Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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Eventually a lot of them will get remorse after thinking about it. JMO

Really? I don't know because I don't understand her supporters. I really don't. Upthread geevee used the word "gulllible" to describe them. But I think the word "gullible" isn't accurate, and no criticism of geevee there. I think we lack a vocabulary to describe the already convicted murderer and our responses to this crazy trial.
Isn't there about 50 members of her super secret group? Probably half of them family and mitigation specialist? And we're to believe she raised $40,000? Seems highly unlikely.

Speaking of this appeal fund and all these appeal issues that they seem to be digging for, I don't think KN and JW are going to be jumping on board for any appeal she might manage in the future so why are they bothering with this stuff now other than to line their pockets and try to "win" by mistrial? Where are the ethics from these two?

And then they hold a status conference to see where they are in the case...ahh, nowhere?? Yup, needed to miss a day of trial for that.

That one is the fault of the non-existent mitigation witnesses who refuse to communicate with Mr. Nurmi, sign affidavits, or testify in public.
Good point! (And a high-five to an old broad covered in cat hair from another old broad covered in cat and dog hair!)

Same here, except also opossum scent, monitor scent, sardine scent, etc. Guaranteed cat and dog hair from "happy to see you" pets! ha! Can only check in here when I get 2 minutes...but love it here, and all the WS'rs. :)
Really? I don't know because I don't understand her supporters. I really don't. Upthread geevee used the word "gulllible" to describe them. But I think the word "gullible" isn't accurate, and no criticism of geevee there. I think we lack a vocabulary to describe the already convicted murderer and our responses to this crazy trial.

"Potential Glommers?" PERTAINING TO HER DIE HARD FOLLOWERS - NOT WS'ERS!!! (Sorry, Old School, here) Sorry, I was a young adult when the Charles Manson crap was on the tv every night!
Thanks to everyone who posted for sharing your insights and perspectives.
Really? I don't know because I don't understand her supporters. I really don't. Upthread geevee used the word "gulllible" to describe them. But I think the word "gullible" isn't accurate, and no criticism of geevee there. I think we lack a vocabulary to describe the already convicted murderer and our responses to this crazy trial.
If I may, some likely are gullible (or, if one prefers, compassionate to the point of precluding common sense). There are many in this world who won't, or can't, believe someone like Jodi could be capable of killing Travis. Society struggles to cope, at times, with the evidence that women can sometimes be far more violent and brutal than men. The evidence for this is vast in lesser sentences, acquittals, no charges filed, convictions only on lesser offenses, etc. in like for like crimes.

Others will support her out of a 'greater good', like a stance against the death penalty. Such an emotive topic, in such a high profile case, is going to draw people who feel they can use Jodi's case as an example or springboard to promote their views.

Some will support Jodi because they see themselves in her. There are plenty of abuse survivors I've met over the years that see a victim everywhere they look. Her 'story' will resonate with some. To these, even if she killed Travis, they're able to justify it. There are survivors out there still in victim mode themselves - who go from abusive relationship to abusive relationship, not necessarily realizing it when the abuse or abuser take other forms - these people are going to be highly susceptible to manipulation and gaslighting.

Others will support her simply because there may be a pay day at the end of this. An exclusive letter from Arias; an autographed sketch, details from the 'inside' in a tell all book; magazine exclusives on what she had for dinner Tuesday and how long they're allowed showers and phone calls.

All types of people, from every swath of society, are going to support her for all sorts of reasons. Some may one day feel used, or manipulated; others will remain fervent she should not be held accountable to the highest degree one can; and many, I suspect, will simply move on as their personal lives come into focus and this case fades from the headlines.

It's fascinating reading Jodi's diatribe and gives lots of insights. Only the sort of person who'd plan and make a round trip of ~2,500 miles on practically no sleep would have the patience and drive to write a ~1,250 word essay like that. The whole thing is about how her "supporters" need to use the J4J site and avoid JW and LS. Along the way, we learn that:
- The "antics" of JW and LS have caused her as much distress as the trial itself. That says a lot about how she views the world, doesn't it?
- JW and LS love to use the word "official" in everything they do, so she refuses to use that word in any of her stuff and in her mind it means "fraudulent". If that's not karma I don't know what is, as we know how she loved to use that word in describing her and Travis's status.
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
12/10/2014 8:00 AM



This is the time set for continued Evidentiary Hearing on Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss.

