Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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It appears there is motion for it, and it was denied. You can Google it. Sorry :( I can't attach it on Tapatalk.

Here's the notation on the docket:

5/31/2012 MOT - Motion - Party (001)

And the Order denying the motion to allow the jury to consider polygraph results during sentencing phase:

Wish I could see how Nurmi worded his motion for this, still hard to tell if she ever took one, but I doubt it.
I also just read that Arizona is one state where polygraph tests can be allowed only if both parties stipulate to them being admitted. Juan probbaly did not agree to have them admitted so that's a DENIED.

JM did file a response to the motion on 6/12/12 but I don't know if that's ever been released, would love to read that too.
I'm reposting my lil pix of trial testimony days for y'all. The days in blue are the ones that the jury actually got to hear some testimony. Not necessarily all day, mind you, but something is better than nothing. :blushing:

View attachment 65222
I'd love to see those blue sqares reduced to actual testimony, they would be very slim
Here's the notation on the docket:

5/31/2012 MOT - Motion - Party (001)

And the Order denying the motion to allow the jury to consider polygraph results during sentencing phase:

Wish I could see how Nurmi worded his motion for this, still hard to tell if she ever took one, but I doubt it.

Yeah, and Juan would have DeMarte up there in a nano second telling the jury that sociopaths can pass a lie dectector.
I wouldn't be surprised to see polygraph tests entered...everything else about this trial has been crazy.
Thanks janx (hey, that rhymes lol), I don't think Perryville is on her radar either, it occurred to me some time ago that Nurmi promised her two things, stalling her entry into Perryville for as long as humanly possible, and doing everything in his power (sane and otherwise) to keep her off death row. The first one he's accomplished, the next is seeming more likely, the longer the stalling and delaying the better chance of a mistrial or some issue coming up that the CoA finds reason to give her another sentencing or (god forbid) another trial.

Once at Perryville though she will have much less opportunity to hold sway with her mass of minions (as she sees it), I don't think there are as many as she does either but that any human being could see what she did to Travis and think she deserves a dime or a moment of support is so far beyond me.

I noticed in her plea to VIPs she said LS also kicked her off the J4J FB page, how does she have a login? Or is that as imaginary as her huge throng?

She wants her supporters to keep the money flowing once she's in Perryville. She needs funds for a fan (115 degrees) and a TV.

I read a book, Slumber Party From Hell, by a lady who did 7 years in Perryville. She considered her pre trial and trial period at Estrella Jail a much worse environment. Much louder and very volatile place.
She was a medium to minimum security inmate in Perryville and had access to programs, visitation and work. She also had cancer and went through chemo and radiation while in custody. Brutal
I wouldn't be surprised to see polygraph tests entered...everything else about this trial has been crazy.

A few random things:

Love the banquet photo. "Foods Jodi Will Never Eat Again." (Except maybe for her last meal...)

I think I saw a reference in the previous thread to the "pedo letters," in particular that they may be allowed in this time? Sorry, couldn't find the reference. If Jodi is so bound and determined to convince the world that she has proof Travis was a pedophile (which of course he wasn't), why doesn't her "proof" get her in trouble for failing to report a "known pedophile?" Nurmi keeps saying that murdering Travis was her first crime. Therefore she never committed the crime of failing to report a known pedophile. Yet she still keeps insisting she had proof Travis was a pedophile. I'm confused.

Regarding the letter to her fans... I couldn't bring myself to read it. The images alone have "nutjob" written all over them, if you'll pardon the pun. I know nothing about handwriting analysis, but here are some impressions: The minute, precise letters make me think of someone who is either in complete control of her emotions or who has none to begin with. The length of the letter makes me think she's writing about a topic that is not only extremely important to her, but which she believes is equally important to others. (In this case: herself.) She could get her point across with far fewer words, but she just doesn't want to. She loves to hear herself speak and she loves to read her own writing. Both are ways she uses to manipulate other people. Some people fall for it, some see it for the game it is. She even wanted to start a "rough draft" of a letter to Travis' family during her interrogation. (I wonder what lies she wanted to tell them at that point.)

Something I find particularly creepy about the letters is this: no mistakes, no crossed out words. She must have written and rewritten over and over (and over and over) till she knew exactly what she wanted to say and how she wanted to say it, and then she must have been extremely focussed when she copied out her final draft. Nothing spontaneous. At all. Same for the 11 (?) page letter she wrote to the judge about dumping Nurmi. Same for the letter to Travis' grandmother, no doubt. Same for her "Manifesto" probably. I didn't look at the images carefully enough to form an opinion as to whether or not the letter was written in one sitting, but jeeze, my hand hurts just thinking about it.

I'm just an old broad covered in cat hair, so what do I know.... but this looks to me like a seriously compulsive narcissist who wants to be in complete control of what other people think of her, maybe because she knows her "true self" is repugnant.

There are some mental conditions which lead a person to write compulsively, as well as some neurological conditions and types of brain damage. Hypergraphia, graphomania, logorrhea, etc,. but I don't think Jodi has a mental or neurological disease, nor do I think she ever incurred any brain damage from getting knocked into furniture by her father or bounced off the floor by Travis. She just can't get enough of herself and, I believe, assumes the same is true for the rest of the world. Please can this trial END so that she'll finally be out of the spotlight?
Just remember that a "full" day includes:
- Starting late because JSS is 'on other cases'.
- Automatic sidebar once they do get going.
- Two hours for lunch and breaks.
- Various time wasted on sidebars, etc.

