Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
1. My guess would be she used decorating her classroom as a ploy to get Sandra to go willingly with her to the church. She may have told Sandra anything tho. We know Sandra had no money to go to the movies earlier so maybe she offered her pay to help decorate. So many possibilities as to how she got her out of the mhp and to the church without someone seeing her.

Another thought I had was that she asked Sandra to go ahead and walk to the church while she gathered the stuff telling Sandra she would meet her there. No one would have seen Sandra with her or in her vehicle this way.

The grandfather also mentioned Sandra and the sisters were supposed to go to some church for bible study on that particular Friday nite. We do not know if it was Clover Baptist or not as it was never clarified.

2. She was going to try to use an Insanity defense against those charges in some way according to reports. (Diminished capacity perhaps? I don't remember exactly.)

I thought they specifically said she did not leave the MHP. Meaning she was not on camera walking out. Could she have been seen if she was in the Kia in the front seat? Does it have tinted windows?
I'm not sure I trust that Huckaby did have internal bleeding. The report of the internal bleeding came from Huckaby herself, and for some reason, I just don't trust that she's telling the whole truth.

I'm going to wait and see if they come out with why she was in the hospital. Another source other than Huckaby. JMHO

A suicide attempt maybe??
I'm not sure I trust that Huckaby did have internal bleeding. The report of the internal bleeding came from Huckaby herself, and for some reason, I just don't trust that she's telling the whole truth.

I'm going to wait and see if they come out with why she was in the hospital. Another source other than Huckaby. JMHO

I read somewhere that it was a suicide attempt. Can't remember where!
Is this a thread to talk about Melissa also. I'm getting confused where to post things.

I wanted to post that somewhere in one of the threads someone had commented on how she is probably immature and can only have kids as "peers". Well in the video of her in court she is quivering her lip and it just reminds me of how a child would do that.
Is this a thread to talk about Melissa also. I'm getting confused where to post things.

I wanted to post that somewhere in one of the threads someone had commented on how she is probably immature and can only have kids as "peers". Well in the video of her in court she is quivering her lip and it just reminds me of how a child would do that.

That is the exact response I had. She looked like a four-year-old little girl in trouble...
I think they have the weapon!

I just heard Sheneman on MG, and she asked him point blank if they had the weapon and he said he couldn't comment on that. But it was the way he said it that gave me the feeling it is in LE's posession.

Also I think I got out of this that police were at MH's trailer again today and back at the church for another search. The investigation is ongoing.
"Some people do crossword puzzles or Soduko in their spare time...I look at skeletal reconstructions and work on UID puzzles. I swear I'm not this morbid in person!"

Every time a heinous crime like this surfaces, they confiscate the computers. I'm so into true crime that if my computer was scrutinized, I'd be in some deep trouble! I've looked up darn-near everything...

Seriously, I wonder if the sexual assault was after Sandra was dead, to throw off the investigation if she was found. Make it look like a man did it. I hope so. youknowwhatimean.
"Some people do crossword puzzles or Soduko in their spare time...I look at skeletal reconstructions and work on UID puzzles. I swear I'm not this morbid in person!"

Every time a heinous crime like this surfaces, they confiscate the computers. I'm so into true crime that if my computer was scrutinized, I'd be in some deep trouble! I've looked up darn-near everything...

Seriously, I wonder if the sexual assault was after Sandra was dead, to throw off the investigation if she was found. Make it look like a man did it. I hope so. youknowwhatimean.

LOL I always think the same thing when I'm googling another strange topic.
i don't think that comparing people who have been sexually abused as a child to people like Sandra who have been abused, then murdered is fair. i think that yes, many many people are sexually abused and yes, some abusers are women. but to have a sexual predator who then murders her victim is indeed rare (at least i have not seen that very often at all...)

My point was not comparing the murder to the actress being sexually abused, but rather this was another case of a woman sexually abusing a child which a lot of people have expressed is pretty rare but maybe not as rare as we think. In both cases a young girl was sexually assaulted by a woman and that was the comparison.
Okay so Melissa admitted to writing the note about the suitcase, water, whitehall.
I know we already knew that but I didn't know she had admitted to it.
"Some people do crossword puzzles or Soduko in their spare time...I look at skeletal reconstructions and work on UID puzzles. I swear I'm not this morbid in person!"

