Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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Ok. It HAS to be the pics Cathy@Courtchatter posted on her twitter account of the psych test. I don't know how to post the pics, but here are the links to others.

She also posted the twit pic of Cha Cha right before this. If you look at the comments under the picture, someone immediately sent Cha Cha's picture to the court, via email.

And, JA's pic was posted right before that. Whew.
I'm going to try to find tweets from today. They were all at the same time. JA's pic was taken, pool camera guy got thrown out, Cha Cha posted her twit pic while in court. I thought someone wrote she showed it to defense and threw phone on the table? I'll search more. I'm only good by memory, not researching, but I'll give it my best. Here is one
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 9h 9 hours ago
Pool camera got booted so maybe took a pic of #jodiarias Nurmi didn't like and now we have a new motion filed

Is there not a dress code for inmates? Some places do not allow sleeveless tops, unbuttoned tops, etc. There was a comment earlier that the court room was cold. Seeing th FJA in a sleeveless top, showed she was out of place and a comment was made she had a sweater so she should have been made to cover up.
I noticed her dress and actions right away.

Someone did her bidding and brought her the items she wanted to wear, possibly Maria...sorry I have forgotten her last name. The way FJA stood up, stretched, smiled and looked at the jury area, tells me that she was trying to flirt with someone OR she was trying to get that someone kicked off the jury.

After the reading of the letter, if any jury member had a thought she should not get the death penalty, I hope that now know as a fact, she is a murderer and liar and would not stop at anything to,get her own way.

Just more of her tricks, trying to run the show with her buddies.

I'm going to try to find tweets from today. They were all at the same time. JA's pic was taken, pool camera guy got thrown out, Cha Cha posted her twit pic while in court. I thought someone wrote she showed it to defense and threw phone on the table? I'll search more. I'm only good by memory, not researching, but I'll give it my best. Here is one.

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 9h 9 hours ago
Pool camera got booted so maybe took a pic of #jodiarias Nurmi didn't like and now we have a new motion filed

Oh thank you! You found it! It was just speculation ok lol. I guess it did just have to do with the copyright stuff...
Here is the tweet from Cathy@Courtchatter, right after Cha Cha posted the twitter picture while she was in court today, not being a mitigation specialist.

Cathy @courtchatter · 8h 8 hours ago
You know MDLR just grabbed my tweet (because she was already tweeting anyway) and threw her phone over to the defense table. #jodiarias
Ok. It HAS to be the pics Cathy@Courtchatter posted on her twitter account of the psych test. I don't know how to post the pics, but here are the links to others.

She also posted the twit pic of Cha Cha right before this. If you look at the comments under the picture, someone immediately sent Cha Cha's picture to the court, via email.

And, JA's pic was posted right before that. Whew.

Maybe it did have to do with that since her Twitter is private and she's supposed to be able to trust whoever is in there. She gotta mole. Maybe she should spend less time playing on Twitter if it makes her so mad. This is the mitigation phase. This is HER phase. And she's messing around on Twitter in the middle of testimony. She is not taking this seriously at all. I don't see the point in emailing the court. Seems unecessary. But she just asks for it. They all do. Just do your job and get out of the drama.
Oh thank you! You found it! It was just speculation ok lol. I guess it did just have to do with the copyright stuff...

Now, read the next post, above. The one where she did throw the phone. Can I go to bed now? Lol.

I think one is the copyright stuff from Cathy and the other stuff was the Cha Cha twit pic. 2 different things at the same time, right after JA's pic was posted. Whew. What a day.

(Cathy might be in big trouble for the copyright stuff or whoever took those pics of the test during court today. JMO)
Now, read the next post. The one where she did throw the phone. Can I go to bed now? Lol.

I think one is the copyright stuff from Cathy and the other stuff was the Cha Cha twit pic. 2 different things at the same time, right after JA's pic was posted. Whew. What a day.

(Cathy might be in big trouble for the copyright stuff or whoever took those pics of the test during court today. JMO)

I think the pics of the test posted on twitter today were from the first trial.
I'm catching up but what are you talking about? I'm curious big time.
Ok. It HAS to be the pics Cathy@Courtchatter posted on her twitter account of the psych test. I don't know how to post the pics, but here are the links to others.

