Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/10 - Break

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That is my take on it also. We will find our tomorrow. Could be why the all looked somber at the end of the day.

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Wouldn't a motion then be on the court calendar? I haven't seen such by YesOrNo's posts on such.
Do you have a link for info about her redirecting PPL signups? I've never heard that.

No link. Just remembering it coming up. Like I said, 'kinda fuzzy on it'. I think it was something about Travis found her doing it and it's one of the things that (rightly so) set him off about telling her to get lost. Jodi had no $$, no job and was not actively selling PPL services. What was she doing for $$? How was she paying rent in Mesa? What I recall is Travis doing the selling and all the work and Jodi was 'training' or something and she changed the coding on accounts to come to her PPL sales account.

If there is a granted mistrial, will it affect the GUILTY verdict?

Doggone,do you think we'll find out today what JSS was discussing with each juror?

:seeya: Hi Luv ! No, probably not.

Hoping for a "leak" somewhere ? Maybe ? :wink:

I checked Twitter about an hour ago and nothing ... but will check for updates throughout the day -- just in case.
Ok. I have BPD. I was diagnosed in my early 20s. BPD people aren't manipulative on purpose not in the regular understanding of manipulating. What happens is that a BPD person is terrified, absolutely terrified about being abandoned, even if there is no abandonment taking place, it can be the perception of being abandoned that causes fear. A BPD person then goes into a type of panic mode, that they can't exist without that person in their life and that is why they do things to try and keep that person in their life, like self-harming to get the care and attention, splurging money to give treats to people, being reckless with money so the other person has to manage their money for them. It's not conscious manipulation, it's a primal fear. BPD people have an emotionally unstable personality (and in fact in the UK many psychiatrists now call BPD Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder). The best way to explain it is that we don't have the tools to deal with handling emotions that a "normal" developed adult has. We are kind of stuck in that awkward adolescent stage where everything is a complete drama. Having BPD doesn't excuse soneone's actions. I know right from wrong. It doesn't mean that someone cannot control what they do. Typically a BPD person is aware of what they are doing, they may not be consciously aware that it is manipulative though.

I have the added difficulties of experiencing psychosis when extremely stressed or depressed. That is completely different to BPD. Having BPD does not mean you WILL be psychotic at any time. I also have a diagnosis of PTSD. Jodi does not at all present as having PTSD. She has no heightened startle reflex and doesn't go out of her way to avoid the alleged cause of the PTSD.

Very informative post. It actually shows that JA probably is antisocial as well as Borderline, in that she killed the person she feared would leave her. Not exactly the best way to keep him in her life now, was it!

I think the snooping and the stalking were due to her needing to keep tabs on whether he was cheating on her. The cheating could be real or imaginary--either way it gets the same attention from a BPD person, right?

The murder, however, is not BPD at all. Killing is pretty much the opposite of keeping him in her life. And if she believes he deserved to die--that's a psychopathy, not a BPD.

I think the DT wants the jury to refuse to send a mentally ill person to death row. If they also believe she was justified somewhat in her actions, all the better, but their main goal with the mental illness claim is because "we do not execute the mentally ill."
Who is Lulu??? In the comments section. She reads here? hmmmm.....very wordy.

Interesting. I appreciated a good deal of her perspective, understanding that it comes from HER experiences, which I would say are quite skewed to what her life experiences have been. that being said I find it even more interesting that she comments on Juan but not a single word about the individuals on the defense team. Hmmm, that is pretty lopsided, I wonder why?

I think Juan is certainly brash, and that can be off putting to some, but his intelligence is easily recognizable and has nothing to do with his style or personality traits.

Jodi is quite intelligent, in some respects, and I would never deny that just because she is a heinous, brutal killer.

LuLu likens Travis to abusive men she has dated- this is where I really think the DV "experts" go wrong- This has all been twisted by the defendant and her counsel and I have no doubt after all is said and done- when the appeals are finally over- we will REALLY GET A SENSE of exactly who Travis was in the relationship and who Jodi was and it will not be what LuLu is projecting.

