DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes, I see what you’re talking about.

Talking about tape, Cyril Wecht discussed tape marks on Rebecca’s legs that were mentioned in the first autopsy. He questioned where was the tape? He said there was no evidence of tape found or listed in evidence. (Paraphrased by me)

My question is if Rebecca removed the tape prior to showering, wouldn’t the tape marks have been removed? In any event, if she removed the tape before or after being killed, where is the roll of t-tape (as the defense called it) that she so often supposedly used?

Just to say, I recall that during JS testimony ( questioned by Mr Greer) there was a long discussion about the tape residue being horizontally located across RZ front, lower legs ( it was implied by JS it was sports tape) Mr Greer questioned why it was applied vertically on the legs...not horizontally as sports tape is intended to be used ( along the muscles not across the bone of the shin)
Ugh re my last post ...applied horizontally, not vertically I meant...sorry... first post after a long break...not with it yet....

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Hello fellow sleuths, I’ve been away due to a bereavement, I lost someone close, they suddenly died of a brain hemorrhage. Been a sorrowful time for me.

I’ve really missed our discussions, I’m so very very happy that things are happening, but could I ask one of you to do a Little précis, a summary of what’s happening for me? I will read all the threads eventually, but to help me up to speed.

I would be very grateful.

I just saw the slideshow and a pair of gloves on a table....?

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I’m so sorry, Lezah. It’s horribly hard to lose someone unexpectedly. Big hugs!

I’ll let someone who watched the Marcia Clark show fill you in. I think that’s where the slide show came from. The gloves jumped out at me too.
Lezah, I’m very sorry for your loss.
Just to say, I recall that during JS testimony ( questioned by Mr Greer) there was a long discussion about the tape residue being horizontally located across RZ front, lower legs ( it was implied by JS it was sports tape) Mr Greer questioned why it was applied vertically on the legs...not horizontally as sports tape is intended to be used ( along the muscles not across the bone of the shin)

Thanks for this information, Lezah. This is another of those hinky situations where JS puts out false and misleading details about RZ's death and circumstances surrounding it. He's not exactly lying, but he's putting out incorrect information to promote the "suicide" theory. Just like the mystery voice mail message that disappeared and whose contents can't be verified. He did a masterful job of distracting investigators, leading them away from important evidence. Because he was a wealthy,powerful guy, they fell for it.

ETA: Sorry for your loss.
Darn, I just tried to watch Marcia Clark's epi on Rebecca's case. I have a difficult time getting those sites to work with local cable provider log in. Last time I spent an hour trying to log in to the account with no luck. Probably a problem with the web site of our local cable provider, Spectrum. Hopefully, the epi will become available in another format. My son is a web developer specializing in hosting video on web sites. He says the cable companies don't manage these systems the way they should. Hopefully they'll become obsolete.

I'll just have to wait until the show runs again on tv, or shows up on You Tube or Netflix.

Can someone fill me in on what's in the photos above? Where was that taken, in which room of the mansion? Those must be the black "gardening" gloves found on a table downstairs referred to in the SW and elsewhere. What an odd little scene and group of items in that room. Can't help the feeling that there were a lot of unusual and suspicious things in that mansion and guest house that we'll never know about.
Hello fellow sleuths, I’ve been away due to a bereavement, I lost someone close, they suddenly died of a brain hemorrhage. Been a sorrowful time for me.

I’ve really missed our discussions, I’m so very very happy that things are happening, but could I ask one of you to do a Little précis, a summary of what’s happening for me? I will read all the threads eventually, but to help me up to speed.

I would be very grateful.

I just saw the slideshow and a pair of gloves on a table....?

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Hi Lezah, So sorry for your loss. I lost a friend suddenly last year, and it was tough. Thoughts and prayers.

Here is a summary of the Marcia Clark show:

Keith Greer- Said that the tube of paint had no dna or fingerprints, other than a thumbprint on the very top of the cap on the paint tube which belonged to Rebecca. He showed the paint tube which was plastic and pointed out that it was the perfect canvas for dna collection, yet had no dna or fingerprints, which would point to it being wiped down. Why would her prints not be on the rest of the tube, and only one thumbprint on the cap? He also showed the one knife that had her prints on the blade. The way her prints were positioned on the blade would be that the sharp edge of the blade would be facing her palm, which doesn't make sense as no one holds a knife that way, which may indicate that her prints were planted on the knife by someone placing it in her hand.

Polygraph Expert- He reviewed the polygraph results along with the video of the polygraph interview. He said that the questions that were asked during the test were asked in a confusing way, and should've been more straight forward. He also said that Adam was wearing a bulky or thick shirt, and ideally you want the least amount of clothing on the arms. With that said, the felt very confident that the results show that Adam actually failed the test.