Prior to commencement Defense Exhibit 5 is marked for identification.

Bryan Neumeister, having previously been sworn, testifies further...

State’s Exhibit 6 is marked for identification and sealed.
The State offers and admits State’s sealed Exhibit 6 in evidence.
State’s Exhibits 7 and 8 are marked for identification.
The State opens Exhibit 7.
The State opens Exhibit 8.
The State offers and admits State’s Exhibits 7 and 8 in evidence....

The witness steps down.

The Defense rests.

State’s case commences.

Gregory Parzych is sworn and testifies.

The witness is excused.

Esteban Flores is sworn and testifies.

State’s Exhibit 9 is marked for identification.
The State offers and admits State’s Exhibit 9 in evidence...

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
12/10/2014 8:00 AM



This is the time set for Status Conference...

IT IS ORDERED vacating continued Evidentiary Hearing on Defense Motion to Dismiss
on 12/10/14 and resetting same on 12/11/14 at 9:30 a.m. in this division...

LET THE RECORD REFLECT that Trial will resume in this cause on 12/15/14 at 9:30
a.m. in this division.


Case Documents

Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
12/10/2014 005 - ME: Hearing - Party (001) 12/10/2014
12/10/2014 029 - ME: Status Conference - Party (001) 12/10/2014

Does the state stop paying for a mitigating specialist once she is sentenced, or will they keep paying for Maria all the way through Jodi's appeals?
A few random things:

Love the banquet photo. "Foods Jodi Will Never Eat Again." (Except maybe for her last meal...)

I think I saw a reference in the previous thread to the "pedo letters," in particular that they may be allowed in this time? Sorry, couldn't find the reference. If Jodi is so bound and determined to convince the world that she has proof Travis was a pedophile (which of course he wasn't), why doesn't her "proof" get her in trouble for failing to report a "known pedophile?" Nurmi keeps saying that murdering Travis was her first crime. Therefore she never committed the crime of failing to report a known pedophile. Yet she still keeps insisting she had proof Travis was a pedophile. I'm confused.

Regarding the letter to her fans... I couldn't bring myself to read it. The images alone have "nutjob" written all over them, if you'll pardon the pun. I know nothing about handwriting analysis, but here are some impressions: The minute, precise letters make me think of someone who is either in complete control of her emotions or who has none to begin with. The length of the letter makes me think she's writing about a topic that is not only extremely important to her, but which she believes is equally important to others. (In this case: herself.) She could get her point across with far fewer words, but she just doesn't want to. She loves to hear herself speak and she loves to read her own writing. Both are ways she uses to manipulate other people. Some people fall for it, some see it for the game it is. She even wanted to start a "rough draft" of a letter to Travis' family during her interrogation. (I wonder what lies she wanted to tell them at that point.)

Something I find particularly creepy about the letters is this: no mistakes, no crossed out words. She must have written and rewritten over and over (and over and over) till she knew exactly what she wanted to say and how she wanted to say it, and then she must have been extremely focussed when she copied out her final draft. Nothing spontaneous. At all. Same for the 11 (?) page letter she wrote to the judge about dumping Nurmi. Same for the letter to Travis' grandmother, no doubt. Same for her "Manifesto" probably. I didn't look at the images carefully enough to form an opinion as to whether or not the letter was written in one sitting, but jeeze, my hand hurts just thinking about it.

I'm just an old broad covered in cat hair, so what do I know.... but this looks to me like a seriously compulsive narcissist who wants to be in complete control of what other people think of her, maybe because she knows her "true self" is repugnant.

There are some mental conditions which lead a person to write compulsively, as well as some neurological conditions and types of brain damage. Hypergraphia, graphomania, logorrhea, etc,. but I don't think Jodi has a mental or neurological disease, nor do I think she ever incurred any brain damage from getting knocked into furniture by her father or bounced off the floor by Travis. She just can't get enough of herself and, I believe, assumes the same is true for the rest of the world. Please can this trial END so that she'll finally be out of the spotlight?

That's probably the reason she had that wrist brace on in court. :smile: I bet she went through 10 putt putt pencils on that letter alone!
So. I'm totally off-topic with everyone right now. BUT .. I’m still goofin’ around looking for updates that could have been automatically downloaded on 6/10/2008 … and subsequently installed when TA’s computer was fired up on 6/19/2009.

