Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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So if this was in June are both effectively the same time then? If so where does the one hour difference come into it then? Or have I got your seasons mixed up. Or is it the end of June that the times become the same. See Dmacky I told you I went down the rabbit hole LOL

No, In California, we go on Daylight Savings Time in April- this puts us on the same time as Arizona. We are on the same time-hour for all of June. We stay on Daylight Savings Time until the Fall. This is 1/2 year, not 2/3rds. Spring Forward, Fall Back. In California it's Pacific Standard Time.
I wanted to add a little tidbit for those confused about AZ time.
Not all of AZ is exempt from daylight savings time. The Navajo Nation does have daylight savings time..
:floorlaugh: ....or Hopi and Zuni Reservation!

Ok, this is the deal: We Arizonan's just don't believe resetting our clocks forwards or backwards gives us more or less daylight. We tried it for 1 year and it bombed. Miserably.
Maybe it takes some kind of "magical thinking" but I still don't "get it".:thinking:

It does make a huge difference in California, now that we're off Daylight Savings Time, in Dec. it gets dark at 4:00. It sucks! Would rather stay on it and just lose the hour's sleep.
Hi, don't forget he had a mustache .:laughcry:

This is in response to bznbear"s post. This "reply" went to wrong page!!
Nice story about the 2 New Year's Eves, Hatfield. Sounds like alot of fun!

I never thought Travis was expecting her that evening. I do believe she called him on the road to Utah, if you hear her discussion 6/25/08 with Flores she quoted Travis and alluded to him not sounding too thrilled about it. I think Travis, being the nice friendly "door always open" kind of guy he was, just said "ok" to be polite and to get a booty call. And why not, they are single, she is willing. She probably "guilted" him, not the other way around as per her discussion with Flores 6/25/08. They had sex "for old times sake", he wasn't changing his mind about taking Mimi to Cancun, CMJA pretended to leave, left, then pretended to forget something there knowing he was going to shower, she probably saw Travis' steamy bathroom window, went back in with some excuse, began taking pictures - I do not think Travis looked happy in any of those shower pics - and the attack began. She planned this, alright. Meant to get him in his most vulnerable position, naked and wet.

As for the murderess ' followers, they are an odd bunch. It appears many of them are European. Maybe they don't understand American law? I see them all as these weirdos sitting in some basement totally detached from reality. Although we do have SW, who appears to have a few issues of her own. I used to go to JAII site but stopped months ago due to the total lack of respect for the Alexander family, Travis or Juan. Their verbiage is terrible! I hope they never have a family member be slaughtered in cold blood as I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That group is very, very mean.

Her supporters truly believe CMJA killed Travis in self defense! If they had any brains to research murders, they would see that statistics prove this was overkill. Self defense is one blow, or one shot, and get the heck out of there. If it was self defense, why didn't the killer call the police? Her supporters lack common sense. Nada, zilch, none. I don't understand them.

Except that she was never "on the road to Utah". Her destination was always Mesa, AZ. The only reason she continued on to Utah, was to use Ryan Burns as her alibi as to where she was when the murder happened. She claimed she was never in Arizona, that's the whole reason for the gas cans- to not have a paper/camera trail at Arizona gas stations, the inconspicuous rental car, and dying her hair brunette, not to mention switching license plates. She bought gas in every other state she traveled through but Arizona, that's why the 3rd can, so she could have enough gas not to have to stop.
It does make a huge difference in California, now that we're off Daylight Savings Time, in Dec. it gets dark at 4:00. It sucks! Would rather stay on it and just lose the hour's sleep.

And several hours north of SF Bay area ... in Seattle? PDT means 10:00 pm sunsets. And absolutely NOTHING can "save" us from the perpetual dusk of December. Except Christmas lights!!! Yay Christmas lights :)

Back on topic: IMO, Juan is using computer activity on both 6/4/2008, at 1:47 pm (MST) and 6/10/2008, at 9:27 am time (MST) to prove that BN "misspoke" when he said the computer activities/overwrites at those times HAD TO BE user-initiated. (Our own WS researchers have shown BN "misspoke.") On 6-4, TA and JA were bumping uglies and taking pictures. On 6-10, the search warrant had not yet been served.

Proving that, Juan can then show the "*advertiser censored* hits" were not user-initiated ... and neither were the modifications that happened when the TA's laptop was fired up in 2009 during the DT review.

