Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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I'm still trying to figure out her teeth. In pre-arrest photos, they looked fairly even, but ever since, they're quite uneven, with her two front teeth seeming far too large in comparison to her other teeth. Was she using some kind of dental prosthetic?

Jodi loved photo shop. I always noticed the same thing in all her selfies. Her teeth appeared perfect. When she was crying to Flores about her wedding photo shoot and those of her sister and brother she said," Photo shop works wonders." She wa nted to know when she would get her camera back.
In Hogans book it says Flores flew to Northern CA on July 14. There was a meeting at 3pm with local LE to make a plan to arrest Jodi. She was located at her grandparents and placed under surveillance. She was observed that night packing boxes and loading things into the car. At 9:45 her mother came by for several minutes. She was monitored until midnight and the house was quiet.
At 6:30am they approached the house and rang the doorbell. Jodi answered. They asked her to step outside. She was handcuffed. She asked if she could get her purse with her makeup. "No". She was taken to a car where Flores was waiting. He placed her in a vehicle and she was transported to the county jail

From what I recollect, that doesn't sound right. I'm betting Jodi was under surveillance the moment the indictment was handed down. The plans may have been arranged by phone with Mesa. They weren't planning to arrest her quite so soon, but during the surveillance she was observed packing stuff into a car.

And didn't Flores say he "flew up last night"? There probably aren't very many flights at all into Yreka (I don't think there's even an airport), so he might in fact have had to drive up from Redding or down from Medford. Anyway, getting to Yreka from Mesa was not a straightforward proposition.

Flores was definitely not at the scene of the arrest, because Jodi met him in person for the first time in the interrogation room at the Sheriff's. They both reference prior phone conversations, and Jodi interacts with Flores as if she hasn't been arrested and this is just a social chat (this all would have been unlikely if Flores had been at the scene at her grandparents' home).

The purse and makeup details happened during the interrogation.

Was she really arrested as early as 6:45 am? What then was Jodi doing between 7 am or so and the time of the interrogation, which was 10 am or so (?). She clearly had just been arrested, since until she was interrogated, she hadn't experienced going to the bathroom accompanied by a deputy. She also has to wait for Flores to take off her handcuffs. I doubt that she would have sat there in handcuffs for 3 hours. And she has lunch an hour or so into the interrogation.

[Later edits, after looking over the transcripts. Flores flew up "yesterday" (probably took him most of the day, lol). Before the interrogation, evidently Flores had told Jodi he would remove her handcuffs. I didn't take this to mean he was at the arrest. I took it to mean maybe on the way into the Sheriff's office he'd mentioned the cuffs would be removed. They probably let Jodi stew for a while in the interrogation room. The interrogation before Jodi's sandwich was about 2 1/2 hours, plus maybe handstands, Flores' coffee break, time for Jodi to stew and get taped and video-ed in case she said something incriminating.]

While I'm at it, I was looking for the address of the Siskiyou Sheriff's Department to make sure it was in Yreka, and there are photos of the county jail, JA's home for a while. I am impressed at how large it is and how many inmates there are!
But how would she have gotten those pics on his camera if she hadn't been there since April? I don't believe he owned it when she left for Yreka, think he bought it after.

I still haven't seen anything that has shown when he bought his camera ... he could have bought it just before she left(it was only two months between then and the murder) or as has been speculated and JA herself had implied to Det.F it might have had something to do with one of her "old" memory cards. I still would like to know if indeed her Olympus had broken in Sept/07(as her journal said) and she had only her Canon Rebel(iirc) when she moved back to Yreka. How did they take all those pics on their trips and with each other if they didn't have a camera and how did she afford her Canon if she was relying on TA to pay her for housecleaning...

I think someone had pointed out during the trial that the pics that she had posted as a memorial on her myspace had shown a few different kinds of cameras had been used for the pics.... Anyway, apparently she had said that she had taken their romps with her Olympus which if had broken would have put those from before Sept.25, 2007 and possibly also some of their other pics.

