Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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Get a refund on that degree from Walmart. :). Because Jodi and the other dumb criminals out there do know right from wrong. Jodi is just so narcissistic she doesn't care. She must satisfy her needs first.

I returned it to the Salinas Walmart. They gave me a refund in cash.
Hooe, I awoke several times thinking of how his grandmother felt reading that letter and knowing Jodi was in jail for killing him. What horror that must have been. Now I can understand why Stephen has suffered the way he has. Men hold pain inside sometimes and his sisters have one another. I feel so sorry for all of them. I was thinking that the horror of this letter likely affected the members of the first jury even more if they paid attention yesterday because they had not heard it before. I feel sure some of them wish she had gotten the DP. And they likely feel real anger toward the foreman who refused to deliberate. I believe the new jury will be affected by it even more as they read it again during deliberations. I am interested in whether people now feel Jodi will continue her testimony. I say no. Then I realize this is not a human being. She is a psychopath and more like an animal with nothing inside. What do you think?

Before yesterday I thought she wouldn't testify again. After yesterday I am 100% convinced she will get back on the stand, despite what will no doubt be vehement advise against it by both Nurmi and Wilmott.

That feeling was reinforced by what BritsKate wrote about what likely motivated JA to write the letter. I think the more DT tells her that her case isn't going well , the more determined she'll be to seize her last public opportunity to explain why Travis had to die, and her last chance to look at the faces of those who love Travis while she does her utmost to destroy his name.
I had horrible nightmares last night. Nothing to do with this directly but of not being able to get away from someone and not being able to call out or scream. My husband woke me up and I was inconsolable and had to sleep snuggled up to him so he would be able to sense sooner if I went into the dream again.

I was truly shocked and horrified yesterday. I follow a lot of missing and murder cases. I started reading true crime when I was 15. Psychology was my major in college. I have read a good deal of information on sociopaths and psychopaths and I can't really explain my reaction yesterday. It was deep in my soul. I will admit that there have been times that I wondered about Jodi, wondered wether she was just a personality disordered girl who could not handle abandonment and who was somehow able to keep exes around, and that allowed her some sort of ability to cope and that the situation with Travis and what he said to her just broke what little bit of sanity she had and well... we all know what happened.

I know I look for reasons, explainable reasons, I suppose to some degree because of my own childhood and experiences but in large part because there is not one single thing we can do for a person who is just evil.

I look at pictures of her as a child and cannot connect the two? It is something I need to come to terms with. Not everyone can be fixed. Not everyone has been hurt. I love children, I always have, even when I was not much more than a child myself I loved babies and anyone younger than myself. I probably should have been a teacher. I love my families kids, my neighbors kids, kids in my children's classes and on their sport teams and I can't even fathom how one of them could someday turn out to be evil like this. Yesterday was a window into something that closed some hidden notion or question- entirely. Forever. For me.

I truly believe the Alexanders have and will rise above this. I believe they learned this same lesson several years ago. I think it was as hard for them being victims in their own childhoods as anyone... I wonder what benefit of the doubt they initially, momentarily gave her, and how quickly it was shut off forever after the letter and more information was received. I wonder how they struggled, in their faith, believing that we are all children of God and how they had to reconcile that with the fact that Jodi is no child of God and pure evil. I see them united, unwavering and together. They have lost so much but you would almost never know it to look at them in moments they are not filled with pain. I hope more than anything that Jodi gets the sentence they feel she deserves and then they move on and heal, to the best of their ability together, stronger than ever. I hope they never cross paths with evil again.

They have suffered enough for several lifetimes. I am comforted that Travis is with his beloved mom mom and his father and mother and this time their connection is different and that together they watch over all of the siblings that were left behind.

For me personally, I hope this trial wraps up soon. I have a lot of wonderful activities coming this spring and I am going to commit to taking a break from all of this.
btw random thought. One example of a copyright violation would be trying to sell a tracing you made of a photograph taken of you by a professional media photographer while you were on trial for murder.

No need to thank me for this post. :floorlaugh:

love this!!!
so omg i just went to see what else MDLR has been tweeting out for jodi and i get this...

'You are blocked from following @JodiAnnArias and viewing @JodiAnnArias's Tweets. Learn more'

omg blocked by jodi....quite an achievement :floorlaugh:
This might be the pic that got the pool camera kicked out. This was probably also what was in the email from the DT with the pic from Twitter.

View attachment 67948
That laptop on the table behind Jodi, is where the mitigation specialist sits, is it not? Maybe Nurmi should tell MDLR to keep her laptop closed while she is tweeting from the courtroom. You can't even make out what is on the screen anyway. :facepalm:
Hooe, I awoke several times thinking of how his grandmother felt reading that letter and knowing Jodi was in jail for killing him. What horror that must have been. Now I can understand why Stephen has suffered the way he has. Men hold pain inside sometimes and his sisters have one another. I feel so sorry for all of them. I was thinking that the horror of this letter likely affected the members of the first jury even more if they paid attention yesterday because they had not heard it before. I feel sure some of them wish she had gotten the DP. And they likely feel real anger toward the foreman who refused to deliberate. I believe the new jury will be affected by it even more as they read it again during deliberations. I am interested in whether people now feel Jodi will continue her testimony. I say no. Then I realize this is not a human being. She is a psychopath and more like an animal with nothing inside. What do you think?

