Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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I'm glad you cleared that up - I thought she was the writer for Egg Tree; didn't know she had stolen all of that!

The blogs are so similar that I looked to see if they're the same person. They're not.
Originally Posted by T-4-2

snipped for space:

By the way, can anyone fill me in on who he was going to expose her to? His friends and family already hated her. Whatever info Travis was going to reveal would have been just another drop in the bucket. Was she worried about being frozen out of the LDS/PPL community? That would have happened sooner or later regardless of whatever Travis might expose or not expose.=================================================================================

I think that ^^^ is exactly what she was afraid of. She was worried about TA going to Cancun and venting about what an evil witch she was. Imo, she had her cold dead heart set on marrying a Mormon boy. They were ripe for the picking. And she would not have TA ruining it all for her by spreading the truth around. JMO
Was it when she left Mesa for Yreka that she met up with Gus somewhere in Southern California that she got the Helio phone? Maybe it was in Pasadena. She seemed to like Pasadena. The Helio phone is also what she used to tape the sex convo, right?

BBM ~ Yes, that's the first Helio she had the she "lost" and magically appeared 2 years later.

The one with selfies is the 2nd Helio phone.
Regarding that paste of an interesting but lengthy post on callsforjustice, can someone please let me know what happened to that blog? After the MacNeill trial it just disappeared. Sorry if this is old news, but I liked reading that blog and I've never heard what happened to it. TIA.
I was referring to the previous posters (geevee) context with regards to Jodi switching out the SD card and the possibility the nudies were not taken on Jun4. Some posters, (geevee) :giggle: don't trust the time stamp. geevee - correct me if i'm wrong.

Jodi was a brunette Jun4. She was not a brunette when she lived in Mesa, therefore, the nudie pics were not taken on any other date than Jun4. JMO

Alright, then I'm afraid I'm sitting with geevee on this one, I don't see her hair colour in those nudes as anywhere near the same shade of brunette as the car selfies. Also, if you review the testimony of the photo experts, it seems at least some of those nudes(JA's iirc, if not all of them) did not have timestamps at all, but were taken only from the computer info when they were retrieved, which shows they were from thumbprints or some such thing and not regular pics like the shower ones. Not that it matters at this point really, she's confessed and there is enough evidence without them to convict her.

Her journals do speak some truth. For one, she regretted making a stink after snooping his phone. Mostly because that made her job of becoming his wife more difficult.

She also writes of dark fantasies she kept having, around and after the times she slashed his tires. I always knew she never loved him- nobody who loved him would push sex on him the way she did, because violating his cherished religious beliefs tore him apart.

But not until yesterday did it occur to me how much she hated him waaay early on. I think now the fantasies she was having were of using the knife on him, not just the tires.
Ironically, the very things she came to hate most were likely what first drew her to him. It's part of the 'Idealize. Devalue. Discard.' pattern of relationships with a psychopath. I think she hated how good he was, how far he'd come, and how much he was loved just for being him.

I haven't said much about sex but you're exactly right. Not only was that a 'hook' of Jodi's but it became a weapon used against Travis. She could tempt him, lure him, justify to him what they were doing...and then turn around and make him sick with guilt, worry that she could expose them, exacerbate feelings of failure or weakness, etc.

She would have made him feel irresistible, she wouldn't have given up until he'd given in, and then once he had, she would have used every manipulative ploy to make him feel horrible, and at fault, for it.

Sigh. This case still makes my heart hurt.

Please pardon errors as posted via Tapatalk with a less than stellar user.
Although the defendant does not explain exactly what her polygraph evidence will purport to show, the Court believes its purpose will be the same as that asserted in Harrod - to express her innocence of the crime. Such evidence is irrelevant in the penalty phase of a capital case.
Well knock me over with a feather. During the first trial I only watched In Session and HLN 12 hours a day so I didn't know she even took a "poly". But it does seem that she passed it if Nurmi wanted it to be considered as part of her penalty phase.

On the other hand, would passing a lie detector test (knowing you were the one who committed the crime) be yet another example to the jury how manipulating and deceptive she is? Especially considering Juan has proven everything else about her case is baseless and without merit? Would that sort of information be another affirmation for the jury that death is the only verdict?

Then again, why give Nurmi grounds for filing another appeal, right? Ok, moving on...
Nurmi, no less, but it reads like pure JA. The relationship is described as "chaotic" several times, but I didn't see "abuse/abusive". One oddity was mentioning Lisa Andrews' letter to TA about his being too-sexual-with-her complaint, followed by mention of his dating Mimi: "Ms. Mimi Hall described how she was dating Mr. Alexander and how during this time period he described Ms. Arias as a stalker." So what? And how did JA know that unless she'd accessed his emails/texts from CA?

