Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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I was shocked at what she was wearing yesterday! I watched her first trial and she always looked like the innocent,dorky librarian( no offense to librarians). IMO, nothing JA does is planned to the nth degree with the help of the DT. I wonder if they thought that there was a juror that she could look sexy for. Maybe they noticed him glancing at her frequently. But I agree with most of you that it was a huge FAIL! Especially with the letter being read. I hope her fate was sealed yesterday.

Her wardrobe change was a fail in more ways than one, I bet. Besides the fact she looked terrible and inappropriately dressed not just for court but for a cold courtroom, I think it communicated to the jury that the librarian clothes were just a costume, meant to manipulate them.

As for that pose. If she was singling out a particular juror I imagine he went straight for the shower when he got home. A hot shower. With lots and lots of soap.
Hello everyone. It is my first time posting here, as well. I am a "lurker", reading all of your brilliant and thoughtful posts while I feed my baby or have her sleeping in my lap!

I, too, am glad that Juan was successful in introducing doubt that they were ever an "official" couple yesterday. It makes me think of a French movie with Audrey Tautou, "He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not". Just wondering if anyone here has seen it. If not, it would be a great movie to watch this weekend.

:seeya: Hello and Welcome to WS !

I was shocked at what she was wearing yesterday! I watched her first trial and she always looked like the innocent,dorky librarian( no offense to librarians). IMO, nothing JA does is planned to the nth degree with the help of the DT.

I wonder if they thought that there was a juror that she could look sexy for.

Maybe they noticed him glancing at her frequently. But I agree with most of you that it was a huge FAIL! Especially with the letter being read. I hope her fate was sealed yesterday.

:seeya: Hi Luv !

BBM: Yes, good point ... and yes, it was an epic fail !

I posted this earlier, but I still think JA's crew is reporting back to her what the public is saying at how old and awful she looks, and no doubt, JA was po'd having to look like a "librarian" ..

Oh well ... lol !
I don't think she is afraid of Juan. I think she hates him. Hates him enough to get back on the stand and prove to everyone once and for all she's the Einstein in that courtroom.

I'm sure she believes she bested JM last time around. It wasn't HER fault the jury betrayed her. If she could only have crawled into the skin of the DT's witnesses (pretty much her words) and given their testimony herself, she would never have been found guilty.
I was wondering about the bra too.

Maybe MDLR traded with her in the back room.

BBM: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I got it now: JA wanted to dress and look like Cougarlicious ... she was tired of wearing Jen's hand-me-downs !

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
Hey, check out the screen behind JA in this image from AZCentral:

(see full photo on AZCentral)

Looks like it might be some web site for domestic violence, judging by the little purple blurs that might be ribbons? The screen in the photo from yesterday appears to have a similarly purple blur.

Photos of JA: Frumpy ? Old/Aged ? Selfie / JA in Court "Sleeveless" ?

Comments ?

Jodi Arias looks toward the jury in court during her sentencing phase retrial, Thursday, December 18, 2014 in Maricopa County Superior Court.
Tom Tingle/The Republic


Jodi Arias looks toward the jury in Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, during her sentencing phase retrial.
Tom Tingle/The Republic


Jodi Arias stands as the jury enters the courtroom during the sentencing phase of her retrial at Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix on Jan. 22, 2015.
Mark Henle/The Republic


No #selfie-steem #jodiarias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 2m 2 minutes ago


Jodi Arias stands as the jury enters the courtroom during the sentencing phase of her retrial at Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix on Jan. 22, 2015.
Mark Henle/The Republic


Coulda swore I saw a black bra line under her arm yesterday but it's white, my mistake. She sure is chameleon-like in her facial appearance though.
I think the new wardrobe (she had a sweater she just chose not to wear it) and no glasses is reflecting her confidence. I've noticed in the last couple weeks in the photos of her she's got this little smirk on her face in every picture. She's quite pleased that the *advertiser censored* has come out and all but validated her and exposed Travis. The jury is hearing what a perfect little angel she was and what an awful person Travis was. It's been drilled into their mind for weeks now. This phase is going exactly like she's wanting it to.

That's why I'm glad the letter came out when it did. Perfect timing. The jury has only heard for weeks now Travis be completely trashed in that courtroom. It's blatant. And then, just like that, Juan brings it all back to the reason we are all here. A man was viciously murdered in his home by someone who he thought loved him. A woman who has clearly manipulated everything from the get go is now trying to manipulate them. I wonder if they went back to the VIS's. The autopsy photos. All that done to Travis and for what? Because he made people think he was a virgin? Because he dated around? Because he was a flirt? It was a shock back into reality.
AZL question: When do judges usually see the evidence? Is the first time typically when one side wants to enter it, or do they usually see all or most of it well in advance? There's a middle ground too. If they don't see it in advance, I presume either side has a mechanism by which they can let the judge see it shortly before they plan to introduce it so the judge can be ready to decide on the spot whether to allow it or not.*

What made me think of this is wondering when JSS first saw that letter. It didn't come into evidence during the first trial, but in theory she could have seen it then though it may not have been in the state's possession yet back then. What would be your guess?