I had noted above that in Vol.3 that they had taken that trip, well starting on P.38 JA said she'd arrived at TA's on June 2 then she corrected herself and said it was the Sunday around 2am, after driving there from Palm Desert and goes on to say it took much longer than usual... "He was very happy to see me, and we went to sleep soon afterward." She rambles on and on and finally says that Dan Freeman gave them a lift for their flight to SLC at 7am. then goes on about what they saw there before talking about their upcoming trip to Niagara Falls a few weeks from then.

Back on topic, my point is that perhaps some of the sex pics/activity happened in 2007 and someone just misread/changed the year? I know JA has mentioned a few times how she had photoshopping work to do when talking about updating her myspace etc. Oh and before it slips my mind again, iirc it was Nov/07 when she suddenly decided that she wanted to get in the T-shirt business and was researching it online and how TA could help with some project she was having trouble with but that he was also the last person... I'll see if I can find the entry again to clarify.:/
I asked Zach about any cameras Travis might have owned. He said Travis had just purchased a very nice black digital SLR type camera. He said it was a Sony brand. Zach mentioned he was a photographer and Travis asked for his advice about what kind of camera he should buy. He suggested that style of camera to him.

Flores report
But how would she have gotten those pics on his camera if she hadn't been there since April? I don't believe he owned it when she left for Yreka, think he bought it after.

That's sort of my point......she knew she couldn't come up with another story for the sex photos.
Jodi loved photo shop. I always noticed the same thing in all her selfies. Her teeth appeared perfect. When she was crying to Flores about her wedding photo shoot and those of her sister and brother she said," Photo shop works wonders." She wa nted to know when she would get her camera back.

As someone with years of experience with Photoshop, I'm inclined to agree with you. The differences are too stark to be ignored, or for there to be any other logical conclusion (though Val1 offered a charitable explanation).
In Hogans book it says Flores flew to Northern CA on July 14. There was a meeting at 3pm with local LE to make a plan to arrest Jodi. She was located at her grandparents and placed under surveillance. She was observed that night packing boxes and loading things into the car. At 9:45 her mother came by for several minutes. She was monitored until midnight and the house was quiet.
At 6:30am they approached the house and rang the doorbell. Jodi answered. They asked her to step outside. She was handcuffed. She asked if she could get her purse with her makeup. "No". She was taken to a car where Flores was waiting. He placed her in a vehicle and she was transported to the county jail

Since you can see from my entry above, I had some memory deficits about the timeline and Jodi's arrest, I resurrected a timeline from Websleuths a couple of years ago. Evidently, it references HLN's reporting (entry #726):
BBM - Did you notice the caption under one of the pics?!

"Iris planted by Day Reporting Center participants."


I was also amazed to see that Jodi was at that jail for 7 weeks.
Moab can also be on the way from Phoenix to SLC if you want it to be. The Page/Lake Powell route would be east of the Grand Canyon.

But, IIRC in her interrogation with Flores, Flores had info that Jodi's phone pinged fairly well inside Arizona in the northwest corner. Flores said she pinged on the other side of a mountain range from I-15 (I am paraphrasing). I'm guessing this means she was just east of the Black Mountains. There aren't a whole lot of ways to go from Arizona into Nevada/Utah from Phoenix because the Grand Canyon is in the way.

Between Phoenix and SLC is over 1000 miles, by the way. I don't recall how much time it took her to get there. And I don't remember RB or Leslie Udy saying she looked exhausted on the other end. (Heck, she had energy enough to rearrange RB.) But I don't believe there was time on that trip for her to be doing a whole lot of napping, even though she told Flores she slept in the car for many hours between LA and SLC.

