Remains Discussion Part 4 UPDATE Caylee Tentatively ID'ed

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To keep her quiet if she woke up?


To stage a kidnapping, remember "she"(seems like she was referring to Zanny IMO) according to KC had a key to the A's house.

I still think they will try to stick to the Zanny story IMO.

If tape was to stage kidnapping she BETTER have tied her wrists too. Else - attempt is laughable.
IF they do, the defense is facing a losing battle. They absolutely cannot provide proof of this woman's existance. I really don't think even JB could be that dumb?? The SA will rip that "defense" apart in a heartbeat.

I think they're going to go with Caylee died in an "accident" and Casey was scared, and couldn't come forward with the truth because of the fear she has of Cindy's wrath. She basically said as much in her first LE interview. IMO.

I agree in regards to your losing battle statement. She does not exsist and it is ridiculous to continue on with that defense. They will lose.

I think insanity is a bad choice also. She has been examined and I feel if they thought she had snapped at any point they could lock her up for everyone's protection.

If Caylee had truly died in an accident I think she would have brokedown by now and told. IMO Devastation over a horrible accident trumphs being afraid to tell your momma.

Who knows what they will say now? We all know one thing for sure, with the strange things that have happened up to this point, nothing is going to surprise us. Confession maybe.
Sorry, Anna Mouse, that was not Dr. G at the scene. She was on her way to California when the remains were discovered. Her Chief Invesitgator was at the scene all day Thursday and Friday. Someone else thought the person they saw was her also, but I can assure you it wasn't.

Maybe she was using a "stunt double." ;) It did look very much like her though. Most of the time, I just saw her back but a couple of times I saw her from the side and it did look like Dr. G. Thanks for clarifying with the facts. I guess that's why eye witnesses do not make very reliable witnesses.

About the speculation on why Caylee might not have been dressed, anyone who watches any tv or movies would know that clothes help to identify remains. Most crime shows depict the authorities asking the parents if the missing person had clothing like what was found on the deceased. Surely, Casey would know that so possibly that is why she may have undressed her. But knowing Casey's M.O., she probably wanted to keep the clothes so she could sell them at a consignment shop and not waste them by throwing them away. It seems her daughter is the only thing that is disposable.
After Caylee's death whether accidental or intentional.......
I wonder if Casey may have put the ladder up to the pool, undressed Caylee, put Caylee into the pool thinking she might be successful in washing away any forensic evidence on little Caylee's body.

Lady Sleuth

Could Casey have used the ladder to cross the fence over to the wooded section behind their house?

Honestly I think she is too lazy to try and wash Caylee's body or shovel lime into the bag with her daughter's body.
Even if there was lime in the shed, she would not be inclined to get dirty.

IMO as always
I agree in regards to your losing battle statement. She does not exsist and it is ridiculous to continue on with that defense. They will lose.

I think insanity is a bad choice also. She has been examined and I feel if they thought she had snapped at any point they could lock her up for everyone's protection.

If Caylee had truly died in an accident I think she would have brokedown by now and told. IMO Devastation over a horrible accident trumphs being afraid to tell your momma.

Who knows what they will say now? We all know one thing for sure, with the strange things that have happened up to this point, nothing is going to surprise us. Confession maybe.

Remember in the initial LE interview, I think it was John Allen said something to the effect (laughingly) "So you're more afraid of your mother's reaction than you are of not finding Caylee??" and Casey said "I'm absolutely petrified." and "I know my mother will never forgive me."

Based on that, I really think they're going to go with Casey's fear of her mother is the reason she wouldn't confess to an accident that killed Caylee. That if she weren't so petrified of Cindy, she would have called 911 immediately when the accident happened. But because she's so afraid of Cindy's wrath, she "had" to come up with a story that Cindy would believe. JMHO.
Maybe she was using a "stunt double." ;) It did look very much like her though. Most of the time, I just saw her back but a couple of times I saw her from the side and it did look like Dr. G. Thanks for clarifying with the facts. I guess that's why eye witnesses do not make very reliable witnesses.

AnnaMouse: Don't feel bad, even the Sheriff announced that Dr. G was on the way to the scene and numerous reporters were saying she was on the scene. I think what might have started the confusion was when the M.E. van pulled up - people automatically assumed Dr. G was there.

