Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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Ok, found juror 13's essay. I'm glad to hear his impression of the letter but wish he'd described how the actual jury seemed to respond to it.

He got a few things wrong. Not a card, but an 18 page letter. Not sent within a week of the funeral but on July 28, Travis' birthday. He says it was sent to Travis' grandmother but addressed to the family as a whole? But also that it began with a dear Mums? She had his grandmother's address, so that part makes sense. But did she really address that horrible letter to his grandmother???
I don't see it there either.

Put his name in the search box, maybe? After I read his 'report' I just clicked on his name as the header indicated this was taken from FB. He popped up and I asked to be his friend and he said....YES!

One of the sections in this insightful article mentions something I didn't catch from the tweets yesterday. It was while the jury was out of the room. One line is BBM.

“The defendant was previously examined by Dr. Samuels. One of the tests that you have is his PTSD examination as Exhibit number 540. In this case, Dr. Samuels filled out the examination,” Juan explained. “Can you see that on the front page, there are four boxes and Dr. Samuels has one box marked based on what the defendant said? Do you see that?”

“Let me look,” the Doctor answers as he studies the page. “I see that.”

“May I approach?” Juan asks as he walks toward the witness with his papers in hand. Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott get up and quickly follow until all the attorneys are at an informal sidebar in front of Geffner. There is no white noise so many can discern the words being discussed in low tones.

Dr. Geffner starts flipping through papers while Juan is pointing something out in the paper in his hand. “Look at number five, Doctor. Do you see that? The box is marked that it is the root cause of the PTSD diagnosis. Do you see that?”

“Yes, I do,” he answers.

“That result is based on a false statement. It’s on all the tests the defendant took,” Juan said. “All of them.”

Dr. Geffner frowns. “That could be a problem. In our profession, at least, it’s a serious problem…”

“The other forty nine questions are based on the result of this question. But, the answer to this question is a lie,” Juan Martinez tells him. “That’s proof of “fooling” the examiner.”

That little slip of the tongue indicates the defense did not advise him to be ready for this and he didn't catch it himself. I suspect ALV or Dr F would have immediately said it didn't matter, but he slipped up with a moment of honesty. I thought it was interesting.
So w/ tanktop-gate, it would appear that she was not only given a little more revealing of a top (than usual) and a non-pink bra (someone said all jail undies are pink), but it also seems she has on makeup.

Are defendants able to receive makeup, hair treatments (like the gray cover-up at the roots) and non-issue undies? Or is this a no-no? And who's responsible for providing clothing and all this other stuff?

If it's legit, then whatever, but if it's not allowed, what are any ramifications?
:gaah: I'm on that FB site but I can't find a link to Paul Sanders. I went looking this AM for it, too. He does a great job catching the nuances and jury reactions.

Go to the sidebar thread and Yes Or No just posted the entire blog by Paul Sanders today. It's awesome!!
Ok, found juror 13's essay. I'm glad to hear his impression of the letter but wish he'd described how the actual jury seemed to respond to it.

He got a few things wrong. Not a card, but an 18 page letter. Not sent within a week of the funeral but on July 28, Travis' birthday. He says it was sent to Travis' grandmother but addressed to the family as a whole? But also that it began with a dear Mums? She had his grandmother's address, so that part makes sense. But did she really address that horrible letter to his grandmother???
I heard sometime back that yes she addressed to Mumms. And he did say the jury showed no emotions and that they usually do not. A good thing.
Didn't JA start this letter part way through her interrogation by Flores? She then takes the page(s) she's already written with her to the jail. IIRC, there's an elaborate to-do about where the pieces of paper are when she's being cuffed.

Yep she even put it down her pants. They asked to make a copy.
Hey everyone, Good morning :-( I wonder do you all feel as I do about that letter. I thought nothing could be worse than the murderer accusing Travis of being a pedophile, but that letter was horrible. I couldn’t sleep last night. Just thinking of Travis’ family having that letter all this time and having to sit through this trial year after year listening to all the garbage nurmi threw out there, all the lies being told while all this time Travis’ family knew they had this letter, and not only this letter but the letter to their Grandma. Everyone involved with this murderer is nothing but, I can’t even think of a word to use for them, disgusting/horrible/evil! I believe in karma, I know bad things are coming their way, for all of them. I pray this jury does right by Travis and Travis’ family. I pray this jury gives Travis’ family what they want and gives this evil murderer the DP. My heart is so heavy for Travis’ family. Their strength and dignity is so amazing. I wish I could just give them all a hug! Thank God for Juan Martinez! God bless Travis and Travis’ family.

