Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/29 thru 2/2 - Break

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The tin-foil hat crowd who worships St. Jodi of Arias is mostly convinced that she's innocent.

She's being framed or forced to take the fall by some faceless and nameless LDS cabal

They hold to her two ninjas story as established fact.

St. Jodi is so brave and selfless that she's protecting her family, considering their interests ahead of her own by risking life in prison and even lethal injection.

It brings a tear to my eye even now as my unworthy fingers peck out these sacred 'truths' at my de-edified keyboard.

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BBM They are probably referring to The Danites. They do not exist any longer.
I know this interview has been mentioned before, but it's absolutely fascinating, and fabulous listening for our weekend hiatus, so I thought I'd reference it again. In it, James Fitzgerald, who is a forensic linguist and ex-FBI agent, analyzes JA's letter to the Alexanders and other stuff. He says a lot of psychopaths write letters like this after they've killed. He talks about the language JA uses. He discusses whether JA's writing before the murder showed signs that she was formulating a plot.
If the state of Arizona manages to get that bonehead here to testify in court, they should broadcast it live on pay per view. I would shell out $50 to see the whole testimony from start til he's dismissed from the stand. They could pay the costs of this trial in it's entirety if that happened. JMO

You're worried about your posts being offensive?! Have you read any of mine. :giggle:

Uh, normally I don't, but when it comes to medical... yeah, sometimes. Oh hell, don't make me revert to my old ways. LMAO.
Does anyone know if this lady is against the death penalty? If not, she sounds pro jodi or is playing devils advocate, hard to tell.

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 9h9 hours ago
We can sit here and say absolutely, she should die, but it you had to sign that paper, could you? Big responsibility #jodiarias

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 9h9 hours ago
Jurors might not believe #JodiArias and think she is scum, but will they take on the responsibility of putting someone to death?

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 9h9 hours ago
The State may not have presented witnesses for many days but had the chance to hammer home its case for months #JodiARias @commonsense258

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 9h9 hours ago
Concerns me jury only heard 5 days of testimony re crime where last jury heard not sure if "closer" to death #JodiArias

Related Searches: #aaronhernandez, #arpaio
Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 9h9 hours ago
I don't think she will win her freedom, but maybe win as in will stay alive @Sprint_4G @MissLove2Blog #Jodiarias

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 9h9 hours ago
I don't like it tho its are the ways #JodiArias is winning join our conversation, are the reasons wrong?

Monica....could I sign that paper sentencing her to the DP? Hell yes. Without hesitation.

Its so ridiculous, the pretense that jurors are being asked to decide life or death. They are not. She is never going to be put down by the State. AZ doesn't execute women, her appeals are going to last decades, and the odds are in her favor that the DP is going to be abolished by the time her appeals are exhausted.

Too bad the media keeps finding drama in all this where none exists.
Found it! May 26, 2008 G-chat (all or most of electronic chats between them are here)

TA- "You stole my journals, you slashed my tires, and I know it. You can never tell the truth"
JA - "I may be a coward, I may be a *advertiser censored*, but the one thing I am not is violent. I did not slash your tires

And two days later the gun was stolen. That whole gchat exchange is very revealing. Travis states "i don't even know if you're human", "hitler had more of a conscience "..and "you tried to murder me from the inside out". And 9 days later he was slaughtered.

Wow is all I can say. Great link by the way. Thanks for finding it. I'm going to read the rest of the timeline now.
The Jodi Arias Death Penalty Retrial: A Juror’s Perspective
by The 13th Juror MD - DAY 29 . . .“A PIOUS MENAGERIE”

(This Perspective dedicated to a prayer and a candle for Detective Flores)

Thanks for posting that. I always enjoy reading his review. He has good detail of what was actually said in the courtroom. Did anyone happen to catch what JW said to Deanna? Look at the first question in this exchange from Juror 13's notes...

“You did not know there were multiple girls that Travis was having sex with, aside from Jodi, did you?” Willmott asked.

“I was not aware of that. No.”

“You were not married to Travis, were you?”

“I was not.”

“You were having sex with him. Yes?” Jennifer Willmott pointedly asked.

“For a time I was.”

“You never admitted that did you?”