I think. But I dunno.
OT but my favorite Christmas song use to be "Silent Night". Jodi Arias has ruined that for me; now I can't hear it without thinking about Jodi's Prison Idol debut. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:tantrum:
OT but my favorite Christmas song use to be "Silent Night". Jodi Arias has ruined that for me; now I can't hear it without thinking about Jodi's Prison Idol debut. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:tantrum:

That's a lot of power you've given to her, where someone you've never met and only know about because of following their murder trial in the media, can ruin a classic Xmas song you truly enjoy, something which dozens of professional singers have recorded over many decades.

OT but my favorite Christmas song use to be "Silent Night". Jodi Arias has ruined that for me; now I can't hear it without thinking about Jodi's Prison Idol debut. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:tantrum:
I've renamed it "Wholy Night", no offense to anyone religious.
The recorded phone call transcribed above between Arias and Lisa Schilling struck me as so, so funny. Two people trying to con each other. Each one being cagey and neither one of them asking pointed questions or giving firm answers. The other thing that Arias let slip in that call was that funds from her trust would be used for her family to attend trial.
While in jail, Arias has attracted a following. Most of her supporters popped up during the trial or post verdict. She had a big falling out with Donavan, who still supports her. Likewise, her estrangement with her family has not been repaired, even though her mother attends trial daily. Aunt Sue commented this summer about it taking her 6 years to rebuild her relationship with CMJA, but this hit a big wall last year when CMJA tweeted about her parents and aunt filing for bankruptcy. With her new followers, she plays them off each other, telling one person one thing and another something different. When notes are compared, people understand that she really is a manipulator.

This is in keeping with the portrait that Martinez drew in court of her. If anything, I think she has become more manipulative, because she has never had this kind of attention from so many people who are willing to believe her and follow her bidding.

BBM - 1st bold - I wondered about that but she was talking about parents travel funds in relation to her art sales. Do those funds go to her "appellate fund" or does anyone know? She stated the "appellate fund" was designated and couldn't be used for trips & ice cream parties and frivoloties. (or is that just for anyone who is not in her family?)

2nd bold - I agree - her trials are her only moments of fame. Who else has had their nether regions broadcast across a courtroom and nearly every media? She has had her limelight and is going to make sure it lasts as long as possible (otherwise she shrivels and dies). MOO
Your computer WILL show Arizona as a separate choice when you set the time. Hence this box:
View attachment 65287

It's been that way on every computer I've owned since 2000, and as I recall, on the computers at work from 1991+.

If you click the 'Change Time Zone' you'll see Arizona has a separate listing:

Arias is so overrated. Overrated as the "worst murderer ever" or any other title she's been handed along the way. She's just a common nobody, a sociopath. She shot to fame because we live in a world that streams news all the time, and news like murders happen to have an ever-hungry audience, and when an audience is fed gore + sex + murder it gets eaten up with requests for more!

Arias has been made to be much more important by people who obsess about her, far more than her relatively few supporters. She's been imbued with superhuman-like qualities by some, in what must be a game of who can scare themselves the worst, with her put in the part of boogeyman. She's not the first jealous stalker female to murder her unrequited love and she won't be the last, and she's not going to escape prison, ever, even if the jury doesn't sentence her to death.
She didn't sneak up on him in the shower. The pics were over a span of 9 minutes and per testimony the shower door was open the entire time. The "photo shoot" was her way of trapping him on three sides, naked and vulnerable. IMO she hid the knife in the bathroom and retrieved it when she had him turn his back in the shower.

It doesn't look open to me, note the water drops on the glass... I agree it's harder to tell with the other pics shown but my shower is quite similar if not virtually identical to TA's and the only time water hits the glass door is when it's bouncing off me, except for the bottom part of the door where it also splashes back up from the floor(where the face pic was taken), so for it's not conclusive for me that the door was open until you can see in these last two pics that it is.(pics from huffingtonpost)

Note: If you check where the walk-in closet door was, I would imagine someone could take pics, especially with a zoom, from the doorway that opens into the bathroom without being seen, especially for those pics where he's standing facing into the shower head and wall.



Nice story about the 2 New Year's Eves, Hatfield. Sounds like alot of fun!

