Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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After watching/hearing ALV, Samuels, Dr. M-F, and Geffner I'm thinking your Psych PhD on WalMart Rollback is more credible than their credentials on K-Mart's Blue Light Special.

LOL. I remember the blue light specials. They were hilarious. I'm old.
When she describes these fictional stories of abuse she always describes Travis saying "*advertiser censored**ing sick of you b****" or *advertiser censored**ing kill you *****". It's never I'M sick of you or I'LL kill you. It's very bizarre and awkward. I wonder why?

Anyway, great clip of her stupid lies.

I read something a couple of years ago that f- ing kill you ***** is from a movie. Can't remember name of movie.
Missing my thanks button as well!

The letter and other testimony elicited by Juan yesterday opened up a true can of worms for the defense. The jury now can ponder these facts.

1. There is a strong possibility that Jodi and Travis were never "official," a term Jodi uses as though it's a promise ring.

2. Jodi inflicted terrible pain on the victim's family through letters and her defense case in the retrial. This will put in perspective the highly emotional VIS made by Samantha and Steven.

3. Jodi lied on the PTSD test. When it comes time for Geffner's test administration, they will see she changed up her story a couple of times.

I know there's more, but the defense team must now be in major cover-up mode.

On another issue, Nurmi's been given time to submit his motion for dismissal of the DP or the whole case again. It will NOT be honored by JSS. She's already ruled not to sanction Juan for accidentally spilling MM's name in court. It's all more defensorial piffle.

Adding....JM went a long way to demolishing the pedo lie, if he didn't altogether. (Still waiting to hear what the knees thing was all about).

The DT has based their entire mitigation case on dirtying Travis and making him responsible for his own death. There is no middle ground for the jury to find, imo.

If I were a juror I would be thinking.....either Travis was everything the DT portrayed him to be or he wasn't. Looking at just what has been presented so far...

A gutting emotionally abusive manipulator ? He didn't even consider himself in a committed relationship. The notion of official etc. were hers, not his. Lisa and Deanna's testimony contradicts what the DT's experts have said of those relationships. Etc.

2. Physically abused her? She's told different stories to different experts, never wrote about incidents, stories about abuse conflict with other elements of what's she said/the record, never reported the abuse , no corrobating witnesses, even faceless nameless ones.

3. Was a pedophile and she knew his secret? The faceless witness lied about what he saw on computer. She told different stories about seeing paper vs internet *advertiser censored*.

What is the significance of the DT's depiction of Travis being demonstrably false?

The defendant is trying to deflect responsibility for murdering him. She's even resorted to making vile false accusations against him in order to save her own skin. She's lied in court, lied directly to us, the jury.

Her lies about her victim and her willingness to hurt his family directly and indirectly mean she cannot be feeling remorseful for killing Travis.

Nothing in her past, even if true, and nothing in what she has been diagnosed with explains why she doesn't feel remorse.

No middle ground. No grounds for mercy.
I clicked the thanks button in spirit. Yeah, I know y'all are right, but how could she? How could she? How could she? I just don't understand it.

I know what you mean. What is sad about her type of psychopathy is that as long as she breathes she will NEVER stop tormenting and "killing" Travis and those who loved him. I know she will not desist from her sick mission until she leaves this earth. Which is why I have always held firm in my conviction that she needs to be put on Death Row because live or die she will try to wreak destruction on Travis' memory/reputation and the Alexander family in any way possible, so while she is doing this she should be deprived of as many small comforts/priviledges as the law will allow. JMO
I am so glad that Juan brought up Point #1. I remember some discussions about that on here within the past 6 weeks or so and I think this is a distinct possibility.

Also, I truly believe this letter will be her death knell. And how fitting that it is her own words that would do her in. Not big bad Juan and his alleged "prosecutorial misconduct", not MDLR and the rest of her supporters thinking everyone lives in a state of denial about kiddie *advertiser censored* (I really think that is what MDLR was referring to in her twitter). No one to blame but her evil, twisted self.

I hope that the "official" or not business wasn't lost on the jury amid the rest of the furor of the day. Did the Feb "official" date of hers come from this letter she wrote in July or had she said that somewhere earlier? Correspondence with Abe seems to disprove it.