*For your amusement in a similar vein: My (unfortunately) Travis County DA Ronnie Earle got Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison indicted some years back. As I recall, when the trial started he wanted the judge to rule on admissibility of all his evidence as soon as he started his case. The judge said no thanks, I'll decide as it comes up in the course of the trial. Earle pitched a fit and said he couldn't continue without knowing what would be allowed. The judge said that's fine and directed the jury to render a not guilty verdict, and one of the shortest high-profile trials ever was over.

Something like that anyway. :)

If there is evidence that is the subject of a motion to exclude/redact, or that has been attached to some other pretrial brief, the judge will see it before trial. Otherwise, the documentary evidence is filed with the clerk a few days before trial, but there would be no reason for the judge to page through it.

The monitor system in the courtroom allows the judge to see what's on the screen before pressing a button to allow the jury to see it.

I don't know about the letter. JSS wouldn't have seen it, though, unless Juan was trying to admit it, and I don't remember any motions about that. It's not like she can go down to the evidence room or the prosecutor's office and just look through things.

Um, was that the DA's first trial??? lol

Did you ever considering being a defense attorney?

No. I can't wrap my head around the ethical issues. I can hear and understand when my defense attorney friends explain these things, but the explanation doesn't quiet the little moral voice in my brain. So I can handle criminal defense work on appeal, because to me that just consists of making sure the system is dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's, but pretending someone is actually innocent when they aren't is not a thing I could do.

BUT I have to say I did come up with an absolutely freaking brilliant defense strategy for this case last night. Unfortunately a version of it could still work as a "Hail Mary pass" even now, so I don't want to say it here. Is there a "sealed envelope" on WS in which I could place my suggestion, to be opened only after the final verdict? :)
OMG ... I missed yesterday's Bombshell : that letter JA sent the Alexander Family after she killed Travis !

I read yesterday's Tweets, but, has the entire letter been made public, or just portions of the letter that was read in court? TIA!

:grouphug: I am happy that the Alexander's gave Juan permission to use that letter. I think that it will have a huge impact on the jury's decision in giving JA what she truly deserves: the Death Penalty !
I believe both of these happened, but it may not be what you were asking. lol

1. There was a twitter threat to McGee or something in twitterland, combined with JM releasing the name in court yesterday that will be an issue.

2. I think Maria threw the phone on the table today, because Jenn and/or someone, shared Cha Cha's twitter picture that Cha Cha posted while court was in session today.

Can someone direct me to Cha Cha's twitter picture that she herself posted yesterday? I keep seeing it referenced and even tho I was online and reading most of the day yesterday, I completely missed anything about it. Thanks in advance!
Coulda swore I saw a black bra line under her arm yesterday but it's white, my mistake. She sure is chameleon-like in her facial appearance though.

All underwear is pink at Sheriff Joe's house, so someone had to pass it to her. And, where are her glasses? It's all so staged.
Can someone direct me to Cha Cha's twitter picture that she herself posted yesterday? I keep seeing it referenced and even tho I was online and reading most of the day yesterday, I completely missed anything about it. Thanks in advance!

If there is evidence that is the subject of a motion to exclude/redact, or that has been attached to some other pretrial brief, the judge will see it before trial. Otherwise, the documentary evidence is filed with the clerk a few days before trial, but there would be no reason for the judge to page through it.

The monitor system in the courtroom allows the judge to see what's on the screen before pressing a button to allow the jury to see it.

I don't know about the letter. JSS wouldn't have seen it, though, unless Juan was trying to admit it, and I don't remember any motions about that. It's not like she can go down to the evidence room or the prosecutor's office and just look through things.

Um, was that the DA's first trial??? lol

No. I can't wrap my head around the ethical issues. I can hear and understand when my defense attorney friends explain these things, but the explanation doesn't quiet the little moral voice in my brain. So I can handle criminal defense work on appeal, because to me that just consists of making sure the system is dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's, but pretending someone is actually innocent when they aren't is not a thing I could do.

BUT I have to say I did come up with an absolutely freaking brilliant defense strategy for this case last night. Unfortunately a version of it could still work as a "Hail Mary pass" even now, so I don't want to say it here. Is there a "sealed envelope" on WS in which I could place my suggestion, to be opened only after the final verdict? :)

I'm amazed there is such a thing as a brilliant strategy for them at this point, though I'll take your word for it. They do read here, so yay to your discretion in not giving them any ideas.
OMG ... I missed yesterday's Bombshell : that letter JA sent the Alexander Family after she killed Travis !

