Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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I thought an interesting element of Jodi's letter was that Travis knew she was coming, waited up all night for her, and was glad to see her. So glad to see her that he watched silly U-tube videos right after she got there? I thought he was only interested in her for sex, and having not seen her for awhile, still would rather watch videos than actually interact with her?

YES!! I always felt the assertion (lie) that Travis stayed up all night waiting for JA was ridiculous. He was preparing for a trip out of the country. Why would he exhaust himself staying up ALL NIGHT waiting for HER? For all we know she crawled in through the doggy door upon her arrival. It seems very unlikely that he was eagerly awaiting her visit. If he DID know she was coming and DID wait up, I imagine it was anger and frustration that would have kept him up. ~ MOO
And yet another puzzle piece falls into place. I didn't know until today that Travis even knew about the phone sex tape so i can totally believe he was going to "out" her to his or her Bishop, and I'm sure she didn't want that to happen. Travis going to Cancun with someone other than Jodi and being far enough away from her to tell everyone what a b/tch on wheels she is, is three reasons right there that she had to kill him. I swear, each time I learn something new about her I just want her to die even more. Travis exposing her to a Bishop, not taking her to Cancun and talking about her while he's there... that's three more strikes against HER. Jodi. It's all about HER. Jodi, Jodi, Jodi. Can't have any of that. Must kill messenger.

Actually that's not quite what I meant. I'm sure he didn't know about the tape until she tried to blackmail him with it. I think she made this threat on the day she killed him. Maybe that's how she got him into the shower for photos. I imagine them having a conversation like this:

JA: Marry me.
TA: Oh hell no.
JA: Hell yeah. I recorded one of our phone sex conversations. Marry me or else I'll make sure everybody you know hears it.
JA: Us. Having phone sex. Hardcore phone sex. I'll use it to ruin your reputation if I have to. Marry me and the recording stays private, but I'll hang onto it just in case you ever displease me in any way ever again.
TA: YOU VILE HEARTLESS B*TCH! Go ahead, do whatever you want. My friends and family wan't stop loving me, I can handle the embarrassment, and my Bishop and church friends will support me and help me repent, gladly and with open arms. You have absolutely no ammunition against me. I'll make sure everybody finds out what a loathsome, deceitful monster you are. They will not forgive you for orchestrating this and for making a deliberate attempt to ruin my life. I may have broken the law of chastity, but you broke the law!
JA: Whatever. Tell ya what -- just let me take naked pictures of you in the shower and I'll go away quietly. You'll never see me again, and nobody will ever find out about the sex tape. (Well all righty then, guess I'll go to Plan B. Now where did I hide that knife?)

Just a guess, of course.
Off topic, but maybe interesting:

Snipped from

"Scott Peterson told them he'd been out all day: He went to his office that morning, went fishing, then returned to his office for a few hours before coming home. Unasked, he insisted on showing police his parking receipt from the lot at the Berkeley Marina.
Harvey Kemple, on Laci's side of the family, later said that Peterson had told him that night that he'd been playing golf that day, presumably at the Del Rio, a country club where Peterson's parents had paid his hefty initiation fee. A neighbor whom Peterson asked about Laci also recalled that he said he'd been golfing."


Maybe Scott and Jodi can be penpals.
Actually that's not quite what I meant. I'm sure he didn't know about the tape until she tried to blackmail him with it. I think she made this threat on the day she killed him. Maybe that's how she got him into the shower for photos. I imagine them having a conversation like this:

JA: Marry me.
TA: Oh hell no.
JA: Hell yeah. I recorded one of our phone sex conversations. Marry me or else I'll make sure everybody you know hears it.
JA: Us. Having phone sex. Hardcore phone sex. I'll use it to ruin your reputation if I have to. Marry me and the recording stays private, but I'll hang onto it just in case you ever displease me in any way ever again.
TA: YOU VILE HEARTLESS B*TCH! Go ahead, do whatever you want. My friends and family wan't stop loving me, I can handle the embarrassment, and my Bishop and church friends will support me and help me repent, gladly and with open arms. You have absolutely no ammunition against me. I'll make sure everybody finds out what a loathsome, deceitful monster you are. They will not forgive you for orchestrating this and for making a deliberate attempt to ruin my life. I may have broken the law of chastity, but you broke the law!
JA: Whatever. Tell ya what -- just let me take naked pictures of you in the shower and I'll go away quietly. You'll never see me again, and nobody will ever find out about the sex tape. (Well all righty then, guess I'll go to Plan B. Now where did I hide that knife?)

