Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/04 In recess Computer Exp Hearing

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One thing that I don't think was brought up today that I would have liked to heard explained: I can take my laptop over to your house and turn it on and it won't download anything. I would need to connect to your network in order to get to the internet and download things. Or somebody's network. I guess there are laptops with satellite connections or whatever they're called, but did Travis's computer have that? I'm really and ignoramus when it comes to computers -- I'm just wondering how all this works.
I just feel uncomfortable with beating up on the Judge. I know that I'm in the minority, but I trust her and understand that this is a DP case, so she wants to make sure that the Defense, no matter how goofy it seems, has a fair trial. She probably is disgusted as the rest of us. Just my Opinion

Why does the judge at this point deserve so much latitude? This has nothing to do with the judge's disgust or lack thereof. What is fair about this trial now? Fair to whom? Are the lies promulgated by the defence team fair? Fairness has nothing to do with this clusterf$$$ of a trial, IMO. Fairness got left behind with justice a long time ago. The judge is a conductor and at this point if she were conducting an orchestra, there would be nothing but cacophony. Oh, wait....
I just watched the local Arizona news interviewing Beth Karas and was very disappointed. She said a very frustrated computer expert was trying to explain computers to a lawyer who does not have expertise in computers
All the twitters today seemed to be over my head... images, clones, clones of images, IDK. Can someone sum up what the heck happened today? I can figure out the attitudes, but what was the "real" evidence today?
Juan knows nothing about computers. Strike that - Juan told the defense computer expert he doesn't know what Juan knows. No one can recall who was pushing buttons on the computers when they were examined by the defense team while still in evidence lock up. Flores says it was the defense. Previous defense attorney can't recall. Both are at odds with what defense witness claimed. Defense expert - condescending, rude, patronizing, argumentative, and obstructive - made 2 trips to examine hard drive. One he took a photo and then he cloned it (IIRC). He 'cleaned' it up, encrypted it, and now is hesitant to turn it over to the State. He keeps stalling. He was sorta, kinda ordered (again) by the judge to turn it over. He told the State it's irrelevant. He wasn't spanked by the judge. Most of us are irked.

According to him there's loads of *advertiser censored* on Travis' computer - all sitting smack dab in the registry - and the State's experts are both inept for not having found it and lying when they claim it wasn't there.

People, feel free to correct me where needed. I hate following twitter for this trial. So much seems to get lost in translation. ;)
And, no, the judge isn't on anybody's side. That's an exaggeration. If she were, she'd have dropped the death penalty a long time ago.

An exaggeration, or an understatement?
He really seemed to be steeped in denial last time around so I don't know. I'd hope he'd protect his son but at some point one must really question why he doesn't seem capable of recognizing what Jodi is despite time and distance from her.

I suspect if anyone was looking at *advertiser censored* on TA's computer, it was Jodi.
When was TA computer awaken from sleep mode? Is it possible to awaken from a sleep mode automatically, like I wake up at 7 computer awake at 7:25?
Could be. Or could be that he still has feelings for her. If she needs him, I think it's highly likely she's writing/calling from prison and thereby still manipulating him.

I got a very bad feeling from him when he was testifying. Almost like he'd propose from the witness stand if he could. There's a lot of psychological abuse that comes with being in a relationship with someone personality disordered but time and distance should allow blinders to come off and insight to occur. That it hasn't for him is very telling and honestly disturbing.

OMG 14 witnesses in a sealed motion??? I think I may cry.

This pretty much seals it for me the DT tactic is a mistrial by eliminating jurors; prolly from old age as someone mentioned earlier.

Seriously, every time I think Nurmi and Wilmott can't sink any lower, well there they go lowering the bar again! I don't know what to make of JSS.
Juan knows nothing about computers. Strike that - Juan told the defense computer expert he doesn't know what Juan knows. No one can recall who was pushing buttons on the computers when they were examined by the defense team while still in evidence lock up. Flores says it was the defense. Previous defense attorney can't recall. Both are at odds with what defense witness claimed. Defense expert - condescending, rude, patronizing, argumentative, and obstructive - made 2 trips to examine hard drive. One he took a photo and then he cloned it (IIRC). He 'cleaned' it up, encrypted it, and now is hesitant to turn it over to the State. He keeps stalling. He was sorta, kinda ordered (again) by the judge to turn it over. He told the State it's irrelevant. He wasn't spanked by the judge. Most of us are irked.

According to him there's loads of *advertiser censored* on Travis' computer - all sitting smack dab in the registry - and the State's experts are both inept for not having found it and lying when they claim it wasn't there.

