Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing

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How this trial has been conducted from pretrial motions til now is IMO one of the strongest arguments against the DP I've ever seen.

Think of all the special considerations and treatment she's been afforded for no other reason than because the DP is on the table. Her extra special status didn't get erased when she was found guilty with an aggravator, it increased! The closer the trial has moved to actual sentencing , the more perverted the process has become.

This trial has convinced me the DP should be abolished. In its place there should be a regular LWOP and a second LWOP with special circumstances.

Special circumstances LWOP would be the equivalent of death row- isolation 23/24, NO contact with outside world, ever, except for a restricted list of family and friends, extremely limited.

IMO, that erases the truly evil enough without making a mockery of our judicial system and without further victimizing survivors.
Many people, including myself, have defended Judge Stephens - on the grounds that time applied here will mean a swifter denial of future appeals and the firmest of sentences for Arias. I don't believe she favours the Defense, just that she was giving them enough room to hang their arrogant client. If closing the court was a double bluff by JSS - meaning the appeals court rules here instead of in future - has it worked? I'd love to hear AZ lawyer's opinion on this please?

It all looks a mess. I'm haunted by the words of murder victim's families on TV and on this site too. The system is failing them by allowing justice to become a game, trials a circus. Those on WebSleuths stating that judges should be tougher, unafraid of appeals - that argument also has merit. Is this never-ending trial trend meant to save costs? This is confusing for everyone caring about fair trials for victims and defendants. A six year trial is not fair on the victim's families. The balance is hopelessly skewed to injuring them, making their pain even worse. This isn't right. This is injustice. It has to change. If anything comes out of this hell of a trial - let it be a review of the rights of victims. Place the rights of families and loved ones squarely in everyone's view. This trial has been and is followed globally. It's understandable that the judge wanted to ensure that American justice is seen to be a beacon of fairness and rationality. And despite everything, there is no question that a murdering, manipulative, unrepentant shameless convict has been given more rights than the vast majority of countries would afford. And public funds. A brilliant prosecutor has spent a huge chunk of his life on this case. Families and friends of the victim are still waiting for sentencing. Perhaps others can make more sense of this?
Has JA and her posse tried to shut down WS, yet? I'm sure there are other sites that post about the trial....I don't know for sure.....but, wonder if they have gone after any of them?
Has JA and her posse tried to shut down WS, yet? I'm sure there are other sites that post about the trial....I don't know for sure.....but, wonder if they have gone after any of them?

Nah. Her posse feeds on stoking the ire of "haters" such as all of us., they are allowed?
See AZL post from yesterday below;
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Oct 2008

I read the ruling. It is limited to the stay issue, so the immediate effect of it is that the trial cannot continue IN SECRET, although it certainly can continue. The confusion is no doubt caused by the appellate court adding that JSS may impose SOME restriction upon public access to the courtroom, as long as she follows the constitution and the rules of criminal procedure (strongly implying that the "clear the courtroom" ruling will be overturned on Nov. 25). The appellate court noted that JSS had considered lesser restrictions on Oct 30 (during the secret hearing), which IMO was a hint to her that something she had considered and rejected would be OK with them (perhaps the "kick the public out and send media to the overflow room" option)

We'll know how JSS rules later, seems she has lattitude on how to proceed in her courtroom but regardless on how she rules she can't shut the media/public out. Hope the media will be allowed in the courtroom during the hearing, but I won't hold my breath.:crossfingers:
Has JA and her posse tried to shut down WS, yet? I'm sure there are other sites that post about the trial....I don't know for sure.....but, wonder if they have gone after any of them?

Past other trials bring up Social Media from time to time for various reasons. The general concensus is the courts can instruct the jury to avoid media (includes social media) if they want to.

The publics right to free speech continues in the US, and it includes social media.
Of course, as in any public free speech, people cannot and should not do anything illegal like threatending someone's life or anything. Common sense needs to apply.
I agree with you, DGC. I've gone back and forth on this Judge but now I do agree with the unpopular opinion that she is not fit to preside over this trial. I actually looked at several cases last year and the majority of her sentences were neither harsh nor lenient. Let's hope she goes with LWOP in this case.

