Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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I love that idea. Here is another very helpful hint that I invented (lol) that works for me....

In the fall, when you are supposed to turn your clocks back on a Saturday night before you go to bed.
Dont do it that Saturday night. And dont do it when you first get up Sunday morning. Just go about your normal routine Sunday and whenever you feel you would like to get another "free hour" to the day, then just turn your clocks back at that time. LOL :)

It works wonders and makes you feel like you really got a free hour to do more on that day. It comes in handy. This past fall, I think I finally turned my clock back somewhere around 4 PM Sunday when the day was nearing its end. It felt great to get that hour back. LOL :)

Thanks to everyone for helping us understand a lot about these "ills".

I do have a question I have been wondering about.
Do people like Jodi (perhaps a bonafide sociopath?) hold grudges longer than normal people?

She had practically a week to come to her senses and realize it is a stupid idea to take her revenge out on Travis because she would probably get caught. But that week of time never fazed her, when most people would probably realize its a stupid idea to murder someone. But she held onto her grudge, and if anything, her rage got worse over time. So I wonder if holding grudges is a "trait" of people like Jodi?

Another case was similar with the NASA lady who drove non-stop for many hours with diapers to confront and try to kill the lady person in the love triangle. She also had ample time to come to her senses and if anything her rage got worse over time, so she held onto her grudge for a long time.
She too had been planning revenge for a long time it seems even before she traveled.
Um, yeah. Big time. Some psychopaths literally can hold onto a grudge for decades from what I've read.

Personally, the best way I have of explaining it goes like this. No one leaves a psychopath. They leave you. IF you do leave them (usually after a volatile, explosive, roller coaster of a relationship that may well have you bordering on insanity and/or suicide) then you gotta prepare for your own special, personalized hell. They can be extremely vindictive, cunning, dangerous, and of course, manipulative.

I'll share this with advance apologies both to the personal nature and length. When I left my ex...he had to file for divorce first. He asked for everything - including sole custody of our kids. He'd very often used the threat if I ever left, he'd take the kids. The court ordered mediation (despite evidence of long-term emotional abuse and him facing charges in relation to pulling a gun on me) and visitation (heart in throat). Within a week, he'd started stalking me online - creating fake profiles to friend me on social media (all my accounts were on lockdown to all but friends). He enlisted the help of our teenage nieces to cyber-spy. So, when I thought I was typing to my new friend, or posting a blog friends could see, he and my nieces were eating up my every word.

Then he begged me to take him back - offering me anything I could ask for - with tears, literally on his knees. I said 'Not a chance.' Then he got nasty. I'd go to the grocery store and come out to find his car in the parking lot. He'd stand across the road watching me. He'd call me dozens of times every day. He friended my online friends. He hacked into my email. He sent out a mass email telling every dark and dirty secret he'd learned about me in 10 years. To all my family and friends, my boss, and all my coworkers. He threatened to kill me. He threatened to kill the kids. He became homeless, quit his job, and moved in with his sister and her children.

He then attempted suicide in front of his 12 year old daughter. I cried foul to the court and visitation had to be supervised by his mother (the worst person for it because she's a lot like Jodi's mom). I moved and had my address sealed by the court. Finally, he was locked up for a year for that firearms violation and I could keep my kids safe. Bear in mind this was all in less than 2 months. While in jail, it came to light that he'd drugged and raped his 14 year old niece. He plead guilty and I requested court permission to relocate. He blocked my request actually asking for sole custody - from prison. ;) I kid you not. The court granted my request but required me to give him my address, email, and phone. For the first 5 years of me living here, he'd send me a birthday card every year, despite strict no contact on my part. One had a hand drawn rendition of my house in England - his mom had downloaded and printed an image from google earth at his request. She still believes his niece tempted him. Need I say more?