DNA Expert - Said that there were around 10 items of evidence collected and tested that showed no DNA or fingerprints, which would lead her to believe that things were wiped down. Some of the items that should've shown DNA and/or prints are the knobs on the door leading into the bedroom, the area of the door that surrounds the message that was painted, the small paintbrush, the knobs on the balcony door which was opened. The larger paintbrush showed some DNA and one door knob of the right balcony door showed some MALE DNA. She said that DNA tests are much more advanced now then they were back then and if re-tested it is likely that it will show who's DNA whether Rebecca's or someone else.

Philpot (rope expert)- Said that the police re-enactment of the rope tying is not a correct portrayal and the knots were different in the portrayal than in reality. He also said that the Clove Hitch knot is very familiar in the nautical world and that they are always used on boats. When asked if he thought it was possible that Rebecca tied herself up this way, his response was that he couldn't do it himself and the only way he could see her doing this herself is if she had more experience than him. It was pointed out that one thing that the police point out is that one end of the rope was found still in her hand, which they say proves that she was pulling on it to tighten the knots. His response to this was that, the way the knots were tied, that piece of rope would be ineffective in tightening the rope. He also said that someone would really need to know exactly how to work the clove hitch into the wrappings around her wrists.

Wecht- Basically said that same things he said in testimony. He also stated that in all his years he has never seen a suicide like this, he has asked colleagues and they have said the same. He has looked into studies of hanging suicides and have found no cases similar. He wonders where the tape is that was on both of her legs. (I found this interesting because I thought it was only on one leg) He pretty much said that when you had all of the circumstances together, it doesn't make sense for a suicide.

Rudoy (an original attorney along with Bremner)- He said that the 911 call was strange. Adam never referred to Rebecca by name and repeated over and over again that she hung herself. He also said that they always felt that she wasn't killed by hanging but by strangulation. He said that they believed that she was either thrown over the railing but feel very strongly that she was hoisted up from below and the hanging was staged backwards to get the measurements correct.

Expert who evaluates 911 calls etc - Said there were many things in the 911 call that was strange. Adam kept repeating she hung herself and said more than once that he had just woken up. Most people in this situation calling 911 would say something like "Oh my god, my brother's girlfriend is hanging from a balcony in the backyard, her wrists and feet are tied up, she has a gag in her mouth, she's naked, I don't know if she's breathing, what should I do?" Adam stated NONE of these details. Instead he said "Got a girl, hung herself in the guest house, same place you got the boy" And he went on to just kinda make the call about him, vague with details, and the details he did provide were regarding himself. Examples "I just woke up" "I need to get the address" "I am cutting her down" "I am doing compressions" and how many. When asked if she was still breathing he says, "I don't know, let me check". All of these things are also just giving a play by play of what he is doing, rather than the details that one would think of giving 911. In response of him being asked if she is still alive, he yells "Are you alive?" Normally someone would be yelling the persons name. He said it almost seems like he was acting. No where in the call did he refer to Rebecca by name. He also kept saying repeatedly that she hung herself and that he just woke up, which shows that perhaps he was trying to establish the narrative of what happened along with his own alibi.

It was also stated in the show, I don't remember by who, but I think a private detective? He said that there was no dna or prints on the knife Adam says he used to cut Rebecca down, or on the rope. The rope is very heavy duty with metal fibers in it, strong enough to tow a car, and so very difficult to cut through. The grip used on both items would've needed to be extremely firm, but still no prints or dna. Indicative of gloves being used. I know there were gloves found in the spare bedroom, but in trial , I remember the jury asking for more information on gloves that were found under the stairs leading to the basement. My own theory is that he used these gloves while cutting the rope, and tossed them under the stairs as this was the most convenient and closest place to hide them. I also think he used the gloves found upstairs when he was working upstairs.
Thank you, Brit for the summary and Tortoise for the links!
Hello fellow sleuths, I’ve been away due to a bereavement, I lost someone close, they suddenly died of a brain hemorrhage. Been a sorrowful time for me.

I’ve really missed our discussions, I’m so very very happy that things are happening, but could I ask one of you to do a Little précis, a summary of what’s happening for me? I will read all the threads eventually, but to help me up to speed.

I would be very grateful.

I just saw the slideshow and a pair of gloves on a table....?

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Lezah - please know you have all of our condolences for your recent loss.

The Marcia Clark presentation featured still photographs including sitting area, RZ mobile phone on the floor, and the garden gloves you referenced on the coffee table. I don't believe these photos made public before but they've been added up-thread. Most significant was a polygraph expert that analyzed AS exam and opined that AS failed this exam with deceptive response to key questions. We were also reminded that there was a can of Dr Pepper in the bedroom (untested by authorities) and that AS drink of choice during the trial (as seen on the defense table) was also Dr Pepper.
Thankyou all so,so much for the updates, especially Brit, super super helpful.❤️
And also for your kind and sympathetic words [emoji307]

They are all very much appreciated x

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Thankyou all so,so much for the updates, especially Brit, super super helpful.❤️
And also for your kind and sympathetic words [emoji307]

They are all very much appreciated x

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Again, so sorry for your loss, Lezah. My earlier reply was too brief as I was on my cell phone. Such a sudden loss can be so tragic and upsetting. Glad you're back. Thanks also to Brit for her great summary. That took a lot of work.