Had the DT seen the contents of this letter before? Does the prosecution have to show the defense all the pieces of evidence they have in advance? I'm not clear on the rules here. It seems in the Guilt-Phase Trial, the DT were taken by surprise by those magazines, but don't they get to see evidence ahead of time?
I just want her silenced I don't want Travis family to ever have to hear her voice again, or read something she writes. nothing ever again!! Be done with her. She slaughtered TA in 08 and has been butchering his family and friends ever since. It's just horrible what she has done all these yrs.

In fact I believe she is more dangerous now than in 08, a lot of built up anger you can see it when someone says something negative about her, her hands begin to scribble then erase, back and forth I noticed when dr D was on the stand. Imo

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1 pottymouth word throughout.

Her hands were doing this, (whoever is singing love the voice, Lily Allen?)

ETA: Add this display to yesterdays admissionion of the letter and you will get it, as the jury will
Hmmm but how do I know you're not Nurmi in disguise? ;)

ETA: Also, I just realized my plan requires acting abilities on the part of JA. That's the only snag.

Then it's settled, send it snail mail to my home address in NC. You could write it in French, pig latin or legalese. I doubt Nurmi would be able to do the translation of any of them in time for trial.
I was shocked at what she was wearing yesterday! I watched her first trial and she always looked like the innocent,dorky librarian( no offense to librarians). IMO, nothing JA does is planned to the nth degree with the help of the DT. I wonder if they thought that there was a juror that she could look sexy for. Maybe they noticed him glancing at her frequently. But I agree with most of you that it was a huge FAIL! Especially with the letter being read. I hope her fate was sealed yesterday.

I agree! HUGE FAIL! And not because of the letter either. She failed because all she really is.. is a murderer *trying* (and failing) to look sexy.
Here is another tweet from Cha Cha before name change shame/embarrassment
Cougarlicious = CougarliSious

1:46 PM - 22 Jan 2015

Cougar learned right here she wasn't spelling her handle correctly! She changed it as soon as WSers started poking fun at her inability to spell....her own name.
Is there a juror list anywhere, like last time? I really want to know which juror she is targeting with that come hither look. She is targeting someone, I have no doubt.

BBM - I agree, possibly this one?

"MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 53s53 seconds ago
#JodiArias Judge calls recess -- one male juror leaves w/slight smirk almost as if he can't believe the big "knee" debate #abc15

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
10 minutes recess. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 43s44 seconds ago
Geff says all of his graphs are based on different aspects of the case & whether she's lying about it is irrelevant. #jodiarias
Hello everyone, I have never commented before but I felt the need to add my two cents. I have never thought Jodi and Travis were ever official. Jodi has been the only one that said they were. Travis even broke up a long distance relationship with DR and supposedly JA lived in California for their entire "official" time. I think she molded herself to be what she thought he wanted and when that didnt work she tried sex. Thier whole relationship was a friends with benefits. He was always free to chat or go on dates with other girls because to him thats all it was. She was just another girl to date when she was around. I just dont see that he would end a relationship and jump into a relationship with LA. It seemed to me he liked to get to know a girl for a period of time before committing. Also, I think that is why JA moved to Messa right after they broke up. It was her next effort to get him to commit to her now that they both lived in the same area. She just didnt realize how close he became to LA.
sorry if this doesnt flow have never comented before. Thank you, now back to the corner

I never thought they were "boyfriend/girlfriend" either. I thought it was suspicious that the only time he had for her was at, like, 2 am.
I never thought they were "boyfriend/girlfriend" either. I thought it was suspicious that the only time he had for her was at, like, 2 am.

Yes. It was more like "Friends with Benefits". Those types of relationships work, if both parties are agreement of the terms.
Whoever posted the thing about 9yo kid from the NYT a few days ago ... wow. I read that before yesterday's events, and now it just fits JA so much....

It all makes sense - she must have been a similar kid. Taking a baseball bat to her brother, torturing pets, etc. You can imagine by the time she was a teenager her parents were at their wits' end and just needed her to get the heck out so they could have a somewhat normal life again.

In a clinical sense I guess you wouldn't call a person "evil", but what other word fits such a monstrous person? It's almost amazing that she made it as long as she did before killing someone. It all just gives me the creeps. I can't even imagine being in the same room with her knowing what we do about her.

It does sound exactly like a kid version of her current self, doesn't it? Innocent that I am, I had never realized the extent of manipulativeness, deviousness, mood swings, lack of empathy, cruelty in the psychopath, until I read that article: a real eye opener.
Ok, so why does Jodi write in her letter to the Alexanders that *the "ninjas" stole the money out of her wallet AND the gas receipts? They just didn't take the wallet? Suuuuuuure.

*Paraphrased from BK site, snippets of letter.

Because she is nervous about the gas receipts......
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