Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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I'm reposting my lil pix of trial testimony days for y'all. The days in blue are the ones that the jury actually got to hear some testimony. Not necessarily all day, mind you, but something is better than nothing. :blushing:

That CMJA letter was so manipulative. Even her handwriting is controlled, small, and looks like she's pressing hard on the paper, as if to grab the reader by the face and force them to believe her words, listen to her words- yet small to not throw so much unneeded attention to put off everyone. It and she attracts a certain kind of person, and that's why she needs to be isolated. She's dangerous to society and humanity over all.
Got this from J4J site:

" Ruling on motion for jury to consider Jodi’s polygraph results – 2012*(denied)"

This is under the sealed motions section.
That CMJA letter was so manipulative. Even her handwriting is controlled, small, and looks like she's pressing hard on the paper, as if to grab the reader by the face and force them to believe her words, listen to her words- yet small to not throw so much unneeded attention to put off everyone. It and she attracts a certain kind of person, and that's why she needs to be isolated. She's dangerous to society and humanity over all.

Interesting that you should point out her handwriting.

I agree that it is very controlled. I also reflect back on what Dr. DeMarte said- it's immature. There is something flowery in her penmanship that makes me think of someone much younger than a 34 year old woman.
Where can I find this letter to the 'VIP supporters'? No amount of googling is helping. TIA
It seems like its big deal over the comment Juan made to Jennifer Wilmott saying he would kill himself if he were married to her.
Clearly, he was kidding.
Thanks for reposting, geevee. I've spent far too much time looking at the situation of JA and her fans, but from what I've seen, there aren't many. She thinks there are far more than actually exist, and she has wasted a lot of time nurturing a situation that is in fact fictional for the most part. She thinks she has a mini-empire, but she does not. Just think of it: She is (somewhat) locked down in the county jail and the only thing she has to dream about is walking out of there--hence the emphasis on appeals. It's pathetic. I don't even think Perryville is on her radar. Consider the constant importance of delays. I also think that this delusional relationship with her fans has caused real problems for her attorneys but that her attorneys are now bending to her delusions somewhat to get the trial over with while still earning their keep. So the delays earn more money for her attorneys and feed her delusion at the same time.

She really doesn't know what's going on. She directs this relative handful of fans to " on Facebook." If someone searches for "justice4jodi" on Facebook s/he will be directed to a Facebook page run by the very same people she is trying to steer her fans away from! :floorlaugh: So she really has no idea what is going on. Again, such pathos.

I agree that there should be a law against it, but rest assured that what she thinks she is doing is not working at all. She is cut off enough there (still in the county jail) so that communication is limited and confusing.

Oh My Goodness! LOL

Why bother with such a diatribe to her followers? That site has all of 293 "likes". There isn't a pet RAT on Facebook that can't equal that number. PfffTTTTTTT

Jodi needs to turn in her little golf pencil, let Maria go back to whatever she used to do and for heaven's sake step away from the pruno.

I find it hilarious that JA thinks that just because there is no money in her account, someone must have fraudulently used it, LOL!

Couldn't be because they think she's a cold blooded murderer!

BBM: :hilarious:

Wait, got it figured out: the 2 Ninja's must drained her :jail: account ... oh wait, it was the Starbucks skateboarders !

CMJA is so FOS :gaah: !

Reposting from previous thread for janx :)

Just read JA's letter to her 'VIP supporters', it seems like in a nutshell the only people she trusts are those who send her money, everyone else gets bashed. It's *all* about the money. My only question is, what will these supporters get in return - ever? She is very big on taking - their heartfelt support, money, kind words, donations, books, cash, whatever, but does she give anything in return except softsoap so they'll continue to keep her in candybars and funds labelled for appeal? Teeny tiny-script postcards full of the subcontext of 'Just send me dough? I'm embarrassed that fellow human beings support her in any fashion, how gullible can people be? I still find it hard to fathom that she can run this mini-empire from behind bars, there really should be a law against it.

I think her donations are decreasing and needs to blame someone for the decline in funds. I don't think Jason W. or Lisa S. have any donations going their way.:clap::boohoo:
I have a feeling when she takes the stand it will be different then last time.

What are the chances she came out of the fog, and actually will tell her version of what happened in that bedroom/bathroom on June 4, 2008?

:seeya: Hi Elle,

BBM: Zero % chance of her telling the truth IMO ... every time CMJA's lips move, she's lying !

