Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #5

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A. RN's knees are apart. If AS placed RN down Pre RM then the knees would have fell closed - respectfully snipped from previous post by Inobu


And also her knees are bent.

Not sure how they would have been bent by hanging?

RM is definitely obvious...
Good to know that you are out there. It is about awareness do everything possible to pass it on.


Thank you Inobu, and I enjoy your thought provoking posts! Maybe we will have more answers in 2 weeks!!

SunnieRN - THANK YOU for sharing your wonderful story. GOD BLESS YOU for the difference you are making in peoples' lives, those of us here included.

Thank you CocoChanel. This is what told me, in my heart and mind that I could be a nurse. That gave me confidence to always be a patient advocate.

Investigators have not indicated where Jonah or Dina were at the time, but officials at the hospital where Max was taken have confirmed that family members were by his side throughout his stay there

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So do we have JS, DS, AS and Dina's sister, taking turns to be by Maxie's side? I have not heard of any other family members listed as being at hospital. I find that odd that the grandparents/other family members didn't make a hospital visit. Wonder why not?

Does the old standard "only 2 family members per visit in ICU situations" apply and only 10 minutes every hour? I'm hopeful things have changed on visitation especially in Maxie's condition.

Great link! The ICU I managed, took each case individually. If someones death was imminent, we allowed 2 visitors at a time, except when we were doing personal care.

When my Grandpa was in ICU, they let me stay and do his personal care. I know it was something I did for me,but it helped my family to know I was there with my Grandpa.

If a patient had an MI, or a stroke, we would limit the number and time that there could be visitors. Patients would think they had to 'entertain their visitors' and wouldn't rest well.

The problem with hospitals is that the patients are there to get well. That means that tests are done day or night, that labs are drawn at 4 or 5 in the morning, so that the doctor has the results in the morning. Vitals are taken around the clock, so with all that and more going on, patients get very little rest as it is. That is the reason for limiting visits/visiting hours and number of visits.

Hope that helps!!:seeya:

That is an very interesting picture taken from an angle I had not previously seen. I did not realize how close the stairs to the guest house are to the balcony. It looks like you could easily reach part of the balcony from the steps. As a kid, I would have seen that set-up as perfect play equipment to climb and jump from.

This made me laugh, as we would climb on/from/to anything, often giving our Mom a heart attack!!

The proximity also surprised me and made me feel even more strongly that Rebecca would not have carried this out herself in the nude. She knew AS was in the guesthouse, which really seems to be a mini mansion.

I am not of the suicide belief, but could she have actually been suspended from the far right side of the balcony and used the stairs to jump? But my gosh, yu couldn't do that to yourself in the dark. I agree with previous posters who state that is a big clue.

Last point today, I promise, but the way the LE statement reads, toward Rebecca's family, I wonder if the words are eluding to murder.

I hope we also learn more regarding Maxie's fall. Now, id he was trying to climb, and fell from the outside staircase, I could see him getting the type of injuries he did, as he may have fallen head first. Oh man, I guess a head fall first inside could have broken his spine.
SunnieRn: Thanks for your response...your experience and expertise are priceless...again, thanks for allowing me/us to draw upon your hard earned education and work experience. Appreciated.

ETA: And it is SO reassuring to know that there are nurses out there, many in fact, who CARE as much as you's to our NURSES!
SunnieRn: Thanks for your response...your experience and expertise are priceless...again, thanks for allowing me/us to draw upon your hard earned education and work experience. Appreciated.

ETA: And it is SO reassuring to know that there are nurses out there, many in fact, who CARE as much as you's to our NURSES!

Thank you Paladine, I respect youand your opinion a lot, so your response means a lot!

PS, love your fur baby!! Is it a Westie?
And SunnieRn: IF there was a spinal injury and IF Maxie was moved by Rebecca....there may be blame laid for not stabilizing the neck quickly, enough, possibly worsening the injury, in the minds of some...rightfully or not...imo.
Thank you Paladine, I respect youand your opinion a lot, so your response means a lot!

PS, love your fur baby!! Is it a Westie?

Thank you...and yes, she is...her name is ROSIE. She's five and has almost tripped ME down stairs...that's why, personally, I cannot rule an accident with the dog out till we know more...
Here is a picture of the balcony and yard from a July 13, 2011 video newsreport, same day as RN was found.
The black thing we previously belived to be rope hanging from the balcony, seems indeed to be part of the construction supporting the balcony.