I watched Marcia Clark's epi last night and was very impressed with her excellent analysis and interviews with experts. Some highlights for me:

Interview with Lindsey Philpott confirmed our theories very well. JMO, this was the first time a lot of us learned more about the specific knot characteristics. Lezah gave us some great play by play after his testimony, too. It was very enlightening to hear him say that the knot on the wrist bindings was completely different than the one the SDSO used in their demonstration. I always thought so because the knot in the photos of RZ seemed much more complex, twisted up. He said she wouldn't have been able to tighten the bindings after tying the clove hitch knot herself as the SDSO video showed.

The expert analysis of the poly exam on Adam were also quite shocking. The examiner posed questions poorly. It makes you wonder why SDSO never thought to get a second opinion on the results. The examiner asked some very interesting questions of Adam afterwards and I've always wondered why he didn't ask those as part of the exam - esp about any sexual attraction Adam had towards RZ.

Dr. Cyril Wecht's interview was very good, too. He went into much greater detail about why the cricoid fracture of the larynx, holding his hands around the lower part of his throat to demonstrate how a hanging wouldn't involve that part of the neck. Really obvious.
On the Marcia Clark show, I thought the most interesting evidence was the handwriting comparisons to the writing on the door. They didn't have a lot of examples of Adam or Rebecca writing in block letters to work with, but from what they did have, clearly it was Adam who writes his block letters similar to how they were written on the door.
The only thing I can't really put together is what Adam was hoping to accomplish with all the staging. I want to say, did he really think that could pass for a suicide, but then somehow it did.
The last half of Marcia's program is on A&E right now (Los Angeles area). It began at 10:00 a.m. and will be ending at noon.

Interesting - they found a can of Dr. Pepper on the scene. Apparently, Adam was drinking Dr. Pepper at the trial.

I found Dr. Wecht's interview informative.
Hello fellow sleuths, I’ve been away due to a bereavement, I lost someone close, they suddenly died of a brain hemorrhage. Been a sorrowful time for me.

I’ve really missed our discussions, I’m so very very happy that things are happening, but could I ask one of you to do a Little précis, a summary of what’s happening for me? I will read all the threads eventually, but to help me up to speed.

I would be very grateful.

I just saw the slideshow and a pair of gloves on a table....?

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Lezah: I'm very sorry for your loss. May your memories bring you a measure of comfort and healing.

I remember them finding the Dr. Pepper at the scene. When the camera panned over to the defendants table during the trial, I saw the Dr. Pepper bottle and about fell out of my chair!
Unless I missed something, the mystery of the missing key section of throat did not come up in the interview. That stands out to me as such a red flag. I think it at least warrants a discussion. If the fact that it was disposed of is common after an autopsy of a woman found under suspicious circumstances (per LE) gagged, nude, tied up, and either strangled or hung... then an explanation could lay the issue to rest. Otherwise, wth?
On the Marcia Clark show, I thought the most interesting evidence was the handwriting comparisons to the writing on the door. They didn't have a lot of examples of Adam or Rebecca writing in block letters to work with, but from what they did have, clearly it was Adam who writes his block letters similar to how they were written on the door.
The only thing I can't really put together is what Adam was hoping to accomplish with all the staging. I want to say, did he really think that could pass for a suicide, but then somehow it did.

Ironically it passing for a suicide was because of who his brother was. I find it ironic since I remember reading they weren't very close and Rebecca helped him decide whether or not to fly in.

The questions about if he was attracted to Rebecca and the idea he misinterpreted her friendliness and hospitality (especially if the struggle started in that sitting room with an unwanted sexual advance, which might explain the mud on her feet if she were chased through the house) as a come-on. I think that angle for an opportunistic sexual assault holds up better than him looking at hentai on the computer or *advertiser censored* on his phone. :moo:
Hello fellow sleuths, I’ve been away due to a bereavement, I lost someone close, they suddenly died of a brain hemorrhage. Been a sorrowful time for me.

I’ve really missed our discussions, I’m so very very happy that things are happening, but could I ask one of you to do a Little précis, a summary of what’s happening for me? I will read all the threads eventually, but to help me up to speed.

I would be very grateful.

I just saw the slideshow and a pair of gloves on a table....?

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Hello Lezah,

I'm very sorry for your loss. I've been away as well due to a few health issues and I just popped back on here today for a bit. So unfortunately, I'm out of the loop too. Otherwise, I'd do my best to update you. I'm going to try to catch up for a bit right now. Again, my condolences to you on your loss.
Hello Lezah,

I'm very sorry for your loss. I've been away as well due to a few health issues and I just popped back on here today for a bit. So unfortunately, I'm out of the loop too. Otherwise, I'd do my best to update you. I'm going to try to catch up for a bit right now. Again, my condolences to you on your loss.

Thank you so much, and welcome Home❤️

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