“I wasn’t asked,” she answered in a surprisingly calm manner.

Who are the multiple girls that Travis was having sex with JW? Has it been proven he had sex with any more than two women over the course of his 30 years in this entire trial, original and second penalty phase?

They are so sneaky. I don't think JM caught that one did he?

Just whom might that be that she's taking the blame for? Deanna??? Deanna doesn't have a violent bone in her body and I highly doubt she'd fly to Yreka to hurt Mr. Arias.

Who knows with that whacked out bunch from that site... they are delusional (being kind). There just can't be that many cray crays on there, oops, I see there is if you count multiple personalities.
greatest performance. How she manipulated Travis to let her in and stay. I have tried to imagine what she said. I've wondered if the gun even figured in at some point. Was she completely apologetic? Did she say she was in agony over what she'd put him through and didn't deserve to live? That she had to see him and beg forgiveness in person and, maybe, pay him back the money she owed him. That she would make it right and never darken his door again? That he was a wonderful, good person and she was worthless.

I've always felt Travis was completely clueless that someone who appeared like Jodi could be really, truly evil. That's why he was such a good mark. He was sincere, kind, hardworking, respected and beloved by his many friends, all of whom seemed to be similar in many respects. He seemed so earnest and industrious, sincerely dedicated to being a good person, a good Mormon. He surrounded himself primarily with other practicing Mormons, thus, they all had shared values.

When Jodi came into his life, his world, I don't think he even had the capacity to understand how evil she was. He may have had a tough childhood but since then he carefully built a life he could be proud of and had a strong community of like minded people. In some ways, I think Jodi wanted to BE Travis. Be someone who people loved and admired and wanted to be around. To have a job he was good at and a public speaker people listened to, a budding author, all of these things she had no ability to be. So she mimicked, as sociopaths can do, being like Travis. Maybe she couldn't BE Travis but she could be with Travis and everyone would see her as the same as Travis.

But of course, she couldn't really be like Travis. Acting only goes so far. He found out what she was. But I think he still didn't really believe it. He couldn't really accept that this woman had always actually been acting when she "acted" normal. So, when she showed up at his door with her story, whatever that story was, and I'm sure it was carefully crafted to tug on his heartstrings, he pushed aside his negative feelings about her and opened the door. I think she knew that too, that he would fall for the remorse act. He knew everyone had failings as he did and believed that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. He wouldn't let someone he had cared about, who had been a part of his life, sink into that kind of despair.

Anywho, what do I know? That's just my way of trying to make some sense of the senseless. Why did he let her in? She had done so much to him by then-she had shown him who he was. Why didn't he believe it? It's hard for me because I am much less trusting of people and I'm not nearly as nice as he was. When I get a strong feeling that someone or something is "bad" I don't second guess it or push my feelings aside to be "nice". If only Travis could have been as rude as I would be and slammed the door in her face and called the police if she refused to leave.

There are some great points here, but......... Travis always left his house doors unlocked. Almost certainly, JA just walked right in and came up behind him as he was sitting at his office computer. IIRC, she talks about what he was watching when she arrived. I'll bet it was a complete surprise.
Yes, it's the demons looking out. I think they can manage up to a point before they lift the veil for us to see what lives inside.

Dennis Rader -- he took great joy in tell how he tortured and killed his victims, in court. - he thinks he's possessed with demons.


Is Radar another guy who outted himself through letters because he just couldn't stand anyone not knowing it was him they were looking for? Or did law enforcement eventually find him through exhaustive investigative work? I don't remember hearing he walked into a sheriff's office to turned himself in, but didn't he do something to draw attention to himself? Was something tracked to his home computer? Thanks to anyone with the answer.
So, did the jurors actually ask questions of the Bishop or not? Someone upthread said they did, but where are they?
Did I miss something? I didn't know the Jury had asked questions of the Bishop, in fact, I thought Juan had just finished direct with him.... HELP!!!!!! I hate this trial by tweet, especially having to play catch up sometimes of an evening. YUCKY!! Anyone have the Jury questions or a link to them? TIA.

I believe the juror questions were for DR. I think Nurmi is up now and I think he is afraid because Bishop Parker has his own attorney.


