Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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I know what you mean. What is sad about her type of psychopathy is that as long as she breathes she will NEVER stop tormenting and "killing" Travis and those who loved him. I know she will not desist from her sick mission until she leaves this earth. Which is why I have always held firm in my conviction that she needs to be put on Death Row because live or die she will try to wreak destruction on Travis' memory/reputation and the Alexander family in any way possible, so while she is doing this she should be deprived of as many small comforts/priviledges as the law will allow. JMO

I've always wondered about this AZL. why can't judges make additional rules for convicted rapists/murderers such as not being able to have murderabilia in their cell, additional things other than just a sentence of time?
Behind the spoiler: Tweets from the last hour or so of court yesterday, various Twitter reporters. Time stamps are UTC. Sorry I couldn't get the links to the actual Tweets.

CarolynSungCNNJudge says she will not tell media what to do, but that media is aware of copyright issues and shall use info at own risk. #jodiarias23:03:41
WildAboutTrialNurmi is now arguing that Juan disrespected the court yesterday when saying Witness' name & wants death off the table as result. #jodiarias23:03:46
WildAboutTrialJSS was like, "LOL, ok. No." #jodiarias23:04:00
TrialDiariesJJudge says this issue is handled and not before the court right now #jodiarias #3tvarias23:04:03
michaelbkieferNurmi brings up that he asked that Martinez be held in contempt for stating secret witness' name yesterday after being admonished by judge.23:04:57
WildAboutTrialNurmi, you're adorable. I love your socks. Never change. #jodiarias23:06:08
william_pittsRT @michaelbkiefer: Martinez shows a test. Geffner says, "This isn't supposed to be made public, it's copyrigthed." Sidebar.23:08:27
ericksonvisionEven if #JodiArias is sentenced to death it'll likely be 30 years before she's executed, which at this rate is how long this trial will last23:10:27
TrialDiariesJJury is now in #jodiarias #3tvarias23:13:04
CarolynSungCNNJury brought back in #jodiarias23:13:12
william_pittsGood thing for me to think about: It was easier to get 100 yards from VX nerve gas than it is to cover the #JodiArias trial23:13:20
william_pittsSeriously took one call and 4 hrs of training before I walked through chemical weapons storage in Oregon. For #JodiArias I need lawyers.23:14:45
michaelbkieferMartinez reads aloud for the jury the instructions to the test about trauma.23:14:49
TrialDiariesJJan 2010 Dr Samuels gave #jodiarias a test about a traumatic event #3tvarias23:15:06
monicalindstrom#JodiArias update coming up in @MacandGaydos on @KTAR92323:15:26
WildAboutTrialTests asks about non sexual assault by family memeber - mugged, shot, etc. Or if she was ever attached by someone she didn't know #jodiarias23:16:35
CarolynSungCNNPsych test is put up on main screen. #jodiarias23:16:43
michaelbkieferArias checked non sexual assault by someone she knows, by someone she didn't and other trauma. Stranger assault was strongest.23:18:46
WildAboutTrialJuan says test reads a non-sexual assault by a stranger was the most traumatic experience. #jodiarias23:18:49
CarolynSungCNNJuan is focusing on a question that focuses on a traumatic event that bothered #jodiarias the most.23:19:00
TrialDiariesJJuan is going over the questions. Jodi is asked to mark which traumatic event bothered her the most #jodiarias #3rvarias23:19:25
TrialDiariesJ#jodiarias marked 5 #3tvarias23:19:56
CarolynSungCNNJury sent out for about 2 more mins. #jodiarias23:19:59
michaelbkieferJury sent to hallway.23:20:18
TrialDiariesJAccident, disaster, non sexual assault by someone she knew and a stranger, other traumatic event #jodiarias #3tvarias23:20:51
michaelbkieferFTR turned back on--white noise, too.23:21:09
WildAboutTrialCameras can be turned back on but there's a sidebar sizzle. #jodiarias23:21:15
TrialDiariesJThe one that bothered her most was the non sexual assault by a stranger #jodiarias #3tvarias23:21:36
TrialDiariesJJury is out again #jodiarias #3tvarias23:22:13
SKrafftFox10Camera ordered turned off briefly by judge while details read about mental health test #jodiarias took. Why? copyright issues. Now back on.23:22:49
michaelbkieferCan we go home yet?23:26:40
TrialDiariesJSidebarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr #jodiarias #3tvarias23:27:47
WildAboutTrialLetter to TA's family July 28th, 2008 from #JodiArias on screen23:30:01
TrialDiariesJJuly 28th, 2008 Jodi wrote that letter to TA family JURY IS BACK IN #jodiarias #3tvarias23:30:24
WildAboutTrialIn this letter to Travis' family, #JodiArias is describing the ninja attack. Frightening that she thought it was appropriate to send this.23:31:10
WildAboutTrial#JodiArias says in the letter that she knows they hate her & doesn't want them to but she understands bc she has a brother.23:31:33
michaelbkieferNow Martinez is reading a handwritten version of Arias' ninja-killers story.23:31:47
WildAboutTrialCrazy crazy description of the fake attack in heavy detail in letter to family. #jodiarias23:32:12
TrialDiariesJJodi says in letter she woke up on bathroom floor and heard Travis screaming n the shower #jodiarias #3tvarias23:32:46
WildAboutTrial#JodiArias' face looks so sad as this letter is read. She stares at Juan. She looks embarrassed as if she's going to cry.23:33:08
TrialDiariesJShe goes onto to talk about the intruders attacking her and Travis #jodiarias #3tvarias23:33:14
WildAboutTrial#JodiArias says Travis claims he can't stand up and can't feel his legs after he's been attacked.23:33:41
