Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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Haha, well for me these days it's strictly coffee(espresso beans on fine grind made as regular drip, yumm!), though in the past I have indulged in a bit of CC&7 and even some Molson's .... nope not a Mormon.

Ristretto shots here.

I roast my own beans.

I'll gladly join you in drinking to the jurors should this panel get it right.
Let’s not let that good ‘ole boy act fool anyone, he wasn't blindsided by that PTSD test because he was asked about it during the first trial. Doubt he cared about the letter either, whether or not he knew about it. This guy is a hired gun and has no problem testifying for whoever can pay him, no matter what the crime.

One example is a capital case in TX where he testified as an expert for the defense. Interestingly, the defense was able to keep out of evidence a colleague’s interview notes that Geffner used to form his opinion. But the prosecutor was allowed to bring out in cross that the facts given in that interview (and used by Geffner) differed from the facts surrounding the confession given 2 days after the murder. Basically the prosecutor was challenging Geffner’s analysis because it was based on false information. Sound familiar? This was back in 1995-1996, and while details below are shockingly horrible, I'm quoting an article about the case to show that Geffner is apparently willing to help defend just about anyone. The 7 yr old victim was abducted from a neighborhood picnic/block party. The defendant participated in the neighborhood search and was noticed by a prior child victim, who brought him to the PD’s attention 2 days after the murder. He attempted a polygraph and issued a full confession once he failed the polygraph:

The defendant was sentenced to death in 1996 and was executed in 2008 after multiple appeals. One denied appeal issue was the discrepancies in the interview that were mentioned during Geffner’s cross.

:cheers: WOW Thanks for that! Hired gun alright. I'm glad Juan brought it up and it resonates with jurors.
I have never seen anything that would suggest she actually took a lie detector test.


Her stupid inappropriate sigh -- "They're so weird, anyway."

Leaving wiggle room in case she fails it.
I'm a little confused over PTSD tests after catching up on several pages today.

First trial: Samuels gave her one test. She blamed it on the ninjas. He wrote down her answers instead of her doing it, and may have doctored a couple along the way.

Thursday I thought Geff was talking about THAT test. Now some people are saying Geff gave her TWO tests much later? It doesn't even make sense to give her ONE test years later much less TWO. I would be surprised if he gave her any tests at all, as no one could believe they would do anything other than paint JA as whatever she wanted to be painted as.

What do people think is the scoop?
If JSS is calling for a long day, I suspect it only means the loveable, endearingly clumsy Dr.G has other murderers to defend next week and won't be available. JM was probably asked to give an estimated # of hours he'd need with him. And since I'm outing my feelings about Geffner today, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he spills water or tumbles papers or does other goofy little acts @ other trials. He's a good actor witness personality wise - makes himself very folksy and likeable to the jury. Yeah, I think it's part of his professional expert skills on the stand, call me cynical (if you haven't already).
I really don't think it was ever about Travis loving her. That really wouldn't interest Jodi - but the power she'd hold over anyone who loved her would be intoxicating. I believe Travis made her look better than she ever had to outsiders; made her feel better about herself; was a stepping stone to bigger and better things; was a conduit to people she wanted to impress. She wanted what he had, what he was...and really, I think she would have taken it however she could - if he wasn't going to fall for her superficial nice girl act, or be coerced into guilt-inducing sex with her naughty girl persona, and if he wasn't going to fall head over heels with her - she'd try to bully, control, and manipulate him into being with her. Like using the Hughes in an attempt to modify Travis' behavior when he wasn't behaving as she wanted.


Her journals do speak some truth. For one, she regretted making a stink after snooping his phone. Mostly because that made her job of becoming his wife more difficult.

She also writes of dark fantasies she kept having, around and after the times she slashed his tires. I always knew she never loved him- nobody who loved him would push sex on him the way she did, because violating his cherished religious beliefs tore him apart.

