Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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It's kind of like a stalemate in chess. But not exactly, because there are really two different games going on and a win means something different for one side than the other. The judge wins if she doesn't give Jodi grounds for appeal or mistrial. Jodi wins if she avoids the death penalty. Maybe "cat and mouse" is a better analogy than chess. (It's certainly a lot more fun to imagine. Actual cat vs. actual mouse is not the least bit fun... but it is when it's JM vs. Jodi and her minions.)

Sorry about the root canal, I hope you feel better soon. And yes, how the Alexander family can possibly stand being in such close quarters with the monster who tried to mess up Travis' life big time, violently slaughtered him when he threatened to expose her, and who has now spent years torturing them with her horrrendous (whorendous?) lies? Hopefully Jodi gets wheeled in in one of these:

View attachment 68105

And everyone but her gets a yummy Strawberry Frappuccino:

View attachment 68106

And of course:
View attachment 68107

By the way, can anyone fill me in on who he was going to expose her to? His friends and family already hated her. Whatever info Travis was going to reveal would have been just another drop in the bucket. Was she worried about being frozen out of the LDS/PPL community? That would have happened sooner or later regardless of whatever Travis might expose or not expose.

Anyway, she doen't have to worry about being frozen out of anything ever again, except maybe the mean girl cliques at Perryville. She will never be one of the cool kids, even if she is allowed to mingle with the GP. Once she finally leaves Perryville, once she's either died of natural causes, suicide, homicide, or lethal injection, she'll be going to a place even hotter than the Arizona desert.

Not sure when it was that you posted something about wondering if JA would be wheeled in on a handcart
a la Hannibal Lechter for her private meeting with JSS, but every once in a while I think about that hilarious post and it makes me snort out my beverage every time. Glad you're making an appearance once in a while - always look forward to your take on stuff......
I don't think lie detector tests are admissible in court.

AZL? View attachment 68117

They're not. That's probably why they tried to get it into the guilt phase only since the rules of evidence are a bit more lax. It's just not admissible. Innocent people have failed them and guilty people have passed them, which makes sense since it measures blood pressure, among other things. So if you're nervous it can read like a lie and if you're a sociopath you're never nervous and you can come to believe your own lies do it can read like you're tellint the truth. It's just not something the jury should hear.
The Shakespeare Festival is quite well known (by people who go to Shakespeare Festivals), but can you imagine JA sitting through a Shakespeare play? Talk about "florid" BS! Hahahaha! I'm sure she thought this one up because TA was dead and she knew she wouldn't have to actually go. She also probably considers herself a Shakespeare tragic heroine. Right...... next to her, Lady Macbeth looks like a sweetheart.

Exactly 14 days after butchering Travis, CMJA attends the festival, all is well in the twisted dark evil world of Jodi....
As per her Myspace....."Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, OR. Peter makes a great Othello! Don't know who the guy in the background is..."

Just a point of contention. A quick google search for stabby einstein returned a forum discussion on qvc calling cmja stabby Einstein in 2009. Eggos first blog is march 12 2013. Just saying..i don't think eggo invented stabby Einstein either.

I think what you're looking at listed in Google is a poster's register date. The actual thread was started in May 2013

ETN coined the phrase when it came out in court that Jodi told ALV she had the same IQ as Einstein. And it really caught on.
Perhaps I stand corrected. Here is an old WS post:

01-17-2013, 03:38 PM #54 minor4th's Avatar minor4th minor4th is offline
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Apparently Jodi did take a polygraph and the results were either inconclusive or she passed. The defense has moved for the admission of polygraph results during the penalty phase if she is convicted. I believe their request was denied.
Thanks. And, no, you're right. I'm just saying for as much time as I spent watching the first trial on TV, and followed along on FB, I never heard anyone mention Jodi even taking a poly. I know not everything about a trial is public information, but apparently this poly was to someone. I shoulda registered here, or at least lurked, from the beginning. I'm learning more details about this convoluted hot mess just since I started reading here last week. Or maybe things are finally making more sense to me and are falling into place. Either way, my interest level is pegged and I want to see justice so badly for the poor Alexander family for the absolute slaughter of their beloved Travis by such a worthless waste of dna as Jodi. That was harsh, huh?
The Shakespeare Festival is quite well known (by people who go to Shakespeare Festivals), but can you imagine JA sitting through a Shakespeare play? Talk about "florid" BS! Hahahaha! I'm sure she thought this one up because TA was dead and she knew she wouldn't have to actually go. She also probably considers herself a Shakespeare tragic heroine. Right...... next to her, Lady Macbeth looks like a sweetheart.

Exactly 14 days after butchering Travis, CMJA attends the festival, all is well in the twisted dark evil world of Jodi....
As per her Myspace....."Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, OR. Peter makes a great Othello! Don't know who the guy in the background is..."