NancyGraceHLN#jodiarias considered a non-sexual assault by a stranger an event that bothered her most on a DAPS test.23:33:55
WildAboutTrial#JodiArias claims she lunged & attacked the female intruder.23:34:14
TrialDiariesJJodi says a girl came at her with a knife and she grabbed her wrist. She says she kicked her repeatedly in the knees #jodiarias #3tvarias23:34:41
CarolynSungCNNMartinez reads a letter #jodiarias wrote to TA's family. JA writes about the "fake attack".23:34:46
WildAboutTrial#JodiArias talks about her toenails bleeding after the attack.23:34:51
TrialDiariesJJodi says she was at an unfair advantage being barefoot #jodiarias #3tvarias23:35:23
WildAboutTrial"I'm sorry about my handwriting, I'm shaking as I write this." #JodiArias23:35:24
TrialDiariesJJodi says she had bleeding feet she didn't notice until later #jodiarias #3tvarias23:35:44
WildAboutTrial#JodiArias is trying to cry. Hard.23:36:04
TrialDiariesJJodi says Travis was lying down in the hallway and the female was yelling at him #jodiarias #3tvarias23:36:47
WildAboutTrialSandy Arias is leaning her entire body to the left as if this is a painful experience, having to hear her daughters blatant lies. #jodiarias23:36:49
WildAboutTrialGeff reading along with the letter on the screen. #jodiarias23:37:11
TrialDiariesJJodi says sorry about her handwriting she's shaking #jodiarias #3tvarias23:37:26
CarolynSungCNNMartinez continues through the whole letter, where #jodiarias writes about gaining consciousness and hearing TA scream.23:37:50
WildAboutTrialJury very engaged reading word for word with Juan. & suddently we're reminded why we're here. Travis is dead. #jodiarias23:37:54
CarolynSungCNN#jodiarias is whispering something to Willmott.23:38:10
TrialDiariesJJodi get's away and runs out the door #jodiarias #3tvarias23:38:31
WildAboutTrialJurors take notes at Juan points out that test results were based on a lie. #jodiarias23:38:50
CarolynSungCNNMartinez says that "fake incident" is the basis of the PTSD test results. #jodiarias23:38:56
TrialDiariesJJuan says all these answers are based on this lie on the test #jodiarias #3tvarias23:39:15
michaelbkieferMartinez: The made-up story about 2 people she said killed Alexander and attacked her was the traumatic event Arias listed on the PTSD test.23:39:36
thegoldpatrol#jodiarias in court today
CarolynSungCNNIn the previously mentioned test, #jodiarias chose non-sexual assault by a stranger an event that bothered her most.23:39:56
michaelbkieferSidebar, re the questionnaire again23:40:37
WildAboutTrialSome jurors still taking notes. #jodiarias23:40:50
CarolynSungCNNMartinez is saying that the "made-up" about how TA died is what #jodiarias considers to be most traumatic event (re: the test)23:41:12
michaelbkieferWe are done for the day. Back Monday at 9:15.23:41:54
WildAboutTrialEvening recess. Return 9:15am Monday. #jodiarias23:42:22
NancyGraceHLNJudge dismissed jury for the evening. #jodiarias trial will resume Monday at 11:15am MT23:42:31
courtpioTrial resumes Monday at 9:15am. #jodiarias23:42:44
TrialDiariesJ9:15am back Monday- We are in recess and wow what a way to end #jodiarias #3tvarias23:42:50
CarolynSungCNNJudge dismisses jury for the evening. Trial will continue Monday at 11:15am MT. #jodiarias23:43:12
michaelbkieferNow Martinez is to pose the question out of earshot of jury before adjourning.23:43:30
TrialDiariesJNo emotion from #jodiarias as that letter was read to jury. She looked sad #3tvarias23:43:34
WildAboutTrialCameras shut off, jurors asked to leave. We're still here bc Juan wants to question Geff about test. #jodiarias23:43:36
CarolynSungCNNWith jury excused, Martinez puts back up the validity scale questions to review with Geffner. #jodiarias23:43:56
CarolynSungCNNOnce again the FTR and camera is turned off. #jodiarias23:44:13
thegoldpatrol#jodiarias This afternoon was a lot of back and forth about whether T was manipulative in relationships. Juan was chipping away at Geffner.23:44:26
WildAboutTrialFor some reason Juan is required to ask Geff Qs twice, once w/o jury, second time w/jury. #jodiarias23:44:50
ericksonvisionKirk Nurmi filing a motion for a mistrial based on evidence that Bill Belichick deflated footballs during the AFC Championship game.23:44:50
WildAboutTrialThis Q will be presented to jury on Monday. #jodiarias23:45:15
michaelbkieferNow for the closing sidebar.23:45:23
Hello everyone, I have never commented before but I felt the need to add my two cents. I have never thought Jodi and Travis were ever official. Jodi has been the only one that said they were. Travis even broke up a long distance relationship with DR and supposedly JA lived in California for their entire "official" time. I think she molded herself to be what she thought he wanted and when that didnt work she tried sex. Thier whole relationship was a friends with benefits. He was always free to chat or go on dates with other girls because to him thats all it was. She was just another girl to date when she was around. I just dont see that he would end a relationship and jump into a relationship with LA. It seemed to me he liked to get to know a girl for a period of time before committing. Also, I think that is why JA moved to Messa right after they broke up. It was her next effort to get him to commit to her now that they both lived in the same area. She just didnt realize how close he became to LA.
sorry if this doesnt flow have never comented before. Thank you, now back to the corner
I've always wondered about this AZL. why can't judges make additional rules for convicted rapists/murderers such as not being able to have murderabilia in their cell, additional things other than just a sentence of time?