But not until yesterday did it occur to me how much she hated him waaay early on. I think now the fantasies she was having were of using the knife on him, not just the tires.
The shouting as quietly as possible. How does one do that!:thinking:

As I was reading this in the car yesterday my husband told me to go ahead and read it out loud so I read rhe murder snippet. He busted out laughing a couple times but most notably when she was talking about not looking behind her, the two little blonde girls, and "shouting as quietly as possible."

The things she says.
I'm a little confused over PTSD tests after catching up on several pages today.

First trial: Samuels gave her one test. She blamed it on the ninjas. He wrote down her answers instead of her doing it, and may have doctored a couple along the way.

Thursday I thought Geff was talking about THAT test. Now some people are saying Geff gave her TWO tests much later? It doesn't even make sense to give her ONE test years later much less TWO. I would be surprised if he gave her any tests at all, as no one could believe they would do anything other than paint JA as whatever she wanted to be painted as.

What do people think is the scoop?

I'm not even sure JM has gotten to the fact that JA had a few "do-overs" for her PTSD tests. Or how ridiculous it is that these "doctors" tried every which way to get her this diagnosis even though they KNEW she'd lied and fooled them already.

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial
9 mins ·

Abe Abdelhadi to testify against ex-girlfriend, ‪#‎JodiArias‬ - and she's not happy about it.

I reached out to Abdelhadi for confirmation. He told me that he "wants to do the right thing", so let's get behind him.
Abe Abdelhadi to testify against ex-girlfriend, #JodiArias - and she's not happy about it. I reached out to Abdelhadi for confirmation. He told me that he "wants to do the right thing", so let's get behind him.

This is huge. I was wondering why didn't have him on the list.

He's going for the jugular.
that kelly, reallybigmeandog, is a catfish, a person who sets up a fake persona to get people to send $. i was going to donate, I'm sure glad I didn't.

Darn, I hope this isn't true. I have really enjoyed her blog.
I'm a little confused over PTSD tests after catching up on several pages today.

First trial: Samuels gave her one test. She blamed it on the ninjas. He wrote down her answers instead of her doing it, and may have doctored a couple along the way.

Thursday I thought Geff was talking about THAT test. Now some people are saying Geff gave her TWO tests much later? It doesn't even make sense to give her ONE test years later much less TWO. I would be surprised if he gave her any tests at all, as no one could believe they would do anything other than paint JA as whatever she wanted to be painted as.

What do people think is the scoop?

He gave her two PTSD tests. On the same day. Problems arose for him Thursday about doing do. JM then ran with Dr. Samuels test, which he used as a jumping off point for several lines of attack, including the introduction of JA's letter to TA's family.
I'm a little confused over PTSD tests after catching up on several pages today.

First trial: Samuels gave her one test. She blamed it on the ninjas. He wrote down her answers instead of her doing it, and may have doctored a couple along the way.

Thursday I thought Geff was talking about THAT test. Now some people are saying Geff gave her TWO tests much later? It doesn't even make sense to give her ONE test years later much less TWO. I would be surprised if he gave her any tests at all, as no one could believe they would do anything other than paint JA as whatever she wanted to be painted as.

What do people think is the scoop?

He gave her two PTSD tests. On the same day. Problems arose for him Thursday about doing do. JM then ran with Dr. Samuels test, which he used as a jumping off point for several lines of attack, including the introduction of JA's letter to TA's family.
Her journals do speak some truth. For one, she regretted making a stink after snooping his phone. Mostly because that made her job of becoming his wife more difficult.

She also writes of dark fantasies she kept having, around and after the times she slashed his tires. I always knew she never loved him- nobody who loved him would push sex on him the way she did, because violating his cherished religious beliefs tore him apart.

But not until yesterday did it occur to me how much she hated him waaay early on. I think now the fantasies she was having were of using the knife on him, not just the tires.