She also posted the twit pic of Cha Cha right before this. If you look at the comments under the picture, someone immediately sent Cha Cha's picture to the court, via email.

And, JA's pic was posted right before that. Whew.

picture arias notes.jpg

more arias notes.jpg

de la Rosa photo.jpg
Martinez asked if she went out of her way to contact Alexander's family after his death. She said she did contact them and confirmed that on June 13, 2008, she sent Alexander's grandmother flowers and a note saying that she was in her prayers.

"You felt badly for her," Martinez said.

"Yes," Arias replied.

Martinez then asked Arias if she sent a letter to Alexander's family on July 28, 2008, Travis Alexander's birthday. She confirmed that she had.

Afterward, Martinez played a video clip from an interview Arias gave to the CBS program "48 Hours" in August 2008. In the video, Arias said she wrote to Alexander's family members because they deserved answers.

Martinez noted the letter was 18 pages long. In it, Arias told Alexander's family that he was killed by unknown male and female intruders.

"So you lied to them, didn't you?" Martinez asked.

"Yes," Arias replied.

Oh MY. She says " she wrote to Alexander's family members because they deserved answers."

And then she tells them the gory ninja story. Making herself out to the the victim. And lists his 'shortcomings', just so they could know.
I can only imagine what else is in that letter she sent to Travis' family. I think it may be quite horrifying.
I don't comment much but I feel I just need to tonight. After reading the tweets about the letter JA wrote to Travis' family I am utterly shocked. I have read about her numerous diagnosis and have come to the conclusion after today that she has none of the disorders that the psychologist have diagnosed her with. I think she is pure evil and there is no psychological assessment or diagnosis for that.

What happened in that courtroom today was good triumphing over evil. I am not a overly religious person nor do I push my beliefs on other people but what I think we are witnessing in this defendant is a pure evil being. I have never seen the likes of her and I hope to never see it again. I have never been able to put my finger on why this trial has consumed me so. I have asked myself a hundred times Why do you keep subjecting yourself to this trial that has upset you so many days, weeks, months and years. I have watched the trial on youtube too many times to count. ( I prefer David Lohr, no sidebars) I have tried with all I have in me to see just ONE redeemable quality in this woman and I have not been able to find one.

I don't think I have ever heard of a defendant so viciously attack not only their victim, but also their victims family and friends. I can not believe such a deviant exists and it is hard to wrap my mind around that.

After today, there is no doubt in my mind that she WILL get the death penalty. I don't give a rats behind if she gets on the stand or not. Her fate was sealed today and next week it will be hammered home even more.

BBM: I truly believe that when you said this out loud that this has been what I have been trying to do ALL this time, but was not totally aware until now. I have been trying to figure out why I had been so wavering and on that fence of indecision. That 18 page letter resulted in my jumping off the fence to make a decision that I kept postponing, but now I know why. Thank you!! (MHO)
What a day! Can someone please speculate why she admits to her snooping TA's phone in the letter to his family? I'm puzzled because that admission seems so unlike her. Was it simply because she couldn't resist getting another dig at him by telling his family that it was proof he "cheated" on her? That's all I can think of.
My take is that it's multi-faceted. Psychopaths rarely do anything that doesn't lead to personal gain of some sort.

The admission might make her look bad BUT obviously not so bad as Travis. I say might because, until and unless she was confronted that going through his messages was wrong, she wouldn't have considered it as such. Boundaries just don't exist. She's a victim again (anyone notice a theme?) because womanizing Travis was cheating on her and she gets to expose how callous and cruelly he treated her. She is such a martyr, a saint, for having put up with him. Most importantly, she's outing herself so if there's a record of Travis taking her to task for reading his messages, she's covered. His wrong doing supersedes her wrong doing, in her mind. She's justified for having snooped and stalked because HE gave her reason to have to in the first place. And, even if she'd found Travis was as innocent as a choir boy, it still would have been his fault she snooped because it was his actions, or inaction, that precipitated her snooping.