Good post Curious. I still say she won't get back on the stand--if this was her last avenue to exact revenge, manipulate the truth, and attempt to destroy TA and those he loves, then hell yeah she would get back up there. But I suspect that she will use the appeals process, writing a book, social media, and any other avenue she can dream up to continue this demented and hateful mission of hers. As to your point about the original jurors, I would love to hear from them now that this letter has come into evidence.
Whoever posted the thing about 9yo kid from the NYT a few days ago ... wow. I read that before yesterday's events, and now it just fits JA so much....

It all makes sense - she must have been a similar kid. Taking a baseball bat to her brother, torturing pets, etc. You can imagine by the time she was a teenager her parents were at their wits' end and just needed her to get the heck out so they could have a somewhat normal life again.

In a clinical sense I guess you wouldn't call a person "evil", but what other word fits such a monstrous person? It's almost amazing that she made it as long as she did before killing someone. It all just gives me the creeps. I can't even imagine being in the same room with her knowing what we do about her.
Look at the comments on Court Chatter for yesterday's day in court. Seems Geff presented at a seminar in New Zealand in April. Wonder if he met with any expats while there?
Day 16th I think....Jodi admitted Travis NEVER introduced her as his girlfriend at church. If he did not introduce her as his girlfriend to family or friends, how can she possibly claim he was ever a boyfriend. Not one TEXT, or email ever eludes to them ever being a couple. All in her head.
Tanisha and Stephen gave impact statements this year. I watched Samantha's and Stephens's from 2013 since they were on youtube.
Before yesterday I thought she wouldn't testify again. After yesterday I am 100% convinced she will get back on the stand, despite what will no doubt be vehement advise against it by both Nurmi and Wilmott.

That feeling was reinforced by what BritsKate wrote about what likely motivated JA to write the letter. I think the more DT tells her that her case isn't going well , the more determined she'll be to seize her last public opportunity to explain why Travis had to die, and her last chance to look at the faces of those who love Travis while she does her utmost to destroy his name.

Now see, that is what kept me awake last night. Can a human being really get up in front of others and continue on with this charade? Or will she change her whole tune, describe how much she really hated Travis and tell everyone he deserved to die and take pleasure in sharing the details? In other words, will she decide she is getting the DP anyway so she might as well try to crucify Travis? Or will she keep trying to be the little abused girl? She can't claim self defense anymore, not with her attorney saying she is mentally ill. Will she and her attorneys have a blow out this weekend? Can Nurmi and Wilmott actually come back and fight more on her behalf? If I was her attorney, knowing I had lied and done all I could to save her, I would have to leave her to her own devices now to save my reputation...if there is any left. Oh what am I saying? Nurmi represents the scum of the earth and we all now know that Jennifer is BFF's with all those pseudo psychologists, ALV, RS and RG. so they have no reputations to speak of. I am at a loss for thinking how she could get on the stand. Please explain. I would sooner dig my own grave and bury myself then get on that stand if I was her. And if she does, will she be snarky to JM again? That surely won't win her any friends with this jury. Boy you just wonder, does the foreman from her first jury realize what a sucker he is right now.
Ok, so why does Jodi write in her letter to the Alexanders that *the "ninjas" stole the money out of her wallet AND the gas receipts? They just didn't take the wallet? Suuuuuuure.

*Paraphrased from BK site, snippets of letter.
so omg i just went to see what else MDLR has been tweeting out for jodi and i get this...

'You are blocked from following @JodiAnnArias and viewing @JodiAnnArias's Tweets. Learn more'

omg blocked by jodi....quite an achievement :floorlaugh:


BBM: LOL ... :hilarious: ... and Congratulations !

It is just unbelievable what MDLR has been able to get away with in that courtroom and as a "mitigation specialist":

- Tweeting while Court is in session.

- Tweeting while in the professional capacity of "mitigation specialist" -- including the "provocative" sounding name of "Cougarlicious" and "provocative" photos of herself on social media sites.

- Conducting 3-way telephone conference calls with JA while in :jail: and other person(s).

- Passing notes, documents, artwork, etc. from JA to whoever in the courtroom.

And no telling what other unethical "duties" she has performed.

Oh, and when the DP is handed down by this jury, MLDR will never be hired again ...

:waitasec: Well, I don't think she will have a job as a mit specialist when this re-trial is over regardless !
Day 16th I think....Jodi admitted Travis NEVER introduced her as his girlfriend at church. If he did not introduce her as his girlfriend to family or friends, how can she possibly claim he was ever a boyfriend. Not one TEXT, or email ever eludes to them ever being a couple. All in her head.

Can't have to quote myself. Even at PPL events, he never claimed she was anything but a friend. It reminds of the time she aggressively cornered a lady in the bathroom Travis had been talking with to tell her to stay away from Travis at an event. Another instance of her aggression.
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