This is why I think everyone has to be so careful on what is being reported as to what was found, where it was found, etc. etc. Until a statement is made from LE I am taking every singe report about the scene and what was found with the remains with a very large grain of salt!
The remains could be so decomposed, because maybe she didn't have her in a bag the whole time. So she coud have been exposed to air. The date of death and the date at which the body was placed in its final spot are two seperate dates. Most likely dates that are atleast a month apart. That poor child has been moved to different spots. Remember she never anticipated being arrested on child neglect.

I think she killed Caylee and then just left her in the trunk awhile. Lord knows how long before she actually disposed of the body.
Remember in the initial LE interview, I think it was John Allen said something to the effect (laughingly) "So you're more afraid of your mother's reaction than you are of not finding Caylee??" and Casey said "I'm absolutely petrified." and "I know my mother will never forgive me."

Based on that, I really think they're going to go with Casey's fear of her mother is the reason she wouldn't confess to an accident that killed Caylee. That if she weren't so petrified of Cindy, she would have called 911 immediately when the accident happened. But because she's so afraid of Cindy's wrath, she "had" to come up with a story that Cindy would believe. JMHO.

You might be right:) But it wont be that easy for them:) A accident wouldn't explain the searches on the computer months before or the behavior of KC after the so called accident. IMO they can try but its gonna fall flat. They can have all the best experts in the world but its still not gonna save there client.KC sealed her own fate IMO.The best thing that LE could do is bring back the DP on the table. The best defense can do is hope to plea because IMO if this goes to trial there client is screwed!
She wouldn't want to touch Lime with her hands. I still wonder why the remains were so decomposed, even with the amount of time that has passed.

Because of the FL summer heat and humidity. It's considered "sub-tropical."
Remember in the initial LE interview, I think it was John Allen said something to the effect (laughingly) "So you're more afraid of your mother's reaction than you are of not finding Caylee??" and Casey said "I'm absolutely petrified." and "I know my mother will never forgive me."

Based on that, I really think they're going to go with Casey's fear of her mother is the reason she wouldn't confess to an accident that killed Caylee. That if she weren't so petrified of Cindy, she would have called 911 immediately when the accident happened. But because she's so afraid of Cindy's wrath, she "had" to come up with a story that Cindy would believe. JMHO.

I agree this could happen but that also requires KC to confess. I don't know if she ever will. Surely to goodness CA has told her or begged her to tell the truth and she will stand by her no matter what. I certainly would have attempted that. But logic does not play a big part in this so who knows?
IF they do, the defense is facing a losing battle. They absolutely cannot provide proof of this woman's existance. I really don't think even JB could be that dumb?? The SA will rip that "defense" apart in a heartbeat.

I think they're going to go with Caylee died in an "accident" and Casey was scared, and couldn't come forward with the truth because of the fear she has of Cindy's wrath. She basically said as much in her first LE interview. IMO.

CA says there 3000 ZFG's and that they haven't found the right one. If that doesn't work then they'll probably try the illegal alien route. No paperwork to track her with. If they go with the accident and CA's wrath, then they are still going to have to explain how KC didn't show any emotion at all to anyone! Her fear of her mother was so great that shewas ready to send an innocent person to prison for murder? I don't see how that garners any sympathy from a jury. Basically KC and her stories are FUBAR!!:behindbar
Could Casey have used the ladder to cross the fence over to the wooded section behind their house?

Honestly I think she is too lazy to try and wash Caylee's body or shovel lime into the bag with her daughter's body.
Even if there was lime in the shed, she would not be inclined to get dirty.

IMO as always

Where she was found was not far off the road. I think it is clear that she simply pulled over, opened the trunk and pitched the body into the swamp. She walked about the same distance into the woods as a utility worker would to insure some privacy while relieving himself. So just out of immediate sight of the road.

More and more I suspect that the patern went something like this...

1. Caylee died in that house. KC packed her up in a garbage bag sealed it and stuffed it in her trunk.

2. Caylee's body was in the car when GA went to get the tire chocks from KC's trunk, throwing KC into a near panic. George probably now realizes that there was a bag back there that he didn't look into. The smell was probably not extreme yet as the garbage bag was sealed and unbreached.

