Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing - Part 2

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I actually think Ryan looks more attractive with the weight gain. His face is very nice looking.

Jodi could be as skinny as a pole but she's still ugly. I've never understood what anyone sees in her. I don't find her remotely attractive. She is also very ugly where it matters... on the inside.

The way I've always heard Jodi's type of looks described is "rode hard and put up wet."
I'm baaack! What did I miss? ;) Don't you just hate it when people do that? I've done a little cursory look at the last week and more macabre shenanigans and manipulations by the defense. Are we surprised?

Death penalty processes are all about breaking people down until they cry uncle --and when I say people I mean surviving victims and the State. Throw in taxpayers while we're at it.

I think this will get a whole lot worse before it gets better and I predicted the defense would drag this out ad to the point of nauseum through 2015 and it appears I'm right.

No need to catch me up on anything...I'm just poppin in to say hi.

Did'ya happen to visit Cancun for Jodi???
Didn't she also go through the trash at some point?

I bet she thinks herself as an Oscar winning actress.
The part that floored me: The only danger Travis was in from me was "spiritual endangerment".
It seems like they are trying everything sleazy to either get the DP off the table or a mistrial.

Also, she is not getting retried here! She already has been convicted of 1st Degree Murder. Nothing new should come out during this phase to change mitigating factors unless its more lies, lies, lies.

And, you're right josie, they've have plenty of time to prepare, but it seems like Jodi and Nurmi can't agree.

Speaking of Nurmi, isn't he the that said "I cant stand Ms. Arias 9 out of 10 days". He, himself has made out Jodi to be a monster, and he is supposed to be defending her?!

Granted it wasn't a retrial after a hung jury but our sentencing phases for two death penalty trials in AZ, in 1990, lasted at the most 3 days. He's utilizing the high profile nature of this trial and national interest to bastardize justice in the most obscene fashion, just like his client did with her crime. It's all politics at this point and let me keep saying this: Jodi Arias chances of EVER being executed, even with the Death Penalty in place, fall at around 2%. No matter what happens here with the sentencing, she will die in prison of natural causes likely. This is just a matter of where she will live, the type of legal assistance she will continue to suck dry and her level of comfort during her incarceration. The entire thing is just insane at this point.
It's a complicated issue for me. I find it more painful to think of Travis because the good he had has been taken from the world. I find it easier to watch justice be done than to think of the good that for now, cannot. I say 'for now' because I believe in reincarnation and I believe that what he had to give he will be able to give in the future, but we live in the moment and deal with the now, and what I want to see now is justice.

I hear you. That's what has everyone still captivated...the thought of some kind of balancing the scales and justice being served. It's complicated for me too. It's just best I keep my focus on positive things, for personal reasons, but I totally get those hanging in there for justice here. That's just a good against evil human nature quest. And if this isn't a gluttonous display of evil, I don't know what is. I've never seen anything like it.
Granted it wasn't a retrial after a hung jury but our sentencing phases for two death penalty trials in AZ, in 1990, lasted at the most 3 days. He's utilizing the high profile nature of this trial and national interest to bastardize justice in the most obscene fashion, just like his client did with her crime. It's all politics at this point and let me keep saying this: Jodi Arias chances of EVER being executed, even with the Death Penalty in place, fall at around 2%. No matter what happens here with the sentencing, she will die in prison of natural causes likely. This is just a matter of where she will live, the type of legal assistance she will continue to suck dry and her level of comfort during her incarceration. The entire thing is just insane at this point.

The issues with the DP, and this trial in particular, may be signs of a confused and uncertain society, yet the confusion and uncertainty are borne of a sincere desire on society's part to be truly fair. Turn the clock back 50, 100, 250 years, and slavery was an established fact, minorities were openly and universally discriminated against and fairness was as much a function of your heritage as anything else. Times of transition and change are by their nature unsettling and confusing, and that has always been exploited by the less selfless elements of society to try to get their way. It's the price we pay for real change, but since the basis of this current turmoil in our legal system is to establish a more true foundation for justice, it is bound to land there eventually, in spite of the motion sickness, and anger, the process may cause.
To be honest, anymore, I'd rather watch The Walking Dead with heads being impaled than this freakshow of a trial. I think, for my own sanity, it's best to keep moving forward focusing on Travis Alexander's life than his death which has definitely influenced me in a positive way and for that I think he's smiling down from Heaven.