Lisa testified that she was young and thought men could control their erections.

I can see Travis pushing Jodi away from him and Jodi takes it as abuse. Remember the one jury question to Alyce last year? Other than a shoving and pushing incidents wouldn't you say that Travis was the victim of abuse and Jodi the abuser, or something close to that. Alyce said no. I can remember the pause before she said it and her shaking her head no. That was what finished her.

In the letter to the family Jodi tells of one time that Travis started hitting himself in the head and it was so violent that he hurt his neck and back..
I'm glad you cleared that up - I thought she was the writer for Egg Tree; didn't know she had stolen all of that!

Egg Tree News hasn't posted anything about this penalty phase retrial, so who knows what is going on there. Let those authors hash it out, if they want to.

I'm just happy to have re-discovered Egg Tree News thanks to MeeBee's post. I was confused and thought it was the same. Maybe it is? I don't know. Even though there's nothing at Egg Tree News about the retrial, it's still hilarious. If you watch Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, there's plenty to read.
Abe knew Travis through PPL, but they were not close. He has since acknowledged that Jodi used him as a ploy to make Travis jealous.
Thanks. Yes, I knew they knew each other through PPL, I just wasn't sure if they were friendly with each other outside of PPL. It doesn't sound like it though. I thought maybe if Abe had a personal problem with Travis that might have been the reason he wasn't called as a witness in the first trial, and why he reluctantly phoned in what little testimony he did provide. I thought if he had it out for Jodi he would have been happy to speak out against her. Regardless, he sounded hostile on the phone. It was never clear to me who that hostility was directed at or why. Then again I never watched Dr. Drew's show.
Well knock me over with a feather. During the first trial I only watched In Session and HLN 12 hours a day so I didn't know she even took a "poly". But it does seem that she passed it if Nurmi wanted it to be considered as part of her penalty phase.

On the other hand, would passing a lie detector test (knowing you were the one who committed the crime) be yet another example to the jury how manipulating and deceptive she is? Especially considering Juan has proven everything else about her case is baseless and without merit? Would that sort of information be another affirmation for the jury that death is the only verdict?

Then again, why give Nurmi grounds for filing another appeal, right? Ok, moving on...
Perhaps I stand corrected. Here is an old WS post:

01-17-2013, 03:38 PM #54 minor4th's Avatar minor4th minor4th is offline
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Apparently Jodi did take a polygraph and the results were either inconclusive or she passed. The defense has moved for the admission of polygraph results during the penalty phase if she is convicted. I believe their request was denied.
Egg Tree News hasn't posted anything about this penalty phase retrial, so who knows what is going on there. Let those authors hash it out, if they want to.

I'm just happy to have re-discovered Egg Tree News thanks to MeeBee's post. I was confused and thought it was the same. Maybe it is? I don't know. Even though there's nothing at Egg Tree News about the retrial, it's still hilarious. If you watch Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, there's plenty to read.

Kelley herself says it isn't and claims to have never heard of Egg Tree News. Hmmm.
Thanks for the Tweets, Val1. I know it's not easy (at least it isn't for me) and takes some time to capture them from several sources.

So, she had the self-defense story going at the same time as she had the Ninja story? I don't quite understand when she was doing these tests.

Geffner is way off-base with his copyright violation claim and I'm sure he knows it. I suspect a defense attorney somewhere in his past (or present?) may have tried this copyright idea to throw a wrench in the works.

Np for the tweets, though it's only the third time I've bothered saving them, it's editing out all the crap that webpages try to add when copy/pasting this stuff, as for sources, I just use hardtruth4real/lists/jodi-arias-trial-live because most of the tweets we all tend to follow here are on the same page.

The copyright protest is probably just a stab to remind us of JA's allegations on one of the motions that JSS struck down, as well as the whole thing about a certain someone not buying the tests but just copying them(from the trial iirc):
"The claim: The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office violated Arias' rights by improperly searching her jail cell, by temporarily denying a mitigation specialist to visit her, and by taking a photocopy of a book from her cell she "suspects" of being copied and provided to prosecutor Juan Martinez.

Stephens says: The court already looked at those issues and they're not valid. Arias couldn't prove the jail-cell searches weren't routine. The specialist resumed her visits. And Arias couldn't prove the "book" taken from cell was provided to Martinez."
Ironically, the very things she came to hate most were likely what first drew her to him. It's part of the 'Idealize. Devalue. Discard.' pattern of relationships with a psychopath. I think she hated how good he was, how far he'd come, and how much he was loved just for being him.

