Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #5

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I wonder what woke AS up that morning?

The exact time of his 911 call has been reported as to have been made:
6:30 am other reports stated 6:45am and others 6.48am.

Either way that is quite early in the morning and thinking of that Adam was in CA at the house because of his brothers son's accident, he was not supose to go to work etc so why was he up THAT early ?

Was it noise connected to Rebeccas death?
Was Adam woke up from his sleep? or had he, for some reason, not been to bed that night at all, and if so why?

AS had been a sea captain, now he is a tug boat operator. If you work on the sea you are up at the crack, or before the crack, of dawn.

But again: How did he help JS? :waitasec:
I wonder what woke AS up that morning?

The exact time of his 911 call has been reported as to have been made:
6:30 am other reports stated 6:45am and others 6.48am.

Either way that is quite early in the morning and thinking of that Adam was in CA at the house because of his brothers son's accident, he was not supose to go to work etc so why was he up THAT early ?

Was it noise connected to Rebeccas death?
Was Adam woke up from his sleep? or had he, for some reason, not been to bed that night at all, and if so why?

bbm: maybe because his internal clock told him it was 8:45?
right and in the pics were we see what looks like a length of rope hanging from the balcony, it is not over the balcony rail, but coming from the floor of the balcony or under the rail.

Thanks for spotting that.:rocker:
If someone wanted to make this look like a suicide then why didn't they untie her hands and her feet? That is what is confusing to me if they wanted to "stage" this to be a suicide versus leave it like this as if to prove a point..
I think by untying the arms and legs would have made it look more suspicious of a murder being committed because there would have been marks where her hands and feet would have been tied. imo
right and in the pics were we see what looks like a length of rope hanging from the balcony, it is not over the balcony rail, but coming from the floor of the balcony or under the rail.
Which suggests that she was hung from below. imo
If LE did not know what rope had been attached to inside the house..then the rope must have come loose. If the rope had come loose no need to cut her down.

We would not have the rope coming off balcony as in pics.

This is a list of things that are giving me hinks.

AS visit
Position of body
Position of arms and legs
Position of electric cord
Rope and electric cord
Conversation with sis
Naked body(RN was conservative..from what I have read)
Naked body outside
Neighbors hearing loud music.
Hair not being tied back
AS cutting down body
Table..position and broken leg
JS not mentioning anything about RN
Hiring of PR co
Attorney showing up at scene..DA would know better
I have prolly forgot some..hehehe
bbm of course we don't know how it was early that am,

Sure we do .., I went to Accu-weather and read back to the weather conditions for that Tuesday night into that Wednesday which were posted as Item 10 of this thread .. here is that information once again ...

Adam found the body at "6:45 a.m. Wednesday".

Temperatures that day were a low of 60 degrees overnight Tuesday into Wednesday and a high of 73. It was sunny that day with no precipitation the night before.

Sunset Tuesday night was at 7:46 PM and sunrise on Wednesday was at 6:02 AM.

Moon .. waxing 1/4 visible.

which brings me to the question of how RN could bind her hands behind her back, and her feet, and step up and over the balcony railing or jump off that table in total darkness??

Now of course there could be light from the room or hallway that the balcony opened into .. and there might be outside security lights that would be on at night, but ...

So as far as I am concerned we know a lot about that overnight time. Hope that provides more ideas, and I also hope the police took the possible lack of light into their conclusions.
hi AnaTeresa! i have no experience at all with lawyers or how they deal with clients. i wonder if you can answer this: if the lawyer was already on retainer with a client and something like this happened, then might they go to the scene right away (if called) in order to protect their clients interest from the very first minute?

I'm no expert, so you may want to check with the verified lawyers thread, but we've had something similar happen twice where I work where the clients had already retained us. Both times, we told the client not to speak to police, and arranged an appointment for them to come in to the office. One was later arrested at the scene, and the attorney went down to the police department for questioning. The other refused to speak with investigators and was permitted to leave the scene.

Now I've only worked for the firm for five months, so I'd take this with a grain of salt. I know we don't respond to the scene for potential clients who have yet to pay us, but I've only seen two instances of clients where we were already on retainer. So, as far as I am aware, it's not normal practice, but you may want to check with the verified attorneys to be sure.
If someone wanted to make this look like a suicide then why didn't they untie her hands and her feet? That is what is confusing to me if they wanted to "stage" this to be a suicide versus leave it like this as if to prove a point..