Just a guess, of course.

I don't believe that. If he was so angry that she had a recording of their sextape and might use it to blackmail him, why would he give her even more things to blackmail him with - as in nude pictures of him?

I think that if he knew about the tape and if she had threatened to blackmail him with it, he wouldn't have had sex with her that day or posed for her naked. I think the "worst thing you ever did" was probably related to her somehow ruining his chances with some other woman.
I thought an interesting element of Jodi's letter was that Travis knew she was coming, waited up all night for her, and was glad to see her. So glad to see her that he watched silly U-tube videos right after she got there? I thought he was only interested in her for sex, and having not seen her for awhile, still would rather watch videos than actually interact with her?

They could have been waiting for his roommates to leave.
Oh Jodi. Just stop it.

"We later marveled amused at the irony of meeting [at the Rain Forest Café in their hotel] as we later discovered our mutual passion for a healthy planet and the environment in general."

"Marveled amused" OK, now I know you're a pod-person. Real humans don't talk that way.

"Irony" would be more like meeting each other in a slaughter house.

"He confidently walked right up to me, stuck out his hand and said, 'Hi, I’m Travis.' I cordially responded with the usual niceties..."

"Cordially" comes from a Latin word for "heart." Something you don't have. And keep your "usual niceties" to yourself. I don't want to catch anything.

Not only is her letter cruel, the entire thing is also just weird.
Apparently, she took this photo of Travis. Not sure if its fact, though. This might of been the reason she was pissed at him for not mentioning her name for his blog?

View attachment 68124

IIRC didn't one of Travis's roomates have a really good camera? Perhaps he took this photo and JA just said she did. She claims lots of things that are lies!
I wish (hope) there's a way Dr. DeMarte can throw in the word psychopath. Borderline just doesn't sound as bad as the other. It would be nice if she could throw in Ted Bundy's name somehow -just to get the point across that JA is a cold blooded, calculating,unfeeling and unremorseful killer - just like Ted Bundy.

Demarte had no trouble diagnosing Devault as a psychopath/sociopath in Devault's trial, so presumably she could in this case too. Perhaps last time around, there was a reason she wasn't allowed to. BPD is a personality disorder, rather than a mental illness. I don't believe personality disorders are legitimate mitigators, but I may be wrong on this. By contrast, having schizophrenia, for instance, that is a true mental illness (per DSM), can make a person unable to distinguish between right and wrong and thus qualify them for an insanity defense.

JA did not go the insanity defense route.

Plus, since JA knew about her odd behaviors, rages, manipulativeness, and bizarre mood swings, she had an obligation to address them, take medication, figure out how to control them, get therapy, etc. She wouldn't get help. In my opinion, this would put the burden of those behaviors fully on her, since she did nothing to minimize them or even get started on a plan to do so. Why would her craziness be a mitigating factor if she made no effort to hold it in check?

Disclaimer. I want to be sure as a write here that no one jumps to the conclusion that I'm saying folks who are mentally ill or who have BPD are more prone to violence than folks who do not. There is no evidence that that is the case, and it's not my personal experience either.
I just got to the end, I think. DH did a clean-up of my computer yesterday and I lost track of where I was.

I also realized that there is court tomorrow and we'll get to hear more from Juan about the testing with Geffner, unless Juan does a change-of-topic move to put Geffner off his center.

I'm itchy with anticipation already! That's not something I could ever feel with the knowledge that Wilmott will do re-direct as well.
Oh Jodi. Just stop it.

"We later marveled amused at the irony of meeting [at the Rain Forest Café in their hotel] as we later discovered our mutual passion for a healthy planet and the environment in general."

"Marveled amused" OK, now I know you're a pod-person. Real humans don't talk that way.

"Irony" would be more like meeting each other in a slaughter house.

"He confidently walked right up to me, stuck out his hand and said, 'Hi, I’m Travis.' I cordially responded with the usual niceties..."

"Cordially" comes from a Latin word for "heart." Something you don't have. And keep your "usual niceties" to yourself. I don't want to catch anything.

Not only is her letter cruel, the entire thing is also just weird.