You can't win with someone severely personality-disordered. You're at fault, no matter what. It isn't what Travis did, or didn't do, so much as it is Jodi 'loved' him in spite of all his flaws and imperfections. She's the one deserving of praise and exultation - not the cruel *advertiser censored* who ruined her life.
Should anyone be interested - this is an awesome article that recounts the pain and destruction a female psychopath can have on her male victims. Even non-violent psychopaths can be extremely dangerous to those that love and trust her. They say it better than I ever could. One really can only imagine what she put Travis through before she took his life.
Was thinking about Sandy's necklace today. Interesting choice for someone whose daughter said what she said about her in her secret testimony...

She makes me sick...sitting there with a half smile on her moon face laughing and talking to her sister...gag me with a can see where MJA could have developed into
the sick person she is. She absolutley knows what her daughter did and what a vile person she is and she pretends it is all not real..tucks it away somewhere dark and wears that stupid
necklace like it's some kind of badge...she is trying to put herself in an alternate universe.
I have created a virtual "Light A Candle" for Travis on The link is below.
Our Group name is TVA.
(Travis Victor Alexander). All you have to do is click on the link and light a candle, leave a message, or just light a candle. Share as you wish.
I think it's a nice way to show support to the Alexanders/friends/family if they are reading here.

Done, thank you for the link.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Blue
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
01/23/2015 8:00 AM



LET THE RECORD REFLECT that on 1/20/15 Exhibits 391-395, 397, 399-406, 408-
410, 420, 431-440, 463, 481, 506, 507, 559-561, 563, 568, 572, 600, 623, 624, 633, 645, 646,
648-652, 655, 680, 687-704, 706-709, 731-733, 736, 738, 740, 741, 758, 761-786, 786.001, 787-
801, 242, 242.001, 242.002 and 233 were temporarily released to Defense and returned this date.
Prior to commencement Defense Exhibit 820 is marked for identification...

Dr. Robert Geffner, having previously been sworn, testifies further.
Defense offers Defense Exhibit 820 and it is admitted in evidence...

State’s Exhibit 821 is marked for identification.
The State offers State’s Exhibit 821 and it is admitted in evidence...

State’s Exhibit 823 is marked for identification.
LET THE RECORD REFLECT that page two of Exhibit 821 is copied and replaced with
the redacted version of page two...

State’s Exhibit 824 is marked for identification.
State’s Exhibit 825 is marked for identification.
The State offers State’s Exhibit 825 and it is admitted in evidence...

State’s Exhibit 826 is marked for identification.
The State offers State’s Exhibit 826 and it is admitted in evidence.
State’s Exhibit 827 is marked for identification.
The State offers State’s Exhibit 827 and it is admitted in evidence.
State’s Exhibit 828 is marked for identification.
State’s Exhibit 829 is marked for identification.
5:03 p.m. Court stands at recess until 1/22/15 at 9:15 a.m. in this division.

Case Documents

Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
1/23/2015 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 1/23/2015
1/22/2015 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 1/22/2015
1/21/2015 SDO - Order to Seal Documents - Party (001) 1/22/2015

I put my candle too. Thanks for the link. I sincerely hope the Alexander family can remain strong throughout this. They seem like they're made of steel.
I think the pics of the test posted on twitter today were from the first trial.

Plus I believe they would change the testing questions because people do relate what is on the test. This is an old test. It is also possible the copyright was to keep doctors from copying the test to administer it to another patient without paying for it. I think it is a financial issue for the developers of the test. jmo
I believe both of these happened, but it may not be what you were asking. lol

1. There was a twitter threat to McGee or something in twitterland, combined with JM releasing the name in court yesterday that will be an issue.

2. I think Maria threw the phone on the table today, because Jenn and/or someone, shared Cha Cha's twitter picture that Cha Cha posted while court was in session today.

No one would know who McGee is if it wasn't that he is out there causing problems with others on the SM over JA. He put himself out there regardless of whether JM mentioned his name or not. We all knew who it was because he posted he would be a "key witness" which is exactly what defense was hoping he would be. He was their only hope to get the child *advertiser censored* in.

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