I never thought Travis was expecting her that evening. I do believe she called him on the road to Utah, if you hear her discussion 6/25/08 with Flores she quoted Travis and alluded to him not sounding too thrilled about it. I think Travis, being the nice friendly "door always open" kind of guy he was, just said "ok" to be polite and to get a booty call. And why not, they are single, she is willing. She probably "guilted" him, not the other way around as per her discussion with Flores 6/25/08. They had sex "for old times sake", he wasn't changing his mind about taking Mimi to Cancun, CMJA pretended to leave, left, then pretended to forget something there knowing he was going to shower, she probably saw Travis' steamy bathroom window, went back in with some excuse, began taking pictures - I do not think Travis looked happy in any of those shower pics - and the attack began. She planned this, alright. Meant to get him in his most vulnerable position, naked and wet.

As for the murderess ' followers, they are an odd bunch. It appears many of them are European. Maybe they don't understand American law? I see them all as these weirdos sitting in some basement totally detached from reality. Although we do have SW, who appears to have a few issues of her own. I used to go to JAII site but stopped months ago due to the total lack of respect for the Alexander family, Travis or Juan. Their verbiage is terrible! I hope they never have a family member be slaughtered in cold blood as I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That group is very, very mean.

Her supporters truly believe CMJA killed Travis in self defense! If they had any brains to research murders, they would see that statistics prove this was overkill. Self defense is one blow, or one shot, and get the heck out of there. If it was self defense, why didn't the killer call the police? Her supporters lack common sense. Nada, zilch, none. I don't understand them.

Agree with all of that, not only do I think Travis let her know that he had not changed his mind about taking Mimi to Cancun, I also believe that CMJA went to a great deal of effort to convince him that she was "totally ok" with this. It wouldn't surprise me that she told him how happy it made her. I can just see her giving Travis her blessing and telling him she hopes he has a great time, etc. She's just here for one last "going away" ****. Obviously I have no proof of any of this, but I truly believe it as IMO, this is how her mind, and how she, works. Devious and deceptive to the end, not only because she's so steeped in her own arrogance, sense of entitlement and false pride, but more importantly as a contrived measure to completely throw Travis off guard, to elicit his trust, to give her the upper hand in fulfilling her deadly plans. :( Yet one more element to her premeditation. Oh the evil...
It doesn't look open to me, note the water drops on the glass... I agree it's harder to tell with the other pics shown but my shower is quite similar if not virtually identical to TA's and the only time water hits the glass door is when it's bouncing off me, except for the bottom part of the door where it also splashes back up from the floor(where the face pic was taken), so for it's not conclusive for me that the door was open until you can see in these last two pics that it is.(pics from huffingtonpost)

Testimony by camera experts on prosecution and defense agree all pics taken with shower door open
OT but my favorite Christmas song use to be "Silent Night". Jodi Arias has ruined that for me; now I can't hear it without thinking about Jodi's Prison Idol debut. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:tantrum:

Didn't she sing "O Holy Night" ? .
It doesn't look open to me, note the water drops on the glass... I agree it's harder to tell with the other pics shown but my shower is quite similar if not virtually identical to TA's and the only time water hits the glass door is when it's bouncing off me, except for the bottom part of the door where it also splashes back up from the floor(where the face pic was taken), so for it's not conclusive for me that the door was open until you can see in these last two pics that it is.(pics from huffingtonpost)

Note: If you check where the walk-in closet door was, I would imagine someone could take pics, especially with a zoom, from the doorway that opens into the bathroom without being seen, especially for those pics where he's standing facing into the shower head and wall.




I've always thought that shower door was closed in that photo. And primarily the one where he has the surprised look on his face. As though he had just seen her at that moment.

ETA: there are drops of water that are obviously on the glass, that wouldn't show up on the tile. The door in the top photo looks closed, JMO.
The day has finished, several witnesses testifed (I lost track but 6 or so, maybe more),

mainly mitigation to his character and behavior (the warden, the bailiff on duty in the courtroom, a few others),

tomorrow there will be expert witnesses and the judge told the jury that when they do get the case they may be sequestered but he would give them a day's notice. I believe he told them to expect it to go into next week but I couldn't hear him very well, so that's the wrap for today.

:seeya: Thank You, geevee, for the update !

BBM: Ah, "mitigation to his character and behavior" : which is what we should be hearing in CMJA's case -- not a rehash of the trial and a rehash of the text messages, *advertiser censored*, etc. that has nothing to do with mitigation ...

Oh wait, CMJA has NO mitigating factors ... NONE !
I think the citizens of Arizona need to sue the hell out of the Defense Team.
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