"irony" would be more like meeting each other in a slaughter house. :clap: Great line !!! Everything about JA is weird.
Now I'm even more confused with the phones...I seem to recall she had two or three ... the Ocean GS got for(gave?) her, the hot chocolate one(umm isn't that another Mormon nono?), and then the one she had "stolen"(that Aunt Sue magically found)?
"FUN FACT: Jodi Arias called Gus Searcy on day she's moving from Mesa asking he buy her a Helio phone coz of user friendly audio recording technology - PreMed April 2008"
jad 03/06/2013 at 6:39 am
"On the way to Hollister, Jodi Arias had stopped off in Pasadena when picking up the Helio [Ocean cell phone] she said was given to her by Gus Searcy because her Motorola RAZR had gotten gunked-up with hot chocolate, after being dipped in a cup holder in her rented U-Haul. It was this phone that was used to record the so-called sex-tape. Although she calls the phone a Helio, she was not given a Helio due to the fact that Helio is the name of a wireless carrier. Instead, she managed to acquire a brand that could have worked on that system and had been manufactured by the wireless carrier. In addition, the reasoning for making a sex tape, when stating Mr. Alexander knew about it is bogus, because the State had to pay out hundreds for the voice enhancement of the tape at Trial. It could appear that the real tape that was surreptitiously recorded would not be made available, as the State could think a recording, where the voices are distinct [and it was known how the tape had been recorded], had been made as an act of extortion or blackmail.}}"

Somewhere I read that ONLY Travis's voice had to be enhanced. That, to me, proves that she recorded his portion from one device to another. I would not be surprised to find out she used a computer program to make Travis's portion of the tape from old recordings. The technology was available at the time!
I think one of the reasons is so the results/test format don't get all over the interwebs, or right here at home on WS. :D

The test questions are likely all over the internet already and have likely been there for years. That is an easy test to game and there would be a lot of people interested in gaming it. I'm thinking Samuels himself didn't have an authorized copy of the test (maybe just a xerox?); he certainly didn't have the bubble sheets!
Just a point of contention. A quick google search for stabby einstein returned a forum discussion on qvc calling cmja stabby Einstein in 2009. Eggos first blog is march 12 2013. Just saying..i don't think eggo invented stabby Einstein either.

When I first read Kelley's blog, I thought she was the same blogger as EggTree News. That's because the borrowing is fairly extensive, including the tone, and that's why others are making the same mistake as I was. I am really disheartened that someone would pass off another person's work as their own: it's called fraud.
The PTSD questions seem so pointless to me. As in, everyone would say "YES - a 3!" to all of them because they are so obvious!

PTSD Symptom Scale (PSS)
Foa, Riggs, Dancu, Rothbaum (1993) HCSATS 2/11
(Side 2)
Below is a list of problems that people sometimes have after experiencing a traumatic event. Please rate
on a scale from 0-3 how much or how often these following things have occurred to you in the last two
0 Not at all
1 Once per week or less/ a little bit/ one in a while
2 2 to 4 times per week/ somewhat/ half the time
3 3 to 5 or more times per week/ very much/ almost always
1. Having upsetting thought or images about the traumatic event that come into your
head when you did not want them to
0 1 2 3
2. Having bad dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event 0 1 2 3
3. Reliving the traumatic event (acting as if it were happening again) 0 1 2 3
4. Feeling emotionally upset when you are reminded of the traumatic event 0 1 2 3
5. Experiencing physical reactions when reminded of the traumatic event (sweating,
increased heart rate)
0 1 2 3
6. Trying not to think or talk about the traumatic event 0 1 2 3
7. Trying to avoid activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event 0 1 2 3
8. Not being able to remember an important part of the traumatic event 0 1 2 3
9. Having much less interest or participating much less often in important activities 0 1 2 3
10. Feeling distant or cut off from the people around you 0 1 2 3
11. Feeling emotionally numb (unable to cry or have loving feelings) 0 1 2 3
12. Feeling as if your future hopes or plans will not come true 0 1 2 3
13. Having trouble falling or staying asleep 0 1 2 3
14. Feeling irritable or having fits of anger 0 1 2 3
15. Having trouble concentrating 0 1 2 3
16. Being overly alert 0 1 2 3
17. Being jumpy or easily startled 0 1 2 3

Is this test seriously the one used to say if someone has PTSD? Measures/PSS-Adult.pdf
Chris and Sky wrote an excellent book, "Our Friend, Travis".It is definitive. It will be released after she is sentenced. Until then, here is the true story of Travis and Jodi, short version. . She was clearly obsessed with Travis from the beginning of their relationship, real or imagined.

