Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

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I'm just not sure. Nothing in the case is of the norm. (if there is a norm) It's all just very sad and difficult to digest.

I totally agree. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction!!!

My heart aches tonight for Sandra and her family (oh her Mom breaks my heart!!). These details are too much. I worry for her mother.
I've wondered about this. Did she plan to do something, sometime? Like did she have a plan for whenever the opportunity arose, but didn't have a plan for creating the opportunity. Or did she plan every aspect? ....... As difficult as it is to believe the circumstances of this crime, I tend to think that MH somehow got Sandra over to her house that day. That it was all very planned, the plot, the day, the time.

Don't we have a statement from Sandra's grandfather that she had planned on going to a Bible study that day??? Give you three guesses as to who invited her to that Bible study. :sick:
Just doing a quick check in and see this - this is horrific and very disturbing. I am truly sick to my stomach with this news. I do trust that LE have all they need to do what needs to be done for prosecution to the fullest. Sickening and totally disturbing - now I am repeating myself because I have no words for what I am feeling. Horrific.
Don't we have a statement from Sandra's grandfather that she had planned on going to a Bible study that day??? Give you three guesses as to who invited her to that Bible study. :sick:

That statement always confused me because it was tied to the girls wanting to go to the movies. Sandra couldn't go to the movies because she didn't have the money to go. I couldn't understand why she couldn't then just go to church/bible study.
I thought the way it came out was the girls wanted to go to the movies and to bible study/church but Sandra couldn't go because she didn't have the money.
Maybe Sandra was on her way to MH to tell her she couldn't come to church that night. :eek:
I always found it odd that Sandra was going to a Bible Study on a Friday night! I interepreted the comment about the movies and Bible study, as indicating she did not have enough money for the movies, but the Bible study should have been free. So many aspects of this case, just leaves you gasping for air!
Regarding Melissa's alledged whining about living in a note, it may or may not even be true that she ever felt that way. The note was written when she was in high school, so Melissa may have learned to manipulate her friends and family at an early age. Some of these murderers, male and female, fool even their adult victims until they have them trapped. Melissa must have fooled her husband since she had custody. Melissa must have fooled her family since they allowed her to keep her child, she must have fooled her grandparents into letting her live there free, and she must have fooled the cops big time when they questioned her about the drugging of the child. She also fooled the churches and the preschool class. She couldn't be some whiney little mouse who was so horribly mistreated or not in jive with her mother.
Melissa Huckaby was a Sunday School teacher at the Clover Baptist Church pastored by her grandfather Lane Lawless located at 11000 Clover Road, Tracy, CA. She had no other job outside the church when she was arrested.
I think a lot of this confusion comes on speculation on blogs that cannot be named reporting it as fact.... (I have read the same rumor:sick: that she did not..)

ETA: clarification.. the rumor being that she does not work at the clover road church but works five hours away.... (not!)
Question..Is MH the person that originally said that Sandra mentioned running away from home? Is she the reason there was NO Amber Alert?
No. Her name was Rebecca H.

There was no Amber Alert because there was no description of an abductor or vehicle which is required in the state of CA.

When states or LE departments realize those are only SUGGESTED guidelines...they will come to the understanding that AA's should be decided on a case by case basis. There should have been an AA for Sandra, but it wouldn't have helped since she was gone before she was ever reported missing, sadly. :(

I would still like to know WHY it took 4 hours to figure out she was missing in the first place!! Someone should have been inquiring as to why this little girl was not home for dinner or should have checked up on her periodically in a 4 hour period, imo. While I feel so sorry for her family during this time, I am still angry because no one missed her.
I think a lot of this confusion comes on speculation on blogs that cannot be named reporting it as fact.... (I have read the same rumor:sick: that she did not..)

ETA: clarification.. the rumor being that she does not work at the clover road church but works five hours away.... (not!)
I guess it is why I don't read those blogs, eh? ;)
Notes like that from a 6th grader do not always equate to the mother or even the parents. She could have been bullied at school and written the same thing. Didn't the person who brought those here indicate she was considered "different" and shy because of her religion etc.?
if you go over to the family and friends thread and read what some of the friends have said it is very eye opening. I don't want to do their posts injustice but the 'just' of one of them...the high school bff...was that she did not even want to be at her house... check it out.....
I totally agree. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction!!!

My heart aches tonight for Sandra and her family (oh her Mom breaks my heart!!). These details are too much. I worry for her mother.
I am very worried for her mother too. She breaks my heart in two...
Regarding the <shiver> "instrument" and the murder weapon...
Since it seems like MH has been open about so much I wonder if there is some particular significance to what she is withholding. Perhaps something to do with feeling like she has gotten one over on LE and all of us? It would have been logical to dispose of the "instrument" and weapon in the suitcase. I wonder if she could have kept them as a token? <SHIVER>
No. Her name was Rebecca H.

There was no Amber Alert because there was no description of an abductor or vehicle which is required in the state of CA.