I'm trying to be like this as well. Even today I was facing a personal hurdle, thought of Travis and wondered what he'd say to me? 'The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is the character of the individual walking the path.' Thank you and God Bless, Travis!

I'm trying to be like this as well. Even today I was facing a personal hurdle, thought of Travis and wondered what he'd say to me? 'The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is the character of the individual walking the path.' Thank you and God Bless, Travis!

And it's amazing to me how well those words seem to apply to this very trial.
Haven't read all the posts above, sorry if redundant. This "delay" for Nurmi to file his COA paperwork is bogus, Nurmi is letting the clock tick on, more time means possibility of "mistrial". I think his strategy is to create a hardship on the jury so they have to bail, thinking their commitment was until 12/18/14 only. Nurmi, IMO, is working towards sentencing by JSS, not a jury. He knows JSS can't sentence CMJA to death, this too is a strategy. JSS should have held Nurmi in contempt and had Wilmott continue.
So over this trial! My interest and concern is with the Alexander family, but due to JSS, KN not sure they will EVER get justice for Travis. He seems all but forgotten at this trial, effectively the murderess and her DT have made it all about CMJA. With JSS as "the enabler". It is so unfair to the Victim.
Let's hope the trial restarts Wednesday with defense witnesses, or throw Nurmi in jail for contempt.
Haven't read all the posts above, sorry if redundant. This "delay" for Nurmi to file his COA paperwork is bogus, Nurmi is letting the clock tick on, more time means possibility of "mistrial". I think his strategy is to create a hardship on the jury so they have to bail, thinking their commitment was until 12/18/14 only. Nurmi, IMO, is working towards sentencing by JSS, not a jury. He knows JSS can't sentence CMJA to death, this too is a strategy. JSS should have held Nurmi in contempt and had Wilmott continue.
So over this trial! My interest and concern is with the Alexander family, but due to JSS, KN not sure they will EVER get justice for Travis. He seems all but forgotten at this trial, effectively the murderess and her DT have made it all about CMJA. With JSS as "the enabler". It is so unfair to the Victim.
Let's hope the trial restarts Wednesday with defense witnesses, or throw Nurmi in jail for contempt.

I'm not a lawyer, but I can't help but believe that Nurmi is aware of the thin line he is walking; I believe he will not succeed in locking out the public and the media, and I don't think this will end in a mistrial. He is desperate, and it's showing. As far as the jury bailing if the trial is extended, from all I've read jurors take their responsibility very seriously and I'm sure they'll make every effort to see this to the end. What Nurmi may end up with is very little of what he wanted, and a jury angry at this defense for their obvious manipulations.
It's a complicated issue for me. I find it more painful to think of Travis because the good he had has been taken from the world. I find it easier to watch justice be done than to think of the good that for now, cannot. I say 'for now' because I believe in reincarnation and I believe that what he had to give he will be able to give in the future, but we live in the moment and deal with the now, and what I want to see now is justice.

Yes, I believe this too. I'm discouraged to see my values and convictions in life play second fiddle to watching this toxic drama of a retrial. I know destiny will take its own course and Jodi will get what she is supposed to. It's just that the need to see Justice served in this case is very, very strong.
Yes, I believe this too. I'm discouraged to see my values and convictions in life play second fiddle to watching this toxic drama of a retrial. I know destiny will take its own course and Jodi will get what she is supposed to. It's just that the need to see Justice served in this case is very, very strong.

At the risk of getting too esoteric and going far off topic, such Values and Convictions cannot be yours for the asking in a world such as this. Every spark and light of truth has to be fought for against a stubborn and confounding resistance. Look at the history of humanity, bloody and animalistic to the extreme, in fact, to call it 'animalistic' is unfair to animals because you have a sophisticated and complex mind added to the basest of animal instincts. Fairness and justice have been more the exception than the rule in all of humanity's history, and to establish anything like a higher reality here is nothing short of a battle against the very foundation on which this world was made. Other than that I agree with you completely!
Granted it wasn't a retrial after a hung jury but our sentencing phases for two death penalty trials in AZ, in 1990, lasted at the most 3 days. He's utilizing the high profile nature of this trial and national interest to bastardize justice in the most obscene fashion, just like his client did with her crime. It's all politics at this point and let me keep saying this: Jodi Arias chances of EVER being executed, even with the Death Penalty in place, fall at around 2%. No matter what happens here with the sentencing, she will die in prison of natural causes likely. This is just a matter of where she will live, the type of legal assistance she will continue to suck dry and her level of comfort during her incarceration. The entire thing is just insane at this point.