1) The Microsoft updates for Patch Tuesday on 6/10/2008 are obvious culprits.
My research shows, however, that Patch Tuesday updates generally begin to feed Automatic Updates at (about) 10 am Pacific (whether Standard or Daylight). The changes to TA’s computer happened at 9:27 am MST (also 9:27 PDT). Too early. Maybe.

But … There WERE fixes in the Patch that only applied to Internet Explorer (not strictly Windows).

At the time (2008), releasing the IE patch WITH the Windows patches was a little unusual, since automatic updates for other Microsoft “programs” {Word/Access/etc.} were initiated (in 2008) by a separate auto-update routine/system.

I haven’t discovered if the IE (Internet Explorer) patches “pushed” through the (Windows) Automatic Update system earlier than the other patches issued on 6/10/2008.

Patch Tuesday occurs on the second, and sometimes fourth, Tuesday of each month in North America. As far as the integrated Windows Update (WU) function is concerned, Patch Tuesday begins at 18:00 or 17:00 UTC (10:00 PST (UTC−8) or 10:00 PDT (UTC−7)).[4] The updates show up in Download Center before they are added to WU, and the KB articles and the Technet bulletin get unlocked even earlier.

2) Other updates available via Auto Updates on 6-10-2008: Quicktime

The Quicktime 7.5 for Windows update was issued June 10, 2008 @ 22.67 MB. I don’t know how Quicktime updates; but if it “retracts” then “installs” … 50 MB (as the DT claims were changed/re-written) ain’t no big deal.

I can’t find specific iTunes updates that might have downloaded on 6/10/2008 or 6/18/2009. Here’s a list of upgrades (not patches)

In 2008, however, iTunes had multiple “upgrades” … (I need to link to user forums to substantiate this) … iTune users were complaining all over h#ll about the unending cascade of iTune “patches.”


This is where it gets confusing, 50MG of files were downloaded & written onto hard drive. JM asked at what time & BN answers 10:27, JM says was actually 9:27 Mesa time. BN goes on to say these are the times the computer log showed, JM states that BN previously testified that it was MST. BN says this is what the computer says & JM asks did you misquote when you said 9:27. I'm confused, isn't MST & Mesa time the same? Have I gone down the rabbit hole also?
It's fascinating reading Jodi's diatribe and gives lots of insights. Only the sort of person who'd plan and make a round trip of ~2,500 miles on practically no sleep would have the patience and drive to write a ~1,250 word essay like that. The whole thing is about how her "supporters" need to use the J4J site and avoid JW and LS. Along the way, we learn that:
- The "antics" of JW and LS have caused her as much distress as the trial itself. That says a lot about how she views the world, doesn't it?
- JW and LS love to use the word "official" in everything they do, so she refuses to use that word in any of her stuff and in her mind it means "fraudulent" If that's not karma I don't know what is, as we know how she loved to use that word in describing her and Travis's status.

I was thinking the very same thing when I read that part.
So in other words, from here on out ~ her and Travis were only "fraudulent" girlfriend/boyfriend for 4 months.
It's fascinating reading Jodi's diatribe and gives lots of insights. Only the sort of person who'd plan and make a round trip of ~2,500 miles on practically no sleep would have the patience and drive to write a ~1,250 word essay like that. The whole thing is about how her "supporters" need to use the J4J site and avoid JW and LS. Along the way, we learn that:
- The "antics" of JW and LS have caused her as much distress as the trial itself. That says a lot about how she views the world, doesn't it?
- JW and LS love to use the word "official" in everything they do, so she refuses to use that word in any of her stuff and in her mind it means "fraudulent". If that's not karma I don't know what is, as we know how she loved to use that word in describing her and Travis's status.

I was thinking the very same thing when I read that part.
So in other words, from here on out ~ her and Travis were only "fraudulent" girlfriend/boyfriend for 4 months.

Travis says 'let's break up' and she tells others that he said ' let's get official'. Travis tells her 'I wouldn't want you as my wife if you were the last woman on earth' and she tells the world that he said 'If I marry you it would be like winning the wife lottery'.

I don't believe anything written down in her journals. And the words that come out of her mouth might as well be incoherent noise. Blah, blah, blah...she's full of carp!