It is to be found ca 2:20 into the video.


It may be the palm branch that we are seeing. It appears from the angle in the aerial shots the braces for the balcony is blocked from view but the palm branch is not.
It may be the palm branch that we are seeing. It appears from the angle in the aerial shots the braces for the balcony is blocked from view but the palm branch is not.
In the picture I posted earlier, it shows that it is definitely a support for the balcony,
my apologies inobu, I now see what you meant

A. RN's knees are apart. If AS placed RN down Pre RM then the knees would have fell closed - respectfully snipped from previous post by Inobu


And also her knees are bent.

Not sure how they would have been bent by hanging?

RM is definitely obvious...

OK, I am not leading.........just pointing out the theory trail that lead me away from the hanging scene. Since RM is obvious then let us look into its cause and effects.

If RM takes about 3 to 4 hours to commence then the time of death moves from 6:30 to about 2:30 to 3:30. What is significant to this time point. The alleged and unverified music coming from the property. Verification of the music is important in that the music playing and stopping may coincide with the TOD. Find the "DJ" find the killer.

This is gathered purely from the images we have. Taking this assumption and looking at LE activity we can build on the theory.

Look at the evidence that LE removed from the premise and we can conclude that they are looking elsewhere on the property (room or rooms that housed the Frames, carpet and articles in the bag). If the orange cord was a room of interest then the crime scene has expanded .

This shot ................. little did the photographer know that he would stand almost in the exact spot that RN was placed.


The odds
i.b.nora excellent find ....

Good find I must say.

Snipped your post... I didn't find it initially, 'scorekeeper' is the person who found it and there was quite some extensive discussion about it on Thread #3, starting around post #200 or so. So, let's give credit where credit is due, and that would be to 'scorekeeper'. You could do a search for scorekeeper's posts on that thread. The discussion took place almost two weeks ago.

Not sure if the following article was posted:

8/5 Medicis CEO Shacknai resumes corporate duties

Shacknai on Monday is expected to oversee the Scottsdale-based company's quarterly earnings report and conference call.
Shacknai, 54, will likely address the tragedy that has enveloped his personal life. His comments may be as simple as thanking those who have expressed concerns or condolences, a person close to Shacknai said.
Above and beyond the personal burden, no corporate executive wants the attention and uncertainty that comes with such events.
OK, I am not leading.........just pointing out the theory trail that lead me away from the hanging scene. Since RM is obvious then let us look into its cause and effects.

If RM takes about 3 to 4 hours to commence then the time of death moves from 6:30 to about 2:30 to 3:30. What is significant to this time point. The alleged and unverified music coming from the property. Verification of the music is important in that the music playing and stopping may coincide with the TOD. Find the "DJ" find the killer.

This is gathered purely from the images we have. Taking this assumption and looking at LE activity we can build on the theory.

Look at the evidence that LE removed from the premise and we can conclude that they are looking elsewhere on the property (room or rooms that housed the Frames, carpet and articles in the bag). If the orange cord was a room of interest then the crime scene has expanded .


Without knowing what time RM started or if the body was in RM when EMT's arrived or if she was in RM when found we cannot pin down any time periods.
Yes we could build a theorectial theory but not one based in fact.

There is no fact that would help us support or evict one theory based on another in terms of times of RM verses music stopping. Nor is there anyway to say she didnt turn it off or on or someone else was hiding in the cover of the music turned it both on and off after she was already dead. Or that the music was not coming from a alarm set to her next expected phone call for an update of Max which she may or may not have gotten or been alive for.

I believe they took some stuff in relation to Max's accident. There is nothing that indicates that either.
Why do things to contaminate the crime scene? I personally wouldn't. Especially if you do know it would contaminate the scene? That makes no sense to me.

Unless the intent was to contaminate the crime scene?

That new article is interesting...

"There has not been a cause determined," San Diego County Sheriff's Department Lt. Larry Nesbit said earlier this week. "Individual forensic results are coming back. . . . We have been in contact with the victim's family."

Bolded by me: I hope they are...

The suggestion of suicide has upset Zahau's family and friends, who said they do not believe she would have killed herself. They describe Zahau as intensely passionate about life. They said she was deeply committed to Shacknai's family and had a special relationship with Max.