When states or LE departments realize those are only SUGGESTED guidelines...they will come to the understanding that AA's should be decided on a case by case basis. There should have been an AA for Sandra, but it wouldn't have helped since she was gone before she was ever reported missing, sadly. :(

I would still like to know WHY it took 4 hours to figure out she was missing in the first place!! Someone should have been inquiring as to why this little girl was not home for dinner or should have checked up on her periodically in a 4 hour period, imo. While I feel so sorry for her family during this time, I am still angry because no one missed her.
It is not the fact that she was unaccounted for for four hours. The article per grandpa is in the media thread. She went out to play after coming home from school. She came home briefly for five minutes than went back out to play... There was a break there in the middle. Not to mention her family thought they knew the adults she was playing around. when trust becomes a sin I want to move to another planet please!

Her mother and family thought she was playing, as usual, at her friend's homes in the park. With adults that the family trusted. They knew Melissa and let their daughter play there... This is just an aberration.

They are not guilty of anything to me. They were gullible as to what dangers were out there. I cannot imagine that any anger of this is stronger than their own... as well as regret.. I just cannot go there.... This little girl was doing what she normally did every day of her life... until someone took it from her and from her family.
I'm with you LALAW...I pray that poor baby was drugged. I just can't wrap my brain around this. I really hope some people start speaking out about the type of person she is.....it's just uncomprehendable to me. She's a mother, for goodness sakes. Now her own little girl has to grow up dealing with this....

MH did give birth apparently - so what do you think was happening with her own child? The child was reported to have been very thin and sickly. I know some were thinking MBP, but I'm thinking MH has probably been molesting that baby for a long time. Maybe that is why MH's mother was taking the child on a vacation? Now, it was reported the child is with her father - does that mean the child is in Kansas where it will be difficult to interview her if necessary by the Tracy police, I wonder?

I've done some research on the treatment out there for molesters. Why?

I know a woman who had this situation occur...Think about this...Say, your 14 yo son, daughter, came to you and said they felt suicidal. That they were attracted to little kids, and they didn't know what to do...What would you do?

First off, there are NO treatment out there for people who haven't offended.
Two, what do you do? Take the kid to the police station and tell them what he's thinking?

This woman spent endless time trying to get her son help. What happened? There was no one for her son to see. No one in the state specialized in non-offender sexual deviants...She had her son committed for help, and he spent a month being harassed by the staff where he was...She tried religion, therapy, moving out of state, etc...Her son never acted on his thoughts that she know of...At 17, he hung himself and wrote a long diatribe about how he did so because he couldn't help what he felt, and he didn't want to harm someone...

There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people sexually attracted to children out there. Not saying it's right, I'm saying we need some prevention programs out there. Especially if 90 percent of child molesters are victims themselves...

Oh, and while researching, I came across a center that treats women sexual offenders who molest girls.
I've done some research on the treatment out there for molesters. Why?

I know a woman who had this situation occur...Think about this...Say, your 14 yo son, daughter, came to you and said they felt suicidal. That they were attracted to little kids, and they didn't know what to do...What would you do?

First off, there are NO treatment out there for people who haven't offended.
Two, what do you do? Take the kid to the police station and tell them what he's thinking?

This woman spent endless time trying to get her son help. What happened? There was no one for her son to see. No one in the state specialized in non-offender sexual deviants...She had her son committed for help, and he spent a month being harassed by the staff where he was...She tried religion, therapy, moving out of state, etc...Her son never acted on his thoughts that she know of...At 17, he hung himself and wrote a long diatribe about how he did so because he couldn't help what he felt, and he didn't want to harm someone...

There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people sexually attracted to children out there. Not saying it's right, I'm saying we need some prevention programs out there. Especially if 90 percent of child molesters are victims themselves...

Oh, and while researching, I came across a center that treats women sexual offenders who molest girls.
omg....that is a horrible story. Thanks for sharing that. How sad....
No. Her name was Rebecca H.

There was no Amber Alert because there was no description of an abductor or vehicle which is required in the state of CA.

When states or LE departments realize those are only SUGGESTED guidelines...they will come to the understanding that AA's should be decided on a case by case basis. There should have been an AA for Sandra, but it wouldn't have helped since she was gone before she was ever reported missing, sadly. :(

I would still like to know WHY it took 4 hours to figure out she was missing in the first place!! Someone should have been inquiring as to why this little girl was not home for dinner or should have checked up on her periodically in a 4 hour period, imo. While I feel so sorry for her family during this time, I am still angry because no one missed her.

SS, I agree.
None of this makes sense IF the child had already been found behind a building drugged why on earth would you allow your child out of sight even for one hour let alone four hours. I really haven't followed this case but from the little I have read this is a big red flag.
Just doing a quick check in and see this - this is horrific and very disturbing. I am truly sick to my stomach with this news. I do trust that LE have all they need to do what needs to be done for prosecution to the fullest. Sickening and totally disturbing - now I am repeating myself because I have no words for what I am feeling. Horrific.

I know I've said this 30 times already guys - please forgive me :innocent:

In watching the Saturday, April 11th presser and Lt. Sheneman - you knew it had to be bad. The way he hesitates when he talks about having a solid case to "ensure Hukabee pays for what she has done" and then when he says there are no words to describe what MH has done (NOT EXACT QUOTES) you just get the feeling that it is really bad.

That poor child. Like others have said, I hope she was drugged and didn't know what was happening.

Prayers for Sandra and her family.


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