BBM: I just do not believe she will ... JSS's record as well as her actions in this case speak for themselves. And it begs the question : just what, if anything, does the DT have on her ?

JMO and :moo:
How many times has KN asked to be taken off this case? How many times has JA requested he be dismissed as her atty.? Why was this never granted? In the question of appeals, seems to me a defendant facing the DP should be able to fire an atty. they have no confidence in. For whatever nefarious reasons that JA wanted KN gone, it should have been granted.
How this trial has been conducted from pretrial motions til now is IMO one of the strongest arguments against the DP I've ever seen.

Think of all the special considerations and treatment she's been afforded for no other reason than because the DP is on the table. Her extra special status didn't get erased when she was found guilty with an aggravator, it increased! The closer the trial has moved to actual sentencing , the more perverted the process has become.

This trial has convinced me the DP should be abolished. In its place there should be a regular LWOP and a second LWOP with special circumstances.

Special circumstances LWOP would be the equivalent of death row- isolation 23/24, NO contact with outside world, ever, except for a restricted list of family and friends, extremely limited.

IMO, that erases the truly evil enough without making a mockery of our judicial system and without further victimizing survivors
BBM:Amen. hear, hear :gavel: . . .and wasting taxpayers $$
I just think about Juan, having agreed to the family's wishes of no stay, listening to Nurmi thinking, "I could argue the crap out of this."

I'm not sure why, but I never loved Juan more than when he approached the podium and simply stated he objected to the stay, then ever so solemnly returned to his seat. Up to that point, I thought that the depth of my dislike for Nurmi and the intensity of my frustration and disgust for JSS and her bad rulings had reached it's peak. It was at that moment I realized I was wrong. I really can't put into words what I think of this defense, and for that matter JSS as I'm quite sure it's not within TOS. But I can say this, the stark contrast between Nurmi and Juan is like night and day, dark and light. It's obvious to me that Juan is the only one left in that court room that is still thinking of justice for Travis and of his poor, heartbroken family. And the only one there with true integrity, courage, and compassion. This man, what a beautiful heart he has.
Great Post.

Just for curiosity sakes, I too would love to invest time and re-watch the entire 1st trial and have a stop-watch to track how much time was spent in front of the jury as compared to time spent in sidebars and in judge chambers or outside presence of jury.

I am willing to bet the % is incredible how much time spent away from jury.

Remember how it got to the point where Wilmcott + Nurmi would practically not even ask for sidebar. They would just approach the judge and expect sidebar. LOL

That would be interesting. For example, just a few days of trial

The difference is not as great as I thought it would be, but there are other edits besides sidebars, IIRC.

(Full disclosure: I selected these clips in the image only because I could line them up on my screen. I used image editing software only to increase contrast and put them all together.)
FullNo Sidebars
Day 113:06:412:09:27
Day 121:37:571:23:04
Day 134:08:183:16:06
Day 143:19:262:56:25
Day 153:32:412:57:35
Day 164:17:193:07:59
Day 173:02:232:48:37
Nah. Her posse feeds on stoking the ire of "haters" such as all of us.

Jumping off your post.

I don't read any of the support sites, as I am not exactly sure what they are supporting. Half the time I think the supporters are just doing it because they can, and don't necessarily believe JAII. Over the weekend, social media sites were discussing the mob mentality against CMJA. I found this interesting as I never considered any of us here, part of a mob. Free thinkers striving for justice, yes.

If I had any doubt that CMJA was guilty, I would have posted as such. Heck, I couldn't believe Oscar Pistorius would shoot into a toilet closet without checking for Reeva. In both cases, the evidence trumped any notion of innocence on the part of the defendants. I don't know why, but CMJA strikes something in me that is not positive. I am reviled by her. I don't "hate" her in that sense, but the strong negative sentiments I harbor, definitely border on it. JMV
More than Texas, even? I find that hard to believe lol.]]

Texas ranks #1 in all things DP, including caseload. BUT...that includes the efficiency of their DP machinery, start to finish. DP cases ZIP through the whole process, including appeals and executions, far more speedily than in any other state.