Detective Flores:
"On 6-25-08, I contacted Jodi Arias via phone… She stated she left her home in northern CA on Tuesday 6-3-08 in route to Salt Lake City Utah for a PrePaid Legal conference… She said she rented a car in Redding California and drove first to the Los Angeles area (Monterey) to see a friend. She never met up with the friend and continued onto Utah via Las Vegas Nevada. When she left Los Angeles California her phone battery died and lost all contact with friends waiting for her in Utah. She was finally able to find her celluar phone charger while reaching Las Vegas Nevada and finally made contact with her friends. She said she got lost and pulled over to the side of the road to sleep for a while. By the time she reached Salt Lake City Utah, it was late morning on Thursday 06-05-08. She participated in the last day of the conference then drove back home to Yreka California late that night. While in Salt Lake City she spent time with the person she identifies as Ryan Byrnes.

According to Jodi and another source I spoke to, Ryan Byrns, her trip from Yreka to Salt Lake City Utah via los Angeles California and Las Vegas Nevada, took her about 48 hours. I calculated the trip using her route with the stop of 10 hours to rest. This trip should not take any more than 29 hours to complete. A similar trip down through Los Angeles then to Mesa Arizona and back up Salt Lake City with 10 hours of rest would take approximately 37 hours to drive. That still leaves 10 to 11 hours of additional time for other activities."
I still haven't seen anything that has shown when he bought his camera ... he could have bought it just before she left(it was only two months between then and the murder) or as has been speculated and JA herself had implied to Det.F it might have had something to do with one of her "old" memory cards. I still would like to know if indeed her Olympus had broken in Sept/07(as her journal said) and she had only her Canon Rebel(iirc) when she moved back to Yreka. How did they take all those pics on their trips and with each other if they didn't have a camera and how did she afford her Canon if she was relying on TA to pay her for housecleaning...

I think someone had pointed out during the trial that the pics that she had posted as a memorial on her myspace had shown a few different kinds of cameras had been used for the pics.... Anyway, apparently she had said that she had taken their romps with her Olympus which if had broken would have put those from before Sept.25, 2007 and possibly also some of their other pics.

I had noted above that in Vol.3 that they had taken that trip, well starting on P.38 JA said she'd arrived at TA's on June 2 then she corrected herself and said it was the Sunday around 2am, after driving there from Palm Desert and goes on to say it took much longer than usual... "He was very happy to see me, and we went to sleep soon afterward." She rambles on and on and finally says that Dan Freeman gave them a lift for their flight to SLC at 7am. then goes on about what they saw there before talking about their upcoming trip to Niagara Falls a few weeks from then.

Back on topic, my point is that perhaps some of the sex pics/activity happened in 2007 and someone just misread/changed the year? I know JA has mentioned a few times how she had photoshopping work to do when talking about updating her myspace etc. Oh and before it slips my mind again, iirc it was Nov/07 when she suddenly decided that she wanted to get in the T-shirt business and was researching it online and how TA could help with some project she was having trouble with but that he was also the last person... I'll see if I can find the entry again to clarify.:/

T-shirt business:
Sunday Nov. 18/07
"I'm getting a little ahead of myself on my excitement about T-shirts. I've come to realize that the T-shirt business is very much a "Me, too" business, which is fine, I guess, because that means me, too! But it looks like I'll have to forgo(sic) that until after the New Year." (gee, does this T-shirt business include panties?)

"Today I've spent a bit too much time on the computer, but it was mostly a lot of research for my future business ventures."

Saturday Nov. 24/07 P.63(TA's grandmother is ill, not sure if he's gone to see her at this point and is not home...)
"I haven't written since Wednesday. For Thanksgiving"...
blah blah blah
"Then I went home & grabbed my computer & went to Travis' house. I got my ring and then stayed and watched the Secret. Then Dustin & a girl named Rebekkah came over and we watched Rain on Me. I fell asleep there."
"Yesterday I touched up a painting I made 10 years ago for my Grandma Caroline. She'll be getting that for X-mas this year.
blah blah blah
"Right now I'm photoshopping/organizing photos and catching up on my scriptures."

Monday Nov. 26/07 P.65 Talking about her cat...
"Being able to bury her gave me a solid sense of closure, which I would not have otherwise had."