Bring it on!
greatest performance. How she manipulated Travis to let her in and stay. I have tried to imagine what she said. I've wondered if the gun even figured in at some point. Was she completely apologetic? Did she say she was in agony over what she'd put him through and didn't deserve to live? That she had to see him and beg forgiveness in person and, maybe, pay him back the money she owed him. That she would make it right and never darken his door again? That he was a wonderful, good person and she was worthless.

I've always felt Travis was completely clueless that someone who appeared like Jodi could be really, truly evil. That's why he was such a good mark. He was sincere, kind, hardworking, respected and beloved by his many friends, all of whom seemed to be similar in many respects. He seemed so earnest and industrious, sincerely dedicated to being a good person, a good Mormon. He surrounded himself primarily with other practicing Mormons, thus, they all had shared values.

When Jodi came into his life, his world, I don't think he even had the capacity to understand how evil she was. He may have had a tough childhood but since then he carefully built a life he could be proud of and had a strong community of like minded people. In some ways, I think Jodi wanted to BE Travis. Be someone who people loved and admired and wanted to be around. To have a job he was good at and a public speaker people listened to, a budding author, all of these things she had no ability to be. So she mimicked, as sociopaths can do, being like Travis. Maybe she couldn't BE Travis but she could be with Travis and everyone would see her as the same as Travis.

But of course, she couldn't really be like Travis. Acting only goes so far. He found out what she was. But I think he still didn't really believe it. He couldn't really accept that this woman had always actually been acting when she "acted" normal. So, when she showed up at his door with her story, whatever that story was, and I'm sure it was carefully crafted to tug on his heartstrings, he pushed aside his negative feelings about her and opened the door. I think she knew that too, that he would fall for the remorse act. He knew everyone had failings as he did and believed that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. He wouldn't let someone he had cared about, who had been a part of his life, sink into that kind of despair.

Anywho, what do I know? That's just my way of trying to make some sense of the senseless. Why did he let her in? She had done so much to him by then-she had shown him who he was. Why didn't he believe it? It's hard for me because I am much less trusting of people and I'm not nearly as nice as he was. When I get a strong feeling that someone or something is "bad" I don't second guess it or push my feelings aside to be "nice". If only Travis could have been as rude as I would be and slammed the door in her face and called the police if she refused to leave.

Hi Boytwnmom & hope you are doing well.

This (bbm) is where I think the story begins not being even truthful about the day of the murder. That's where it ends for me that day. Nothing she has said about that day is true. You have to shake off any JA words before you see what a psychopath she is.
So it was more like they sent their wild daughter away for the summer to some friends/relatives in Costa Rica and in turn they took in their son the following year for a couple of weeks while he spent another couple of weeks with some other relatives. JA wasn't even living at home on her 18th birthday so are they suggesting that a formal exchange program would have sent a student to their house when his exchange partner was living somewhere else?

So either it never happened and her parent's had to wing some kind of lie to cover for her when JVM came calling for her book, or it wasn't the type of school exchange program we're familiar with and more of a relative exchange for unruly kids. ;)

I wonder if Yreka High School would have a record of Jodi's school trip to Costa Rica to verify? Only then will I be satisfied, lol.
greatest performance. How she manipulated Travis to let her in and stay. I have tried to imagine what she said. I've wondered if the gun even figured in at some point. Was she completely apologetic? Did she say she was in agony over what she'd put him through and didn't deserve to live? That she had to see him and beg forgiveness in person and, maybe, pay him back the money she owed him. That she would make it right and never darken his door again? That he was a wonderful, good person and she was worthless.

I've always felt Travis was completely clueless that someone who appeared like Jodi could be really, truly evil. That's why he was such a good mark. He was sincere, kind, hardworking, respected and beloved by his many friends, all of whom seemed to be similar in many respects. He seemed so earnest and industrious, sincerely dedicated to being a good person, a good Mormon. He surrounded himself primarily with other practicing Mormons, thus, they all had shared values.