Judges have no control over the manner in which prisons are run (except to judge the meaning of laws that affect prisons) because they belong to a separate branch of government. Similarly, judges can't write those laws because that's up to branch #3. :) Also, there are a whole bunch of constitutional issues that would have to be considered on a case-by-case basis, e.g. the ability to assist appellate counsel, freedom of expression, etc.
Adding....JM went a long way to demolishing the pedo lie, if he didn't altogether. (Still waiting to hear what the knees thing was all about).

Respectfully snipped for space. Here is a tweet from Jen that may clear this up ~

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m
In Jodi's handwriting it states it was actual pictures spread out on his bed and he was on his knees masturbating. #jodiarias #3tvarias
JA's belief, that we attract to us what we are ourselves, in action. Today the wee circle of folks who support her are also discussing what happened yesterday.

They are furious that JM revealed copyrighted test questions. They wonder where he obtained them, and have concluded that Flores and DeMarte conspired to have her hand off her computer to him, with the tests on it, then to have DeMarte report her computer stolen.

All part of the grand corrupt conspiracy to have the earth angel murdered by the State.

They also think that Flores actually broke in to her house to steal the computer, and that the LDS church has something to do with it. :facepalm:

Even more hilarious, they think she looked beautiful yesterday. :giggle:
I am only able to access trial information for short periods of time and I miss so much. Could someone tell me what the mom's necklace is? Also, where can I read the letter referred to. Thanks so much.
Wasn't it "#1 Mom" or some other such inappropriate accoutrement?
Did anyone else not sleep very well last night, thinking about that letter and what it revealed about the killer?

I feel very sorry for the jurors. The shock and horror of reading about the letter secondhand was bad enough. They saw the letter up on a big screen, heard the words read out loud, sat in the same room with the thing who wrote it, could see the reaction (which had to be anguish) of Travis' family as it was read.

And heard about the viciousness of the murder, in her own words, the first time the murder itself has been mentioned since October 30, 2014.

I bet they think about that letter all weekend, even though they try to put the trial aside.