So, yes, they hold grudges and they seek to literally destroy anyone who has 'wronged' them. For just the past year, all has been silent - absolutely no communication - so fingers crossed he's moved on. Apologies for all this, I do hope it helps to understand what a relationship with Jodi may have been like.
I think most of us here have heard the 3 way phone call between JA and Lisa Schilling. Send her ALLLL the money. LOL It was hard for me to understand because JA talks so darn fast.
here it is

Transcript (Page 1 of 2)
Phone call from Jodi A. Arias (Phoenix, Arizona) to Elizabeth (Lisa) Ann Schilling (Louisville, Kentucky) Date/time Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 10:38 a.m. MST (Phoenix time)
Duration ~6 minutes

Jodi Lisa
Lisa Yes - hey Jodi
Jodi I thought you were at work. Hey, um— Lisa Well, I’m at lunch right now

Jodi Oh, okay. Who was it that told me? Oh, Maria [Del La Rosa], she said that, um, someone had told her that you had said online last night that I was supportive of the site and I don’t want to give people that impression because I can’t support the site right now as long as you guys are collecting money. Because it should be—

Lisa No we didn’t—

Jodi Huh?

Lisa No, we didn’t say you supported it. We said that you weren’t - not - you didn’t tell us to take it down which is what everyone else is saying.

Jodi Oh. Well, I don’t mind the site being there. But what I do mind is like that Jason is collecting money and that this corporation thing and that he’s promoting it as if something that I want - because I really don’t. I want the collection of money to stay within my family. And I think that if he really did support me he would just use all that traffic and energy and momentum that he’s building and just direct it toward the Appellate Fund, which is where it should be going to begin with. And remember when you and I were like first getting together with these ideas, it was more about how we can promote the Appellate Fund. But it seems like now it’s gone in a different direction. But, I just, that’s the only —

Lisa So if we collect money, are you saying that you don’t want it?

Jodi Yaah. No-no-no — I’m not saying that. I’m saying that I don’t want other people outside of my family to be accepting money on my behalf. Because it takes away from the fundraising that my family is trying to do for me, for one, and for two, with the Corporation, we don’t really know where that money is ultimately going to go, because it can go wherever the board members want it to go. And, as I told Jason, for example, if you guys vote to have an ice cream party with it, then you can. And he said that’s right. But with the Appellate Fund, it’s in the trust fund and irrevocable trust so you can’t have it go anywhere else. [unintelligible] trust it

Lisa Well, well — we’re not going to do that though.

Jodi Well, I know. But the point is that if you wanted to you could. If you want to reward your hard work with like a trip to Vegas you know, or something. If you [unintelligible] wanna or something—

Lisa No. I mean, but we’re not gonna do that though. And that’s why we have a board because, so, for that oversight.

Jodi Well, I know that’s true but I was just thinking if someone were on that for example and they everyone wants to vote to like going to cruise, for example. And then one persons like, “Hey that’s not right. This money is for Jodi’s appeals. And that’s not right.” And then people are mad and then people just have to vote that person off the board and then they can do what they want with money. That’s how it works. I’m not saying that’s going to happen but the problem that when people donate to a cause they believe in then, they wanna know where the moneys gonna go. But at this point they don’t know where it’s gonna go unless they donate to the trust. It can only go to there — to [unintelligle]

Lisa No but we have to [unintelligible] we, but we have to report our financials and where it’s going. So— Jodi Y ah.
Lisa Then I must be—

Jodi I haven’t [unintelligible] your bylaws but they’re, you know. I dunno — I just, I don’t feel, I don’t feel right with it. I don’t feel comfortable with it. I know you guys have worked really hard on it and I’m sorry it’s gotten this far, but—

Lisa So you don’t even want to look at the bylaws or — ?