Differences between AZ and Texas on the point exist at every level, beginning with lack of public defenders in TX on thru how TX appellate courts function on DP and their far more conservative pro-DP Circuit Court of Appeals.
Last Thursday's ruling was so bad, I makes me question JSS's psychological fitness. It was like she finally "snapped".
That would be interesting. For example, just a few days of trial
View attachment 62748

The difference is not as great as I thought it would be, but there are other edits besides sidebars, IIRC.

(Full disclosure: I selected these clips in the image only because I could line them up on my screen. I used image editing software only to increase contrast and put them all together.)
FullNo Sidebars
Day 113:06:412:09:27
Day 121:37:571:23:04
Day 134:08:183:16:06
Day 143:19:262:56:25
Day 153:32:412:57:35
Day 164:17:192:07:59
Day 173:02:232:48:37

Thanks for the sample. Maybe its just the days where there were so many sidebars that it seemed worse than it really was.

I do have to say I have never seen a case with so many sidebars. Most other cases I have seen, they only happen once in a blue moon. In this case, it seemed they happened way too frequently. And as soon as this new trial started, they started happening again.

Some of the expressions from Juan were truly hysterical as he got frustrated with so many of them.
Last Thursday's ruling was so bad, I makes me question JSS's psychological fitness. It was like she finally "snapped".

I don't think so.

I think everyone involved, except CMJA , is exhausted and frustrated by this trial that just won't end. And what AZL says makes sense to me.....JSS slid herself on down that slippery slope of secrecy rulings she kept making until she FINALLY hit the AC court wall head on.
More than Texas, even? I find that hard to believe lol.]]

Texas ranks #1 in all things DP, including caseload. BUT...that includes the efficiency of their DP machinery, start to finish. DP cases ZIP through the whole process, including appeals and executions, far more speedily than in any other state.

Differences between AZ and Texas on the point exist at every level, beginning with lack of public defenders in TX on thru how TX appellate courts function on DP and their far more conservative pro-DP Circuit Court of Appeals.

Here in Oklahoma, we aren't nearly as efficient in killing line Texas but our cases don't linger for 6-7 years to conclude. ETA: we had the whole mishap of the last execution we are already set to execute 5 prisoners within the first month of 2015
That video from CMJA's parents was ridiculous. So was her aunt demanding an apology from Travis's family. How about rather than gathering money for an appeal your murdering, lying monster won't win, you gather money to pay back the AZ taxpayers or get ready for the civil suit the Alexanders should and could file against your monster? Instead of ending that farce with a pic of jr monster in pigtails (how trollish!), why not just show what your daughter did? Let people know, hey you're donating money so this monster can go free and maybe just maybe come after your son, brother, cousin, or friend. Or boyfriend.

I'm all for rights, but when one slaughters a man three times over, that kinda goes out the window. Btw, the innocence project would be all over this if it were a case of wrongful conviction. Oh and call us when your darling daughter accuses you in secret court of molesting, beating, whatever to her. Anything to save Jodi, right?
Exactly TexMex, If there were legitimate concerns the DFT should have addressed them then. It seems like things like this have been going on since the trial began. And it's just another reason that the trial has gone as long as it has. The DFT seems to only think in the moment, what's ahead is of no concern to them until it smacks them in the face. Ex: the magazine messages among other things.
Just an observation regarding the frequency of the "Sidebars".....

My take on how it got as bad as it got was due to Wilmcott's inexperience, and then the judge allowing her to use the sidebars as a "crutch".

If people recall from the 1st trial how they started, I seem to remember Wilmcott was fairly new to being on a DP case and she struggled with how to properly make her objections and how to properly present her case. When she hit the hard parts, she would request a sidebar to work it out privately in front of just the judge and proscuting attorney. Nurmi would also join her to help her in these sidebars.

Then once Wilmcott realized how well the sidebar helped her, she started to request them ALL THE TIME, and the judge made no efforts to stop the madness. Even Nurmi then started to use them more frequently, and from time to time, even Juan would request 1.

So, it has become a huge "CRUTCH" mainly for the defense team, and the judge has not made enough effort to stop them from using this crutch.
JMO of course.
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