Every time a heinous crime like this surfaces, they confiscate the computers. I'm so into true crime that if my computer was scrutinized, I'd be in some deep trouble! I've looked up darn-near everything...

Seriously, I wonder if the sexual assault was after Sandra was dead, to throw off the investigation if she was found. Make it look like a man did it. I hope so. youknowwhatimean.

:eek: The same thing here! I've looked up chloroform, neck breaking and such. :eek: :behindbar
I think they have the weapon!

I just heard Sheneman on MG, and she asked him point blank if they had the weapon and he said he couldn't comment on that. But it was the way he said it that gave me the feeling it is in LE's posession.

Also I think I got out of this that police were at MH's trailer again today and back at the church for another search. The investigation is ongoing.
Did they use the term "weapon", "object" or was it "foreign object"?
I thought they specifically said she did not leave the MHP. Meaning she was not on camera walking out. Could she have been seen if she was in the Kia in the front seat? Does it have tinted windows?
I don't think the windows were tinted because we could see Melissa as she was leaving the mhp to go to the last interrogation before she was arrested.

Melissa knew about the camera. All she had to do was go around the back way and out the front of the mhp not to be seen on the cam.
Did Melissa know about the camera? I didn't hear that. But, so much has happened lately with too many kids and characters in this case as well as others, I must have missed it.

I think the windows of the vehicle Melissa was transported in were tinted but at night with lights. JMO
No, not the transport. It showed her driving what looked to be her kia and she waved at the reporter pointing the cam at her while she was driving. It was still daylight and she was wearing her sunglasses. She drove herself to the police station.

I didn't read anywhere she knew about the camera, but it is my own opinion she did. We see Sandra go out of the camera view when Melissa called to her or whatever she did to get her attention on the video. We never hear that they have Melissa or Sandra on camera after that last sighting of her. This tells me that Melissa was careful not to be seen on the camera or she would have driven right past it.
Oh, I thought it was the evening of the crime. I thought she knew that there was a camera at the entrance/exit of the mobile home park and went the opposite way to avoid being captured. It's been mentioned before but is there a camera there?
I don't think the windows were tinted because we could see Melissa as she was leaving the mhp to go to the last interrogation before she was arrested.

Random aside, but I wonder if she ever fathomed that she'd likely never drive a car again. I think of the little stupid things like that. For instance, wondering if it's hit home for KC that she'll never again step foot in Target. I think of her often when I walk through the beauty section. Is that weird? I've never been in jail, but I bet that's the kind of thing that would hurt the most. The small things you take for granted.

Anyway, this whole thing makes me ill. I was hoping at first that they were throwing the rape charges at her to see if they would stick. That something vague in her statement made them go there. But the "foreign object" thing is just so specific, and either there's been an admission or some evidence of that object, and I just...have no words. Poor Sandra. I just pray to God that the victim count doesn't extend much past her.
Oh, I thought it was the evening of the crime. I thought she knew that there was a camera at the entrance/exit of the mobile home park and went the opposite way to avoid being captured. It's been mentioned before but is there a camera there?
The only camera I am aware of is the grandfather's camera we see with Sandra skipping along then turning to go toward Melissa's house.
Random aside, but I wonder if she ever fathomed that she'd likely never drive a car again. I think of the little stupid things like that. For instance, wondering if it's hit home for KC that she'll never again step foot in Target. I think of her often when I walk through the beauty section. Is that weird? I've never been in jail, but I bet that's the kind of thing that would hurt the most. The small things you take for granted.

Anyway, this whole thing makes me ill. I was hoping at first that they were throwing the rape charges at her to see if they would stick. That something vague in her statement made them go there. But the "foreign object" thing is just so specific, and either there's been an admission or some evidence of that object, and I just...have no words. Poor Sandra. I just pray to God that the victim count doesn't extend much past her.

I guess that's a way for all of us to say F U to them for what they have done. Feels good when it is so horrible to understand. Thanks.

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