Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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I've been gone 22 years so do tell - what is it these days???? (Actually - ANYTHING with booze in it qualifies as a national drink in my books, whether part of a 2-4 or a 26-pounder!!!!) (Most baby boomers should get the references LOL!!!) Whatever it is, I'll treat!!!

Beer!!! Sorry, PenElaine, it was my lame attempt at a joke--I just wanted to give a hat tip to a fellow :canada:ian. Actually, I don't drink much of the stuff, but will say that there's nothing like sipping a cold one on a hot summer's day. Ah, summer . . . when does that happen?
I'm not sure that "copyright" is the real problem - it just seems to be thanks to the dearth of information we have. The most detail I've seen is from the 13th Juror, who says: "The Doctor interjects saying that the tests cannot be shown on the screens or to the media because they are copyright protected."

But copyright doesn't stop things being seen. I think the real concern was to protect the integrity of the test, which would be damaged if the questions were revealed to all and sundry, including wannabe PTSD sufferers. I think that's a reasonable concern.

I think one of the reasons is so the results/test format don't get all over the interwebs, or right here at home on WS. :D
I'm not sure that "copyright" is the real problem - it just seems to be thanks to the dearth of information we have. The most detail I've seen is from the 13th Juror, who says: "The Doctor interjects saying that the tests cannot be shown on the screens or to the media because they are copyright protected."

But copyright doesn't stop things being seen. I think the real concern was to protect the integrity of the test, which would be damaged if the questions were revealed to all and sundry, including wannabe PTSD sufferers. I think that's a reasonable concern.

AZL already said it's not a concern. These tests were already shown in the first trial and it wasn't a problem. AZL said when they're being used in this way it is not illegal. It isn't a problem. Willmott made a laughable stink in the first trial with Demarte about copyright issues. They clearly are doing it again in an attempt to keep the jury from seeing the test that Jodi lied and to knock Demarte. Willmott said Thursday that Demarte was in violation of copyright by handing this test over. Then Juan, I'm sure politely, let Willmott know it was Samuels who gave him these test sheets. They have no leg to stand on. AZL said you would not make this argument in court. It's stupid.
I'm not sure that "copyright" is the real problem - it just seems to be thanks to the dearth of information we have. The most detail I've seen is from the 13th Juror, who says: "The Doctor interjects saying that the tests cannot be shown on the screens or to the media because they are copyright protected."

But copyright doesn't stop things being seen. I think the real concern was to protect the integrity of the test, which would be damaged if the questions were revealed to all and sundry, including wannabe PTSD sufferers. I think that's a reasonable concern.

Here's one post she made on the matter:

I have followed murder trials before. I have seen test scores used and displayed and have NEVER heard an attorney call it copyright. It's completely ridiculous.
Oh, is that right? I didn't know there was anything more than just the one date they had in Pasadena and the email "FWD" thing (well and maybe a few phone calls between them before Travis was killed). That they talked after Travis was killed is interesting. I wonder if she was trying to sweet talk him to get him on her side like she tried with Ryan through that letter she wrote to him from jail? I wouldn't put it past her. I wouldn't put anything past her. Thanks, Meemaw.

They only had the one date, but kept in touch. In the videos I posted he explains his relationship with her.
Just a point of contention. A quick google search for stabby einstein returned a forum discussion on qvc calling cmja stabby Einstein in 2009. Eggos first blog is march 12 2013. Just saying..i don't think eggo invented stabby Einstein either.

It seems that page was started/created in 2009 but the post mentioning "stabby einstein" is dated May 2013.
Apparently, she took this photo of Travis. Not sure if its fact, though. This might of been the reason she was pissed at him for not mentioning her name for his blog?

View attachment 68124
Thanks. Again, not great detail. Must not have been taken with her professional camera. [snort]

I do remember her b¡tch¡ng about not getting credit for something (proofreading his blog or book in the works?), but credit for a photo is something else I can see her whining about, too. Especially considering her very existence was so connected to him. And by not doing so, it's yet another example that Travis really didn't want to be associated to her.
Thanks. Again, not great detail. Must not have been taken with her professional camera. [snort]

I do remember her b¡tch¡ng about not getting credit for something (proofreading his blog or book in the works?), but credit for a photo is something else I can see her whining about, too. Especially considering her very existence was so connected to him. And by not doing so, it's yet another example that Travis really didn't to be associated to her.

And it is not really that great of a photo. It's OK, but he could have had someone do a much better one.
I loved, loved, loved (HA HA) reading EggTree. "Stabby Einstein" did originate there, also "Homecoming Queen Reject Jenny", and "Heavy D Nurmi". I miss the humor they provided. I'm not sure what happened for them to stop writing as the site is still online. I don't care for RMBD, and rarely go there. JMO

Can we keep all really big mean dog blog scandal, scam crap off here? I choose to come to this website because it's typically drama free. All this blog/scam crap is stuff I'd expect to see on fb and jodi support sites.
Apparently, she took this photo of Travis. Not sure if its fact, though. This might of been the reason she was pissed at him for not mentioning her name for his blog?