Hooe, I awoke several times thinking of how his grandmother felt reading that letter and knowing Jodi was in jail for killing him. What horror that must have been. Now I can understand why Stephen has suffered the way he has. Men hold pain inside sometimes and his sisters have one another. I feel so sorry for all of them. I was thinking that the horror of this letter likely affected the members of the first jury even more if they paid attention yesterday because they had not heard it before. I feel sure some of them wish she had gotten the DP. And they likely feel real anger toward the foreman who refused to deliberate. I believe the new jury will be affected by it even more as they read it again during deliberations. I am interested in whether people now feel Jodi will continue her testimony. I say no. Then I realize this is not a human being. She is a psychopath and more like an animal with nothing inside. What do you think?
Hello everyone, I have never commented before but I felt the need to add my two cents. I have never thought Jodi and Travis were ever official. Jodi has been the only one that said they were. Travis even broke up a long distance relationship with DR and supposedly JA lived in California for their entire "official" time. I think she molded herself to be what she thought he wanted and when that didnt work she tried sex. Thier whole relationship was a friends with benefits. He was always free to chat or go on dates with other girls because to him thats all it was. She was just another girl to date when she was around. I just dont see that he would end a relationship and jump into a relationship with LA. It seemed to me he liked to get to know a girl for a period of time before committing. Also, I think that is why JA moved to Messa right after they broke up. It was her next effort to get him to commit to her now that they both lived in the same area. She just didnt realize how close he became to LA.
sorry if this doesnt flow have never comented before. Thank you, now back to the corner

No stay out of the corner. Great first post. I look forward to more :wagon:
JA's belief, that we attract to us what we are ourselves, in action. Today the wee circle of folks who support her are also discussing what happened yesterday.

They are furious that JM revealed copyrighted test questions. They wonder where he obtained them, and have concluded that Flores and DeMarte conspired to have her hand off her computer to him, with the tests on it, then to have DeMarte report her computer stolen.

All part of the grand corrupt conspiracy to have the earth angel murdered by the State.
If by "earth angel" they mean Lucifer (with apologies to Beelzebub, of course.)
Hello everyone, I have never commented before but I felt the need to add my two cents. I have never thought Jodi and Travis were ever official. Jodi has been the only one that said they were. Travis even broke up a long distance relationship with DR and supposedly JA lived in California for their entire "official" time. I think she molded herself to be what she thought he wanted and when that didnt work she tried sex. Thier whole relationship was a friends with benefits. He was always free to chat or go on dates with other girls because to him thats all it was. She was just another girl to date when she was around. I just dont see that he would end a relationship and jump into a relationship with LA. It seemed to me he liked to get to know a girl for a period of time before committing. Also, I think that is why JA moved to Messa right after they broke up. It was her next effort to get him to commit to her now that they both lived in the same area. She just didnt realize how close he became to LA.
sorry if this doesnt flow have never comented before. Thank you, now back to the corner

Great first post!


Keep it up!


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JA's belief, that we attract to us what we are ourselves, in action. Today the wee circle of folks who support her are also discussing what happened yesterday.

They are furious that JM revealed copyrighted test questions. They wonder where he obtained them, and have concluded that Flores and DeMarte conspired to have her hand off her computer to him, with the tests on it, then to have DeMarte report her computer stolen.

All part of the grand corrupt conspiracy to have the earth angel murdered by the State.
Is there a psychopaths club out there? Who are these crazy people?
Is this the same letter she sent along with the 18 Iris's? I only ask because this was sent on July 28th, and she was already in jail. I thought I read about the about the Iris's in her journal??? (because TA loved that name) :frown:
I'm confused. How could she have written about the Iris's in her journal, BEFORE she was arrested? Was that injected in her journal after she killed him> :confused:

Sorry If this makes no sense, I sprang 3 of my fingers on my right hand and am tying with my left. I am not ambidextrous (or a murderer) like JA ~

Her journals were doctored by her after the murder. I am sure of it.
OK, y'all, I got my psychology degree at Walmart, so I know I'm not really qualified to say this, but I think she is insane. I see an above average intelligence coupled with some of the World's Dumbest Criminals behaviors...the dumbest being her failure to lawyer up before she opened her mouth to explain away all of the other dumb moves she made. Then add to the mix that only a depraved mind could write that letter to the family believing that it showed compassion or that anyone else would believe the lies. Her behaviors are so bizarre and abnormal that it seems she really does not know right from wrong.

Get a refund on that degree from Walmart. :). Because Jodi and the other dumb criminals out there do know right from wrong. Jodi is just so narcissistic she doesn't care. She must satisfy her needs first.
I believe that the Alexanders need to hear the words "sentenced to death" out loud. This need is not based on revenge or whatever, but I see it more as a validation of the life that was taken. I don't think they can move forward until they hear those words. My reaction when I read the twitter version of the letter was chilling, so I can't even imagine what the jurors felt. I truly believe it's game over.

Agreed. One or all of them will want to hear her draw her last breath also.
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