Also IMO, she will never ever show any remorse for what she did ... and IF she tried to, I still would not believe her ... she is a serial :liar: !
Got this from J4J site:

" Ruling on motion for jury to consider Jodi’s polygraph results – 2012*(denied)"

This is under the sealed motions section.

Polygraph tests are notoriously inadmissible because sociopaths are calm under pressure, don't get nervous, thus no raised blood pressure when lying, and they believe their own lies so they tend to pass them. They aren't reliable.
It seems like its big deal over the comment Juan made to Jennifer Wilmott saying he would kill himself if he were married to her.
Clearly, he was kidding.

There's truth in humor, lol.

But yeah, she's never gotten over that and his comment that she should go back to law school.
So. I'm totally off-topic with everyone right now. BUT .. I’m still goofin’ around looking for updates that could have been automatically downloaded on 6/10/2008 … and subsequently installed when TA’s computer was fired up on 6/19/2009.

1) The Microsoft updates for Patch Tuesday on 6/10/2008 are obvious culprits.
My research shows, however, that Patch Tuesday updates generally begin to feed Automatic Updates at (about) 10 am Pacific (whether Standard or Daylight). The changes to TA’s computer happened at 9:27 am MST (also 9:27 PDT). Too early. Maybe.

But … There WERE fixes in the Patch that only applied to Internet Explorer (not strictly Windows).

At the time (2008), releasing the IE patch WITH the Windows patches was a little unusual, since automatic updates for other Microsoft “programs” {Word/Access/etc.} were initiated (in 2008) by a separate auto-update routine/system.

I haven’t discovered if the IE (Internet Explorer) patches “pushed” through the (Windows) Automatic Update system earlier than the other patches issued on 6/10/2008.

Patch Tuesday occurs on the second, and sometimes fourth, Tuesday of each month in North America. As far as the integrated Windows Update (WU) function is concerned, Patch Tuesday begins at 18:00 or 17:00 UTC (10:00 PST (UTC−8) or 10:00 PDT (UTC−7)).[4] The updates show up in Download Center before they are added to WU, and the KB articles and the Technet bulletin get unlocked even earlier.

2) Other updates available via Auto Updates on 6-10-2008: Quicktime

The Quicktime 7.5 for Windows update was issued June 10, 2008 @ 22.67 MB. I don’t know how Quicktime updates; but if it “retracts” then “installs” … 50 MB (as the DT claims were changed/re-written) ain’t no big deal.

I can’t find specific iTunes updates that might have downloaded on 6/10/2008 or 6/18/2009. Here’s a list of upgrades (not patches)

In 2008, however, iTunes had multiple “upgrades” … (I need to link to user forums to substantiate this) … iTune users were complaining all over h#ll about the unending cascade of iTune “patches.”
Got this from J4J site:

" Ruling on motion for jury to consider Jodi’s polygraph results – 2012*(denied)"

This is under the sealed motions section.

That's really interesting. It has to be a defense motion because her polygraphs were probably indicative of innocence. Psychopaths can pass polygraphs because they have no capacity for remorse. So it would be interesting to see if that's what's going on here.
Got this from J4J site:

" Ruling on motion for jury to consider Jodi’s polygraph results – 2012*(denied)"

This is under the sealed motions section.

Did she ever actually take a polygraph examination? I recall seing on the docket the entry to allow her to leave jail to have her eyes checked/get glasses and I recall reading minute entries (at least one) referring to the polygraph issue but I don't remember if she ever took one, do you know, Elle? (or anyone else).
From the last thread, this bears repeating:
Rose222 said:
Even if, hypothetically speaking, Arias had stabbed, shot and cut the throat of a real pedophile it would still be premeditated murder. She would have been able to use the pedophilia evidence in the penalty phase but stabbing someone 27 times, almost decapitating him and then shooting him = premeditated murder. First-degree doesn't magically change to second-degree or less simply because the deceased happened to be a pedophile. It is first-degree murder, period.

In this case, she murdered a decent man and there is ZERO evidence of pedophilia so there is no issue at all. As for wanting to tell the jury that Travis watched *advertiser censored*...I could laugh at the irrelevancy of that titbit. They can holler all day about *advertiser censored* but they will end up looking like fools.
Did she ever actually take a polygraph examination? I recall seing on the docket the entry to allow her to leave jail to have her eyes checked/get glasses and I recall reading minute entries (at least one) referring to the polygraph issue but I don't remember if she ever took one, do you know, Elle? (or anyone else).
It appears there is motion for it, and it was denied. You can Google it. Sorry :( I can't attach it on Tapatalk.
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