Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/05-08 In recess

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I wonder why the assumption is made that he had all these scrubbers to HIDE the *advertiser censored* rather than taking it off the computer? Are they specifically to hide your tracks?

SpyBot is not.
:) Thanks for alerting me to this post upthread Tuba, I completely missed it. I wish we could get the detail from his computer of usage between the last text to CH and the last known use of laptop, now that we know 'someone' was on his computer at 1:44 running Spybot, I just wonder if there was consistent computer usage from that point until 4:54. I suppose it's obvious, I don't believe a whit of her story of what transpired that day and I personally would like it if JM would track every known activity to show she is lying about all of it.

A natural person or Spybot running automatically on it's own? :thinking:
Kasperky labs (antivirus company) reports detecting 315,000 new malicious files a day in 2013. There is an inevitable time lag between the time a virus is created and propagated and antivirus software is able to detect and deal with it. Technically, antivirus databases are obsolete almost immediately. The number of detected files on Travis' hard drive in 2008 vs 2014 is not surprising at all.

I understand your opinion, Steve. Just not sure I agree. I'm old enough to remember when computers first became standard tools in the office/academia.

Viruses as a threat were unknown, then slightly known, then well known and removing them accepted as SOP. But there was a progression. Didnt happen all at once.

In the PC and virtual world 2008 was a lifetime ago. TA'S HD seems to have had viruses. The number which are on Mesa's HD is significant enough , if not quarantined, to have messed with speed and functionality. The number cited by BN, if not quarantined, would seem to me to have rendered his HD virtually impossible to use.

That's why in part I don't believe databases explain the difference, unless all the bad stuff was quarantined. But, if it was , I don't see why starting it up would allow those viruses to delete files.
This is where we are supposed to be right now:

In support of her claim that life is the appropriate penalty Ms. Arias, in other pleadings listed the following mitigating factors;
1. Ms. Arias has no prior criminal history.
2. Ms. Arias was just 27 years old when she committed her offense.
3. Ms. Arias is remorseful for her conduct,
4. Ms- Arias suffered both physical and emotional abuse as a child.
5. Ms. Arias suffered both physical and emotional abuse during her relationship with Mr. Alexander.
6. The abusive nature of the relationship caused Ms. Arias to suffer extreme emotional stress at the time of the incident.
7. Ms. Arias has been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
8. Ms. Arias has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
9. Ms. Arias' psychological makeup impaired her ability to cope with the tumultuous relationship she had with Mr. Alexander.

We are down so deep in the rabbit hole right now.
Does anyone know where to find all the text exchanges between TA and the demon girl? Looking for a PARticular < Jodi's pronunciation. JA, says "I want to f u like a dirty, horny little school girl" :furious:

It was Feb. 26, 2008 EX 494 or EX 495 or both...TIA~
Thanks MeeBee's husband! :seeya: I hope that if my posts are incorrect that your DH will tell you and you'll correct me, MeeBee. I am definitely not a computer guru.

What is Juan asking for? Does he already have it? I don't know who has what. I'm finding it very difficult to follow on Twitter.

Yes, this trial by twit(ter) is a pain. And I've realized by reading alternate sites like BK and 13th juror that we are not getting accurate info in many cases. Ironically it's the context thing again. Lots of tweeters paraphrase the trial players' words, and we aren't getting the whole story.
Okay - WAY behind in reading... but this sentence caught my eye!

Excellent summary of the whole defense and this whole sentencing phase.

The only other obvious agenda they have is to purposely drag on this phase as long as possible to accomplish:

-finding any and every reason to get rid of jurors to get below 12

-finding any and every reason to appeal + squeal to see if anything will stick

-personally becoming wealthy off of Arizona taxpayers. They practically have a small business going on now with funds being shared for all on their side (Nurmi, Willcott, Mitigation "experts", hired "expert" witnesses, technical consultants, etc.).

For the last bullet, it would not surprise me if we see a Want-Add in the paper soon:
"Many People Needed. No skills needed. Will train. Just need to be willing to throw away all morals. Great Pay for little work."

Now - if she HAS actually collected this $40,000 (per NE) - does she NOT have to pay back the State for her trial that is now going on?? :waitasec:

TIA!!!! :wave:
I read somewhere in the minute entries that her hard drive was broken in half. On 10-18-2012 entry it says that drive #402873 was sent to for recovery and the judge was ordering for the return of the drive by a certain date. A while back I saw an entry where Nurmi was arguing that the data from the drive could not be admitted because they could not be sure what was changed or missing. I am still looking for that entry.

I would love to see what they found. Murder Plans? Mileage maps? *advertiser censored*? Blackmail of prior boyfriends? Evidence of photoshopped photos? Emails from Travis's accounts to her own? Evidence of spying with remote programs?

BBM: So Nurmi argues JA's HDD should be excluded because files may have been changed or deleted??? But TA's should be allowed as it pertains to the killer's mitigation??? What am I missing here?
Okay - WAY behind in reading... but this sentence caught my eye!

