Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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:seeya: Jumping off your post here, which I totally agree with btw :)

JA's been trying to look "frumpy," with those out-of-date sweaters, clothes, glasses, hairstyle, etc., and she does look "old" ...

Remember, Casey Anthony's DT used that same tactic in her case -- they gave Casey the "librarian look" ... and we know how that ended up :gaah:

Then yesterday, she wore a shirt with NO sleeves revealing bare arms -- and -- her bra was showing. That shirt was totally inappropriate for Court !

I've been reading a variety of different sites on the web, and the comments on the social media sites, etc., regarding JA's "looks" overwhelming state that she has "aged" a lot while in :jail: And no doubt, her mit specialist, supporters, etc. read those comments and report back to the Master Manipulator ! And no way does JA want to look OLD, etc. So I think she told her DT "f-u -- I'm going to dress like I want to."

Well ... we'll see HOW she comes dressed to court next week !


I'll post some comparison photos in just a minute.


Looking forward to seeing them! I have some to share, not exactly wardrobe pix, but poses that appear so affected they're hilarious. I'm in the habit of making screen shots of her as I watch snippets of the last trial on YouTube whenever someone posts an interesting link here. I don't know why. She's just such a weird critter.

Here she appears to be mimicking Nurmi:

Here she is casting a hex on a witness or an attorney, not sure:

Testifying about the photo sailing off the bed in that chaotic way paper falls and landing at her feet:

Excuse the YouTube user interface artifacts, I couldn't bear to rewind and watch it again.
I think she knew the letter portions were coming in yesterday and dressed to deflect - 'I'm too cute and sexy to be as mean as JM is going to make me out to be, see?' I also think that outfit said she'd likely testify again, and maybe why JSS is finally speeding things up, she knows how long JA could be on the stand again if she gets back up there. I don't think the defense has any more witnesses to put on so it's either her or we go to JM's rebuttal sometime early next week (or whenever the DT lets Geff off the stand). I'm just wondering how JA procurred a black bra to go with that snazzy (barf) shank top?
Am I the only one still curious what exactly the bishops wife is going to testify to? I figure, there are rules about confidentiality between a bishop and their flock so perhaps that's why we have the wife instead? I'm thinking she's going to testify that they counseled DR and TA about the premarital sex(blowing up the dts he's a virgin card) the *advertiser censored* on the computer part, and perhaps missys behavior at fhe ect

I wondered if it would be something even more damaging - like Deanna was never in our home when Secret Nitwitness #1 was. Or there never was any *advertiser censored* on our computer.
Adding. I used to think I'd be OK with LWOP if that's what the jury decided. Not anymore. Being given the DP is the only way to express to her that nobody believes what she's said about Travis, and nobody believes that anything about who and what she is deserves to continue to exist.

It also would point out that she is not that smart, not superior, and a loser when it comes to her psychopathic games. And best of all, it exposes her completely, to the entire world. Forever.
Look at the comments on Court Chatter for yesterday's day in court. Seems Geff presented at a seminar in New Zealand in April. Wonder if he met with any expats while there?
He interviewed MM on 4/26/14, good catch. Wonder who paid for that trip?
Well, the ninjas weren't there to hurt her, just Travis. So they wanted to make sure there was no evidence of her being in Arizona so she couldn't be wrongfully accused of their crime.

No, wait, sorry. Hold on.

The ninjas wanted to make sure that, if they let her go, she still couldn't be a witness. So they took the gas receipts so that if she said she was there and saw the ninjas, the police would said, "oh YEAH? Well if you were there, WHERE ARE YOUR AZ GAS RECEIPTS HUH?" and they would never believe her.


Did you ever considering being a defense attorney?
It's a "MIRACLE," she can remember every single detail of June 4th, as told in the second person, that is. Even down to the very detail of TA's bloody feet, which gave HIM another disadvantage besides being totally naked and wet. I honestly believe that MOST of what she said was accurate if you take out the obvious lies e.g. her address/post office number discovered and family threatened, gas receipts and money stolen...Oh and that the NINJA's did it instead of her. That's when that darn fog came rolling in.

The itsy bitsy liar, ♫
climbed up the water spout.
Down came the fog,
and washed her memory out. ♪

Out came Martinez,
flying from the gate ♫
And the itsy bitsy liar,
could not keep her lies straight
It's a "MIRACLE," she can remember every single detail of June 4th, as told in the second person, that is. Even down to the very detail of TA's bloody feet, which gave HIM another disadvantage besides being totally naked and wet. I honestly believe that MOST of what she said was accurate if you take out the obvious lies e.g. her address/post office number discovered and family threatened, gas receipts and money stolen...Oh and that the NINJA's did it instead of her. That's when that darn fog came rolling in.

The itsy bitsy liar, ♫
climbed up the water spout.
Down came the fog,
and washed her memory out. ♪

Out came Martinez,
flying from the gate ♫
And the itsy bitsy liar,
could not keep her lies straight

I just love your beautiful singing!!! :guitar::guitar:
If I read correctly, she was still in jail in CA at the time she wrote this. How much had she talked to Flores at that point? I recall that they had some phone conversations. I suspect they were before she was arrested and she didn't talk to him again until she was extradited to AZ. Is that correct? She must have been working hard to try to figure out what evidence he had at that point.