When Jodi came into his life, his world, I don't think he even had the capacity to understand how evil she was. He may have had a tough childhood but since then he carefully built a life he could be proud of and had a strong community of like minded people. In some ways, I think Jodi wanted to BE Travis. Be someone who people loved and admired and wanted to be around. To have a job he was good at and a public speaker people listened to, a budding author, all of these things she had no ability to be. So she mimicked, as sociopaths can do, being like Travis. Maybe she couldn't BE Travis but she could be with Travis and everyone would see her as the same as Travis.

But of course, she couldn't really be like Travis. Acting only goes so far. He found out what she was. But I think he still didn't really believe it. He couldn't really accept that this woman had always actually been acting when she "acted" normal. So, when she showed up at his door with her story, whatever that story was, and I'm sure it was carefully crafted to tug on his heartstrings, he pushed aside his negative feelings about her and opened the door. I think she knew that too, that he would fall for the remorse act. He knew everyone had failings as he did and believed that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. He wouldn't let someone he had cared about, who had been a part of his life, sink into that kind of despair.

Anywho, what do I know? That's just my way of trying to make some sense of the senseless. Why did he let her in? She had done so much to him by then-she had shown him who he was. Why didn't he believe it? It's hard for me because I am much less trusting of people and I'm not nearly as nice as he was. When I get a strong feeling that someone or something is "bad" I don't second guess it or push my feelings aside to be "nice". If only Travis could have been as rude as I would be and slammed the door in her face and called the police if she refused to leave.

The mystery of why he let her in (or didnt throw her out when he found her inside his house) ranks up there with what she did to make him so angry in mid-May.

Its actually more mysterious psychologically....especially coming so shortly after that blow up just a few weeks earlier. I think as you say he was just extremely vulnerable to her manipulations, and she knew how to exploit every one of his "weaknesses," including the guilt he always felt after getting angry with her after she provoked him to that point.

What I'll never believe is that he invited her. No way.
OK.....this one took me awhile to research so I could connect the dots.

Yes, about me posting about the VM's. Your thought the "sorry" VM might be connected to the loss of his TR set me off digging.

The VM was left by an unidentified caller in the afternoon of May 15. Sounds like a guy (lots of "dudes" inserted), and he is calling Travis back. Reasonable assumption is that Travis left him a message telling him what had happened.

T's friend is clearly very upset for him. Tells T he's on his way to work but that he can talk for a little bit. Says he's sorry no fewer than 5 times, including: "I am so sorry, I can't even imagine how you feel." And tells T several times that everything will work out.

So what was wrong? My guess is the news related to Mimi. She had accepted his invitation to Cancun in early May (1 or 2), and told him she was interested in him but just wasn't sure how much. TA wrote in his journal that he was thrilled she'd accepted.

But, on May 15, the date of the VM, Mimi told him she'd thought it over and would only go to Cancun if he understood that she just wanted to be friends. A relationship wasn't going to happen.

I think that was the news leading to the VM of the same day. The next day, May 16th, was when Travis blogged his Golddigger piece, saying that the kind of women he'd be interested in marrying wouldn't be interested in him. Mimi.

VM not about TR. But a May chronology of triggers is sure falling in place.:)

Thanks for all this information Hope. I thought the JA email to Travis about wanting credit for her editing, blah, blah, blah, was the 16th and Travis's Gold digger post was the 18th? Either way there was a lot falling into place for sure. Heartbreaking for Travis :(
I believe the juror questions were for DR. I think Nurmi is up now and I think he is afraid because Bishop Parker has his own attorney.


Bring it on!

I thought I might have been abducted by aliens for a bit. I read DR's questions, and felt sure Juan had completed direct with the Bishop, and then sidebar.... court recessed and Bishop due back Monday... whew, I am not nuts after all. Thanks Elle.
This drawing came to mind earlier. I have to go figure out where it came from, but I believe JA drew it during Trial 1?

I think it happened. The book didn't say exactly a year...she says "before long, Victor came for a month long visit..." It may have been Jodi turns 17 in July and the boy made his trip soon
JVM book says they broke up in October of her junior year
She began dating Bobby again in early spring. Her dad grounded her for skipping school until her 18th birthday which was three months away

Ohh... so on Victor's trip he visits HER during the school year, but her school trip a few months earlier was just during the summer break? One of these things does not look the other to me. ;)
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