There are things I do not personally like about Travis- I would never want to date him, but he was a good guy, with a big heart, generous and trying to make the world a better place- he had many, many years to grow, mature and change- ahead of him. I have almost no doubt- he would have. ALL OF THE OTHER GIRLS HE CHOSE TO SERIOUSLY PURSUE WERE GOOD PEOPLE. THAT, says everything to me.

He became addicted to the sex and THAT cost him his life. That is friggin heartbreaking, any way you look at it. I am sorry.

Had he been any other religion but Mormon-in my opinion only, sex would not have become the problem it was for Travis, ultimately leading to the loss of his life. Not an even trade- by any crazy stretch of the imagination. I don't care how you couch it.

LuLu is a smart gal, and I appreciate her view from both sides of the mental health coin, I just highly disagree with some of the points she has accepted and projected.

Thanks for sharing that Shady Lady!
Absolutely NOT!

Well, good. One other question... What is the LEAST JA can be sentenced to?

Gotta go get my lottery tickets now. Want to win at least a big portion of that $450 MILLION PowerBall.
Exactly, and I am almost sure 99% someone on that jury know someone with BPD or they themselves have been Dx as BPD. If any of the jurors know someone with an eating disorder than the juror know someone with BPD.
That's not quite accurate. The overwhelming majority of people with eating disorders aren't borderline but around 50% do meet the diagnostic criteria for depression. It affects up to 24 million people in the US.

Borderline is probably the most diagnosed of the cluster B personality disorders - though one has to question if it's being diagnosed correctly too - as it's often confused with bipolar. Around 14 million people are affected in the US. It's less than 6% of the population.

And just as a personal example - I struggled as a teen with self-harm, bulimia, and dropped out when I was 17. I'm not borderline and just like not everyone who struggles to cope is borderline not every borderline struggles with the same issues either. It's a very broad spectrum and some people are going to be much more functional than others.

Ok. I have BPD. I was diagnosed in my early 20s. BPD people aren't manipulative on purpose not in the regular understanding of manipulating. What happens is that a BPD person is terrified, absolutely terrified about being abandoned, even if there is no abandonment taking place, it can be the perception of being abandoned that causes fear. A BPD person then goes into a type of panic mode, that they can't exist without that person in their life and that is why they do things to try and keep that person in their life, like self-harming to get the care and attention, splurging money to give treats to people, being reckless with money so the other person has to manage their money for them. It's not conscious manipulation, it's a primal fear. BPD people have an emotionally unstable personality (and in fact in the UK many psychiatrists now call BPD Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder). The best way to explain it is that we don't have the tools to deal with handling emotions that a "normal" developed adult has. We are kind of stuck in that awkward adolescent stage where everything is a complete drama. Having BPD doesn't excuse soneone's actions. I know right from wrong. It doesn't mean that someone cannot control what they do. Typically a BPD person is aware of what they are doing, they may not be consciously aware that it is manipulative though.

I have the added difficulties of experiencing psychosis when extremely stressed or depressed. That is completely different to BPD. Having BPD does not mean you WILL be psychotic at any time. I also have a diagnosis of PTSD. Jodi does not at all present as having PTSD. She has no heightened startle reflex and doesn't go out of her way to avoid the alleged cause of the PTSD.
Ah, you're so brave! Thank you so much for lending your perspective. Now...knowing everything you know - do you think Jodi is 'just' borderline or do you think she exhibits traits and qualities of other disorders (ones that are certainly manipulative for the sake of being manipulative) like antisocial or narcissistic? To be frank, I really hate that she's being associated with borderline at all - it's misunderstood enough as it is.
I believe that JSS will sentence JA to "life" not LWOP.

JMO and a big fat MOO !

This would be a huge outrage IMO. I can't see her going this way as she has been privy to everything that has gone on...all the lies, manipulations, and every other BS thing that has transpired via the whims of the murderess.

If she does in fact end up determining her sentence, and she doesn't give LWOP, her actions should be subject to severe scrutiny.

Interesting. I appreciated a good deal of her perspective, understanding that it comes from HER experiences, which I would say are quite skewed to what her life experiences have been.With that being said I find it even more interesting that she comments on Juan but not a single word about the individuals on the defense team. Hmmm, that is pretty lopsided, I wonder why?

I think Juan is certainly brash, and that can be off putting to some, but his intelligence is easily recognizable and has nothing to do with his style or personality traits.