It's weird - when they were talking about her announcing they were "official" I thought it was weird that you would send a letter to the other person's family members at that time, thinking it was a letter she sent in Feb. Then later I realized they were talking about the letter she wrote and sent from jail in July. I guess that's what happens you're following a trial by tweet - hard to keep up!
Was thinking about Sandy's necklace today. Interesting choice for someone whose daughter said what she said about her in her secret testimony...

I've been thinking of that necklace too. I thought at first maybe she wore it to let people know the murderer lied about the abuse from her, or maybe one of her other kids gave it to her. But then I remembered how she and her husband were all over the place begging for money for the murderer. They remind me of the Anthonys.
Astounding (well not really!) that JA actually speaks to her own physical pain in that letter. If that was my Brother that alone would send me off the cliff!
Here is another tweet from Cha Cha before name change shame/embarrassment
Cougarlicious = CougarliSious



HarleyComo Debbie Young Starieye Debi Charlebois Roxanne Coughlin justcallmeD❤ Tammy Bear

1:46 PM - 22 Jan 2015
For what is worth, the 'thank you' button is not on any of the other forums that I checked. It is MIA...calling all thank you buttons we need you back! I wonder if Someone's minion has tried to hack WS thank you button? They did not like all the positive comments here! �� JMO
I am only able to access trial information for short periods of time and I miss so much. Could someone tell me what the mom's necklace is? Also, where can I read the letter referred to. Thanks so much.
BTW random thought. One example of a copyright violation would be trying to sell a tracing you made of a photograph taken of you by a professional media photographer while you were on trial for murder.

No need to thank me for this post. :floorlaugh:
Well, after yesterday's court session, I feel confident that the jurors are all going to be on the same page when it's time to make their decision.

I would not be surprised if Deb, Shauna, and Wendi are making "Welcome" banners out of toilet paper as they prepare for their new neighbor in the Lumley Unit at Perryville.
I am only able to access trial information for short periods of time and I miss so much. Could someone tell me what the mom's necklace is? Also, where can I read the letter referred to. Thanks so much.

Jodi's mom wore a necklace to court yesterday that said "Number 1 Mom." The letter has not been published in its entirety. I think if you back to yesterday's thread and start around 5:30 pm ET, it starts to describe the letter JA wrote to TA's family once she was incarcerated (or in that time frame).
I am only able to access trial information for short periods of time and I miss so much. Could someone tell me what the mom's necklace is? Also, where can I read the letter referred to. Thanks so much.

Moms necklace was Number 1 Mom. Letter was not shown/read in it's entirety. We have tweets of it. I'll come back with a link as to the tweets. Apparently if u are a subscriber to Beth Karas's site she has a bit more info on the letter.
:shame::drumroll: so funny!!

Oh geez apparently the quote button isn't quite working either. This was in reply to the toilet banner welcome banner awaiting cmjas arrival
Did anyone else not sleep very well last night, thinking about that letter and what it revealed about the killer?

I feel very sorry for the jurors. The shock and horror of reading about the letter secondhand was bad enough. They saw the letter up on a big screen, heard the words read out loud, sat in the same room with the thing who wrote it, could see the reaction (which had to be anguish) of Travis' family as it was read.

And heard about the viciousness of the murder, in her own words, the first time the murder itself has been mentioned since October 30, 2014.

I bet they think about that letter all weekend, even though they try to put the trial aside.

I'm still dumbfounded by her depravity. I just can't wrap my head around it. Yup... slept like crap.
JA's belief, that we attract to us what we are ourselves, in action. Today the wee circle of folks who support her are also discussing what happened yesterday.

They are furious that JM revealed copyrighted test questions. They wonder where he obtained them, and have concluded that Flores and DeMarte conspired to have her hand off her computer to him, with the tests on it, then to have DeMarte report her computer stolen.

All part of the grand corrupt conspiracy to have the earth angel murdered by the State.
I cant seem to find the exact pg. but tweets regarding the letter are posted by Bernina on the sidebar thread. Feeling under the weather today or I would have looked a bit further.
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