Jodi Arias' letter to the family; like her testimony, is REPLETE with lies. Here is one of his buddies, Mike, detailing how Travis was distressed when Jodi moved to Mesa, he pleaded with her not to "WE ARE NOT TOGETHER, WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO BE IN MESA", also about how she kept sneaking in his home, when he wasn't even there, etc......etc

The truth is they were getting to know each other over the phone for a few months, in those VERY early months he had a skewed view of her and indeed did like her very very much. At that time he was proud of her and HE DID BRING HER AROUND HIS FRIENDS. View attachment 68061

Nevertheless, he was not in love with her the way she was already completely ( in her mind with him ). This is why he was shocked at Chris/Sky's pee or get off the pot e mail, thus part of his response ( which is the part the defense NEVER includes in their witness testimony ) is Travis saying hold's just a long distance thing. I barely know the girl !!!!!

Sky explains the emails here

Travis was quickly changing his thoughts about her as her mental illness kept creeping up, her overt jealousy and insecurities and he was turned off beginning to see she was NOT as he first hoped. This happened early on. He told her over and over and over again to date others as he certainly was.

She began tracking his every move. He wasn't even dating her yet she would punch out of work and drive for five hours to go check on him if he wasn't taking her calls. Here is her co worker explaining

SHE MOVED TO MESA AND HE BEGGED HER NOT TO. She had already become obsessed, a stalker even.

She had no money, no place to go, her home foreclosed, her car to be repossessed, could barely keep a waitress job. He felt sorry for her and tried to help her by letting her clean his house and have groceries, etc. Meanwhile she threw herself at him sexually and was perfectly fine with the friends with benefits, don't ask don't tell arrangement of KNOWING HE WAS ACTIVELY SEARCHING AND DATING AND WANTING TO MARRY ANOTHER.

Here is Taylor explaining Travis said she was a nympho

She pretended to be ok with it, but inside she was hoping she could win him over, and he would see that SHE was the one for him.
She vamped up the sex and yes he told many of his buddies it was wild, GREAT sex, it sucked him in. Still....he didn't love her and he wanted to truly LOVE someone to marry so the search was still on.

Meanwhile Travis' friends started to realize he was in over his head and Jodi was some Fatal Attraction. The friends started telling her to get lost even if Travis wasn't ready to.

He continued dating the Mormon girls and she became more and more crazed following him on dates, writing letters to them, sending them texts from his phone, trying to let them know he was with her, you name it. Then she moved to breaking in to his emails, face book, my space, hacked his phone....slashing tires. She was ANGRY

He never thought of Jodi Arias as anything but sex on the side. I am sorry if that sounds crude. The thing is she was dating other men this whole while too, and Travis was her sex on the side ( so he thought ). You are all correct when it came down to who did he trust to look after his home and Naps, he called his beloved Deanna, NOT JODI. View attachment 68059

Here Deanna tells she busted her breaking into his home and computer.

Poor Travis started telling people don't be surprised if you find me dead one day. Dr. Hiatt, and his family he said that to.

She recorded the sex tape, her brother admitted, to send to Travis' love interests. This is why she was trying to get him to say on the tape Mormon girls were a bore. View attachment 68060 It was blackmail. I believe she told him she had the tape and THAT is why in that fatal last argument she mentions she'd call her lawyer. I think he told her taping that without his consent was illegal. I'm just speculating, but whatever it was a line in the sand. STILL, she had delusions she could get Travis into her web

After she killed him she STILL wanted to pretend in her own mind that things were different than they were. She wrote a lot of vile letters, ALL of them Juan has had all along. He had the one to the family. He just chose if as and when he could use it in court. He had the ones she wrote to Ryan and this one she sent to his employer.

Travis was so relieved and hopeful that she was FINALLY MOVING AWAY FOR GOOD. HE TOLD MANY OF HIS FRIENDS OF HIS RELIEF.

I believe she thought she could come to his house that last day, have some great sex, remind him what he'd been missing, they'd look at their photos together and get nostalgic and she would win him back, she had her Cancun bathing suit in those hopes and if he said no.....she had her backup plan of how to deal with this rejection once and for all. A gun, and a knife.