People, feel free to correct me where needed. I hate following twitter for this trial. So much seems to get lost in translation. ;)

Why would the pros and Det. M push buttons? They already knew what the computer had and the defense was that wanted to see evidence. I don't think they came there to just look at a computer and yes that is the computer. The first defense said they came there to see the amount of evidence. Nothing was intentional. Which is what the defense has to prove.
One thing that I don't think was brought up today that I would have liked to heard explained: I can take my laptop over to your house and turn it on and it won't download anything. I would need to connect to your network in order to get to the internet and download things. Or somebody's network. I guess there are laptops with satellite connections or whatever they're called, but did Travis's computer have that? I'm really and ignoramus when it comes to computers -- I'm just wondering how all this works.

Any open network will do. There may have been one at the Mesa PD since it's publicly funded city property, but I don't know. Could also have been from a nearby house.
but here? Usually you can add a witness for a sound reason that couldn't have been anticipated or something like that. But to add 14? I can't even imagine an attorney asking for that. Orders are issued setting dates by which disclosures to the other party and court must be made so the other side can interview witnesses, examine evidence etc. In this case an order was issued:

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defense is to submit their witness names and addresses in a sealed document to this Court by 12:00 p.m. on 9/3/14.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the State is to schedule interviews with Defense witnesses through Defense and not contact the witnesses directly. Defense counsel informs the Court that their expert is available to be interviewed by the State on 9/22/14.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all other interviews are to be scheduled and completed during the week of September 8, 2014.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defense expert is to provide any raw data and scoring sheets to the State by 9/9/14.

And of course even that was filled with drama. The state couldn't have the witnesses addresses, couldn't contact them directly-have to go through defense blah blah blah. All that's said about state witnesses is that they're on the record. And the defense tried to exclude some state witness(es). And everything was "under seal" secret secret.

LET THE RECORD REFLECT the State’s experts for the penalty phase are set forth on the record.
The State requests the addresses of the civilian witnesses disclosed by the Defendant and that interviews of those witnesses be scheduled September 5, 6 and/or 7, 2014.
Defendant advises that the witnesses have asked that their addresses not be given to the State; and that contact between the State and Defendant’s witnesses go through defendant’s
advisory counsel.
IT IS SO ORDERED. Defendant is directed that the State must have a mechanism for contacting Defendant’s disclosed witnesses and that those witnesses shall submit to an interview
by the prosecutor prior to trial. The Court will look into where the interviews will be conducted, either at the Courthouse or at the Estrella Jail.

I am really starting to believe this penalty trial will not be successfully completed because of the willful acts of the defense which have been permitted and enabled by JSS. This crime occured in 2008. That alone makes this a travesty of justice. Did anyone see the TX case this week where a capital trial for 3 murders finished in under a week and the crimes happened in March 2013? This is truly becoming just a complete theatre of the absurd.

Lawyer question, can the defense just continue to call new witnesses helter skelter forever in the middle of a trial? The trial could go forever. I am thinking Jodi likes her new digs....maybe a boyfriend or two.
I just do not understand the need for sidebars, sealed witness lists, refusing to produce items despite court orders, continual extra time given to accomodate DT witnesses, unprepared (whether intentional or not) witnesses, seemlingly no agenda of witnesses to testify - just fly by the seat of your pants.

Me either!

Apparently Judge Sherry will do as she pleases.
but here? Usually you can add a witness for a sound reason that couldn't have been anticipated or something like that. But to add 14? I can't even imagine an attorney asking for that. Orders are issued setting dates by which disclosures to the other party and court must be made so the other side can interview witnesses, examine evidence etc. In this case an order was issued:

And of course even that was filled with drama. The state couldn't have the witnesses addresses, couldn't contact them directly-have to go through defense blah blah blah. All that's said about state witnesses is that they're on the record. And the defense tried to exclude some state witness(es). And everything was "under seal" secret secret.

I am really starting to believe this penalty trial will not be successfully completed because of the willful acts of the defense which have been permitted and enabled by JSS. This crime occured in 2008. That alone makes this a travesty of justice. Did anyone see the TX case this week where a capital trial for 3 murders finished in under a week and the crimes happened in March 2013? This is truly becoming just a complete theatre of the absurd.

Boytwn -

What are the consequences (if any) in your neck of the woods? If anything like this happened - such absurdity, what would you envision would be the response from fellow colleagues, judges, financial people for the State, etc?
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