened but there's $100 on your dresser... did you or did you not consent to a sex act for money?)

So what if you got an acting gig? it doesn't mean you didn't also get raped. Several of the women were actresses, they got acting gigs, that's how we know they were actresses. It doesn't make anyone immune to rape and drugging and sexual abuse.

Some of them dated him. Again, doing some things consensually doesn't mean that you can't also be raped. Beth Ferrier said she was raped after the consensual affair ended, IIRC, and there's this thing called grooming and manipulation which gets some abuse victims going back to their abuser again and again. If he's sometimes nice then maybe the bad thing never happened, and never will again, and it will all be all right somehow.

JMO and I haven't seen all of these women talk but I have seen many of them and I believe them. If they made it up, several of them would have told a different story that would have left them open for fewer attacks. (Say, if I made up a rape story I wouldn't say I dated the rapist because of people who say you can't have been raped if you dated him.)

Can you tell me how many do you believe? Thanks.
Hey Bluesneakers. You are only allowed to thank my posts. Lol. Just kidding. Good morning my friend.
Can you tell me how many do you believe? Thanks.

Most of the women who I have seen in interviews seemed quite believable to me but I haven't seen everyone talk on video.

Chloe Goins is the iffiest to me if it turns out that her story about when it happened changed in the middle, and I thought that somebody who held a presser with Gloria Allred looked like fake crying. But I suppose even if it was fake crying it doesn't mean that their story is not true, it could be coaching for maximum media impact.
Mr. Cosby’s team declined to elaborate but made clear that Mr. Singer would not continue as his legal adviser. “The firm Lively & Singer no longer represents Mr. Cosby,” Ms. Pressley said by email.

Mr. Singer did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.'

...One of Mr. Singer’s statements to the news media, in which he characterized some of the accusations against Mr. Cosby as “unsubstantiated, fantastical stories,” has been cited in a number of defamation cases against Mr. Cosby.
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