Ok, that's enough for tonight.:gaah:
Still very surprised at the fact that the DT ended up not calling James Aiken - the prison systems expert. Their whole case was more about trashing the victim and *advertiser censored* than anything else.
Still very surprised at the fact that the DT ended up not calling James Aiken - the prison systems expert. Their whole case was more about trashing the victim and *advertiser censored* than anything else.

Maybe they think her chances of the DP is slim, so he is not needed. Or maybe they just don't care anymore.

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He looks like he can't stand her, and she's crashing his personal boundaries. She's so wanting a romantic photo...

A look of pain and disgust. Wonder if this was at the point he was having lots of trouble with her being overbearing and jealous of his other girlfriends.

She went on so many trips with him. I wonder if most were PPL events where JA would find out Travis was going and she always wanted to go along. They must have happened in a relatively short period of time.
I'm still trying to figure out her teeth. In pre-arrest photos, they looked fairly even, but ever since, they're quite uneven, with her two front teeth seeming far too large in comparison to her other teeth. Was she using some kind of dental prosthetic?

This is a good example of proving that her photos were photoshopped. Matt did photoshop as a job. He could have showed her how when they were together. I still think she took photos of her and Travis together and photoshopped herself into photos of Travis's vacations.
He looks like he can't stand her, and she's crashing his personal boundaries. She's so wanting a romantic photo...

He almost always has a strange look on his face when Jodi is in the pic.

Compare the ones when he is with Deanna or those, he looks like he wants to be there!
I also find her revised list of goals, Vol.5,P.81-83 rather interesting, particularly on her list of places, isn't #10 on one of the backroads between Mesa and SLC? Btw, the all caps is from her.

14. Places on the list:
1. Cooperstown
2. Hotel del Coronada
3. Death Valley
4. Mo Tab
5. Zion Nat. Park
6. Moab Desert
7. Oregon Coast
8. Shakespeare Festival
9. DC

Is there a date on this ? TIA, I have to be out for most of the morning.
Since you can see from my entry above, I had some memory deficits about the timeline and Jodi's arrest, I resurrected a timeline from Websleuths a couple of years ago. Evidently, it references HLN's reporting (entry #726):

JVM's book had the Mesa detectives flying in on the 14th. They meet with local LE. Jodi is observed packing boxes at the grandparents. Her mother comes by and Jodi goes outside and talks with her. The Mesa police stay until midnight. The three LE agencies : Yreka, County and Mesa return the next morning and see a white rental car (it had been rented at 7:50 that morning) with boxes loaded in it. Just after 9:30, Officer Potter knocks on the door. Jodi is handcuffed and walked to a car where Flores is waiting
T-shirt business:
Sunday Nov. 18/07
"I'm getting a little ahead of myself on my excitement about T-shirts. I've come to realize that the T-shirt business is very much a "Me, too" business, which is fine, I guess, because that means me, too! But it looks like I'll have to forgo(sic) that until after the New Year." (gee, does this T-shirt business include panties?)

"Today I've spent a bit too much time on the computer, but it was mostly a lot of research for my future business ventures."

Saturday Nov. 24/07 P.63(TA's grandmother is ill, not sure if he's gone to see her at this point and is not home...)
"I haven't written since Wednesday. For Thanksgiving"...
blah blah blah
"Then I went home & grabbed my computer & went to Travis' house. I got my ring and then stayed and watched the Secret. Then Dustin & a girl named Rebekkah came over and we watched Rain on Me. I fell asleep there."
"Yesterday I touched up a painting I made 10 years ago for my Grandma Caroline. She'll be getting that for X-mas this year.
blah blah blah
"Right now I'm photoshopping/organizing photos and catching up on my scriptures."

Monday Nov. 26/07 P.65 Talking about her cat...
"Being able to bury her gave me a solid sense of closure, which I would not have otherwise had."

Ok, that's enough for tonight.:gaah:

Wow some great catches!!!!
Still very surprised at the fact that the DT ended up not calling James Aiken - the prison systems expert. Their whole case was more about trashing the victim and *advertiser censored* than anything else.

What would he testify to??? I've never heRd his name before?
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