I haven't said much about sex but you're exactly right. Not only was that a 'hook' of Jodi's but it became a weapon used against Travis. She could tempt him, lure him, justify to him what they were doing...and then turn around and make him sick with guilt, worry that she could expose them, exacerbate feelings of failure or weakness, etc.

She would have made him feel irresistible, she wouldn't have given up until he'd given in, and then once he had, she would have used every manipulative ploy to make him feel horrible, and at fault, for it.

Sigh. This case still makes my heart hurt.

Please pardon errors as posted via Tapatalk with a less than stellar user.

I wish you were a defense expert witness here. I hope that this kind of stuff will be articulated as clearly and concisely as this. It would be a marvelous contrast to Dr. M-F, who took days to illustrate some crazy Dr. Jekyll/T-Dogg nonsense that went on and on and on and on forever.
Alright, then I'm afraid I'm sitting with geevee on this one, I don't see her hair colour in those nudes as anywhere near the same shade of brunette as the car selfies. Also, if you review the testimony of the photo experts, it seems at least some of those nudes(JA's iirc, if not all of them) did not have timestamps at all, but were taken only from the computer info when they were retrieved, which shows they were from thumbprints or some such thing and not regular pics like the shower ones. Not that it matters at this point really, she's confessed and there is enough evidence without them to convict her.

I think her hair appears lighter in her selfies because it was taken in sunlight, and the ones with the braids was with a flash.

We do have a right to our opinions! :) That's why this site is so awesome.
Thanks. Yes, I knew they knew each other through PPL, I just wasn't sure if they were friendly with each other outside of PPL. It doesn't sound like it though. I thought maybe if Abe had a personal problem with Travis that might have been the reason he wasn't called as a witness in the first trial, and why he reluctantly phoned in what little testimony he did provide. I thought if he had it out for Jodi he would have been happy to speak out against her. Regardless, he sounded hostile on the phone. It was never clear to me who that hostility was directed at or why. Then again I never watched Dr. Drew's show.

He sounds hostile all the time, lol. He's just one of those straight forward, brash kind of guys. I like him. I wouldn't say he has it out for Jodi but he has been very vocal in speaking out against her. Jodi did pit them against each other so they had some minor issues with each other. But he now realizes he was manipulated by Jodi.
Well knock me over with a feather. During the first trial I only watched In Session and HLN 12 hours a day so I didn't know she even took a "poly". But it does seem that she passed it if Nurmi wanted it to be considered as part of her penalty phase.

On the other hand, would passing a lie detector test (knowing you were the one who committed the crime) be yet another example to the jury how manipulating and deceptive she is? Especially considering Juan has proven everything else about her case is baseless and without merit? Would that sort of information be another affirmation for the jury that death is the only verdict?

Then again, why give Nurmi grounds for filing another appeal, right? Ok, moving on...

I don't think lie detector tests are admissible in court.

AZL? Batsignal2.jpg
Perhaps I stand corrected. Here is an old WS post:

01-17-2013, 03:38 PM #54 minor4th's Avatar minor4th minor4th is offline
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Jan 2013
Apparently Jodi did take a polygraph and the results were either inconclusive or she passed. The defense has moved for the admission of polygraph results during the penalty phase if she is convicted. I believe their request was denied.

Thanks GG! I looked all over for that.
Just a point of contention. A quick google search for stabby einstein returned a forum discussion on qvc calling cmja stabby Einstein in 2009. Eggos first blog is march 12 2013. Just saying..i don't think eggo invented stabby Einstein either.
Originally Posted by T-4-2

snipped for space:

By the way, can anyone fill me in on who he was going to expose her to? His friends and family already hated her. Whatever info Travis was going to reveal would have been just another drop in the bucket. Was she worried about being frozen out of the LDS/PPL community? That would have happened sooner or later regardless of whatever Travis might expose or not expose.=================================================================================

I think that ^^^ is exactly what she was afraid of. She was worried about TA going to Cancun and venting about what an evil witch she was. Imo, she had her cold dead heart set on marrying a Mormon boy. They were ripe for the picking. And she would not have TA ruining it all for her by spreading the truth around. JMO
And yet another puzzle piece falls into place. I didn't know until today that Travis even knew about the phone sex tape so i can totally believe he was going to "out" her to his or her Bishop, and I'm sure she didn't want that to happen. Travis going to Cancun with someone other than Jodi and being far enough away from her to tell everyone what a b/tch on wheels she is, is three reasons right there that she had to kill him. I swear, each time I learn something new about her I just want her to die even more. Travis exposing her to a Bishop, not taking her to Cancun and talking about her while he's there... that's three more strikes against HER. Jodi. It's all about HER. Jodi, Jodi, Jodi. Can't have any of that. Must kill messenger.
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