Fraud, fake, phony, deceiver, charlatan...just a few words to describe this criminal and her mouthpieces.


This is where it gets confusing, 50MG of files were downloaded & written onto hard drive. JM asked at what time & BN answers 10:27, JM says was actually 9:27 Mesa time. BN goes on to say these are the times the computer log showed, JM states that BN previously testified that it was MST. BN says this is what the computer says & JM asks did you misquote when you said 9:27. I'm confused, isn't MST & Mesa time the same? Have I gone down the rabbit hole also?

It would make sense if the time was set in MST and was wrong because the time in AZ in the summer is in PST. MST is an hour ahead of PST.

But I can't understand what Juan is saying. Is he saying BN got it wrong when he said MST and that it was 9:27 because the computer was set in the correct zone and 10:27 is the right time? Or the opposite? OR is he saying that the time of 2:44 was wrong because the time was set in MST and would actually be 1:44 in AZ? Or is he saying something else entirely that isn't readily obvious that we will come to learn when he questions his computer expert and is just trying to get BN to commit to his words?
Good morning! I can't contribute to the computer forensics, I've spent too long reading to have a coherent opinion about the disconnected defense case. One thing, though, that is extremely clear to the jurors: 7 days straight for the prosecution to summarize the case, 7 days over weeks for the DTto get its act together. While it shouldn't count against JA, I'm wondering what the jurors think about all this delay and how it reflects badly on the defendant.

In the meantime, I hope the jurors are using this off-time to earn some money if they're not paid by their employers during jury duty. They can catch up on their work loads and spend time doing Christmas things with their families during the delay.

I also hope desperately that these untoward delays stiffen their resolve to stick with the case.
Thanks janx (hey, that rhymes lol), I don't think Perryville is on her radar either, it occurred to me some time ago that Nurmi promised her two things, stalling her entry into Perryville for as long as humanly possible, and doing everything in his power (sane and otherwise) to keep her off death row. The first one he's accomplished, the next is seeming more likely, the longer the stalling and delaying the better chance of a mistrial or some issue coming up that the CoA finds reason to give her another sentencing or (god forbid) another trial.

Once at Perryville though she will have much less opportunity to hold sway with her mass of minions (as she sees it), I don't think there are as many as she does either but that any human being could see what she did to Travis and think she deserves a dime or a moment of support is so far beyond me.

I noticed in her plea to VIPs she said LS also kicked her off the J4J FB page, how does she have a login? Or is that as imaginary as her huge throng?

I don't know, because as I said, that FB page is run by Schilling and Webber, the very scammers she is trying to keep her fans away from. But clearly, someone is trying to help her communicate with her fans in the social media realm.
I wouldn't be surprised to see polygraph tests entered...everything else about this trial has been crazy.

While this case is far different than any other the poly results will not come in.

When poly results are entered at trial both sides have to agree to it.

Juan is never going to agree for it to come in. He knows psychopaths can pass a poly with flying colors.... just like the serial killer, Gary Ridgeway, did even though he had murdered over and over again. He doesn't want someone on the jury believing she passed because she is telling the truth because he knows she isn't and isn't capable of telling the truth.



This is where it gets confusing, 50MG of files were downloaded & written onto hard drive. JM asked at what time & BN answers 10:27, JM says was actually 9:27 Mesa time. BN goes on to say these are the times the computer log showed, JM states that BN previously testified that it was MST. BN says this is what the computer says & JM asks did you misquote when you said 9:27. I'm confused, isn't MST & Mesa time the same? Have I gone down the rabbit hole also?

Yes Marg, the time thing is confusing.
Arizona is unusual in that it does not observe Daylight Saving Time. However, California does observe it.
California is PST and Arizona is MST.

MST is one hour later than PST.
This means that during the two-thirds of the year from Spring to Fall when Ca. observes Daylight Saving Time, both states have effectively the same time. California advances its clocks by one hour (like most other states do), matching the time in Arizona (which does NOT advance its clocks).

In the Winter, when the clocks are returned to normal, there is a one-hour time difference between the two states.
Do we know if the defense has turned over whatever it was supposed to turn over to Juan? And the fact that they changed today's hearing to tomorrow makes me think the defense is working overtime doctoring whatever it is they are working on. Wouldn't put it past any of them. :facepalm:
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