Given she wrote that much in jail, I can believe she spent a lot of time prior to her arrest rewriting her journals once she felt she could be a suspect.

What I know about psychiatry/psychology wouldn't fill a Post-it note, but will DeMarte describe that all of this blows away the tripe about PTSD? Don't those types of people AVOID the things that will cause them stress? She absolutely relished reliving them time and time again - going to the funeral, her obsession with the pictures with Flores, writing this letter, etc. Maybe the argument would be that all those were AFTER she 'snapped' and anything after that is different.

IIRC they were taken by Det. Melendez? when they searched her room at grandma's house on July 15th.. Sandy told Flores that Jodi told her she was nowhere near AZ and has the gas receipts to prove it, and this was before the ninja story.
IIRC they were taken by Det. Melendez? when they searched her room at grandma's house on July 15th.. Sandy told Flores that Jodi told her she was nowhere near AZ and has the gas receipts to prove it, and this was before the ninja story.

She sure put a lot of thought into those gas receipts. She'd been better off if she'd put the same amount of thought into the gas can receipt.
I don't think she'll get back on the stand. I think her lawyers and her mother are advising against it and I think she is afraid of JM. Hope I'm wrong. I want to see her sacked and pillaged.

I don't think she is afraid of Juan. I think she hates him. Hates him enough to get back on the stand and prove to everyone once and for all she's the Einstein in that courtroom.
I wonder if the first trial would have ended w DP if that letter had been admitted. I'm sure the family wonders that every day. I can't imagine their emotions. They have looked into the eyes of pure evil.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

IMO, Zervakos would never give in.
I think she knew the letter portions were coming in yesterday and dressed to deflect - 'I'm too cute and sexy to be as mean as JM is going to make me out to be, see?' I also think that outfit said she'd likely testify again, and maybe why JSS is finally speeding things up, she knows how long JA could be on the stand again if she gets back up there. I don't think the defense has any more witnesses to put on so it's either her or we go to JM's rebuttal sometime early next week (or whenever the DT lets Geff off the stand). I'm just wondering how JA procurred a black bra to go with that snazzy (barf) shank top?

I was wondering about the bra too. Maybe MDLR traded with her in the back room.
It's a "MIRACLE," she can remember every single detail of June 4th, as told in the second person, that is. Even down to the very detail of TA's bloody feet, which gave HIM another disadvantage besides being totally naked and wet. I honestly believe that MOST of what she said was accurate if you take out the obvious lies e.g. her address/post office number discovered and family threatened, gas receipts and money stolen...Oh and that the NINJA's did it instead of her. That's when that darn fog came rolling in.

The itsy bitsy liar, ♫
climbed up the water spout.
Down came the fog,
and washed her memory out. ♪

Out came Martinez,
flying from the gate ♫
And the itsy bitsy liar,
could not keep her lies straight

Same here, I never could buy that she could make up a whole fake story about how Travis was killed (knowing a gun and knife were involved) right after being arrested but after admitting she did it, she couldn't remember anything after the gunshot, just no freaking way.
Geff / ALV / Dr F are like three peas in a pod, but he might be slightly less far down the rabbit hole. ALV and Dr F are in permanent, round the clock "it's the guy's fault" mode, so their reaction is 100% predictable. I wonder if Geff had seen that letter before yesterday. If not, I wonder what he thought about it afterward regardless of how he tried to be defensive yesterday.

If that was his first time to see it, do you think any light bulbs went off afterward that he's trying to get a psycho off or is he purely a hired gun who doesn't care what the truth is - he'll follow the script for whoever is paying the bill. Maybe we'll get an idea on Monday, but I had to wonder whether the defense let him get caught completely off-guard yesterday since they've done that with other witnesses before.

I think he's exactly like the rest of those losers. He's just better at manipulating impressions. I find them all venal and without conscience.
Hi folks. It's been a long time since I have been here. A crashed computer and real life kept me from posting since the original trial. But I have followed along on this never ending ride that has been the penalty phase. It is so nice to recognize you all from your posts...some familiar names and some new. Thank you kindly for keeping me up to date, even though I couldn't join in. You guys rock!

As for JA ....that letter yesterday shocked me even though I followed everything and already had a less than good opinion of her. She is something else. I am not quite sure just what, but definitely something else.
Photos of JA: Frumpy ? Old/Aged ? Selfie / JA in Court "Sleeveless" ?

Comments ?

Jodi Arias looks toward the jury in court during her sentencing phase retrial, Thursday, December 18, 2014 in Maricopa County Superior Court.
Tom Tingle/The Republic


Jodi Arias looks toward the jury in Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, during her sentencing phase retrial.
Tom Tingle/The Republic


Jodi Arias stands as the jury enters the courtroom during the sentencing phase of her retrial at Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix on Jan. 22, 2015.
Mark Henle/The Republic


No #selfie-steem #jodiarias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 2m 2 minutes ago


Jodi Arias stands as the jury enters the courtroom during the sentencing phase of her retrial at Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix on Jan. 22, 2015.
Mark Henle/The Republic

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