3. After her near miss with George KC quickly drives up the block and tosses the bag and body into a nearby swampy area. She throws her away like trash. In the process of getting the body out of the car the bag leaks and some decomposition fluids are deposited in the trunk. These are the source of the smell that now permeates the car.

4. because of the smell and the lack of Caylee KC abandons the car.

At least to my mind that seems to most match her level of laziness and only acting when the problem is in her face. I also suspect that the child died because during that major fight on June 15th CA probably theatened that she and GA were going to attempt to get legal custody of Caylee. Which would remove KC's main point of control over them.
I agree in regards to your losing battle statement. She does not exsist and it is ridiculous to continue on with that defense. They will lose.

I think insanity is a bad choice also. She has been examined and I feel if they thought she had snapped at any point they could lock her up for everyone's protection.

If Caylee had truly died in an accident I think she would have brokedown by now and told. IMO Devastation over a horrible accident trumphs being afraid to tell your momma.

Who knows what they will say now? We all know one thing for sure, with the strange things that have happened up to this point, nothing is going to surprise us. Confession maybe.

Accident while drugging her baby w/ chloroform still puts it at "felony murder."
If she did put Caylee in the trunk to sleep using chloroform (which we have been talking about from the beginning), the tape over her mouth to prevent her from making noise should she wake up, as some say, then would it not also be probable that she removed Caylee's clothing, so she might not die of heat exhaustion, perhaps only a diaper or pullup?
You might be right:) But it wont be that easy for them:) A accident wouldn't explain the searches on the computer months before or the behavior of KC after the so called accident. IMO they can try but its gonna fall flat. They can have all the best experts in the world but its still not gonna save there client.KC sealed her own fate IMO.The best thing that LE could do is bring back the DP on the table. The best defense can do is hope to plea because IMO if this goes to trial there client is screwed!

Yeah, you're right. Unless they try and pin those searches on another family member (as LP has alluded to). All I know is the defense seems to have major roadblocks in their way, no matter which route they choose. Which totally works for me! LOL
I have no idea where to ask this question, but since this thread is about remains, I think it might be okay here.

At the hearing the other morning, the decision was that the crime scene would not be 'preserved' or 'held' for the defense team. At least I think that's what the decision was lol. My head is swimming with all that's going on.

My question: can the defense team rope it off or anything like that? Or will it just be open to everybody/anybody? What happens if they try to rope it off or keep people away from it? I'm sure a lot of searchers not to mention the curious will want to look through the area as well.

TIA! :blowkiss:
I think she killed Caylee and then just left her in the trunk awhile. Lord knows how long before she actually disposed of the body.

I agree. I was thinking. What if Casey decided to go out clubbing or "whatever", used chloroform so Caylee would sleep, duct taped her mouth as a preventive measure so Caylee would not have been heard? As far as tying up Caylee's hands (and/or feet), we a talking a two year old. I think Casey gambled with Caylee making physical noise with her littel arms and legs. She could have place Caylee in the trunk of her car so that Caylee would not be noticed within the car proper by anyone. It's very possible she left this child in the car for hours and hours....

Just tossing it out there.
She may have moved her body around to different locations and not all of that time in a bag, hidden under the platform where the spare tire would be located--I also posted: What if the body decomp. fluids were absorbed UP into the particle board/carpeting because the body had contact with that area for awhile. Then at some point, just speculating, that she decided to hasten the decomposition and shoveled some Lime in the bag and threw her in the place the body was found.

The reason I mention the Lime is because it has been used before, as in the John Wayne Gacy case--he used it in the crawl space and others, and during WWII by the Nazi's after shooting bodies and pushing them into the ditches.

GA was spreading lime on the front yard while the protesters were there
the timing was questioned and speculation that it was to confuse dogs
if they were brought back
KC may have had access to it but I think decomp might have been
much further along as lime I believe will dissolve bone .
If she did put Caylee in the trunk to sleep using chloroform (which we have been talking about from the beginning), the tape over her mouth to prevent her from making noise should she wake up, as some say, then would it not also be probable that she removed Caylee's clothing, so she might not die of heat exhaustion, perhaps only a diaper or pullup?

It's a thought, to be sure. But, I wonder if she found this child dead in the car and stripped her of clothing so not to be identified too quickly. A staged death and dumping of the body to protect herself...I can buy that.
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