Jodi Well, I don’t — really haven’t seen the bylaws. I, I honestly, I don’t want to be involved with it. Because I just feel it takes away from the efforts that my other friends and family have been trying to get the fund going to try to get me an attorney. Um, you know, I just—I feel like it’s taken away from that and that’s the problem. The other thing I’m uncomfortable with is that Jason has just done this without my consent. [unintelligible] “Hey you guys, Jodi’s not quite comfortable with this yet, but we’re trying to explain [unintelligible] to understand what’s going on and we’re doing [unintelligible]. [unintelligible] on there an lies. “Jodi supports us 100%.” And I haven’t. I’ve never said that. So the fact that he just lies about that makes me not trust him, you know? It’s like if you’re going to lie about that what else are you doing, you know? And then he registered the site in my name and I never said to register my name. And he puts Perryville’s physical address on there? That, that’s just, that could get me into some, I dunno, that could potentially cause problems for me. So I know he took that off, but still, you know, it’s just, I think it’s just the fact that—I really wanted to support Jason. He has a lot of talent and everything, but I can’t. He [unintelligible] slams Pandora, he slams Maria, he slams SJ, he slams Ben, he slams Maria De La Rosa. I’m like, what?

Lisa No, but they all slammed us first though!
Jodi I know, but, I never said [unintelligible]—
Lisa They called us thieves and liars and stealing before [unintelligible]

Jodi [unintelligible] Well I dunno so much about what happened between him and Pandora and Maria and everything but he, he straight up just said a whole bunch of like, he dragged out records on people and humiliated them and I just, I dunno, it’s just. And then my art, like he—he doesn’t care about me. He slammed my art because he doesn’t like SJ. Like he still, like he so blinded by his dislike for SJ that he will throw my art under the bus just to get to SJ. He doesn’t care if it affects me. And he doesn’t care if affects my family and you know, their ability to travel to my trial. So, I dunno know, it’s just. I don’t — Everything says don’t trust Jason. Like, why was he so intent about having control over the money when my aunt started to — he, he coerced my aunt into giving her the password to the Paypal, giving him the password to my Paypal, which is weird, like, no one else needed that just to put it on the web site. You just need the code. But he wanted to be, he wanted more than that. Like every time he’s asking for more and more and more. And now he’s—

Lisa No. Well, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. I’m— Yer just getting all the wrong information. He wanted the password because he [unintelligible] to put, like a banner in there so it would look professional and—

Jodi I know, well—

Lisa I mean, everybody’s just twistin’ everything up.

Jodi Well, the problem though is that I told him, I told him this directly on the phone, the problem with you having that email is that now you get the email notifications and you’re not supposed to be getting them. And [unintelligible]

Lisa Why though.

Jodi [unintelligible]

Lisa I know, but we fixed all that. We complied with everything you guys wanted. And then you still took it away. So, I mean, we got everything straight before you took the domain away. — — — Are you still there?

Transcript (Page 2 of 2)
Phone call from Jodi A. Arias (Phoenix, Arizona) to Elizabeth (Lisa) Ann Schilling (Louisville, Kentucky) Date/time Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 10:38 a.m. MST (Phoenix time)
Duration ~6 minutes
Cool! If I had my way, we'd all just get up with the sun and go to bed after the sun retires. DST is a drag.

Lol, I agree except I'm in reverse being mostly a night owl, the sun makes me sleepy.
Um, yeah. Big time. Some psychopaths literally can hold onto a grudge for decades from what I've read.

Personally, the best way I have of explaining it goes like this. No one leaves a psychopath. They leave you. IF you do leave them (usually after a volatile, explosive, roller coaster of a relationship that may well have you bordering on insanity and/or suicide) then you gotta prepare for your own special, personalized hell. They can be extremely vindictive, cunning, dangerous, and of course, manipulative.

I'll share this with advance apologies both to the personal nature and length. When I left my ex...he had to file for divorce first. He asked for everything - including sole custody of our kids. He'd very often used the threat if I ever left, he'd take the kids. The court ordered mediation (despite evidence of long-term emotional abuse and him facing charges in relation to pulling a gun on me) and visitation (heart in throat). Within a week, he'd started stalking me online - creating fake profiles to friend me on social media (all my accounts were on lockdown to all but friends). He enlisted the help of our teenage nieces to cyber-spy. So, when I thought I was typing to my new friend, or posting a blog friends could see, he and my nieces were eating up my every word.