Now - if she HAS actually collected this $40,000 (per NE) - does she NOT have to pay back the State for her trial that is now going on?? :waitasec:

TIA!!!! :wave:

I have actually thought about this. The way they have it all set up to go into JA's appellate fund "irrevocable trust" is clearly set up for protection against lawsuits. In other words, to keep all money away from the Alexander's if they were to bring a wrongful death suit against JA.
Yes, we are waaaaay down into that rabbit hole.

Sanity in this trial ended in late October and hasn't yet been restored.

From secret witnesses to wild accusations against JM and Flores to parsing computer memory and viruses, all of that a campaign to delay and derail the trial, all of that born in the mind of a sociopathic convicted murderer.

And we aren't there yet. At least one more week will be spent on computer *advertiser censored*. After that ordeal we'll be a hopskip away from the holidays, and after that a new year that at this point seems very un-new indeed.
moot point here, - but I still really, really want to know how HER hd's were destroyed. Smashed with a hammer? Run over in the driveway? Thrown in the washing machine or just a bucket of water and bleach? (Maybe that's why she thought the washer at TA's would work on the camera?) Just really want to know.....
No, it was the skateboarders.
From what I understand, Juan wants a copy of BNs 2 images he made with the State's image from the original HD.
It's confusing, because it seems like Juan is asking for something he already has. And, like BN said, it's like asking for a picture of a picture.

It is confusing, but when has JM not known what he's asking? I think JM believes, and has been told by another IT person, that BN has done something to the copies/clones that he shouldn't. I know BN's claiming JM already has what he has, but JM wants to look at and compare everything BN has to verify those claims.

ETA: And regardless of what Beth thinks she knows about BN's assertions, no one really does until those copies are in the hands of the State's investigator, imo.
I have a difficult time believing updated databases account for the discrepancy. Its a huge one. Jmo.

I also think JM would have swatted BN down on this discrepancy if it were that simple. But, who knows.
File sizes can range anywhere from 1KB to 1 GB, so I suppose each one of those files can be different sizes.

Juan will wait until he has his own expert up to discuss this discrepancy. JMO
moot point here, - but I still really, really want to know how HER hd's were destroyed. Smashed with a hammer? Run over in the driveway? Thrown in the washing machine or just a bucket of water and bleach? (Maybe that's why she thought the washer at TA's would work on the camera?) Just really want to know.....

I believe her external hard drive was the one they were speaking of in the minutes dated 10-18-2012. The drive was #402873 and was sent to TLSI INC. I read somewhere in the minutes when the attys were arguing about admitting evidence that Nurmi was arguing that since the drive had been broken in half they could not be sure the evidence recovered was complete.
I still hope it was Tony's hard drive that had all the *advertiser censored*!
A natural person or Spybot running automatically on it's own? :thinking:

I don't believe Spybot can run on its own when the computer is in sleep mode.
This trial takes me back to the Westerfield trial, it was ugly and downright terrible what the def brought in about Danielle's parents. Very hurtful.

But it didn't matter in the end Westerfield is sitting on death row. And I might add that prosc evidence in that case was no where as strong as in this one. IMO opinion what convicted him was her hair in his motor home on his headboard. Def argued she had been in the motor home didn't work.

This case has some of the strongest evidence I have ever seen in pre med and of course she admits it.

So I will not lose faith that this jury will get it right. Of course there can always be a juror that is predisposed to hang but nothing anyone can do about that.

So as the mud slinging goes on, I will pray for the family, the prosecution and the jury.

I thought strongly about just going away from this case I really have nothing to offer and it really hurts my heart to read what is going on then I think about his siblings and friends and feel If they can endure this hideous trial I surely can and sending as much love and support as I can. IMO 99.9 % of the world knows that JA is a hateful monster and each low that she sinks to is lower than the last. I just pray the 12 jurors feel the same way.
But why would he care what was done to a hard drive that had nothing to do with case? He seems to be the only one actually focused on issues pertinent to the case. If he brings something up there's a good reason for it, as bizarre as it seems.

I don't think you understood me, sorry but this might be just as hard to understand.

Let's say that Tony(whoever) is one of the three techs who helped BN, then the way he did his work, especially with these type of serious allegations against the PT, would be under scrutiny, correct? Then a HD that has his name on it gets sent to the PT instead of the victim's HD(a mistake or a stall who knows), which may not have been known until the PT took a copy of it and saw that it was not the victim's after all, but instead the guy who worked on it(talk big red flag!).

As the PT, I would surely be comparing any programs that may have shown on the tech's HD to those allowed to be used in forensic recovery/discovery, and second, if they had ever shown up as being used on TA's HD or any of the images/clones taken from it.

It's my understanding that there are specific rules for doing forensic work and if BN or any of his team did not follow those rules, then any of the work they did is suspect and should not be relied on and perhaps even be disallowed altogether.
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