Jodi is quite intelligent, in some respects, and I would never deny that just because she is a heinous, brutal killer.

LuLu likens Travis to abusive men she has dated- this is where I really think the DV "experts" go wrong- This has all been twisted by the defendant and her counsel and I have no doubt after all is said and done- when the appeals are finally over- we will REALLY GET A SENSE of exactly who Travis was in the relationship and who Jodi was and it will not be what LuLu is projecting.

There are things I do not personally like about Travis- I would never want to date him, but he was a good guy, with a big heart, generous and trying to make the world a better place- he had many, many years to grow, mature and change- ahead of him. I have almost no doubt- he would have. ALL OF THE OTHER GIRLS HE CHOSE TO SERIOUSLY PURSUE WERE GOOD PEOPLE. THAT, says everything to me.

He became addicted to the sex and THAT cost him his life. That is friggin heartbreaking, any way you look at it. I am sorry.

Had he been any other religion but Mormon-in my opinion only, sex would not have become the problem it was for Travis, ultimately leading to the loss of his life. Not and even trade- by any crazy stretch of the imagination. I don't care how you couch it.

LuLu is a smart gal, and I appreciate her view from both sides of the mental health coin, I just highly disagree with some of the points she has accepted and projected.

Thanks for sharing that Shady Lady!

Not sure I agree with you regarding Lulu. Comment was very lopsided re ALV. Not a thing on Dr G or DR S, I know DV violence personally and EASILY can recognize that the one being victimized was NOT Jodi. Travis was the victim from day one, imo. ALV is a paid hack that makes her living trashing men. Well, maybe she does allow a few men in her sphere, but ONLY if they agree with her and promote her career. It's all about the money.

I have NO respect for a DV advocate that defends the abuser. Especially, for financial gain. Pathetic.

Travis fell under Jodi's spell, recognized her craziness, tried to get out but Jodi would not let go.

Like he said, "I always take you back."
I got from tweets of Dr. DeMarte's testimony that BPD causes frantic efforts to stay connected, tremendous fear of abandonment, idealization followed by devaluing, but did she explain why JA became homicidal and was able to make elaborate plans to escape detection?
Who is Lulu??? In the comments section. She reads here? hmmmm.....very wordy.

lol....sorry, I don't think "LuLu" has a "clu clu" about this case. Sounds like a member of the defense team or one of the Jodi fans...
I got from tweets of Dr. DeMarte's testimony that BPD causes frantic efforts to stay connected, tremendous fear of abandonment, idealization followed by devaluing, but did she explain why JA became homicidal and was able to make elaborate plans to escape detection?

Nope. Premeditation and the murder itself have not been referred to by either side since October 2014.
This would be a huge outrage IMO. I can't see her going this way as she has been privy to everything that has gone on...all the lies, manipulations, and every other BS thing that has transpired via the whims of the murderess.

If she does in fact end up determining her sentence, and she doesn't give LWOP, her actions should be subject to severe scrutiny.


I've been under the impression that Arizona doesn't have LWP only LWOP???? Perhaps I'm wrong or just misunderstood something (been known to happen :shush:)
I am wondering if there is any legal issue that could be pursued should this happen? Can JM take it to a higher court?

This would be a huge outrage IMO. I can't see her going this way as she has been privy to everything that has gone on...all the lies, manipulations, and every other BS thing that has transpired via the whims of the murderess.

If she does in fact end up determining her sentence, and she doesn't give LWOP, her actions should be subject to severe scrutiny.

This would be a huge outrage IMO. I can't see her going this way as she has been privy to everything that has gone on...all the lies, manipulations, and every other BS thing that has transpired via the whims of the murderess.

If she does in fact end up determining her sentence, and she doesn't give LWOP, her actions should be subject to severe scrutiny.All MOO

BBM: I think her actions speak for themselves ... and NO Court, again today, clearly shows JSS's poor time management skills, her lack of respect for the jurors' time and work schedules, and most importantly, the years and years of waiting for justice for the Alexander Family!

JMO but I do NOT trust JSS to do the right thing when it comes to Justice for Travis ... her actions and inactions speak volumes.

JMO and a big fat MOO !
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