Jodi told Sky once she had a vision of she and Travis getting married in the temple, and since then she could never let him go as it was divined to be. There is the entire story of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander, a fantasy she worked up in her own mind.

Someone asked is Mr. Martinez done with Dr. Geffner. No. Not by a long shot.
Be assured Juan Martinez is going to continue to rip the roof off the place. He has something the defense cannot compete with. THE TRUTH.
We fight the good fight. View attachment 68058

I forgot to mention how many of Travis' friends had run ins with her where she displayed her blossoming Fatal Attraction.

@ZoeyWatson2014 · 44s 44 seconds ago
ClancyTalbot, good friend of #TravisAlexander: My confrontation with a VERY jealous #JodiArias:

#TravisAlexander's friend to #JodiArias: 'You're not welcome here': "The end of the Jodi days" Jacob Mefford

Julie Christopher, dear friend of #TravisAlexander: #JodiArias' energy is '€˜evil, Her energy is very dark. Jodi was into witchcraft, it showed up sometimes, very dark she was. She stalked him':

This one in particular shows Travis with twenty of his best friends, and he is VERY publicly loving with Jodi, so there was no dirty little secret. He only started hiding her after he began realizing her craziness and his friends were all telling him get away from that chick, RUN DON'T WALK she is dangerously obsessed with you.

@ZoeyWatson2014 44s45 seconds ago
#TravisAlexander speaks about being held at gunpoint Holly and Jacob Mefford tell of #JodiArias:

Danny Jones Friend of #TravisAlexander: '€˜No way in hell' it was self-defense #JodiArias is LYING':
"Don't be fooled by her sweet demeanor and public speaking skills. She is a LIAR and she is EVIL" Samantha Alexander

Here you will see many of Travis Alexander's friends, including Aaron, Chris, Sky, Dave, et al, telling of her obsession. They were interviewed for this Dateline special

Dateline Mystery: Brutal Murderer #JodiArias #TravisAlexander was stalked, murdered by her
Thanks. Again, not great detail. Must not have been taken with her professional camera. [snort]

I do remember her b¡tch¡ng about not getting credit for something (proofreading his blog or book in the works?), but credit for a photo is something else I can see her whining about, too. Especially considering her very existence was so connected to him. And by not doing so, it's yet another example that Travis really didn't want to be associated to her.

She groused that he hadn't publicly acknowledged her thankless toil in editing the first chapter of his book.
Actual questions were read and placed on screen if iirc. Court chatter posted screen shots of what she had from the guilt phase the other day. There was not a problem at the time, it seems. I've just never heard of it being an issue before. If the media were selling the test for money or using it to diagnose patients, maybe. They don't usually even print these things or even transcribe. Just summarize. The jury needs to see the test.

Willmott did question on copyright back then. I remember the board laughing about it because it was so silly and such a non-important thing to focus on. I know I'm not misremembering. Just watch her cross examination. I can try and find a transcript of the cross in the mean time.

It also did happen that they were criticizing Demarte for violating copyright the other day. It was both Nurmi and Willmott.

@WildAboutTrial: Nurmi objects & criticizes Dr.DeMarte for providing copyrighted material. Juan rebuts that he received the test from Dr. Samuels. #jodiarias

@WildAboutTrial: Willmott stands up to continue to criticize Dr. DeMarte. #jodiarias

View attachment 68128

Thank you MeeBee for the clarifications - much appreciated - and hopefully it's clear that I wasn't suggesting that you were misremembering. Rather, that I wasn't remembering those details at all. Thankfully the combined memory bank here at WS is huge, so nothing gets missed and there's always more to learn. As for the latest kerpuffle, I'll confess to zoning out at times from the tweets, trying to figure out what's really going on - not to mention the tiresome and repetitive defense shenanigans. But I'm trying to keep up, pay attention and make sense of it all, and appreciating WS more than ever! And I absolutely can't wait for Demarte Round II, when you can be quite sure I'll be 100% alert, and hoping to see plenty of tweets describing how peed off Arias looks.
everytime i go to the next page in this forum it logs me out, and when i log back in it takes me to the forum page. also when i reply to a post it takes me to a white blank page. went to the faq page and read thru, cleared cookies, but hasnt helped. does anyone have an idea why this is, and if there's a way to fix the problem?

thanks in advance. :)
Bring on Monday. Juan Martinez is fired up, with THE TRUTH bring on monday.jpg
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