"At first I thought he was her kid. He would hang on to her leg. The kid was really happy," Zahau's personal trainer, Scott Marquis, said. "He loved her. Totally loved her."
She trained herself. . . . This woman was in shape, fit. She was at the top of her game. You could tell she lived a clean life," Marquis said.
Marquis said the death continues to dominate conversations at the gym, especially among women who are convinced Zahau was murdered.

2 search warrants? Wouldn't the first one had to have uncovered something to get a second one?

Police have served two search warrants on the mansion since Zahau died

She also noted the special relationship Zahau shared with Max.

"Rebecca loved and adored Max as her own son. She often shared stories with us about Jonah's children, especially Little 'Maxie,' " Mary wrote.

After reading this...I'm left wondering about Dina, again...good thing we only have 2 more weeks to go, eh? ;)

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Here's the question, was GS there when MS had his accident, but gone before EMT's and LE arrived? That would be strange...

And that was what my 1st theory was built around...RN being murdered to hide GS involvement in MS 'accident'...other than RN, the only other witness is GS, from what I've seen...theory after, that's what happens till we can pin it down w/evidence. communications said 2 women were taken to hospital, correct? SO...1 could have been GS...but would they call her a 'woman' or a 'child'? Still not positive on this...
It may be the palm branch that we are seeing. It appears from the angle in the aerial shots the braces for the balcony is blocked from view but the palm branch is not.

Unless the intent was to contaminate the crime scene?

2 search warrants? Wouldn't the first one had to have uncovered something to get a second one?

Read more:

"Detectives served a second search warrant on the house Friday night, and spent some time photographing the staircase balcony where the boy fell on Monday"
A. RN's knees are apart. If AS placed RN down Pre RM then the knees would have fell closed - respectfully snipped from previous post by Inobu


And also her knees are bent.

Not sure how they would have been bent by hanging?

RM is definitely obvious...

She could have bound her feet to her neck and with one rope cord which would explain the extra slack in the line on the ground kinda like a hog tie

Dont know she could do it herself ,and since it has not been ruled on yet and it is taking awhile I tend to think the investigators are having a hard time but I think it has not been proved impossible yet or we would have some kinda direction for the case.
Snipped your post... I didn't find it initially, 'scorekeeper' is the person who found it and there was quite some extensive discussion about it on Thread #3, starting around post #200 or so. So, let's give credit where credit is due, and that would be to 'scorekeeper'. You could do a search for scorekeeper's posts on that thread. The discussion took place almost two weeks ago.




My gosh, was that 2 threads ago? That was a busy day and I know we were looking at a bunch of the credit may not all go to me.



And I know that Bonepile helped with the balcony pictures. I still think there is a rope or something "hanging" down from the balcony, but then again the eyesight isn't as good as it used to be and the pictures blur the more you enlarge them.

I would hope that the news would have reported a rope hanging down because one of reports did "highlight" the orange extension cord....

I enjoy reading everyone's post.....even the ones I may not agree with...

When I first saw the pictures of RN the one thing I noticed was the angle of her shoulders being pulled back, it showed me that her arms were pulled hard and tied behind her and imo there is no way could she put herself in that position with an orange extension cord period.
There are different reports as to whether the 13 year old at the mansion with Maxie and RN was GS. Many of us believe it was GS. The police took 2 people/female to the hospital after Maxie's accident. Many believe it was GS and RN.

EMS responded immediately to the call for Maxie's accident. The 2 female were returned from the hospital to the home.

GS supposedly went to S. Carolina and then back to her home in AZ. It has not been posted as to if she attended Maxie's funeral.

The dog is back in AZ with JS.

It is not known when AS went back to TN.

It was reported that JS attended RN's funeral.

I previously posted that we know that AS, JS, DS and her sister were at the hospital. It has not been posted if any other family members were at Maxie's side......which I find very odd......especially grandparents, etc....

If the dog played any part in the death of MS, it was probably purely innocent. As a doggie lover, I would hate to hear that a healthy, mentally stable dog was put down simply because it was involved in an accident. My rant, but I hate when people buy a purebred dog that is not suited to their situation. If you have small children, there are certain breeds you need to stay away from.

OT: When I was 7 yo, I desperately wanted a puppy, and my dad also loved dogs. We did not have the big house or yard for a large dog. A friend of my dad told him to look into getting a Pug. A small dog, yet perfectly suited for a young child....sturdy, playful and doesn't need a lot of maintenance. Here I am at 50 yo, guess what, my furry BFF is a little pug, a stray that strayed to a good friend's house 12 years ago, at the same time I was taking care of my 3rd pug.
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