View attachment 68124

Sorry, but, IMHO, that's not a good photo of Travis Alexander at all. It's really creepy. On an aesthetic level, the lighting is horrible and flat. A man's face has to be lit with harsher lights in order to bring out the various planes of his face and gives a certain rougher, more masculine texture to a portrait. (Women are lit differently, softer, more diffuse lighting. Just check out any soap opera. The lighting is way different for Nikki than for Victor, as an example.) To me, Travis looks posed, and tired. His posture is slumping. His arms are disproportionate because the angle used in the photo was poorly chosen. His jacket is too buttoned so it's bunching up and makes him look paunchy. He looks like he has no neck. Travis's fingers look as though they are about to be folded--poor timing of the photo. His hands are too high. The photo in the top righthand corner should have been removed--it's fighting Travis's face for attention. The same for whatever is on the shelf behind his head. Should not be there if what looks like it's supposed to be a shot of Travis looking strong and focused. The background is unattractive, and it should have been cleared or reorganized before a shot was taken. Not enough space above his head--poor cropping, poor original framing of the photo.

For me, the absolutely worst part of this photo is the weird shadow that goes across Travis's throat, symbolically almost separating his body from his head. It's foreshadowing of the worst kind.
Beer!!! Sorry, PenElaine, it was my lame attempt at a joke--I just wanted to give a hat tip to a fellow :canada:ian. Actually, I don't drink much of the stuff, but will say that there's nothing like sipping a cold one on a hot summer's day. Ah, summer . . . when does that happen? our neck of the woods Becky I think our summer consists of 3 days of sun, without rain or wind. These 3 days can appear anywhere from June- August.
Exactly 14 days after butchering Travis, CMJA attends the festival, all is well in the twisted dark evil world of Jodi....
As per her Myspace....."Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, OR. Peter makes a great Othello! Don't know who the guy in the background is..."

View attachment 68118

OMG, just looking at this photo of JA 14 days post slaughtering Travis is absolutely mind blowing. She looks like nothing in the world bothers her and has such a smug look of self importance. After seeing this and reading the letter to the family, I can only hope the DP comes swiftly. She is evil, vile, disgusting and a million other adjectives of bad I just can't think of right now.

I really can't stand looking at her and if I feel this way, Travis's family must feel it 100 times over. Bless their hearts, I so want them to get their justice. I pray this jury gets it right this time.
Here's one post she made on the matter:

I have followed murder trials before. I have seen test scores used and displayed and have NEVER heard an attorney call it copyright. It's completely ridiculous.

I understand that, MeeBee, including AZL's statement re copyright. And of course I'm aware of what was revealed in the guilt phase - that there were no issues then. I don't recall, however, that any actual questions (other than the "root cause" one) were read/revealed in the guilt phase - only the resulting scores and scales and so on.

I also seem to have missed, in this phase, any tweets or whatever saying that Willmott was accusing DeMarte of violating copyright by handing the test over. And if I had I'd be confused. It would make sense if it was a blank one, but not in regards to a completed one being disclosed to the other party within a criminal trial. So that doesn't make sense to me.

I also don't remember Demarte being accused of copyright violation in the guilt phase. The laughable part that I recall was Willmott trying to make it seem like a bad thing that Demarte wasn't using the very latest version of the test, released six months or so before.

All of which I'm well aware may be errors and shortcomings on my part. Feel free to set me straight, though of course I'll be digging deeper myself. As things stand, it seems to me that the issue is protecting the integrity of the test, by not revealing the questions, and regarding copyright violations, JSS did say very clearly that it wasn't her job to babysit the media in that regard - they could do what they liked.
Sorry, but, IMHO, that's not a good photo of Travis Alexander at all. It's really creepy. On an aesthetic level, the lighting is horrible and flat. A man's face has to be lit with harsher lights in order to bring out the various planes of his face and gives a certain rougher, more masculine texture to a portrait. (Women are lit differently, softer, more diffuse lighting. Just check out any soap opera. The lighting is way different for Nikki than for Victor, as an example.) To me, Travis looks posed, and tired. His posture is slumping. His arms are disproportionate because the angle used in the photo was poorly chosen. His jacket is too buttoned so it's bunching up and makes him look paunchy. He looks like he has no neck. Travis's fingers look as though they are about to be folded--poor timing of the photo. His hands are too high. The photo in the top righthand corner should have been removed--it's fighting Travis's face for attention. The same for whatever is on the shelf behind his head. Should not be there if what looks like it's supposed to be a shot of Travis looking strong and focused. The background is unattractive, and it should have been cleared or reorganized before a shot was taken. Not enough space above his head--poor cropping, poor original framing of the photo.

For me, the absolutely worst part of this photo is the weird shadow that goes across Travis's throat, symbolically almost separating his body from his head. It's foreshadowing of the worst kind.

Very well said. I totally agree. The hands really bug me too. They are in a prominent position, but are all wonky and weird. Totally uncomfortable and odd looking, and then in a very central position of the photo. I am surprised that he used the photo.
I still don't think all of the jurors will vote for the death penalty. I'm afraid that at least one person will feel sorry for Jodi.

I worry about this too. This is why JM needs to take out the stops and make sure nobody has pity for JA. The jury needs to see JA for the evil murder she is.
Can we keep all really big mean dog blog scandal, scam crap off here? I choose to come to this website because it's typically drama free. All this blog/scam crap is stuff I'd expect to see on fb and jodi support sites.

I hear you NB2. I apologize for my part in that noise.
Beer!!! Sorry, PenElaine, it was my lame attempt at a joke--I just wanted to give a hat tip to a fellow :canada:ian. Actually, I don't drink much of the stuff, but will say that there's nothing like sipping a cold one on a hot summer's day. Ah, summer . . . when does that happen?

Well of course dear Becky beer is #1!!! I just thought I'd class up the joint with something a bit more flashy. By the time this phase concludes, I think I'll have my Caesar with no Clamato, Worcestershire or Tabasco, IYKWIM....think straight Polar Ice vodka (in massive doses) will be required....Love my fellow Canucks. Please send Smarties!!!
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