I'm not even sure a full day adds up 4 hours of actual testimony - probably more like 3 to 3-1/2.

And then they hold a status conference to see where they are in the case...ahh, nowhere?? Yup, needed to miss a day of trial for that.
So Maria is social secretary, and then charging state for her time???

So far I don't see anything else she is doing.

But but but... isn't she also a courier, or a smuggler.. or something like that.:shush:
So Maria is social secretary, and then charging state for her time???

So far I don't see anything else she is doing.

Doesn't parading around the courtroom in clothes she has no business wearing count? How about lipstick model? Professional gum smacker? Official passer of documents between the killer and her mother when it's clearly against the rules?
Just love the "come back to the fold" and "VIP" references. So this is what she does in her "free" time? Or does she do this sitting at the defense table?
Has it ever been about anyone but JA??

I'm assuming this is what she does at the defense table, when she isn't plugging her ears during the playing of the sex tape and the covering of her eyes during the sex/autopsy photos.
And then they hold a status conference to see where they are in the case...ahh, nowhere?? Yup, needed to miss a day of trial for that.

All in a days work for big Ole Kurt. Sent in a bill for an hour of commute each way, plus his time in court that morning. 3x$250=$750. Ka-Ching.
I'm assuming this is what she does at the defense table, when she isn't plugging her ears during the playing of the sex tape and the covering of her eyes during the sex/autopsy photos.

Yet according to some of the info from her time spent with the Sheriff, she was caught with something like 19 unauthorized pics in her cell(it was said they were thought to be the autopsy pics).
A few random things:

Love the banquet photo. "Foods Jodi Will Never Eat Again." (Except maybe for her last meal...)

I think I saw a reference in the previous thread to the "pedo letters," in particular that they may be allowed in this time? Sorry, couldn't find the reference. If Jodi is so bound and determined to convince the world that she has proof Travis was a pedophile (which of course he wasn't), why doesn't her "proof" get her in trouble for failing to report a "known pedophile?" Nurmi keeps saying that murdering Travis was her first crime. Therefore she never committed the crime of failing to report a known pedophile. Yet she still keeps insisting she had proof Travis was a pedophile. I'm confused.

Regarding the letter to her fans... I couldn't bring myself to read it. The images alone have "nutjob" written all over them, if you'll pardon the pun. I know nothing about handwriting analysis, but here are some impressions: The minute, precise letters make me think of someone who is either in complete control of her emotions or who has none to begin with. The length of the letter makes me think she's writing about a topic that is not only extremely important to her, but which she believes is equally important to others. (In this case: herself.) She could get her point across with far fewer words, but she just doesn't want to. She loves to hear herself speak and she loves to read her own writing. Both are ways she uses to manipulate other people. Some people fall for it, some see it for the game it is. She even wanted to start a "rough draft" of a letter to Travis' family during her interrogation. (I wonder what lies she wanted to tell them at that point.)

Something I find particularly creepy about the letters is this: no mistakes, no crossed out words. She must have written and rewritten over and over (and over and over) till she knew exactly what she wanted to say and how she wanted to say it, and then she must have been extremely focussed when she copied out her final draft. Nothing spontaneous. At all. Same for the 11 (?) page letter she wrote to the judge about dumping Nurmi. Same for the letter to Travis' grandmother, no doubt. Same for her "Manifesto" probably. I didn't look at the images carefully enough to form an opinion as to whether or not the letter was written in one sitting, but jeeze, my hand hurts just thinking about it.

I'm just an old broad covered in cat hair, so what do I know.... but this looks to me like a seriously compulsive narcissist who wants to be in complete control of what other people think of her, maybe because she knows her "true self" is repugnant.

There are some mental conditions which lead a person to write compulsively, as well as some neurological conditions and types of brain damage. Hypergraphia, graphomania, logorrhea, etc,. but I don't think Jodi has a mental or neurological disease, nor do I think she ever incurred any brain damage from getting knocked into furniture by her father or bounced off the floor by Travis. She just can't get enough of herself and, I believe, assumes the same is true for the rest of the world. Please can this trial END so that she'll finally be out of the spotlight?

Good point! (And a high-five to an old broad covered in cat hair from another old broad covered in cat and dog hair!)
Do the VIP fans get special perks? Personalized poems in Jodi's not-the-least-bit-unique, uncreative, immature style? VIP rubber bracelets? Maybe just the warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from knowing they contributed a certain dollar amount towards overturning Jodi's wrongful conviction? As opposed to her non-important supporters? The disgustng just keeps on coming.
Do the VIP fans get special perks? Personalized poems in Jodi's not-the-least-bit-unique, uncreative, immature style? VIP rubber bracelets? Maybe just the warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from knowing they contributed a certain dollar amount towards overturning Jodi's wrongful conviction? As opposed to her non-important supporters? The disgustng just keeps on coming.

Oh the chuckles! Thanks T-4-2.
Do the VIP fans get special perks? Personalized poems in Jodi's not-the-least-bit-unique, uncreative, immature style? VIP rubber bracelets? Maybe just the warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from knowing they contributed a certain dollar amount towards overturning Jodi's wrongful conviction? As opposed to her non-important supporters? The disgustng just keeps on coming.

Eventually a lot of them will get remorse after thinking about it. JMO
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