Raven is innocent!

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Rooster said:
Just thinking...If someone was watching the house and Janet. Planning to do this to her. Then that counts as "not random" right...

The murderer could have been a robber/rapest(I hope that didn't happen to her) in the neighborhood. Who had been watching her. (Jenifred found some information about this kind of thing happening in the Abaroa's neighborhood.)

I know what you are thinking...then the public would be in harm's way. But, what if the police know who this is and are following this person. Or have them in custody already. So, that's why they say...the public is in no danger...
I think if Janet was r*ped, that would've been released in one of the stories.
I think rape can be ruled out, as if that had happened there would be DNA evidence. However, rape could have been intended, just not carried through.
golfmom said:
From looking at the pictures of the neighborhood, I don't think it would have been a good idea to keep it parked at home if they were serious about selling it. The needed a high-traffic area and the home looks pretty much set back.
Although I never saw the car parked there, i was told that he was trying to sell the VX on Hillsborough Road, which is a street, in Durham, with alot of fast food restaurants and gas stations (high traffic area).
munch said:
Although I never saw the car parked there, i was told that he was trying to sell the VX on Hillsborough Road, which is a street, in Durham, with alot of fast food restaurants and gas stations (high traffic area).

Munch thank you so much for confirming that for me!

Welcome to WS!
Rooster said:
I know what you are thinking...then the public would be in harm's way. But, what if the police know who this is and are following this person. Or have them in custody already. So, that's why they say...the public is in no danger...
If they had them in custody already, then why couldn't they say that? I know their silence is bizarre for most cases, but perhaps its for a good reason-they are still collecting evidence,maybe, but if they had the perp in custody, you'd think LE would release a statement at least saying that they had him so the local neighbors could rest a little easier.
misterallgood said:
I've been trying to think of a case similar to this where the police were so close-mouthed, and there aren't many.

And... in every one where they gave lie detector tests to the husband or boyfriend and he passed, or in every case where the guy had an airtight alibi, they would proactively state the man was not a POI or suspect.

I was back re-reading old posts, and this one from Mr. A jumped out at me.

I have some observations/questions about a lie detector test:

As well all know, polygraph results are not 100% accurate, but even with that in mind -

1. In a case such is this, is there any standard protocol for when or if a polygraph would be given?

2. My assumption is that the person in question has to actually agree to the polygraph?

3. IF Raven indeed had a confirmable alibi for the time of the murder, as established in fact, but the TOD, would a polygraph still possibly be administered?

4. If a POI "passes" a polygraph, does that typically (if there is such a thing as typical) "clear" a person as a POI?

5. Generally speaking, in a case such as this, with the facts as we know them, at what point might a polygraph be administered?

6. And, I suppose this is the big question really - does anyone out there know if in FACT, Raven was asked to take a polygraph, and if so, did he indeed take the test?

I realize that many of these questions are general...and that procedural things can vary based on specific LE, locales, specific cases, etc... But I guess I would just like a sense of ANY of these things, for a GENERAL PERSPECTIVE.
In my experience, those closest to the victim are often asked to take a polygraph failry early in the investigation. Passing would move them down the list of suspects, but not necessairly off the list. Failing would move them up, but not necessarily to the top. No one can be forced to take a polygraph, they are always done voluntarily. Raven has a lawyer, my bet, no polygraph. Ive yet to meet a lawyer that advises their client to take one.
Timex said:
In my experience, those closest to the victim are often asked to take a polygraph failry early in the investigation. Passing would move them down the list of suspects, but not necessairly off the list. Failing would move them up, but not necessarily to the top. No one can be forced to take a polygraph, they are always done voluntarily. Raven has a lawyer, my bet, no polygraph. Ive yet to meet a lawyer that advises their client to take one.
Good points. I guess I've just never understood the lawyer on that regard... I mean if I was accused of a crime, or was even a POI, that I KNEW I did not commit, I can't help but think that I would WANT to take the polygraph, regardless of my lawyer's advice. Maybe the thinking is that somehow the test could backfire? It could be a POSITIVE test, as a fluke, what have you, even if I was in fact innocent?
SouthEastSleuth said:
Good points. I guess I've just never understood the lawyer on that regard... I mean if I was accused of a crime, or was even a POI, that I KNEW I did not commit, I can't help but think that I would WANT to take the polygraph, regardless of my lawyer's advice. Maybe the thinking is that somehow the test could backfire? It could be a POSITIVE test, as a fluke, what have you, even if I was in fact innocent?

Well, Steve Groen failed his, yet LE says he is not a suspect...Ruth Lunsford failed parts of her, and we know she had nothing to do with Jessica's death. I would assume that is why most lawyers say "no polygraphs".
I know Raven is innocent. My opinion is not going to change even if I don't post for awhile.
Rooster said:
I know Raven is innocent. My opinion is not going to change even if I don't post for awhile.
Hi Rooster,

Welcome back. We've missed you. Thank you for speaking out for Raven.
Welcome back Rooster. Hold on to your convictions, I think Raven appreciates the support.

Is there anything you can share with us about the last few days?
They Convicted Raven of 5 Felonies and in my opinion, I believe wholeheartedly, that Raven is NOT Innocent and it will eventually be proven in a Court of Law.
Rooster, I really enjoy your tag line. That chapter in the Doctrine and Covenants has helped me though a lot of rough times, and I hope that if Raven is innocent that he is taking comfort in that passage too. It feels good to know that the Lord knows all and caring for those that are in the right even if the world looks on as if they are in the wrong.
terminatrixator said:
They Convicted Raven of 5 Felonies and in my opinion, I believe wholeheartedly, that Raven is NOT Innocent and it will eventually be proven in a Court of Law.
Hi Term,

I agree with you - I don't believe Raven is innocent either. However, so few people have come forward and wholeheartedly stated that they believe Raven is 100% innocent, I want to make sure that the few who do take a stand for Raven know they are welcome here - all points of view are good - anything that can help solve Janet's murder.

I agree with Moxie. I hope Rooster will be willing to share any info he has regarding Raven's innocence.
I, for one, am happy to see a friend of Raven's here on these boards. Welcome back, Rooster. :chicken: We need a little objectivity around here.
I understand where you are all coming from, I've been known in the past as being quite objective, however, I'm not nice.
Rooster said:
I know Raven is innocent. My opinion is not going to change even if I don't post for awhile.
just curious ... do you know Raven is innocent because you were with him that night or know who did do this? Have you shared any info with LE?

We are all most interested in justice for Janet, even if some of us don't particularly care for Raven.
If he didn't do it, that doesn't mean we don't want to see the person who did this brought to justice! I'll be the first to eat crow (yes -- crow not Raven) if he did not do this.

I know I am personally here to support Janet and her family, especially little Kaiden :(
Rooster said:
I know Raven is innocent. My opinion is not going to change even if I don't post for awhile.
I never doubted that you continue to think raven is innocent...everyone has a right to their opinion. But to actually say you "know" raven is innocent is interesting. I'm still undecided, going from probably guilty to not so sure. How many here "know" raven is guilty? To actually know (without a doubt) that raven is guilty or innocent, imo, you would have to have solid proof....which, I don't think anybody here has at this time. The only people that know for sure of raven's innocence or guilt is raven and janet.

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