I read yesterday's Tweets, but, has the entire letter been made public, or just portions of the letter that was read in court? TIA!

:grouphug: I am happy that the Alexander's gave Juan permission to use that letter. I think that it will have a huge impact on the jury's decision in giving JA what she truly deserves: the Death Penalty !

No, the letter has not been posted anywhere.
If I read correctly, she was still in jail in CA at the time she wrote this. How much had she talked to Flores at that point? I recall that they had some phone conversations. I suspect they were before she was arrested and she didn't talk to him again until she was extradited to AZ. Is that correct? She must have been working hard to try to figure out what evidence he had at that point.

Given she wrote that much in jail, I can believe she spent a lot of time prior to her arrest rewriting her journals once she felt she could be a suspect.

What I know about psychiatry/psychology wouldn't fill a Post-it note, but will DeMarte describe that all of this blows away the tripe about PTSD? Don't those types of people AVOID the things that will cause them stress? She absolutely relished reliving them time and time again - going to the funeral, her obsession with the pictures with Flores, writing this letter, etc. Maybe the argument would be that all those were AFTER she 'snapped' and anything after that is different.

Didn't JA start this letter part way through her interrogation by Flores? She then takes the page(s) she's already written with her to the jail. IIRC, there's an elaborate to-do about where the pieces of paper are when she's being cuffed.
If there is evidence that is the subject of a motion to exclude/redact, or that has been attached to some other pretrial brief, the judge will see it before trial. Otherwise, the documentary evidence is filed with the clerk a few days before trial, but there would be no reason for the judge to page through it.

The monitor system in the courtroom allows the judge to see what's on the screen before pressing a button to allow the jury to see it.

I don't know about the letter. JSS wouldn't have seen it, though, unless Juan was trying to admit it, and I don't remember any motions about that. It's not like she can go down to the evidence room or the prosecutor's office and just look through things.

Um, was that the DA's first trial??? lol

No. I can't wrap my head around the ethical issues. I can hear and understand when my defense attorney friends explain these things, but the explanation doesn't quiet the little moral voice in my brain. So I can handle criminal defense work on appeal, because to me that just consists of making sure the system is dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's, but pretending someone is actually innocent when they aren't is not a thing I could do.

BUT I have to say I did come up with an absolutely freaking brilliant defense strategy for this case last night. Unfortunately a version of it could still work as a "Hail Mary pass" even now, so I don't want to say it here. Is there a "sealed envelope" on WS in which I could place my suggestion, to be opened only after the final verdict? :)

You can send it to me for safe keeping. Airmail, snail mail, email, PM, I'm not choosy. ;)
Travis' family finally allowed the 18-page letter she wrote to be introduced into trial. And it was something. First she starts out by detailing when the went official in the their relationship so she could let them know that he cheated on her and didn't treat her right (motive?!?) Then she went into a very detailed explanation of how Travis died at the hands of the intruders and how she escaped with her life. It was a lie and it was very graphic in describing Travis's final moments and what "they" did to him. She closes by saying Travis was still a good guy even if he was flawed. And that was just part of the letter. Not a good moment for her.

Thank you so much!
Can you tell me why it wasn't a good moment for her? Because she detailed a slaying that she herself did, to the victim's family? And how did the jury seem to react? Or people in the audience?

I went over to today's closed thread and grabbed you this beauty that was in the letter.

@EmsterChic: "And your deepest sorrow shall be turned into joy"...John #jodiarias ended letter to TA family.

Oh gag. So horrible.

Gitana1 - if you go to the sidebar thread. Bernina puts all the tweets in one post. There are all in a row with little chit-chat in between. It's work reading the entire days re-cap, especially towards the end of the day. Hope that helps. Nice to see you.

Thank you and thank you to everyone who responded to me. You all are gems. I really appreciate it. I don;t have the time to really delve into this case these days so when I come on websleuths, I tend not to venture over here much because there is too much to catch up on! So I am very grateful to everyone who helps me out with info!!!!!!

I may not be involved in really monitoring the retrial but man, justice for Travis remains so crucial to me.
OMG ... I missed yesterday's Bombshell : that letter JA sent the Alexander Family after she killed Travis !

I read yesterday's Tweets, but, has the entire letter been made public, or just portions of the letter that was read in court? TIA!

:grouphug: I am happy that the Alexander's gave Juan permission to use that letter. I think that it will have a huge impact on the jury's decision in giving JA what she truly deserves: the Death Penalty !

DGC have you read Paul Sanders (the 13th jurors) account of this letter being read in court? It is available at 'Justice for Travis Alexander'. (I have to remember how to link again LOL) It was chilling.
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