View attachment 68118

On p27 of the letter...."She was "shouting" as quietly as possible. Then on p28..."There were 2 young girls outside playing. I don't know if they noticed me. One was maybe 9 or 10 years old, the other looked maybe 13 or 14, I'm not good at guessing ages, they both had blonde hair and they were running west down Queensborough Avenue on the north side of the street."

So much detail for her fog.
I don't think lie detector tests are admissible in court.

AZL? View attachment 68117

They're not, for the reasons MeeBee pointed out. I failed one myself once when I was asked if I had ever molested a child and said "WHAT?? NO!!" because I was not expecting the question. The examiner restarted the test and I passed. :)
I think what you're looking at listed in Google is a poster's register date. The actual thread was started in May 2013

ETN coined the phrase when it came out in court that Jodi told ALV she had the same IQ as Einstein. And it really caught on.

I remember finding the link to Egg Tree News here, during the first trial. I checked it out whenever it was linked and laughed my butt off. The style of the writing seemed so similar, I really thought they were the same. I'm disappointed if there is a real copyright issue here.

In my humble opinion, if either author has a problem with the other, this is not Websleuth business. I'm not a moderator, but speaking as a reader: I think this discussion is off topic.
For anyone who remembers... were Travis and Abe personal friends outside of PPL, or did they not get along because (through Jodi's manipulation of them) they both thought each was moving in the other's girl?

As far as I can recall, there was no personal relationship. TA encouraged JA to date other men and probably never considered JA to be his girlfriend. Abe was used by JA to get to TA: I don't believe they were "seeing" each other (except per JA's manipulative letter), and merely had an aggressively flirty moment.
They're not, for the reasons MeeBee pointed out. I failed one myself once when I was asked if I had ever molested a child and said "WHAT?? NO!!" because I was not expecting the question. The examiner restarted the test and I passed. :)

LOL! I know quite a few people who have gone through the security clearance process for government agencies such as CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. They used to ask on the polygraph if you'd ever had sex w/an animal. Apparently so many people had strong reactions to the question that they eventually eliminated it. But still, WTH?
I think its possible, as it was with the first jury, that a few jurors at least will believe that Travis didn't treat her well and that mommy hit her with a spoon. Maybe those jurors will feel sorry for her.

But. I'm convinced that a greater number of jurors will go back to that deliberation room believing that she lied about the pedophilia and lied about the physical abuse. And I believe that the jurors who think that will be far more motivated to hand her the DP than the few who might feel a twinge of sympathy for her and want LWOP.

My guess is that her inability to express remorse will do her in even with those who might otherwise be inclined to show her mercy.

The BPD "mental illness" mitigator is the only one that could conceivably spare her the DP, IMO, but I am confident that DeMarte and Hayes will demolish any hope the DT has of convincing the jury that she didn't know precisely what she was doing when she slaughtered him.

I continue to believe she'll get the DP.

I wish (hope) there's a way Dr. DeMarte can throw in the word psychopath. Borderline just doesn't sound as bad as the other. It would be nice if she could throw in Ted Bundy's name somehow -just to get the point across that JA is a cold blooded, calculating,unfeeling and unremorseful killer - just like Ted Bundy.
BBM ~ How can anyone (not you, personally) believe that since JA was not a brunette while in Mesa. She really thought she could get away with this.
Truly cray cray.

Det. Flores was a marvel of self restraint. There must have been SO many times that he wanted to snort/laugh/bark/bang his fist during that interview. Not to mention give her a sharp reminder that she can cease and desist with the hair tossing/eyelash batting/little-girl-lost routines. Not working. One bit.
They got the name Chaitanya from Starbucks? "Lay" an inside joke with sexual connotations? Starbucks, the source of JA's daily strawberry frappé? How she could afford those, I have never been able to figure out.

Except there is a picture of them in a limo. I will find it.
I think her hair appears lighter in her selfies because it was taken in sunlight, and the ones with the braids was with a flash.

We do have a right to our opinions! :) That's why this site is so awesome.

Yes, yes we do.. :) Since this is a sleuthing site however, I feel compelled to give my argument a little more weight. :D
He sounds hostile all the time, lol. He's just one of those straight forward, brash kind of guys. I like him. I wouldn't say he has it out for Jodi but he has been very vocal in speaking out against her. Jodi did pit them against each other so they had some minor issues with each other. But he now realizes he was manipulated by Jodi.
Thanks for the clarification. Makes sense to me. I guess we'll see what his demeanor is like in court, and how testy he gets with Nurmi. lol
BBM - Haha, yea with all these female defendants lately using long mousy hair in often childish hairstyles, librarian glasses, woe be me looks and tears but only when the jury is in the room, same tired stories of I was abused as a child etc to excuse their adult murderous actions, has got to be getting way old for anyone that is called to sit on a jury.

I often think, too, what woman hasn't known a watered-down version of Arias at some time in their lives? Of course, male jurors might have had their close calls, or friends who did, but I think female jurors will be especially sensitive to - and very adept at recognizing - what her behaviors really mean, because they've encountered them (to some degree, and in some form) before.

Including, of course, using appearance to manipulate feelings.
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