If she didn't kill herself, but was tied up prior to being hung, then when untied, restraint marks would be visible on her arms and feet. Which would be suspicious.
Sure we do .., I went to Accu-weather and read back to the weather conditions for that Tuesday night into that Wednesday which were posted as Item 10 of this thread .. here is that information once again ...

Adam found the body at "6:45 a.m. Wednesday".

Temperatures that day were a low of 60 degrees overnight Tuesday into Wednesday and a high of 73. It was sunny that day with no precipitation the night before.

Sunset Tuesday night was at 7:46 PM and sunrise on Wednesday was at 6:02 AM.

Moon .. waxing 1/4 visible.

which brings me to the question of how RN could bind her hands behind her back, and her feet, and step up and over the balcony railing or jump off that table in total darkness??

Now of course there could be light from the room or hallway that the balcony opened into .. and there might be outside security lights that would be on at night, but ...

So as far as I am concerned we know a lot about that overnight time. Hope that provides more ideas, and I also hope the police took the possible lack of light into their conclusions.

yes that does tell alot about that overnight time. very good find Bonepile :) i was actually talking about the door position though. i meant we don't know if the door was open or closed in the am, only that it was closed by the time we got pics.
I also "hear you" but I have found that with links .. they are NOT clicked on or followed ... I will try in future not to post such huge quotes. Thanks.

IMO, post as you like, bonepile...and quote as you feel you need to, imo. Sometimes a portion of a post may be bolded, yet the whole post is needed to tell the fuller story, I've found. I do it...and will continue to do so.

P.S. As long as it follows T.O.S....I was banned ONCE, lol...not fun.
yes that does tell alot about that overnight time. very good find Bonepile :) i was actually talking about the door position though. i meant we don't know if the door was open or closed in the am, only that it was closed by the time we got pics.

OK .. I stand corrected, but my mis-interpretation allows me to state those weather and amount of light conditions again just in case all did not see it yet or have the chance to think about what it all means. Am still looking for the relative humidity for that overnight time period which will help with the determination of when Rigor Mortis began setting in, but I am working on those stats too. :)
AS had been a sea captain, now he is a tug boat operator. If you work on the sea you are up at the crack, or before the crack, of dawn.

But again: How did he help JS? :waitasec:

AS might have been there for moral support. So, do we know when he left? Did he stay for Max's funeral?
if anything was tied over her hair, imo, she did not do it herself. long haired girls (or guys) weigh in, if she put it on her own neck, imo, by instinct without any thought process at all she would have pulled her hair out. its what we do, call it habit or whatever. we don't even think about it.

I have very long black hair. Yes I would pull it out, no matter what, its instinct.
OK .. I stand corrected, but my mis-interpretation allows me to state those weather and amount of light conditions again just in case all did not see it yet or have the chance to think about what it all means. Am still looking for the relative humidity for that overnight time period which will help with the determination of when Rigor Mortis began setting in, but I am working on those stats too. :)

absolutely true. and you should bring that link into each new thread because it is very helpful information.
bbm: maybe because his internal clock told him it was 8:45?

IMO, then his internal clock should have woken him up earlier that my experience, people at sea are used to getting up at the crack of dawn, even earlier. So I don't understand why his internal clock would wake up 8:45 DST ....of course I don't know what all he told LE, so there is missing bits and pieces to this fascinating puzzle.
yes that does tell alot about that overnight time. very good find Bonepile :) i was actually talking about the door position though. i meant we don't know if the door was open or closed in the am, only that it was closed by the time we got pics.

I would tend to believe the door remained the same way it was when LE arrived on the scene, until LE received SW#1. Unless AS open/closed it before, during, or after.

I don't see LE disturbing the scene (the door or anything else), ESPECIALLY since they didn't put a tent up to hide Becky's body from the media and spectators.
If someone wanted to make this look like a suicide then why didn't they untie her hands and her feet? That is what is confusing to me if they wanted to "stage" this to be a suicide versus leave it like this as if to prove a point..

Well, my theory, and I admit I'm a bit jaded, is that they wanted the scene to contain "reasonable doubt." Seems to me, for the last few years, juries want everything so neat and logical. The slightest thing they don't understand creates automatic reasonable doubt.

Maybe whoever did this wanted there to be questions, and for it not to point in one direction, but multiple directions. It could be suicide, it could be a hired hit man, it could be my ex-husband, it could be her ex-husband, it could be a complete stranger, it could be the ex-husband's business enemy, it could be a sexual attack, it could be anyone!
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