Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing

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Just an observation regarding the frequency of the "Sidebars".....

My take on how it got as bad as it got was due to Wilmcott's inexperience, and then the judge allowing her to use the sidebars as a "crutch".

If people recall from the 1st trial how they started, I seem to remember Wilmcott was fairly new to being on a DP case and she struggled with how to properly make her objections and how to properly present her case. When she hit the hard parts, she would request a sidebar to work it out privately in front of just the judge and proscuting attorney. Nurmi would also join her to help her in these sidebars.

Then once Wilmcott realized how well the sidebar helped her, she started to request them ALL THE TIME, and the judge made no efforts to stop the madness. Even Nurmi then started to use them more frequently, and from time to time, even Juan would request 1.

So, it has become a huge "CRUTCH" mainly for the defense team, and the judge has not made enough effort to stop them from using this crutch.
JMO of course.

JM has been very respectful of the court's time. If I remember well he'd specifically ask for a 'quick sidebar'. When Juan asked Arias whether she'd feel more comfortable if he stood over by the podium like her lawyers (great moment, by the way!) Nurmi didn't even bother to request a side-bar. He acted more like a bull wanting to ram right through to the bench. The Judge was clearly annoyed by the lack of respect.
Then once Wilmcott realized how well the sidebar helped her, she started to request them ALL THE TIME, and the judge made no efforts to stop the madness. Even Nurmi then started to use them more frequently, and from time to time, even Juan would request 1.

So, it has become a huge "CRUTCH" mainly for the defense team, and the judge has not made enough effort to stop them from using this crutch.
JMO of course.

rsbm ...
That's the way I remember it too. Once that JSS tutorial train left the station, there was no going back. I believe JSS was aware of the tremendous criticism about the extended sidebars, but felt powerless to stop them, then and now. Trial 1 left her bruised and battered, then the looming prospect of Trial 2 added to JSS's fragile mental health imo. Round 2 has shown JSS in full PTSD mode, with no relief in sight imo.
JM has been very respectful of the court's time. If I remember well he'd specifically ask for a 'quick sidebar'. When Juan asked Arias whether she'd feel more comfortable if he stood over by the podium like her lawyers (great moment, by the way!) Nurmi didn't even bother to request a side-bar. He acted more like a bull wanting to ram right through to the bench. The Judge was clearly annoyed by the lack of respect.

LOL I do recall it got to the point where the defense would practically not even ask for permission for them. They would just start approaching the bench and expecting them to be granted. Unbelievable.
Last Thursday's ruling was so bad, I makes me question JSS's psychological fitness. It was like she finally "snapped".

With all due respect, I think that's going too, too far. She made a bad decision. That is not "snapping".
I'm not sure why, but I never loved Juan more than when he approached the podium and simply stated he objected to the stay, then ever so solemnly returned to his seat. Up to that point, I thought that the depth of my dislike for Nurmi and the intensity of my frustration and disgust for JSS and her bad rulings had reached it's peak. It was at that moment I realized I was wrong. I really can't put into words what I think of this defense, and for that matter JSS as I'm quite sure it's not within TOS. But I can say this, the stark contrast between Nurmi and Juan is like night and day, dark and light. It's obvious to me that Juan is the only one left in that court room that is still thinking of justice for Travis and of his poor, heartbroken family. And the only one there with true integrity, courage, and compassion. This man, what a beautiful heart he has.

Your points on Juan Martinez I applaud. Arias is so twisted that a part of the thrill of what she is doing is denying the public the ability to watch the incredible Martinez in action. Watching this man working his heart out for the victim, for justice, for his state and country, has been mesmerising. Juan is an unexpected hero. I truly hope he knows how much he is loved. There is a real affection for him - from people all over the world.
Has JA and her posse tried to shut down WS, yet? I'm sure there are other sites that post about the trial....I don't know for sure.....but, wonder if they have gone after any of them?

How would they be able to do that? WS is a privately-owned entity.
I personally think there is a 'mob' scene on both sides.

There's a difference between people who want to see justice served, laws followed, and a case tried and adjudicated fairly and according to the laws of the jurisdiction and some of what has been seen elsewhere -- akin to shouts of "burn the witch at the stake" "she needs to sufferrrrrrrrr" and other similar sentiments published on social media. One forum I've visited is like walking into a convention of severe Tourette's Syndrome sufferers--the language used is quite vile and not at all helpful. It's like calling the judge and the killer the most gross names is some kind of sport. There's the bottom of the barrel and then some people manage to dig even deeper than that. Frankly, I consider that as much of a crazy mob-like showing as the other side.

My confidence is in Juan and the case he's presenting to the jury. He's got this. The facts are what they are. She's already guilty of murder 1. Whether she gets the DP or not is out of everyone's hands and into the jury's hands. Whatever they decide, as long as they do decide, is what I will support.
To be honest, I wish that Travis' family had not needed to make the Victim Impact Statements. Arias must have been thrilled to hear about how their lives have fallen apart since June, 2008. As some of you have mentioned before it gives Arias way too much power and pleasure. It's too bad that these families cannot make a simple statement to the jury about what punishment they feel the defendant should receive.
Did Travis ever introduce JA to any members of his family? Like, this is JA, my girlfriend?