Hello Katie,

I must say that I now realize a lot of what you have been explaining to us for quite some time now.

I now realize some of the pros + cons of the DP VS a life sentence, and the almost gauranteed endless appeals and more attention that JA would get if given the DP.

Its a much more complicated thing than I had thought when this trial first started so long ago. I am seeing advantages and disadvantages that I hadnt realized to the extent that I realize them now.

Nurmis bizarre methods have started to show us how obscenely far some of the appeals + objections can go. It will no doubt continue even if she gets DP.

However, I do think the particular judge in this case has all but faciliated his methods and increased the length of this trial much longer than it needed to be. So, in that avenue, this case is somewhat of a unique situation because I think another judge would have had this over a long time ago.

For the time being, I am sticking by the State and Juan and still agree with them trying to get the proper sentence that JA deserves. I think my main reason is that that particular verdict would keep her isolated more and away from other prisoners to prevent her from possibly harming another human. In addition to hopefully preventing her from being able to so willingly communicate with the outside world and other privileges that she would get if given just a life sentence. I do think she deserves a just punishment for what she has done and still feel the DP is a more proper punishment for her. I do understand she may never actually get executed and understand the lengthy appeals, however, the time spent behind bars I believe is different when under a DP senthence and I am weighing that into my thinking.

Anyway, thanks so much for helping us all understand a lot of how these things work. If we had a different judge from the beginning, I honestly think this would have been over by now.

Since we are stuck with the current process, I am willing to take a deep breath and suffer along with the rest of us until the time finally comes where her sentence can be handed out. Whenever that will be. :)
Someone refresh my memory. How do the appeals work, which sentence gives her the freebie appeal. I've heard various dollar figures thrown out there for hiring an appeal attorney. I'm wondering just how much it may cost her to hire one.
Hello Katie,

I must say that I now realize a lot of what you have been explaining to us for quite some time now.

I now realize some of the pros + cons of the DP VS a life sentence, and the almost gauranteed endless appeals and more attention that JA would get if given the DP.

Its a much more complicated thing than I had thought when this trial first started so long ago. I am seeing advantages and disadvantages that I hadnt realized to the extent that I realize them now.

Nurmis bizarre methods have started to show us how obscenely far some of the appeals + objections can go. It will no doubt continue even if she gets DP.

However, I do think the particular judge in this case has all but faciliated his methods and increased the length of this trial much longer than it needed to be. So, in that avenue, this case is somewhat of a unique situation because I think another judge would have had this over a long time ago.

For the time being, I am sticking by the State and Juan and still agree with them trying to get the proper sentence that JA deserves. I think my main reason is that that particular verdict would keep her isolated more and away from other prisoners to prevent her from possibly harming another human. In addition to hopefully preventing her from being able to so willingly communicate with the outside world and other privileges that she would get if given just a life sentence. I do think she deserves a just punishment for what she has done and still feel the DP is a more proper punishment for her. I do understand she may never actually get executed and understand the lengthy appeals, however, the time spent behind bars I believe is different when under a DP senthence and I am weighing that into my thinking.

Anyway, thanks so much for helping us all understand a lot of how these things work. If we had a different judge from the beginning, I honestly think this would have been over by now.

Since we are stuck with the current process, I am willing to take a deep breath and suffer along with the rest of us until the time finally comes where her sentence can be handed out. Whenever that will be. :)

It is frustrating, and I'm torn as to what would be the more just result, DP or LWOP, given the possible ultimate end result of each. I take comfort in the fact that it appears now likely that she will at least spend the rest of her life in prison, whether she gets to eventually socialize or lives in isolation, she has at some point to compare her life to what it could have been had she not decided to commit her horrific act, and hopefully that will have all the weight it should for her to live with.
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