Then he begged me to take him back - offering me anything I could ask for - with tears, literally on his knees. I said 'Not a chance.' Then he got nasty. I'd go to the grocery store and come out to find his car in the parking lot. He'd stand across the road watching me. He'd call me dozens of times every day. He friended my online friends. He hacked into my email. He sent out a mass email telling every dark and dirty secret he'd learned about me in 10 years. To all my family and friends, my boss, and all my coworkers. He threatened to kill me. He threatened to kill the kids. He became homeless, quit his job, and moved in with his sister and her children.

He then attempted suicide in front of his 12 year old daughter. I cried foul to the court and visitation had to be supervised by his mother (the worst person for it because she's a lot like Jodi's mom). I moved and had my address sealed by the court. Finally, he was locked up for a year for that firearms violation and I could keep my kids safe. Bear in mind this was all in less than 2 months. While in jail, it came to light that he'd drugged and raped his 14 year old niece. He plead guilty and I requested court permission to relocate. He blocked my request actually asking for sole custody - from prison. ;) I kid you not. The court granted my request but required me to give him my address, email, and phone. For the first 5 years of me living here, he'd send me a birthday card every year, despite strict no contact on my part. One had a hand drawn rendition of my house in England - his mom had downloaded and printed an image from google earth at his request. She still believes his niece tempted him. Need I say more?

So, yes, they hold grudges and they seek to literally destroy anyone who has 'wronged' them. For just the past year, all has been silent - absolutely no communication - so fingers crossed he's moved on. Apologies for all this, I do hope it helps to understand what a relationship with Jodi may have been like.

Thanks so much for helping to answer, as it helps to understand the complexities of what happened to Travis and other victims like him.

So sorry to hear all you had to go through. We too pray that you and your children will have safety and peace from now on.
I've been reading about the time zone problems XP had in 2007 with the change in DST. Caused a lot of havoc, time & timestamp wise back then. XP also had a problem that I'm reading now about remote access that came with XP back then pertaining to time & timestamps. Worthless to me, but interesting.

Juan is getting at something and that hour difference will drive me batty until I figure out what JA did & what Juan knows via his experts. ha ha! Probably nothing but it piqued my interest when he said it (per tweets...) except in June 2008, CA & AZ were both on the same time.

(it's more like I need to google my XP question better in order to get the answer I want)

And we just don't change our time out here except the Navajo Reservation does observes DST.
Here's the notation on the docket:

5/31/2012 MOT - Motion - Party (001)

And the Order denying the motion to allow the jury to consider polygraph results during sentencing phase:

Wish I could see how Nurmi worded his motion for this, still hard to tell if she ever took one, but I doubt it.

Well I'm certainly glad to see JSS ruled against it. That should only be relevant during the guilt phase imo.
A few random things:

Love the banquet photo. "Foods Jodi Will Never Eat Again." (Except maybe for her last meal...)

I think I saw a reference in the previous thread to the "pedo letters," in particular that they may be allowed in this time? Sorry, couldn't find the reference. If Jodi is so bound and determined to convince the world that she has proof Travis was a pedophile (which of course he wasn't), why doesn't her "proof" get her in trouble for failing to report a "known pedophile?" Nurmi keeps saying that murdering Travis was her first crime. Therefore she never committed the crime of failing to report a known pedophile. Yet she still keeps insisting she had proof Travis was a pedophile. I'm confused.

Regarding the letter to her fans... I couldn't bring myself to read it. The images alone have "nutjob" written all over them, if you'll pardon the pun. I know nothing about handwriting analysis, but here are some impressions: The minute, precise letters make me think of someone who is either in complete control of her emotions or who has none to begin with. The length of the letter makes me think she's writing about a topic that is not only extremely important to her, but which she believes is equally important to others. (In this case: herself.) She could get her point across with far fewer words, but she just doesn't want to. She loves to hear herself speak and she loves to read her own writing. Both are ways she uses to manipulate other people. Some people fall for it, some see it for the game it is. She even wanted to start a "rough draft" of a letter to Travis' family during her interrogation. (I wonder what lies she wanted to tell them at that point.)