Pic supposedly taken as reporters were allowed back into court yesterday.

Given speculation JA had testified that morning, what is she trying to project to jurors with that very different look?

Isn't this the first day she's pulled her hair back off her face? Then there's the high collared white shirt ...

BBM: Yes, it is a very different look -- except for that conniving, evil look on her face which never goes away ... MOO !

The video was opened for comments at first. You would of thought that JA supporters would of been offering their support the parents and their money but what we saw were comments from supposed JA "haters", which I believe were actually JA supporters told to put those kind of comments there. Then the comment section was closed, not to long after. Makes you think that this video was put there for the reason you state. I guess they think we have no reasoning skills.
BBM - That debacle of a trial in Florida showed me how low some people will stoop to support such abhorrent defendants. I have seen it all and nothing surprises me anymore.
To be honest, I wish that Travis' family had not needed to make the Victim Impact Statements. Arias must have been thrilled to hear about how their lives have fallen apart since June, 2008. As some of you have mentioned before it gives Arias way too much power and pleasure. It's too bad that these families cannot make a simple statement to the jury about what punishment they feel the defendant should receive.

I wish they had talked about the victim (Travis). About what he could have accomplished, how good he was, how helpful he was, bring him to life to that jury so that they too could love all that Travis stood for. I understand their pain and grief and the need to express it and it is healing, but I agree way too much power and control has been handed over to the killer. That she has the power to destroy an entire family, and we're talking 6+ siblings, marriages, the mental health of several people forever ... that just is beyond tragic. It's like they've given up on some level and that is so not what Travis was about, based on everything his friends described him to be. That continues to hand control to the killer, IMO.
With all due respect, I think that's going too, too far. She made a bad decision. That is not "snapping".

Well, we can only speculate. I see JSS as "normally" a very careful judge with 30+ yrs experience, but no experience with a murder trial garnering worldwide attention where her every decision is closely scrutinized. Very few judges are ever faced with such a daunting task, and JSS has had to go through Trial 1, the hoopla before Trial 2, and now the new machinations of Team JA in Trial 2. It's taken a major toll on her well-earned reputation and, consequently, her mental equilibrium imo. Going by the quick response from The Appeals yesterday, JSS was very and obviously wrong last Thursday. Why? I think one reason for evicting the media was a personal self-protective move on JSS's part to provide some relief from the second-guessing hoardes nipping at her heels daily. Something's amiss with JSS imo.
Something up in AZ. The Bryan Wayne Hulsey death penalty trial, which took precedence over this one, and prosecuted by Juan, took seven years to make it to trial. Seven years! Why? I've wondered if it has to do with a defense attorney training method that is not applied in other states. Or if the judges are just far more lenient in AZ, in general. Far as I've seen , EVERYTHING in this state takes twice as long to get done and the court hours are twice as short, maybe even less. Something is just...different.

I should have guessed if there was such a case it would be in Arizona. I think I will research this case when I have time and try to find out why it took 7 years. Was it ever a hung jury and they had to start all over again?

Yes, that is another thing I am not use to seeing. In DP cases here in Georgia the Judge will even hold court on Saturdays and have been known to have court on Sunday after lunch giving the jurors time to attend church if they so desire. The wait time here is around 3-4 years but once it comes to trial the entire time of the guilt phase and the sentencing phase usually isn't more than a little over a month to complete.

I wish they had talked about the victim (Travis). About what he could have accomplished, how good he was, how helpful he was, bring him to life to that jury so that they too could love all that Travis stood for. I understand their pain and grief and the need to express it and it is healing, but I agree way too much power and control has been handed over to the killer. That she has the power to destroy an entire family, and we're talking 6+ siblings, marriages, the mental health of several people forever ... that just is beyond tragic. It's like they've given up on some level and that is so not what Travis was about, based on everything his friends described him to be. That continues to hand control to the killer, IMO.

They did talk about Travis. They talked about how he was there for them all when their parents died and how their lives weren't the same without him, what kind of person he was and so on. Steven also read a beautiful but bittersweet excerpt from his blog. They are victims impact statements, though. The object of them is to talk about how the crime has affected their lives. That's what they did.
I should have guessed if there was such a case it would be in Arizona. I think I will research this case when I have time and try to find out why it took 7 years. Was it ever a hung jury and they had to start all over again?

Yes, that is another thing I am not use to seeing. In DP cases here in Georgia the Judge will even hold court on Saturdays and have been known to have court on Sunday after lunch giving the jurors time to attend church if they so desire. The wait time here is around 3-4 years but once it comes to trial the entire time of the guilt phase and the sentencing phase usually isn't more than a little over a month to complete.


BBM: no it was not.
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