Hope4More, I agree completely. At one point I though she killed him because she loved him/was obsessed with him and couldn't have him. Not anymore. I am convinced she killed him because she hated him. Hated him because he didn't want her, because he was on to her, and because he would ruin her chances with some other unsuspecting mealticket. And she wanted to not only make him suffer, but make those who truly loved him suffer as well. Like you, it really hit me yesterday.
Remind me plz of what he's got on JA.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She was very sexually aggressive with him. He recalls her pushing him against a car and making out with him. While she is portraying herself as someone who was serious about Mormonism and staying chaste and was only led astray by Travis, Abe portrays her as sexually overt and confident. When he felt her thong and commented that those aren't (Mormon) magic underwear, she said "there's Magic in them."

She was using him to make Travis jealous. The letter for Abr that Jodi "accidentally" sent to both Abe and Travis, in which she tells Abe she can't do this anymore was never sent to Abe. He never got it. It was a manipulation. And it's stupid anyway. They had gone on one date. It's psychotic.

Abe will play a part in showing just how Jodi manipulated Travis and how she was not some abused little thing with low self esteem. Hopefully.
He gave her two PTSD tests. On the same day. Problems arose for him Thursday about doing do. JM then ran with Dr. Samuels test, which he used as a jumping off point for several lines of attack, including the introduction of JA's letter to TA's family.

Juan will probably get that in Monday, right? Copyright or not?
I just finished reading and have chills up and down my entire body. Thank you for sharing.

Now I get why was going over Doc Samuels PTSD test results with Geffner, because they are 110% false! This is when the JSS called a 5 minute recess and let the jury out.

“With regards to exhibit number 540 and PTSD,” Juan begins with his attention toward the Doctor, “There are five categories that note the root of where PTSD exists with the victim based on how the defendant responded, right?”

“That’s right,” the Doctor agrees.

“This examination was done by Dr. Samuels on January 15, 2010. There are forty nine questions whose answers depend upon the questions in numbers one through five. Am I correct?” Juan Martinez asks.


“The questions ask the person taking the test which is the cause of the most stress in their life. They have a selection to choose which include an accident, a disaster of some kind,” Juan explains as he enumerates with his fingers, “a non-sexual assault by someone they know, a sexual assault by someone they know and a non-sexual assault by someone they don’t know. Is that my understanding how it works?”

“Yes,” Geffner answers. “The person giving the test would base his conclusions on which of the five is chosen.”

“It was determined, based on what the defendant answered, that her PTSD was most likely due to category five. The event is her saying she was most bothered by a nonsexual attack by someone she did not know. Right?”

Geffner studies his paper. “Yes. The event that bothered Miss Arias the most is a nonsexual assault by someone she did not know.”

“Which goes to say that this event could not have been triggered by Travis Alexander according to her answer. Am I right?”

Geffner nods but not very quickly. “This answer…”

Juan Martinez finishes his thought by saying, “…is based on the black masked Ninja story. Am I right?”

“Yes,” Geffner answered."

This is from the link that Paul Sanders wrote. I like his writing style.
She was very sexually aggressive with him. He recalls her pushing him against a car and making out with him. While she is portraying herself as someone who was serious about Mormonism and staying chaste and was only led astray by Travis, Abe portrays her as sexually overt and confident. When he felt her thong and commented that those aren't (Mormon) magic underwear, she said "there's Magic in them."

She was using him to make Travis jealous. The letter for Abr that Jodi "accidentally" sent to both Abe and Travis, in which she tells Abe she can't do this anymore was never sent to Abe. He never got it. It was a manipulation. And it's stupid anyway. They had gone on one date. It's psycotic.

Abe will play a part in showing just how Jodi manipulated Travis and how she was not some abused little thing with low self esteem. Hopefully.

:). Glad that this wasn't just a rumor. Hope JM elicits from Abe her comment about magic in her underwear. Also, her reply to him that she was just "dabbling" in Mormonism, this several months after she'd been baptized as a Mormon.

Looking forward to Abe outing her.
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