Something I find particularly creepy about the letters is this: no mistakes, no crossed out words. She must have written and rewritten over and over (and over and over) till she knew exactly what she wanted to say and how she wanted to say it, and then she must have been extremely focussed when she copied out her final draft. Nothing spontaneous. At all. Same for the 11 (?) page letter she wrote to the judge about dumping Nurmi. Same for the letter to Travis' grandmother, no doubt. Same for her "Manifesto" probably. I didn't look at the images carefully enough to form an opinion as to whether or not the letter was written in one sitting, but jeeze, my hand hurts just thinking about it.

I'm just an old broad covered in cat hair, so what do I know.... but this looks to me like a seriously compulsive narcissist who wants to be in complete control of what other people think of her, maybe because she knows her "true self" is repugnant.

There are some mental conditions which lead a person to write compulsively, as well as some neurological conditions and types of brain damage. Hypergraphia, graphomania, logorrhea, etc,. but I don't think Jodi has a mental or neurological disease, nor do I think she ever incurred any brain damage from getting knocked into furniture by her father or bounced off the floor by Travis. She just can't get enough of herself and, I believe, assumes the same is true for the rest of the world. Please can this trial END so that she'll finally be out of the spotlight?

JA compared herself to Einstein, but I think Hitler is more apropos.
Anything happening tomorrow in Killer land ?
Good morning! I can't contribute to the computer forensics, I've spent too long reading to have a coherent opinion about the disconnected defense case. One thing, though, that is extremely clear to the jurors: 7 days straight for the prosecution to summarize the case, 7 days over weeks for the DTto get its act together. While it shouldn't count against JA, I'm wondering what the jurors think about all this delay and how it reflects badly on the defendant.

In the meantime, I hope the jurors are using this off-time to earn some money if they're not paid by their employers during jury duty. They can catch up on their work loads and spend time doing Christmas things with their families during the delay.

I also hope desperately that these untoward delays stiffen their resolve to stick with the case.

How true! What a terrible time to have their income cut. I hope none of their Christmases are impacted.
Nice story about the 2 New Year's Eves, Hatfield. Sounds like alot of fun!

I never thought Travis was expecting her that evening. I do believe she called him on the road to Utah, if you hear her discussion 6/25/08 with Flores she quoted Travis and alluded to him not sounding too thrilled about it. I think Travis, being the nice friendly "door always open" kind of guy he was, just said "ok" to be polite and to get a booty call. And why not, they are single, she is willing. She probably "guilted" him, not the other way around as per her discussion with Flores 6/25/08. They had sex "for old times sake", he wasn't changing his mind about taking Mimi to Cancun, CMJA pretended to leave, left, then pretended to forget something there knowing he was going to shower, she probably saw Travis' steamy bathroom window, went back in with some excuse, began taking pictures - I do not think Travis looked happy in any of those shower pics - and the attack began. She planned this, alright. Meant to get him in his most vulnerable position, naked and wet.

As for the murderess ' followers, they are an odd bunch. It appears many of them are European. Maybe they don't understand American law? I see them all as these weirdos sitting in some basement totally detached from reality. Although we do have SW, who appears to have a few issues of her own. I used to go to JAII site but stopped months ago due to the total lack of respect for the Alexander family, Travis or Juan. Their verbiage is terrible! I hope they never have a family member be slaughtered in cold blood as I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That group is very, very mean.

Her supporters truly believe CMJA killed Travis in self defense! If they had any brains to research murders, they would see that statistics prove this was overkill. Self defense is one blow, or one shot, and get the heck out of there. If it was self defense, why didn't the killer call the police? Her supporters lack common sense. Nada, zilch, none. I don't understand them.
You mean the one that was found in the office? Wasn't the office downstairs and wasn't there testimony to the effect that TA had been up all night for some reason and after the call at 12:30pm or thereabouts was believed to have had a nap before he had to be up for something else later that day/evening(was it a church thing?)?

Imo, JA got there early, parked down the street, did her ninja thing into the garage or perhaps the doggy door and spent most of the day either in the garage where she reportedly still had some boxes of her stuff(household stuff from when she lived with DB, knives and books and such iirc) and then once TA had gone for his nap spent some time messing with the pc, perhaps saving pics she wanted to keep, mailing herself copies of documents, deleting stuff that might incriminate her, watched a couple of videos, activated some *advertiser censored* site viruses/cookies, stole the cash for his trip... left a new check(probably grabbed the bounced one), etc.

Once she heard TA get up and start the shower, it was a matter of moments before she could have got up into his bedroom(if she hadn't already been hiding in his closet by then), grabbed his brand new camera and starting taking her zoomed in night sight pics of him in the shower(like she had in the past of DB). He saw the flash, reacted and quickly sat down to cover himself as she came closer to take the face shot and then he may have pushed the door open to try and grab the camera but JA was ready.... I still believe all the pics except the shower ones are from another time because I just can't believe after all the words between them less than a week before, that TA would let her back into his life knowingly, let alone willingly.

She didn't sneak up on him in the shower. The pics were over a span of 9 minutes and per testimony the shower door was open the entire time. The "photo shoot" was her way of trapping him on three sides, naked and vulnerable. IMO she hid the knife in the bathroom and retrieved it when she had him turn his back in the shower.
The recorded phone call transcribed above between Arias and Lisa Schilling struck me as so, so funny. Two people trying to con each other. Each one being cagey and neither one of them asking pointed questions or giving firm answers. The other thing that Arias let slip in that call was that funds from her trust would be used for her family to attend trial.

While in jail, Arias has attracted a following. Most of her supporters popped up during the trial or post verdict. She had a big falling out with Donavan, who still supports her. Likewise, her estrangement with her family has not been repaired, even though her mother attends trial daily. Aunt Sue commented this summer about it taking her 6 years to rebuild her relationship with CMJA, but this hit a big wall last year when CMJA tweeted about her parents and aunt filing for bankruptcy. With her new followers, she plays them off each other, telling one person one thing and another something different. When notes are compared, people understand that she really is a manipulator.

This is in keeping with the portrait that Martinez drew in court of her. If anything, I think she has become more manipulative, because she has never had this kind of attention from so many people who are willing to believe her and follow her bidding.
I remember a particular letter she wrote, I don't remember to whom, but it was regarding a gathering about Travis, possibly his funeral or memorial, although she attended his memorial so I don't think it was that, but it was about the scuttlebutt in the community about her possible involvement in Travis' death. To paraphrase:

"It has come to my attention that rumors are circulating about my possible involvement in Travis' death. I request that any discussions of this matter to please include, in the interest of fairness, the fact that one is to be considered innocent until proven guilty."

It's nuts, and shows the level of control she sought to impose, and the primary importance to her of her image, how she was perceived. Her social life had no depth. Her appearance to others was the beginning and the end of reality to her in terms of social interaction. What she actually did didn't matter, as long as she got away with it and it didn't tarnish her image, it was fine.

Does anyone remember that letter, who it was sent to and when?
It was sent to someone (Chris Hughes?) at Prepaid Legal after Travis was killed. She didn't want anyone at PPL discussing her guilt, because ya' know, that might taint her Mormon target pool.
Personally, I believe she told him on that fight on 5/26 she was going to tell mimi about their sexual trysts and told him about the phone recordings. On the way there to murder him, I believe she told him she was wrong, made a mistake but to show him she wants ti give him the recordings and pictures. I believe that's how she got in that fateful night, was under the guise of coming clean and giving him the blackmail evidence.

ETA: I think this is what she is saying when she talks about ta and herself trying to look on the computer but there was a virus on the PC. therev are half truths to cmjas lies I do believe this happened but I believe she handed over a virus on cd telling him it was the blackmail.
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